int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *filein, *str, *prestring, *outprotos, *protostr; const char *spacestr = " "; char buf[L_BUF_SIZE]; l_uint8 *allheaders; l_int32 i, maxindex, in_line, nflags, protos_added, firstfile, len, ret; size_t nbytes; L_BYTEA *ba, *ba2; SARRAY *sa, *safirst; static char mainName[] = "xtractprotos"; if (argc == 1) { fprintf(stderr, "xtractprotos [-prestring=<string>] [-protos=<where>] " "[list of C files]\n" "where the prestring is prepended to each prototype, and \n" "protos can be either 'inline' or the name of an output " "prototype file\n"); return 1; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Parse input flags and find prestring and outprotos, if requested */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ prestring = outprotos = NULL; in_line = FALSE; nflags = 0; maxindex = L_MIN(3, argc); for (i = 1; i < maxindex; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-prestring", 10)) { nflags++; ret = sscanf(argv[i] + 1, "prestring=%s", buf); if (ret != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "parse failure for prestring\n"); return 1; } if ((len = strlen(buf)) > L_BUF_SIZE - 3) { L_WARNING("prestring too large; omitting!\n", mainName); } else { buf[len] = ' '; buf[len + 1] = '\0'; prestring = stringNew(buf); } } else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "-protos", 7)) { nflags++; ret = sscanf(argv[i] + 1, "protos=%s", buf); if (ret != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "parse failure for protos\n"); return 1; } outprotos = stringNew(buf); if (!strncmp(outprotos, "inline", 7)) in_line = TRUE; } } } if (argc - nflags < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "no files specified!\n"); return 1; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Generate the prototype string */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ ba = l_byteaCreate(500); /* First the extern C head */ sa = sarrayCreate(0); sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)"/*", 1); snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, " * These prototypes were autogen'd by xtractprotos, v. %s", version); sarrayAddString(sa, buf, 1); sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)" */", 1); sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)"#ifdef __cplusplus", 1); sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)"extern \"C\" {", 1); sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)"#endif /* __cplusplus */\n", 1); str = sarrayToString(sa, 1); l_byteaAppendString(ba, str); lept_free(str); sarrayDestroy(&sa); /* Then the prototypes */ firstfile = 1 + nflags; protos_added = FALSE; for (i = firstfile; i < argc; i++) { filein = argv[i]; len = strlen(filein); if (filein[len - 1] == 'h') /* skip .h files */ continue; snprintf(buf, L_BUF_SIZE, "cpp -ansi -DNO_PROTOS %s %s", filein, tempfile); ret = system(buf); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "cpp failure for %s; continuing\n", filein); continue; } if ((str = parseForProtos(tempfile, prestring)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "parse failure for %s; continuing\n", filein); continue; } if (strlen(str) > 1) { /* strlen(str) == 1 is a file without protos */ l_byteaAppendString(ba, str); protos_added = TRUE; } lept_free(str); } /* Lastly the extern C tail */ sa = sarrayCreate(0); sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)"\n#ifdef __cplusplus", 1); sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)"}", 1); sarrayAddString(sa, (char *)"#endif /* __cplusplus */", 1); str = sarrayToString(sa, 1); l_byteaAppendString(ba, str); lept_free(str); sarrayDestroy(&sa); protostr = (char *)l_byteaCopyData(ba, &nbytes); l_byteaDestroy(&ba); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Generate the output */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!outprotos) { /* just write to stdout */ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", protostr); lept_free(protostr); return 0; } /* If no protos were found, do nothing further */ if (!protos_added) { fprintf(stderr, "No protos found\n"); lept_free(protostr); return 1; } /* Make the output files */ ba = l_byteaInitFromFile("allheaders_top.txt"); if (!in_line) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "#include \"%s\"\n", outprotos); l_byteaAppendString(ba, buf); l_binaryWrite(outprotos, "w", protostr, nbytes); } else { l_byteaAppendString(ba, protostr); } ba2 = l_byteaInitFromFile("allheaders_bot.txt"); l_byteaJoin(ba, &ba2); l_byteaWrite("allheaders.h", ba, 