Exemple #1
 * @~English
 * @brief Load a GL texture object from a stdio FILE stream.
 * This function will unpack compressed GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES and GL_ETC2_* format
 * textures in software when the format is not supported by the GL context,
 * provided the library has been compiled with SUPPORT_SOFTWARE_ETC_UNPACK
 * defined as 1.
 * It will also convert texture with legacy formats to their modern equivalents
 * when the format is not supported by the GL context, provided that the library
 * has been compiled with SUPPORT_LEGACY_FORMAT_CONVERSION defined as 1. 
 * @param [in] file			pointer to the stdio FILE stream from which to
 * 							load.
 * @param [in,out] pTexture	name of the GL texture to load. If NULL or if
 *                          <tt>*pTexture == 0</tt> the function will generate
 *                          a texture name. The function binds either the
 *                          generated name or the name given in @p *pTexture
 * 						    to the texture target returned in @p *pTarget,
 * 						    before loading the texture data. If @p pTexture
 *                          is not NULL and a name was generated, the generated
 *                          name will be returned in *pTexture.
 * @param [out] pTarget 	@p *pTarget is set to the texture target used. The
 * 						    target is chosen based on the file contents.
 * @param [out] pDimensions	If @p pDimensions is not NULL, the width, height and
 *							depth of the texture's base level are returned in the
 *                          fields of the KTX_dimensions structure to which it points.
 * @param [out] pIsMipmapped
 *	                        If @p pIsMipmapped is not NULL, @p *pIsMipmapped is set
 *                          to GL_TRUE if the KTX texture is mipmapped, GL_FALSE
 *                          otherwise.
 * @param [out] pGlerror    @p *pGlerror is set to the value returned by
 *                          glGetError when this function returns the error
 *                          KTX_GL_ERROR. glerror can be NULL.
 * @param [in,out] pKvdLen	If not NULL, @p *pKvdLen is set to the number of bytes
 *                          of key-value data pointed at by @p *ppKvd. Must not be
 *                          NULL, if @p ppKvd is not NULL.                     
 * @param [in,out] ppKvd	If not NULL, @p *ppKvd is set to the point to a block of
 *                          memory containing key-value data read from the file.
 *                          The application is responsible for freeing the memory.
 * @return	KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p target is @c NULL or the size of a mip
 * 							    level is greater than the size of the
 * 							    preceding level.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION @p ppKvd is not NULL but pKvdLen is NULL.
 * @exception KTX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE the file does not contain the
 * 										 expected amount of data.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Sufficient memory could not be allocated to store
 *                              the requested key-value data.
 * @exception KTX_GL_ERROR      A GL error was raised by glBindTexture,
 * 								glGenTextures or gl*TexImage*. The GL error
 *                              will be returned in @p *glerror, if glerror
 *                              is not @c NULL.
ktxLoadTextureF(FILE* file, GLuint* pTexture, GLenum* pTarget,
				KTX_dimensions* pDimensions, GLboolean* pIsMipmapped,
				GLenum* pGlerror,
				unsigned int* pKvdLen, unsigned char** ppKvd)
	struct ktxStream stream;

	if (!ktxFileInit(&stream, file))

