Exemple #1
/**< Get the axis and angle of rotation from a quaternion*/
void kmQuaternionToAxisAngle(const kmQuaternion* pIn,
								kmVec3* pAxis,
								kmScalar* pAngle)
	kmScalar 	tempAngle;		/* temp angle*/
	kmScalar	scale;			/* temp vars*/

	tempAngle = acosf(pIn->w);
	scale = sqrtf(kmSQR(pIn->x) + kmSQR(pIn->y) + kmSQR(pIn->z));

	if (((scale > -kmEpsilon) && scale < kmEpsilon)
		|| (scale < 2*kmPI + kmEpsilon && scale > 2*kmPI - kmEpsilon))		/* angle is 0 or 360 so just simply set axis to 0,0,1 with angle 0*/
		*pAngle = 0.0f;

		pAxis->x = 0.0f;
		pAxis->y = 0.0f;
		pAxis->z = 1.0f;
		*pAngle = tempAngle * 2.0f;		/* angle in radians*/

		pAxis->x = pIn->x / scale;
		pAxis->y = pIn->y / scale;
		pAxis->z = pIn->z / scale;
		kmVec3Normalize(pAxis, pAxis);
Exemple #2
/**< Get the axis and angle of rotation from a quaternion*/
void kmQuaternionToAxisAngle(const kmQuaternion* pIn, kmVec3* pAxis, kmScalar* pAngle)
	kmScalar	scale;			/* temp vars*/
	kmQuaternion tmp;

	if(pIn->w > 1.0) {
		kmQuaternionNormalize(&tmp, pIn);
	} else {
		kmQuaternionAssign(&tmp, pIn);

	*pAngle = 2.0 * acosf(tmp.w);
	scale = sqrtf(1.0 - kmSQR(tmp.w));

	if (scale < kmEpsilon) {	/* angle is 0 or 360 so just simply set axis to 0,0,1 with angle 0*/
		pAxis->x = 0.0f;
		pAxis->y = 0.0f;
		pAxis->z = 1.0f;
	} else {
		pAxis->x = tmp.x / scale;
		pAxis->y = tmp.y / scale;
		pAxis->z = tmp.z / scale;
		kmVec3Normalize(pAxis, pAxis);
Exemple #3
///< Interpolate between 2 quaternions
kmQuaternion* kmQuaternionSlerp(kmQuaternion* pOut,
								const kmQuaternion* q1,
								const kmQuaternion* q2,
								kmScalar t)

 /*float CosTheta = Q0.DotProd(Q1);
  float Theta = acosf(CosTheta);
  float SinTheta = sqrtf(1.0f-CosTheta*CosTheta);

  float Sin_T_Theta = sinf(T*Theta)/SinTheta;
  float Sin_OneMinusT_Theta = sinf((1.0f-T)*Theta)/SinTheta;

  Quaternion Result = Q0*Sin_OneMinusT_Theta;
  Result += (Q1*Sin_T_Theta);

  return Result;*/

	if (q1->x == q2->x &&
	    q1->y == q2->y &&
		q1->z == q2->z &&
		q1->w == q2->w) {

		pOut->x = q1->x;
		pOut->y = q1->y;
		pOut->z = q1->z;
		pOut->w = q1->w;

		return pOut;
	 else {

        kmScalar ct;
        struct kmQuaternion temp;
        struct kmQuaternion temp2;
        kmScalar theta;
        kmScalar st;
        kmScalar somt;
        kmScalar stt;

        ct = kmQuaternionDot(q1, q2);
        theta = acosf(ct);
        st = sqrtf(1.0 - kmSQR(ct));

        stt = sinf(t * theta) / st;
        somt = sinf((1.0 - t) * theta) / st;

        kmQuaternionScale(&temp, q1, somt);
        kmQuaternionScale(&temp2, q2, stt);
        kmQuaternionAdd(pOut, &temp, &temp2);

        return pOut;

Exemple #4
kmScalar kmVec2LengthSq(const kmVec2* pIn)
    return kmSQR(pIn->x) + kmSQR(pIn->y);
Exemple #5
kmScalar kmVec2Length(const kmVec2* pIn)
    return sqrtf(kmSQR(pIn->x) + kmSQR(pIn->y));
Exemple #6
 * Returns the square of the length of the vector
kmScalar kmVec3LengthSq(const kmVec3* pIn)
	return kmSQR(pIn->x) + kmSQR(pIn->y) + kmSQR(pIn->z);
Exemple #7
 * Returns the length of the vector
kmScalar kmVec3Length(const kmVec3* pIn)
	return sqrtf(kmSQR(pIn->x) + kmSQR(pIn->y) + kmSQR(pIn->z));
Exemple #8
/// Returns the length of the 4D vector squared.
kmScalar kmVec4LengthSq(const kmVec4* pIn) {
	return kmSQR(pIn->x) + kmSQR(pIn->y) + kmSQR(pIn->z) + kmSQR(pIn->w);
Exemple #9
/// Returns the length of a 4D vector, this uses a sqrt so if the squared length will do use
/// kmVec4LengthSq
kmScalar kmVec4Length(const kmVec4* pIn) {
    return kdSqrtf(kmSQR(pIn->x) + kmSQR(pIn->y) + kmSQR(pIn->z) + kmSQR(pIn->w));