0, 0); l_byteaDestroy(&ba); lept_free(protostr); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *str; l_uint8 *data1, *data2; l_int32 i, n, same1, same2; size_t size1, size2, slice, total, start, end; FILE *fp; L_DNA *da; SARRAY *sa; L_BYTEA *lba1, *lba2, *lba3, *lba4, *lba5; static char mainName[] = "byteatest"; if (argc != 1) return ERROR_INT("syntax: byteatest", mainName, 1); lept_mkdir("bytea"); /* Test basic init, join and split */ lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("feyn.tif"); lba2 = l_byteaInitFromFile("test24.jpg"); size1 = l_byteaGetSize(lba1); size2 = l_byteaGetSize(lba2); l_byteaJoin(lba1, &lba2); lba3 = l_byteaInitFromMem(lba1->data, size1); lba4 = l_byteaInitFromMem(lba1->data + size1, size2); /* Split by hand */ l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk1.dat", "w", lba3->data, lba3->size); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk2.dat", "w", lba4->data, lba4->size); filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "/tmp/bytea/junk1.dat", &same1); filesAreIdentical("test24.jpg", "/tmp/bytea/junk2.dat", &same2); if (same1 && same2) fprintf(stderr, "OK for join file\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: files are different!\n"); /* Split by function */ l_byteaSplit(lba1, size1, &lba5); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk3.dat", "w", lba1->data, lba1->size); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk4.dat", "w", lba5->data, lba5->size); filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "/tmp/bytea/junk3.dat", &same1); filesAreIdentical("test24.jpg", "/tmp/bytea/junk4.dat", &same2); if (same1 && same2) fprintf(stderr, "OK for split file\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: files are different!\n"); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); l_byteaDestroy(&lba2); l_byteaDestroy(&lba3); l_byteaDestroy(&lba4); l_byteaDestroy(&lba5); /* Test appending with strings */ data1 = l_binaryRead("kernel_reg.c", &size1); sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString((char *)data1, 1); lba1 = l_byteaCreate(0); n = sarrayGetCount(sa); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { str = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY); l_byteaAppendString(lba1, str); l_byteaAppendString(lba1, (char *)"\n"); } data2 = l_byteaGetData(lba1, &size2); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk5.dat", "w", data2, size2); filesAreIdentical("kernel_reg.c", "/tmp/bytea/junk5.dat", &same1); if (same1) fprintf(stderr, "OK for appended string data\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: appended string data is different!\n"); lept_free(data1); sarrayDestroy(&sa); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); /* Test appending with binary data */ slice = 1000; total = nbytesInFile("breviar-a38.jp2"); lba1 = l_byteaCreate(100); n = 1 + total / slice; fprintf(stderr, "******************************************************\n"); fprintf(stderr, "* Testing error checking: ignore two reported errors *\n"); for (i = 0, start = 0; i <= n; i++, start += slice) { data1 = l_binaryReadSelect("breviar-a38.jp2", start, slice, &size1); l_byteaAppendData(lba1, data1, size1); lept_free(data1); } fprintf(stderr, "******************************************************\n"); data2 = l_byteaGetData(lba1, &size2); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/bytea/junk6.dat", "w", data2, size2); filesAreIdentical("breviar-a38.jp2", "/tmp/bytea/junk6.dat", &same1); if (same1) fprintf(stderr, "OK for appended binary data\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: appended binary data is different!\n"); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); /* Test search */ convertToPdf("test24.jpg", L_JPEG_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/bytea/junk7.pdf", 0, 0, 100, NULL, NULL, 0); lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("/tmp/bytea/junk7.pdf"); l_byteaFindEachSequence(lba1, (l_uint8 *)" 0 obj\n", 7, &da); /* l_dnaWriteStream(stderr, da); */ n = l_dnaGetCount(da); if (n == 6) fprintf(stderr, "OK for search: found 6 instances\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error in search: found %d instances, not 6\n", n); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); l_dnaDestroy(&da); /* Test write to file */ lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("feyn.tif"); fp = lept_fopen("/tmp/bytea/junk8.dat", "wb"); size1 = l_byteaGetSize(lba1); for (start = 0; start < size1; start += 1000) { end = L_MIN(start + 1000 - 1, size1 - 1); l_byteaWriteStream(fp, lba1, start, end); } lept_fclose(fp); filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "/tmp/bytea/junk8.dat", &same1); if (same1) fprintf(stderr, "OK for written binary data\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: written binary data is different!