	return ktxLoadTextureS(&stream, pTexture, pTarget, pDimensions, pIsMipmapped, pGlerror, pKvdLen, ppKvd);
Exemple #2
 * @~English
 * @brief Load a GL texture object from a stdio FILE stream.
 * This function will unpack compressed GL_ETC1_RGB8_OES and GL_ETC2_* format
 * textures in software when the format is not supported by the GL context,
 * provided the library has been compiled with SUPPORT_SOFTWARE_ETC_UNPACK
 * defined as 1.
 * It will also convert texture with legacy formats to their modern equivalents
 * when the format is not supported by the GL context, provided that the library
 * has been compiled with SUPPORT_LEGACY_FORMAT_CONVERSION defined as 1.
 * @param [in] file			pointer to the stdio FILE stream from which to
 * 							load.
 * @param [in,out] pTexture	name of the GL texture to load. If NULL or if
 *                          <tt>*pTexture == 0</tt> the function will generate
 *                          a texture name. The function binds either the
 *                          generated name or the name given in @p *pTexture
 * 						    to the texture target returned in @p *pTarget,
 * 						    before loading the texture data. If @p pTexture
 *                          is not NULL and a name was generated, the generated
 *                          name will be returned in *pTexture.
 * @param [out] pTarget 	@p *pTarget is set to the texture target used. The
 * 						    target is chosen based on the file contents.
 * @param [out] pDimensions	If @p pDimensions is not NULL, the width, height and
 *							depth of the texture's base level are returned in the
 *                          fields of the KTX_dimensions structure to which it points.
 * @param [out] pIsMipmapped
 *	                        If @p pIsMipmapped is not NULL, @p *pIsMipmapped is set
 *                          to GL_TRUE if the KTX texture is mipmapped, GL_FALSE
 *                          otherwise.
 * @param [out] pGlerror    @p *pGlerror is set to the value returned by
 *                          glGetError when this function returns the error
 *                          KTX_GL_ERROR. glerror can be NULL.
 * @param [in,out] pKvdLen	If not NULL, @p *pKvdLen is set to the number of bytes
 *                          of key-value data pointed at by @p *ppKvd. Must not be
 *                          NULL, if @p ppKvd is not NULL.
 * @param [in,out] ppKvd	If not NULL, @p *ppKvd is set to the point to a block of
 *                          memory containing key-value data read from the file.
 *                          The application is responsible for freeing the memory.
 * @return	KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE @p target is @c NULL or the size of a mip
 * 							    level is greater than the size of the
 * 							    preceding level.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION @p ppKvd is not NULL but pKvdLen is NULL.
 * @exception KTX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE the file does not contain the
 * 										 expected amount of data.
 * @exception KTX_OUT_OF_MEMORY Sufficient memory could not be allocated to store
 *                              the requested key-value data.
 * @exception KTX_GL_ERROR      A GL error was raised by glBindTexture,
 * 								glGenTextures or gl*TexImage*. The GL error
 *                              will be returned in @p *glerror, if glerror
 *                              is not @c NULL.
ktxLoadTextureF(FILE* file, GLuint* pTexture, GLenum* pTarget,
				KTX_dimensions* pDimensions, GLboolean* pIsMipmapped,
				GLenum* pGlerror,
				unsigned int* pKvdLen, unsigned char** ppKvd)
	struct ktxStream stream;
	KTX_error_code errorCode = KTX_SUCCESS;

	errorCode = ktxFileInit(&stream, file);
	if (errorCode != KTX_SUCCESS)
		return errorCode;

	return ktxLoadTextureS(&stream, pTexture, pTarget, pDimensions, pIsMipmapped, pGlerror, pKvdLen, ppKvd);
Exemple #3
 * @~English
 * @brief Load a GL texture object from KTX formatted data in memory.
 * @param [in] bytes		pointer to the array of bytes containing
 * 							the KTX format data to load.
 * @param [in] size			size of the memory array containing the
 *                          KTX format data.
 * @param [in,out] pTexture	name of the GL texture to load. See
 *                          ktxLoadTextureF() for details.
 * @param [out] pTarget 	@p *pTarget is set to the texture target used. See
 *                          ktxLoadTextureF() for details.
 * @param [out] pDimensions @p the texture's base level width depth and height
 *                          are returned in structure to which this points.
 *                          See ktxLoadTextureF() for details.
 * @param [out] pIsMipmapped @p *pIsMipMapped is set to indicate if the loaded
 *                          texture is mipmapped. See ktxLoadTextureF() for
 *                          details.
 * @param [out] pGlerror    @p *pGlerror is set to the value returned by
 *                          glGetError when this function returns the error
 *                          KTX_GL_ERROR. glerror can be NULL.
 * @param [in,out] pKvdLen	If not NULL, @p *pKvdLen is set to the number of bytes
 *                          of key-value data pointed at by @p *ppKvd. Must not be
 *                          NULL, if @p ppKvd is not NULL.                     
 * @param [in,out] ppKvd	If not NULL, @p *ppKvd is set to the point to a block of
 *                          memory containing key-value data read from the file.
 *                          The application is responsible for freeing the memory.*
 * @return	KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_OPEN_FAILED	The specified memory could not be opened as a file.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE		See ktxLoadTextureF() for causes.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION	See ktxLoadTextureF() for causes.
 * @exception KTX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE See ktxLoadTextureF() for causes.
 * @exception KTX_GL_ERROR			See ktxLoadTextureF() for causes.
ktxLoadTextureM(const void* bytes, GLsizei size, GLuint* pTexture, GLenum* pTarget,
				KTX_dimensions* pDimensions, GLboolean* pIsMipmapped,
				GLenum* pGlerror,
				unsigned int* pKvdLen, unsigned char** ppKvd)
	struct ktxMem mem;
	struct ktxStream stream;

