void WgPackList::_renderPatches( WgGfxDevice * pDevice, const WgRect& _canvas, const WgRect& _window, WgPatches * _pPatches )
	// We start by eliminating dirt outside our geometry

	WgPatches 	patches( _pPatches->Size() );								// TODO: Optimize by pre-allocating?

	for( const WgRect * pRect = _pPatches->Begin() ; pRect != _pPatches->End() ; pRect++ )
		if( _canvas.IntersectsWith( *pRect ) )
			patches.Push( WgRect(*pRect,_canvas) );

	// Render container itself
	for( const WgRect * pRect = patches.Begin() ; pRect != patches.End() ; pRect++ )
		_onRender(pDevice, _canvas, _window, *pRect );
	// Render children

	WgRect	dirtBounds = patches.Union();
		WgRect childGeo;
		WgPackListHook * p = (WgPackListHook*)_firstHookWithGeo( childGeo );

			WgRect canvas = childGeo + _canvas.Pos();
			if( p->_isVisible() && canvas.IntersectsWith( dirtBounds ) )
				p->_widget()->_renderPatches( pDevice, canvas, canvas, &patches );
			p = (WgPackListHook*) _nextHookWithGeo( childGeo, p );

	// Render header

	if( m_header.m_height != 0 )
		bool bInvertedSort = (m_sortOrder == WG_SORT_DESCENDING);
		WgRect canvas = _headerGeo() + _canvas.Pos();

		for( const WgRect * pRect = patches.Begin() ; pRect != patches.End() ; pRect++ )
			_renderHeader( pDevice, canvas, *pRect, m_header.m_pSkin, &m_header.label, &m_header.icon, &m_header.arrow, m_header.m_state, true, bInvertedSort );

	// Render Lasso

	if( m_pLassoSkin && m_lassoBegin != m_lassoEnd )
		WgRect lasso( m_lassoBegin, m_lassoEnd );
		lasso += _canvas.Pos();

		for( const WgRect * pRect = patches.Begin() ; pRect != patches.End() ; pRect++ )
			m_pLassoSkin->Render( pDevice, lasso, m_state, WgRect( lasso, *pRect ) );
Exemple #2
// Select points within rectangle
FieldView::SelectPointsInRect(const CC_coord& c1, const CC_coord& c2, bool toggleSelected)
	CC_lasso lasso(c1);
	lasso.Append(CC_coord(c1.x, c2.y));
	lasso.Append(CC_coord(c2.x, c1.y));
	SelectWithLasso(&lasso, toggleSelected);
Exemple #3
static Rcpp::NumericMatrix refit_model(Rcpp::NumericMatrix X,
				       Rcpp::NumericVector y,
				       Rcpp::NumericMatrix beta_new,
				       Rcpp::IntegerVector nk,
				       int model,
				       double eps,
				       int maxiter)
  int K = nk.size();
  int p = X.ncol();
  int n;
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix Xtmp(X.nrow(),p);
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix beta_refit(p,K);
  Rcpp::NumericVector lasso_result;
  int idx = 0;
  for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
    n = nk[k];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
	Xtmp(idx+i,j) = X(idx+i,j) * nz(beta_new(j,k),eps);
    idx += n;
  idx = 0;
  for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
    n = nk[k];
    lasso_result = lasso(Xtmp(Rcpp::Range(idx,idx+n-1),Rcpp::_), y[Rcpp::Range(idx,idx+n-1)], 0.0, model, false, eps, maxiter);
    for(int j = 0; j < p; j++){
      beta_refit(j,k) = lasso_result[j];
    idx += n;
  return beta_refit;
Exemple #4
// Coordinate descent for gaussian models (no active cycling)
RcppExport SEXP cdfit_gaussian_nac(SEXP X_, SEXP y_, SEXP row_idx_, 
                                   SEXP lambda_, SEXP nlambda_, 
                                   SEXP lam_scale_, SEXP lambda_min_, 
                                   SEXP alpha_, SEXP user_, SEXP eps_, 
                                   SEXP max_iter_, SEXP multiplier_, SEXP dfmax_, 
                                   SEXP ncore_, SEXP verbose_) {
  XPtr<BigMatrix> xMat(X_);
  double *y = REAL(y_);
  int *row_idx = INTEGER(row_idx_);
  double lambda_min = REAL(lambda_min_)[0];
  double alpha = REAL(alpha_)[0];
  int n = Rf_length(row_idx_); // number of observations used for fitting model
  int p = xMat->ncol();
  int L = INTEGER(nlambda_)[0];
  int lam_scale = INTEGER(lam_scale_)[0];
  int user = INTEGER(user_)[0];
  int verbose = INTEGER(verbose_)[0];
  double eps = REAL(eps_)[0];
  int max_iter = INTEGER(max_iter_)[0];
  double *m = REAL(multiplier_);
  int dfmax = INTEGER(dfmax_)[0];