\n"); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char buffer[512]; char *tempfile1, *tempfile2; l_uint8 *data; l_int32 i, j, w, h, seq, ret, same; size_t nbytes; const char *title; BOX *box; BOXA *boxa1, *boxa2; L_BYTEA *ba; L_PDF_DATA *lpd; PIX *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4, *pix5, *pix6; PIX *pixs, *pixt, *pixg, *pixgc, *pixc; static char mainName[] = "pdfiotest"; if (argc != 1) return ERROR_INT("syntax: pdfiotest", mainName, 1); l_pdfSetDateAndVersion(0); lept_mkdir("lept/pdf"); #if 1 /* --------------- Single image tests ------------------- */ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Writing single images as pdf files\n"); convertToPdf("weasel2.4c.png", L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file01.pdf", 0, 0, 72, "weasel2.4c.png", NULL, 0); convertToPdf("test24.jpg", L_JPEG_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file02.pdf", 0, 0, 72, "test24.jpg", NULL, 0); convertToPdf("feyn.tif", L_G4_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file03.pdf", 0, 0, 300, "feyn.tif", NULL, 0); pixs = pixRead("feyn.tif"); pixConvertToPdf(pixs, L_G4_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file04.pdf", 0, 0, 300, "feyn.tif", NULL, 0); pixDestroy(&pixs); pixs = pixRead("test24.jpg"); pixConvertToPdf(pixs, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 5, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file05.pdf", 0, 0, 72, "test24.jpg", NULL, 0); pixDestroy(&pixs); pixs = pixRead("feyn.tif"); pixt = pixScaleToGray2(pixs); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/feyn8.png", pixt, IFF_PNG); convertToPdf("/tmp/lept/pdf/feyn8.png", L_JPEG_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file06.pdf", 0, 0, 150, "feyn8.png", NULL, 0); pixDestroy(&pixs); pixDestroy(&pixt); convertToPdf("weasel4.16g.png", L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file07.pdf", 0, 0, 30, "weasel4.16g.png", NULL, 0); pixs = pixRead("test24.jpg"); pixg = pixConvertTo8(pixs, 0); box = boxCreate(100, 100, 100, 100); pixc = pixClipRectangle(pixs, box, NULL); pixgc = pixClipRectangle(pixg, box, NULL); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/pix32.jpg", pixc, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/pix8.jpg", pixgc, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); convertToPdf("/tmp/lept/pdf/pix32.jpg", L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file08.pdf", 0, 0, 72, "pix32.jpg", NULL, 0); convertToPdf("/tmp/lept/pdf/pix8.jpg", L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file09.pdf", 0, 0, 72, "pix8.jpg", NULL, 0); pixDestroy(&pixs); pixDestroy(&pixg); pixDestroy(&pixc); pixDestroy(&pixgc); boxDestroy(&box); #endif #if 1 /* --------------- Multiple image tests ------------------- */ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Writing multiple images as single page pdf files\n"); pix1 = pixRead("feyn-fract.tif"); pix2 = pixRead("weasel8.240c.png"); /* l_pdfSetDateAndVersion(0); */ /* First, write the 1 bpp image through the mask onto the weasels */ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { seq = (i == 0 && j == 0) ? L_FIRST_IMAGE : L_NEXT_IMAGE; title = (i == 0 && j == 0) ? "feyn-fract.tif" : NULL; pixConvertToPdf(pix2, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, NULL, 100 * j, 100 * i, 70, title, &lpd, seq); } } pixConvertToPdf(pix1, L_G4_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file10.pdf", 0, 0, 80, NULL, &lpd, L_LAST_IMAGE); /* Now, write the 1 bpp image over the weasels */ l_pdfSetG4ImageMask(0); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { seq = (i == 0 && j == 0) ? L_FIRST_IMAGE : L_NEXT_IMAGE; title = (i == 0 && j == 0) ? "feyn-fract.tif" : NULL; pixConvertToPdf(pix2, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, NULL, 100 * j, 100 * i, 70, title, &lpd, seq); } } pixConvertToPdf(pix1, L_G4_ENCODE, 0, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file11.pdf", 0, 0, 80, NULL, &lpd, L_LAST_IMAGE); l_pdfSetG4ImageMask(1); pixDestroy(&pix1); pixDestroy(&pix2); #endif #if 1 /* -------- pdf convert segmented with no image regions -------- */ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Writing segmented images without image regions\n"); pix1 = pixRead("rabi.png"); pix2 = pixScaleToGray2(pix1); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi8.jpg", pix2, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); pix3 = pixThresholdTo4bpp(pix2, 16, 1); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", pix3, IFF_PNG); pixDestroy(&pix1); pixDestroy(&pix2); pixDestroy(&pix3); /* 1 bpp input */ convertToPdfSegmented("rabi.png", 300, L_G4_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file12.