int Indicator_kriging::median_ik( Progress_notifier* progress_notifier ) { bool ok = true; // create all the properties we will populate std::vector< Grid_continuous_property* > simul_properties; for( int thres = 0; thres < thres_count_; thres++ ) { Grid_continuous_property* prop = multireal_property_->new_realization(); prop->set_parameters(parameters_); simul_properties.push_back( prop ); } std::vector<double> krig_weights; SK_constraints Kconstraints; typedef std::vector<double>::const_iterator weight_iterator; typedef SK_combiner< weight_iterator, Neighborhood > SKCombiner; // the following line could probably be omitted simul_grid_->select_property( simul_properties[0]->name() ); Geostat_grid::iterator begin = simul_grid_->begin(); Geostat_grid::iterator end = simul_grid_->end(); for( ; begin != end; ++begin ) { if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) return 1; if( begin->is_informed() ) continue; neighborhood_->find_neighbors( *begin ); // if( neighborhood_->is_empty() ){ if( neighborhood_->size() < min_neigh_ ){ //if we don't have any conditioning data, skip the node continue; } else { int status = kriging_weights( krig_weights, *begin, *(neighborhood_.raw_ptr()), covar_, Kconstraints ); if(status == 0) { // the kriging system could be solved // Since we're using the same covariance and the // same neighborhood for all thresholds, we can re-use the same // weights for all thresholds GsTLInt node_id = begin->node_id(); Non_parametric_cdf<float>::p_iterator p_it = ccdf_->p_begin(); for( int thres = 0; thres < thres_count_; thres++, ++p_it ) { // tell the neighbors to work on the correct property for( Neighborhood::iterator it = neighborhood_->begin(); it != neighborhood_->end(); it++ ) { it->set_property_array( hdata_properties_[ thres ] ); } SKCombiner combiner( marginal_probs_[thres] ); double estimate = combiner( krig_weights.begin(), krig_weights.end(), *(neighborhood_.raw_ptr()) ); *p_it = estimate; } // make sure the ccdf is a valid cdf ccdf_->make_valid(); // output the ccdf probabilities to the grid properties p_it = ccdf_->p_begin(); for( int thres2 = 0; thres2 < thres_count_; thres2++, ++p_it ) { simul_properties[ thres2 ]->set_value( *p_it, node_id ); } } else { // the kriging system could not be solved, issue a warning and skip the // node ok = false; } } } if( !ok ) GsTLcerr << "The kriging system could not be solved for every node\n" << gstlIO::end; return 0; }
int Indicator_kriging::full_ik( Progress_notifier* progress_notifier ) { bool ok = true; bool order_relation_problems = false; // create all the properties we will populate std::vector< Grid_continuous_property* > simul_properties; for( int thres = 0; thres < thres_count_; thres++ ) { Grid_continuous_property* prop = multireal_property_->new_realization(); prop->set_parameters(parameters_); simul_properties.push_back( prop ); } std::vector<double> krig_weights; SK_constraints Kconstraints; typedef std::vector<double>::const_iterator weight_iterator; typedef SK_combiner< weight_iterator, Neighborhood > SKCombiner; // the following line could probably be omitted simul_grid_->select_property( simul_properties[0]->name() ); Geostat_grid::iterator begin = simul_grid_->begin(); Geostat_grid::iterator end = simul_grid_->end(); // loop over the grid for( ; begin != end; ++begin ) { if( !progress_notifier->notify() ) return 1; if( begin->is_informed() ) continue; // for each threshold / class: Non_parametric_cdf<float>::p_iterator p_it = ccdf_->p_begin(); for( int thres = 0; thres < thres_count_; thres++, ++p_it ) { neighborhoods_vector_[thres]->find_neighbors( *begin ); if( neighborhoods_vector_[thres]->is_empty() ){ //if we don't have any conditioning data, use the marginal *p_it = marginal_probs_[thres]; continue; } int status = kriging_weights( krig_weights, *begin, *(neighborhoods_vector_[thres].raw_ptr()), covar_vector_[thres], Kconstraints ); if( status != 0 ) { // the