  NumericVector lambda(L);
  NumericVector center(p);
  NumericVector scale(p);
  int p_keep = 0;
  int *p_keep_ptr = &p_keep;
  vector<int> col_idx;
  vector<double> z;
  double lambda_max = 0.0;
  double *lambda_max_ptr = &lambda_max;
  int xmax_idx = 0;
  int *xmax_ptr = &xmax_idx;

  // set up omp
  int useCores = INTEGER(ncore_)[0];
  int haveCores = omp_get_num_procs();
  if(useCores < 1) {
    useCores = haveCores;
  if (verbose) {
    char buff1[100];
    time_t now1 = time (0);
    strftime (buff1, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now1));
    Rprintf("\nPreprocessing start: %s\n", buff1);
  // standardize: get center, scale; get p_keep_ptr, col_idx; get z, lambda_max, xmax_idx;
  standardize_and_get_residual(center, scale, p_keep_ptr, col_idx, z, lambda_max_ptr, xmax_ptr, xMat, 
                               y, row_idx, lambda_min, alpha, n, p);

  p = p_keep;   // set p = p_keep, only loop over columns whose scale > 1e-6

  if (verbose) {
    char buff1[100];
    time_t now1 = time (0);
    strftime (buff1, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now1));
    Rprintf("Preprocessing end: %s\n", buff1);

  // Objects to be returned to R
  arma::sp_mat beta = arma::sp_mat(p, L); // beta
  double *a = Calloc(p, double); //Beta from previous iteration
  NumericVector loss(L);
  IntegerVector iter(L);
  IntegerVector n_reject(L);
  double l1, l2, shift;
  double max_update, update, thresh; // for convergence check
  int i, j, jj, l, lstart;
  double *r = Calloc(n, double);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) r[i] = y[i];
  double sumResid = sum(r, n);
  loss[0] = gLoss(r,n);
  thresh = eps * loss[0] / n;
  // set up lambda
  if (user == 0) {
    if (lam_scale) { // set up lambda, equally spaced on log scale
      double log_lambda_max = log(lambda_max);
      double log_lambda_min = log(lambda_min*lambda_max);
      double delta = (log_lambda_max - log_lambda_min) / (L-1);
      for (l = 0; l < L; l++) {
        lambda[l] = exp(log_lambda_max - l * delta);
    } else { // equally spaced on linear scale
      double delta = (lambda_max - lambda_min*lambda_max) / (L-1);
      for (l = 0; l < L; l++) {
        lambda[l] = lambda_max - l * delta;
    lstart = 1;
  } else {
    lstart = 0;
    lambda = Rcpp::as<NumericVector>(lambda_);

  // Path
  for (l = lstart; l < L; l++) {
    if(verbose) {
      // output time
      char buff[100];
      time_t now = time (0);
      strftime (buff, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now));
      Rprintf("Lambda %d. Now time: %s\n", l, buff);
    if (l != 0) {
      // Check dfmax
      int nv = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
        if (a[j] != 0) nv++;
      if (nv > dfmax) {
        for (int ll=l; ll<L; ll++) iter[ll] = NA_INTEGER;
        Free_memo_nac(a, r);
        return List::create(beta, center, scale, lambda, loss, iter, n_reject, Rcpp::wrap(col_idx));
    while(iter[l] < max_iter) {
      max_update = 0.0;
      for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
        jj = col_idx[j];
        z[j] = crossprod_resid(xMat, r, sumResid, row_idx, center[jj], scale[jj], n, jj) / n + a[j];
        l1 = lambda[l] * m[jj] * alpha;
        l2 = lambda[l] * m[jj] * (1-alpha);
        beta(j, l) = lasso(z[j], l1, l2, 1);
        shift = beta(j, l) - a[j];
        if (shift !=0) {
          // compute objective update for checking convergence
          //update =  z[j] * shift - 0.5 * (1 + l2) * (pow(beta(j, l), 2) - pow(a[j], 2)) - l1 * (fabs(beta(j, l)) -  fabs(a[j]));
          update = pow(beta(j, l) - a[j], 2);
          if (update > max_update) {
            max_update = update;
          update_resid(xMat, r, shift, row_idx, center[jj], scale[jj], n, jj); // update r
          sumResid = sum(r, n); //update sum of residual
          a[j] = beta(j, l); //update a
      // Check for convergence
      if (max_update < thresh) {
        loss[l] = gLoss(r, n);

