Exemple #1
kmMat4* hueRotation(kmMat4* m, float r) {
    kmMat4 mat0;
    kmMat4 mat1;
    kmMat4 temp;

    // Make an identity matrix.

    // Rotate the grey vector into positive Z.
    // Sin = 1/sqrt(2).
    // Cos = 1/sqrt(2).
    kmMat4RotationX(&temp, M_PI_4);
    kmMat4Multiply(&mat1, &temp, &mat0);

    // Sin = -1/sqrt(3).
    // Cos = sqrt(2/3).
    kmMat4RotationY(&temp, -0.615479709);
    kmMat4Multiply(&mat0, &temp, &mat1);

    // Shear the space to make the luminance plane horizontal.
    float lx, ly, lz;
    xformRGB(&mat0, rwgt, gwgt, bwgt, &lx, &ly, &lz);

    float zsx = lx / lz;
    float zsy = ly / lz;
    shearZMatrix(&temp, zsx, zsy);
    kmMat4Multiply(&mat1, &temp, &mat0);

    // Rotate the hue.
    float rad = r * M_PI / 180;
    kmMat4RotationZ(&temp, rad);
    kmMat4Multiply(&mat0, &temp, &mat1);

    // Unshear the space to put the luminance plane back.
    shearZMatrix(&temp, -zsx, -zsy);
    kmMat4Multiply(&mat1, &temp, &mat0);

    // Rotate the grey vector back into place.
    // Sin = 1/sqrt(3).
    // Cos = sqrt(2/3);
    kmMat4RotationY(&temp, 0.615479709);
    kmMat4Multiply(&mat0, &temp, &mat1);

    // Sin = -1/sqrt(2).
    // Cos = 1/sqrt(2).
    kmMat4RotationX(&temp, -M_PI_4);
    kmMat4Multiply(&mat1, &temp, &mat0);

    kmMat4Fill(m, mat1.mat);
    return m;
Exemple #2
	void setMatrixAndColorTransform(const Matrix *m, const ColorTransform *cx)
		bool changed = m_matrix.SetWithComparing(m);
		if (changed) {
            kmScalar mat[] = {
				m->scaleX, -m->skew1, 0, 0,
				m->skew0, -m->scaleY, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 1, 0,
				m->translateX, -m->translateY, 0, 1};
            kmMat4Fill(&_transform, mat);

		cocos2d::LWFNode *node = (cocos2d::LWFNode *)getParent();
		const Color &c = cx->multi;
		const cocos2d::Color3B &dc = node->getDisplayedColor();
			(GLubyte)(c.red * m_red * dc.r),
			(GLubyte)(c.green * m_green * dc.g),
			(GLubyte)(c.blue * m_blue * dc.b)));
		setOpacity((GLubyte)(c.alpha * node->getDisplayedOpacity()));
Exemple #3
const kmMat4& Node::getNodeToParentTransform() const
    if (_transformDirty)
        // Translate values
        float x = _position.x;
        float y = _position.y;
        float z = _positionZ;

        if (_ignoreAnchorPointForPosition)
            x += _anchorPointInPoints.x;
            y += _anchorPointInPoints.y;

        // Rotation values
		// Change rotation code to handle X and Y
		// If we skew with the exact same value for both x and y then we're simply just rotating
        float cx = 1, sx = 0, cy = 1, sy = 0;
        if (_rotationZ_X || _rotationZ_Y)
            float radiansX = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_rotationZ_X);
            float radiansY = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_rotationZ_Y);
            cx = cosf(radiansX);
            sx = sinf(radiansX);
            cy = cosf(radiansY);
            sy = sinf(radiansY);

        bool needsSkewMatrix = ( _skewX || _skewY );

        // optimization:
        // inline anchor point calculation if skew is not needed
        // Adjusted transform calculation for rotational skew
        if (! needsSkewMatrix && !_anchorPointInPoints.equals(Point::ZERO))
            x += cy * -_anchorPointInPoints.x * _scaleX + -sx * -_anchorPointInPoints.y * _scaleY;
            y += sy * -_anchorPointInPoints.x * _scaleX +  cx * -_anchorPointInPoints.y * _scaleY;

        // Build Transform Matrix
        // Adjusted transform calculation for rotational skew
        kmScalar mat[] = {
                        cy * _scaleX,   sy * _scaleX,   0,          0,
                        -sx * _scaleY,  cx * _scaleY,   0,          0,
                        0,              0,              _scaleZ,    0,
                        x,              y,              z,          1 };
        kmMat4Fill(&_transform, mat);

        // XXX
        // FIX ME: Expensive operation.
        // FIX ME: It should be done together with the rotationZ
        if(_rotationY) {
            kmMat4 rotY;
            kmMat4Multiply(&_transform, &_transform, &rotY);
        if(_rotationX) {
            kmMat4 rotX;
            kmMat4Multiply(&_transform, &_transform, &rotX);

        // XXX: Try to inline skew
        // If skew is needed, apply skew and then anchor point
        if (needsSkewMatrix)
            kmMat4 skewMatrix = { 1, (float)tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_skewY)), 0, 0,
                                  (float)tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(_skewX)), 1, 0, 0,
                                  0,  0,  1, 0,
                                  0,  0,  0, 1};

            kmMat4Multiply(&_transform, &_transform, &skewMatrix);

            // adjust anchor point
            if (!_anchorPointInPoints.equals(Point::ZERO))
                // XXX: Argh, kmMat needs a "translate" method.
                // XXX: Although this is faster than multiplying a vec4 * mat4
                _transform.mat[12] += _transform.mat[0] * -_anchorPointInPoints.x + _transform.mat[4] * -_anchorPointInPoints.y;
                _transform.mat[13] += _transform.mat[1] * -_anchorPointInPoints.x + _transform.mat[5] * -_anchorPointInPoints.y;

        if (_useAdditionalTransform)
            kmMat4Multiply(&_transform, &_transform, &_additionalTransform);

        _transformDirty = false;

    return _transform;