	if (!ktxMemInit(&stream, &mem, bytes, size))

	return ktxLoadTextureS(&stream, pTexture, pTarget, pDimensions, pIsMipmapped, pGlerror, pKvdLen, ppKvd);
Exemple #4
 * @~English
 * @brief Load a GL texture object from KTX formatted data in memory.
 * @param [in] bytes		pointer to the array of bytes containing
 * 							the KTX format data to load.
 * @param [in] size			size of the memory array containing the
 *                          KTX format data.
 * @param [in,out] pTexture	name of the GL texture to load. See
 *                          ktxLoadTextureF() for details.
 * @param [out] pTarget 	@p *pTarget is set to the texture target used. See
 *                          ktxLoadTextureF() for details.
 * @param [out] pDimensions @p the texture's base level width depth and height
 *                          are returned in structure to which this points.
 *                          See ktxLoadTextureF() for details.
 * @param [out] pIsMipmapped @p *pIsMipMapped is set to indicate if the loaded
 *                          texture is mipmapped. See ktxLoadTextureF() for
 *                          details.
 * @param [out] pGlerror    @p *pGlerror is set to the value returned by
 *                          glGetError when this function returns the error
 *                          KTX_GL_ERROR. glerror can be NULL.
 * @param [in,out] pKvdLen	If not NULL, @p *pKvdLen is set to the number of bytes
 *                          of key-value data pointed at by @p *ppKvd. Must not be
 *                          NULL, if @p ppKvd is not NULL.
 * @param [in,out] ppKvd	If not NULL, @p *ppKvd is set to the point to a block of
 *                          memory containing key-value data read from the file.
 *                          The application is responsible for freeing the memory.*
 * @return	KTX_SUCCESS on success, other KTX_* enum values on error.
 * @exception KTX_FILE_OPEN_FAILED	The specified memory could not be opened as a file.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_VALUE		See ktxLoadTextureF() for causes.
 * @exception KTX_INVALID_OPERATION	See ktxLoadTextureF() for causes.
 * @exception KTX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE See ktxLoadTextureF() for causes.
 * @exception KTX_GL_ERROR			See ktxLoadTextureF() for causes.
ktxLoadTextureM(const void* bytes, GLsizei size, GLuint* pTexture, GLenum* pTarget,
				KTX_dimensions* pDimensions, GLboolean* pIsMipmapped,
				GLenum* pGlerror,
				unsigned int* pKvdLen, unsigned char** ppKvd)
	struct ktxMem mem;
	struct ktxStream stream;
	KTX_error_code errorCode = KTX_SUCCESS;

	errorCode = ktxMemInit(&stream, &mem, bytes, size);
	if (errorCode != KTX_SUCCESS)
		return errorCode;

	return ktxLoadTextureS(&stream, pTexture, pTarget, pDimensions, pIsMipmapped, pGlerror, pKvdLen, ppKvd);