  Free_memo_nac(a, r);
  return List::create(beta, center, scale, lambda, loss, iter, n_reject, Rcpp::wrap(col_idx));
Exemple #5
int main()
    //Get Learning Dictionary

    //Do Saliency Detection
    for(int FileNode=1; FileNode<=MAXPIC; FileNode++)

        Mat SourceImage;
        Mat RGBImage;
        Mat LABImage;
        sprintf(FileName,"%s%d.jpg",IMGSAIM,FileNode);  //get filename
        SourceImage=imread(FileName);						//load picture from file
        cvtColor(RGBImage,LABImage,COLOR_BGR2Lab);		//translate RGB into Lab

        Matrix<double> RGBCannels[3];
        Matrix<double> LabCanenls[3];
        SpMatrix<double> SPRGB[3];
        SpMatrix<double> SPLab[3];
        Matrix<double> RGBSaliency;
        Matrix<double> LabSaliency;
        Matrix<double> FinalSaliency;
        Sparam sparam;
        for(int ColorSpace=1; ColorSpace<=2; ColorSpace++)
            Matrix<double> *Cannels;
            Matrix<double> *Dic;
            SpMatrix<double> *Sparsecode;
            Matrix<double> * Saliency;
            //Choose Image Color Space

            //Split picture into different cannels and transform Mat into Matrix<T>
            SplitCannel(RGBImage,Cannels[0],Cannels[1],Cannels[2]);	//Split Picture into R,G,B cannel

            for(int Can=0; Can<3; Can++)
                //Image into Row

                //Represent picture by sparse coding
                Matrix<double> Result;

                //Result into Image

            //Get cannnel's local saliency
            for(int Can=0; Can<3; Can++)

            //Composite cannels' saliency into space's saliency
            for(int Can=0; Can<3; Can++)

        //Composite Lab's and RGB's saliency into finnal sailency

        //transform saliency into image
        Mat SaliencyImage(PATCHLEN,PATCHLEN,CV_8UC1);
        imshow("Final Saliency",SaliencyImage);

    return 0;
// Coordinate descent for logistic models (no active set cycling)
RcppExport SEXP cdfit_binomial_hsr_slores_nac(SEXP X_, SEXP y_, SEXP n_pos_, SEXP ylab_, 
                                          SEXP row_idx_, SEXP lambda_, SEXP nlambda_,
                                          SEXP lam_scale_, SEXP lambda_min_, 
                                          SEXP alpha_, SEXP user_, 
                                          SEXP eps_, SEXP max_iter_, SEXP multiplier_, 
                                          SEXP dfmax_, SEXP ncore_, SEXP warn_,
                                          SEXP safe_thresh_, SEXP verbose_) {
  XPtr<BigMatrix> xMat(X_);
  double *y = REAL(y_);
  int n_pos = INTEGER(n_pos_)[0];
  IntegerVector ylabel = Rcpp::as<IntegerVector>(ylab_); // label vector of {-1, 1}
  int *row_idx = INTEGER(row_idx_);
  double lambda_min = REAL(lambda_min_)[0];
  double alpha = REAL(alpha_)[0];
  int n = Rf_length(row_idx_); // number of observations used for fitting model
  int p = xMat->ncol();
  int L = INTEGER(nlambda_)[0];
  int lam_scale = INTEGER(lam_scale_)[0];
  double eps = REAL(eps_)[0];
  int max_iter = INTEGER(max_iter_)[0];
  double *m = REAL(multiplier_);
  int dfmax = INTEGER(dfmax_)[0];
  int warn = INTEGER(warn_)[0];
  int user = INTEGER(user_)[0];
  double slores_thresh = REAL(safe_thresh_)[0]; // threshold for safe test
  int verbose = INTEGER(verbose_)[0];