kriging system could not be solved, issue a warning and skip the // node ok = false; *p_it = marginal_probs_[thres]; continue; } SKCombiner combiner( marginal_probs_[thres] ); double estimate = combiner( krig_weights.begin(), krig_weights.end(), *(neighborhoods_vector_[thres].raw_ptr()) ); *p_it = estimate; } // make sure the ccdf is a valid cdf if( !ccdf_->make_valid() ) { // there was a problem making the cdf a valid cdf: // leave the node un-estimated and set the flag so that an error will // be reported order_relation_problems = true; continue; } GsTLInt node_id = begin->node_id(); // output the ccdf probabilities to the grid properties p_it = ccdf_->p_begin(); for( int thres2 = 0; thres2 < thres_count_; thres2++, ++p_it ) { simul_properties[ thres2 ]->set_value( *p_it, node_id ); } } if( !ok ) GsTLcerr << "The kriging system could not be solved for every node\n" << gstlIO::end; if( order_relation_problems ) { GsTLcerr << "A cdf could not be estimated for all nodes because of major " << "order-relation problems (all probabilities < 0 )" << gstlIO::end; } return 0; }
int main() { Point center(41,29); // The numbering of the nodes corresponds to gslib's output order Node P5(38,28,0.5740); Node P8(45,29,1.2110); Node P4(41,26,2.1270); Node P3(39,31,8.3400); Node P6(38,31,18.6420); Node P2(39,30,7.9380); Node P7(39,32,2.2840); Node P1(40,31,2.5090); Node P9(37,20,0.5740); Node P10(25,28,1.2110); Node P11(39,26,2.1270); Node P12(32,31,8.3400); Node P13(30,34,18.6420); Node P14(33,35,7.9380); Node P15(42,32,2.2840); Node P16(31,23,2.5090); neighborhood voisin; voisin.add_node(P1); voisin.add_node(P2); voisin.add_node(P3); voisin.add_node(P4); voisin.add_node(P5); voisin.add_node(P6); voisin.add_node(P7); voisin.add_node(P8); voisin.add_node(P9); voisin.add_node(P10); voisin.add_node(P11); voisin.add_node(P12); voisin.add_node(P13); voisin.add_node(P14); voisin.add_node(P15); voisin.add_node(P16); typedef matrix_lib_traits<TNT_lib<double> >::Vector TNTvector; covariance covar; //______________________________ // Simple Kriging //______________________________ std::cout << std::endl <<std::endl; std::cout << "____________________________________________" << std::endl << "Simple kriging" << std::endl << std::endl; TNTvector SK_weights; SK_constraints SK; OK_constraints OK; double sk_variance; TNT::stopwatch chrono; chrono.start(); for(int count = 0 ; count < 50000 ; count ++) { int change=1; if(drand48() <0.5) change = -1; (voisin[0].location())[0] += change; kriging_weights<GSTL_TNT_lib>(SK_weights, center, voisin, covar, OK ); } chrono.stop(); std::cout << "time elapsed using Gauss: " << << std::endl; chrono.reset(); chrono.start(); for(int count = 0 ; count < 50000 ; count ++) { int change=1; if(drand48() <0.5) change = -1; voisin[0].property_value() = 0.5*count; kriging_weights(SK_weights, center, voisin, covar, OK ); } chrono.stop(); std::cout << "time elapsed using LU: " << << std::endl; /* //______________________________ // Ordinary Kriging //______________________________ std::cout << std::endl <<std::endl; std::cout << "____________________________________________" << std::endl << "Ordinary kriging" << std::endl << std::endl; TNTvector OK_weights; OK_constraints OK; double ok_variance; status = kriging_weights(OK_weights, ok_variance, center, voisin, covar, OK); std::cout << "Here are the weights:" << std::endl << OK_weights << std::endl; //______________________________ // Kriging with Trend //______________________________ std::cout << std::endl <<std::endl; std::cout << "____________________________________________" << std::endl << "Kriging with Trend" << std::endl << std::endl; TNTvector KT_weights; KT_constraints<functIter> KT(functArray.begin(),functArray.end()); double kt_variance; status = kriging_weights(KT_weights, kt_variance, center, voisin, covar, KT); std::cout << "Here are the weights:" << std::endl << KT_weights << std::endl; */ return 0; }