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("rabi.png", 300, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file13.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("rabi.png", 300, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file14.pdf"); /* 8 bpp input, no cmap */ convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi8.jpg", 150, L_G4_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file15.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi8.jpg", 150, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file16.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi8.jpg", 150, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file17.pdf"); /* 4 bpp input, cmap */ convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_G4_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file18.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file19.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 128, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file20.pdf"); #endif #if 1 /* ---------- pdf convert segmented with image regions ---------- */ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Writing segmented images with image regions\n"); /* Get the image region(s) for rabi.png. There are two * small bogus regions at the top, but we'll keep them for * the demonstration. */ pix1 = pixRead("rabi.png"); pixSetResolution(pix1, 300, 300); pixGetDimensions(pix1, &w, &h, NULL); pix2 = pixGenerateHalftoneMask(pix1, NULL, NULL, NULL); pix3 = pixMorphSequence(pix2, "c20.1 + c1.20", 0); boxa1 = pixConnComp(pix3, NULL, 8); boxa2 = boxaTransform(boxa1, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5); pixDestroy(&pix1); pixDestroy(&pix2); pixDestroy(&pix3); /* 1 bpp input */ convertToPdfSegmented("rabi.png", 300, L_G4_ENCODE, 128, boxa1, 0, 0.25, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file21.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("rabi.png", 300, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 128, boxa1, 0, 0.25, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file22.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("rabi.png", 300, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 128, boxa1, 0, 0.25, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file23.pdf"); /* 8 bpp input, no cmap */ convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi8.jpg", 150, L_G4_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file24.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi8.jpg", 150, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file25.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi8.jpg", 150, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file26.pdf"); /* 4 bpp input, cmap */ convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_G4_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file27.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file28.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file29.pdf"); /* 4 bpp input, cmap, data output */ data = NULL; convertToPdfDataSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_G4_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, &data, &nbytes); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/file30.pdf", "w", data, nbytes); lept_free(data); convertToPdfDataSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, &data, &nbytes); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/file31.pdf", "w", data, nbytes); lept_free(data); convertToPdfDataSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/rabi4.png", 150, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 128, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, &data, &nbytes); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/file32.pdf", "w", data, nbytes); lept_free(data); boxaDestroy(&boxa1); boxaDestroy(&boxa2); #endif #if 1 /* -------- pdf convert segmented from color image -------- */ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Writing color segmented images\n"); pix1 = pixRead("candelabrum.011.jpg"); pix2 = pixScale(pix1, 3.0, 3.0); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/candelabrum3.jpg", pix2, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); GetImageMask(pix2, 200, &boxa1, "/tmp/lept/pdf/seg1.jpg"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/candelabrum3.jpg", 200, L_G4_ENCODE, 100, boxa1, 0, 0.25, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file33.