  NumericVector lambda(L);
  NumericVector Dev(L);
  IntegerVector iter(L);
  IntegerVector n_reject(L); // number of total rejections;
  IntegerVector n_slores_reject(L); // number of safe rejections;
  NumericVector beta0(L);
  NumericVector center(p);
  NumericVector scale(p);
  int p_keep = 0; // keep columns whose scale > 1e-6
  int *p_keep_ptr = &p_keep;
  vector<int> col_idx;
  vector<double> z;
  double lambda_max = 0.0;
  double *lambda_max_ptr = &lambda_max;
  int xmax_idx = 0;
  int *xmax_ptr = &xmax_idx;
  // set up omp
  int useCores = INTEGER(ncore_)[0];
  int haveCores = omp_get_num_procs();
  if(useCores < 1) {
    useCores = haveCores;
  if (verbose) {
    char buff1[100];
    time_t now1 = time (0);
    strftime (buff1, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now1));
    Rprintf("\nPreprocessing start: %s\n", buff1);
  // standardize: get center, scale; get p_keep_ptr, col_idx; get z, lambda_max, xmax_idx;
  standardize_and_get_residual(center, scale, p_keep_ptr, col_idx, z, lambda_max_ptr, xmax_ptr, xMat, 
                               y, row_idx, lambda_min, alpha, n, p);
  p = p_keep; // set p = p_keep, only loop over columns whose scale > 1e-6

  if (verbose) {
    char buff1[100];
    time_t now1 = time (0);
    strftime (buff1, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now1));
    Rprintf("Preprocessing end: %s\n", buff1);

  arma::sp_mat beta = arma::sp_mat(p, L); //beta
  double *a = Calloc(p, double); //Beta from previous iteration
  double a0 = 0.0; //beta0 from previousiteration
  double *w = Calloc(n, double);
  double *s = Calloc(n, double); //y_i - pi_i
  double *eta = Calloc(n, double);
  // int *e1 = Calloc(p, int); //ever-active set
  int *e2 = Calloc(p, int); //strong set
  double xwr, xwx, pi, u, v, cutoff, l1, l2, shift, si;
  double max_update, update, thresh; // for convergence check
  int i, j, jj, l, violations, lstart;
  double ybar = sum(y, n) / n;
  a0 = beta0[0] = log(ybar / (1-ybar));
  double nullDev = 0;
  double *r = Calloc(n, double);
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    r[i] = y[i];
    nullDev = nullDev - y[i]*log(ybar) - (1-y[i])*log(1-ybar);
    s[i] = y[i] - ybar;
    eta[i] = a0;
  thresh = eps * nullDev / n;
  double sumS = sum(s, n); // temp result sum of s
  double sumWResid = 0.0; // temp result: sum of w * r

  // set up lambda
  if (user == 0) {
    if (lam_scale) { // set up lambda, equally spaced on log scale
      double log_lambda_max = log(lambda_max);
      double log_lambda_min = log(lambda_min*lambda_max);
      double delta = (log_lambda_max - log_lambda_min) / (L-1);
      for (l = 0; l < L; l++) {
        lambda[l] = exp(log_lambda_max - l * delta);
    } else { // equally spaced on linear scale
      double delta = (lambda_max - lambda_min*lambda_max) / (L-1);
      for (l = 0; l < L; l++) {
        lambda[l] = lambda_max - l * delta;
    Dev[0] = nullDev;
    lstart = 1;
    n_reject[0] = p;
  } else {
    lstart = 0;
    lambda = Rcpp::as<NumericVector>(lambda_);

  // Slores variables
  vector<double> theta_lam;
  double g_theta_lam = 0.0;
  double prod_deriv_theta_lam = 0.0;
  double *g_theta_lam_ptr = &g_theta_lam;
  double *prod_deriv_theta_lam_ptr = &prod_deriv_theta_lam;
  vector<double> X_theta_lam_xi_pos; 
  vector<double> prod_PX_Pxmax_xi_pos;
  vector<double> cutoff_xi_pos;
  int *slores_reject = Calloc(p, int);
  int *slores_reject_old = Calloc(p, int);
  for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) slores_reject_old[j] = 1;
  int slores; // if 0, don't perform Slores rule
  if (slores_thresh < 1) {
    slores = 1; // turn on slores

