Exemple #1
void Camera::update_following(double dt) {
    ActorPtr following_actor = following_actor_.lock();
    if(following_actor) {
        kmQuaternion actor_rotation = following_actor->absolute_rotation();
        kmVec3 actor_position = following_actor->absolute_position();

        kmVec3 actor_forward;
        kmQuaternionGetForwardVec3RH(&actor_forward, &actor_rotation);

        kmQuaternion initial_rotation;
        kmQuaternionAssign(&initial_rotation, &rotation_);

        float t = ((following_lag_ == 0) ? 1.0 : dt * (1.0 / following_lag_));
        kmQuaternionSlerp(&rotation_, &initial_rotation, &actor_rotation, t);

        kmVec3 rotated_offset;
        kmQuaternionMultiplyVec3(&rotated_offset, &rotation_, &following_offset_);

        //kmMat4RotationQuaternion(&new_rotation_matrix, &rotation_);
        //kmVec3MultiplyMat4(&rotated_offset, &following_offset_, &new_rotation_matrix);
        kmVec3Add(&position_, &rotated_offset, &actor_position);

    } else {
        //The actor was destroyed, so reset
        following_actor_ = ActorRef();
Exemple #2
/**< Get the axis and angle of rotation from a quaternion*/
void kmQuaternionToAxisAngle(const kmQuaternion* pIn, kmVec3* pAxis, kmScalar* pAngle)
	kmScalar	scale;			/* temp vars*/
	kmQuaternion tmp;

	if(pIn->w > 1.0) {
		kmQuaternionNormalize(&tmp, pIn);
	} else {
		kmQuaternionAssign(&tmp, pIn);

	*pAngle = 2.0 * acosf(tmp.w);
	scale = sqrtf(1.0 - kmSQR(tmp.w));

	if (scale < kmEpsilon) {	/* angle is 0 or 360 so just simply set axis to 0,0,1 with angle 0*/
		pAxis->x = 0.0f;
		pAxis->y = 0.0f;
		pAxis->z = 1.0f;
	} else {
		pAxis->x = tmp.x / scale;
		pAxis->y = tmp.y / scale;
		pAxis->z = tmp.z / scale;
		kmVec3Normalize(pAxis, pAxis);
Exemple #3
/**< Multiplies 2 quaternions together*/
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionMultiply(kmQuaternion* pOut,
                                 const kmQuaternion* qu1,
                                 const kmQuaternion* qu2)
    kmQuaternion tmp1, tmp2;
    kmQuaternionAssign(&tmp1, qu1);
    kmQuaternionAssign(&tmp2, qu2);

    /*Just aliasing*/
    kmQuaternion* q1 = &tmp1;
    kmQuaternion* q2 = &tmp2;

	pOut->x = q1->w * q2->x + q1->x * q2->w + q1->y * q2->z - q1->z * q2->y;
	pOut->y = q1->w * q2->y + q1->y * q2->w + q1->z * q2->x - q1->x * q2->z;
	pOut->z = q1->w * q2->z + q1->z * q2->w + q1->x * q2->y - q1->y * q2->x;
    pOut->w = q1->w * q2->w - q1->x * q2->x - q1->y * q2->y - q1->z * q2->z;

	return pOut;