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/candelabrum3.jpg", 200, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 100, boxa1, 0, 0.25, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file34.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/candelabrum3.jpg", 200, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 100, boxa1, 0, 0.25, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file35.pdf"); pixDestroy(&pix1); pixDestroy(&pix2); boxaDestroy(&boxa1); pix1 = pixRead("lion-page.00016.jpg"); pix2 = pixScale(pix1, 3.0, 3.0); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/lion16.jpg", pix2, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); pix3 = pixRead("lion-mask.00016.tif"); boxa1 = pixConnComp(pix3, NULL, 8); boxa2 = boxaTransform(boxa1, 0, 0, 3.0, 3.0); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/lion16.jpg", 200, L_G4_ENCODE, 190, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file36.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/lion16.jpg", 200, L_JPEG_ENCODE, 190, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file37.pdf"); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/lion16.jpg", 200, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 190, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file38.pdf"); /* Quantize the non-image part and flate encode. * This is useful because it results in a smaller file than * when you flate-encode the un-quantized non-image regions. */ pix4 = pixScale(pix3, 3.0, 3.0); /* higher res mask, for combining */ pix5 = QuantizeNonImageRegion(pix2, pix4, 12); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/pdf/lion16-quant.png", pix5, IFF_PNG); convertToPdfSegmented("/tmp/lept/pdf/lion16-quant.png", 200, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 190, boxa2, 0, 0.5, NULL, "/tmp/lept/pdf/file39.pdf"); pixDestroy(&pix1); pixDestroy(&pix2); pixDestroy(&pix3); pixDestroy(&pix4); pixDestroy(&pix5); boxaDestroy(&boxa1); boxaDestroy(&boxa2); #endif #if 1 /* ------------------ Test multipage pdf generation ----------------- */ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Writing multipage pdfs from single page pdfs\n"); /* Generate a multi-page pdf from all these files */ startTimer(); concatenatePdf("/tmp/lept/pdf", "file", "/tmp/lept/pdf/cat_lept.pdf"); fprintf(stderr, "All files have been concatenated: /tmp/lept/pdf/cat_lept.pdf\n" "Concatenation time: %7.3f\n", stopTimer()); #endif #if 1 /* ----------- Test corruption recovery by concatenation ------------ */ /* Put two good pdf files in a directory */ lept_rmdir("lept/good"); lept_mkdir("lept/good"); lept_cp("testfile1.pdf", "lept/good", NULL, NULL); lept_cp("testfile2.pdf", "lept/good", NULL, NULL); concatenatePdf("/tmp/lept/good", "file", "/tmp/lept/pdf/good.pdf"); /* Make a bad version with the pdf id removed, so that it is not * recognized as a pdf */ lept_rmdir("lept/bad"); lept_mkdir("lept/bad"); ba = l_byteaInitFromFile("testfile2.pdf"); data = l_byteaGetData(ba, &nbytes); l_binaryWrite("/tmp/lept/bad/testfile0.notpdf.pdf", "w", data + 10, nbytes - 10); /* Make a version with a corrupted trailer */ if (data) data[2297] = '2'; /* munge trailer object 6: change 458 --> 428 */ l_binaryWrite("/tmp/lept/bad/testfile2.bad.pdf", "w", data, nbytes); l_byteaDestroy(&ba); /* Copy testfile1.pdf to the /tmp/lept/bad directory. Then * run concat on the bad files. The "not pdf" file should be * ignored, and the corrupted pdf file should be properly parsed, * so the resulting concatenated pdf files should be identical. */ fprintf(stderr, "\nWe attempt to build from the bad directory\n"); lept_cp("testfile1.pdf", "lept/bad", NULL, NULL); concatenatePdf("/tmp/lept/bad", "file", "/tmp/lept/pdf/bad.pdf"); filesAreIdentical("/tmp/lept/pdf/good.pdf", "/tmp/lept/pdf/bad.pdf", &same); if (same) fprintf(stderr, "Fixed: files are the same\n" "Attempt succeeded\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Busted: files are different\n"); #endif #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "\n*** pdftk writes multipage pdfs from images\n"); tempfile1 = genPathname("/tmp/lept/pdf", "file*.pdf"); tempfile2 = genPathname("/tmp/lept/pdf", "cat_pdftk.pdf"); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "pdftk %s output %s", tempfile1, tempfile2); ret = system(buffer); /* pdftk */ lept_free(tempfile1); lept_free(tempfile2); #endif #if 1 /* -- Test simple interface for generating multi-page pdf from images -- */ fprintf(stderr, "\n*** Writing multipage pdfs from images\n"); /* Put four image files in a directory. They will be encoded thus: * file1.png: flate (8 bpp, only 10 colors) * file2.jpg: dct (8 bpp, 256 colors because of the jpeg encoding) * file3.tif: g4 (1 bpp) * file4.jpg: dct (32 bpp) */ lept_mkdir("lept/image"); pix1 = pixRead("feyn.tif"); pix2 = pixRead("rabi.png"); pix3 = pixScaleToGray3(pix1); pix4 = pixScaleToGray3(pix2); pix5 = pixScale(pix1, 0.33, 0.33); pix6 = pixRead("test24.jpg"); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/image/file1.png", pix3, IFF_PNG); /* 10 colors */ pixWrite("/tmp/lept/image/file2.jpg", pix4, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); /* 256 colors */ pixWrite("/tmp/lept/image/file3.tif", pix5, IFF_TIFF_G4); pixWrite("/tmp/lept/image/file4.jpg", pix6, IFF_JFIF_JPEG); startTimer(); convertFilesToPdf("/tmp/lept/image", "file", 100, 0.8, 0, 75, "4 file test", "/tmp/lept/pdf/fourimages.pdf"); fprintf(stderr, "4-page pdf generated: /tmp/lept/pdf/fourimages.pdf\n" "Time: %7.3f\n", stopTimer()); pixDestroy(&pix1); pixDestroy(&pix2); pixDestroy(&pix3); pixDestroy(&pix4); pixDestroy(&pix5); pixDestroy(&pix6); #endif return 0; }
main(int argc, char **argv) { char *str; l_uint8 *data1, *data2; l_int32 i, n, start, end, same1, same2; size_t size1, size2; FILE *fp; L_DNA *da; SARRAY *sa; L_BYTEA *lba1, *lba2, *lba3, *lba4, *lba5; static char mainName[] = "byteatest"; if (argc != 1) exit(ERROR_INT("syntax: whatever11", mainName, 1)); /* Test basic init, join and split */ lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("feyn.tif"); lba2 = l_byteaInitFromFile("test24.jpg"); size1 = l_byteaGetSize(lba1); size2 = l_byteaGetSize(lba2); l_byteaJoin(lba1, &lba2); lba3 = l_byteaInitFromMem(lba1->data, size1); lba4 = l_byteaInitFromMem(lba1->data + size1, size2); /* Split by hand */ l_binaryWrite("junk1", "w", lba3->data, lba3->size); l_binaryWrite("junk2", "w", lba4->data, lba4->size); filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "junk1", &same1); filesAreIdentical("test24.jpg", "junk2", &same2); if (same1 && same2) fprintf(stderr, "OK for join file\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: files are different!\n"); /* Split by function */ l_byteaSplit(lba1, size1, &lba5); l_binaryWrite("junk3", "w", lba1->data, lba1->size); l_binaryWrite("junk4", "w", lba5->data, lba5->size); filesAreIdentical("feyn.tif", "junk3", &same1); filesAreIdentical("test24.jpg", "junk4", &same2); if (same1 && same2) fprintf(stderr, "OK for split file\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: files are different!\n"); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); l_byteaDestroy(&lba2); l_byteaDestroy(&lba3); l_byteaDestroy(&lba4); l_byteaDestroy(&lba5); /* Test appending */ data1 = l_binaryRead("whatever10.c", &size1); sa = sarrayCreateLinesFromString((char *)data1, 1); lba1 = l_byteaCreate(0); n = sarrayGetCount(sa); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { str = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY); l_byteaAppendString(lba1, str); l_byteaAppendString(lba1, (char *)"\n"); } data2 = l_byteaGetData(lba1, &size2); l_binaryWrite("junk1.txt", "w", data2, size2); filesAreIdentical("whatever10.c", "junk1.txt", &same1); if (same1) fprintf(stderr, "OK for appended file\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "Error: appended file is different!\n"); lept_free(data1); sarrayDestroy(&sa); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); /* Test search */ convertToPdf("test24.jpg", L_JPEG_ENCODE, 0, "junk3.pdf", 0, 0, 100, NULL, 0, NULL); lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("junk3.pdf"); l_byteaFindEachSequence(lba1, (l_uint8 *)" 0 obj\n", 7, &da); l_dnaWriteStream(stderr, da); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); l_dnaDestroy(&da); /* Test write to file */ lba1 = l_byteaInitFromFile("feyn.tif"); fp = lept_fopen("junk5", "wb"); size1 = l_byteaGetSize(lba1); for (start = 0; start < size1; start += 1000) { end = L_MIN(start + 1000 - 1, size1 - 1); l_byteaWriteStream(fp, lba1, start, end); } lept_fclose(fp); l_byteaDestroy(&lba1); return 0; }