    slores_init(theta_lam, g_theta_lam_ptr, prod_deriv_theta_lam_ptr, cutoff_xi_pos,
                X_theta_lam_xi_pos, prod_PX_Pxmax_xi_pos, 
                xMat, y, z, xmax_idx, row_idx, col_idx, 
                center, scale, ylabel, n_pos, n, p);
  } else {
    slores = 0;
  if (slores == 1 && user == 0) n_slores_reject[0] = p;

  for (l = lstart; l < L; l++) {
    if(verbose) {
      // output time
      char buff[100];
      time_t now = time (0);
      strftime (buff, 100, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.000", localtime (&now));
      Rprintf("Lambda %d. Now time: %s\n", l, buff);
    if (l != 0) {
      // Check dfmax
      int nv = 0;
      for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
        if (a[j] != 0) {
      if (nv > dfmax) {
        for (int ll=l; ll<L; ll++) iter[ll] = NA_INTEGER;
        Free_memo_bin_hsr_nac(s, w, a, r, e2, eta);
        return List::create(beta0, beta, center, scale, lambda, Dev, 
                            iter, n_reject, Rcpp::wrap(col_idx));
      cutoff = 2*lambda[l] - lambda[l-1];
    } else {
      cutoff = 2*lambda[l] - lambda_max;

    if (slores) {
      slores_screen(slores_reject, theta_lam, g_theta_lam, prod_deriv_theta_lam,
                    X_theta_lam_xi_pos, prod_PX_Pxmax_xi_pos, cutoff_xi_pos,
                    row_idx, col_idx, center, scale, xmax_idx, ylabel, 
                    lambda[l], lambda_max, n_pos, n, p);
      n_slores_reject[l] = sum(slores_reject, p);
      // update z[j] for features which are rejected at previous lambda but accepted at current one.
      update_zj(z, slores_reject, slores_reject_old, xMat, row_idx, col_idx, center, scale, sumS, s, m, n, p);
      #pragma omp parallel for private(j) schedule(static) 
      for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
        slores_reject_old[j] = slores_reject[j];
        // hsr screening
        // if (slores_reject[j] == 0 && (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[col_idx[j]]))) {
        if (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[col_idx[j]])) {
          e2[j] = 1;
        } else {
          e2[j] = 0;
    } else {
      n_slores_reject[l] = 0; 
      // hsr screening over all
      #pragma omp parallel for private(j) schedule(static) 
      for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
        if (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[col_idx[j]])) {
          e2[j] = 1;
        } else {
          e2[j] = 0;
    n_reject[l] = p - sum(e2, p);
    while (iter[l] < max_iter) {
      while (iter[l] < max_iter) {
        while (iter[l] < max_iter) {
          Dev[l] = 0.0;
          for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (eta[i] > 10) {
              pi = 1;
              w[i] = .0001;
            } else if (eta[i] < -10) {
              pi = 0;
              w[i] = .0001;
            } else {
              pi = exp(eta[i]) / (1 + exp(eta[i]));
              w[i] = pi * (1 - pi);
            s[i] = y[i] - pi;
            r[i] = s[i] / w[i];
            if (y[i] == 1) {
              Dev[l] = Dev[l] - log(pi);
            } else {
              Dev[l] = Dev[l] - log(1-pi);
          if (Dev[l] / nullDev < .01) {
            if (warn) warning("Model saturated; exiting...");
            for (int ll=l; ll<L; ll++) iter[ll] = NA_INTEGER;
            Free_memo_bin_hsr_nac(s, w, a, r, e2, eta);
            return List::create(beta0, beta, center, scale, lambda, Dev, iter, n_reject, n_slores_reject, Rcpp::wrap(col_idx));
          // Intercept
          xwr = crossprod(w, r, n, 0);
          xwx = sum(w, n);
          beta0[l] = xwr / xwx + a0;
          si = beta0[l] - a0;
          if (si != 0) {
            a0 = beta0[l];
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
              r[i] -= si; //update r
              eta[i] += si; //update eta
          sumWResid = wsum(r, w, n); // update temp result: sum of w * r, used for computing xwr;
          max_update = 0.0;
          for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
            if (e2[j]) {
              jj = col_idx[j];
              xwr = wcrossprod_resid(xMat, r, sumWResid, row_idx, center[jj], scale[jj], w, n, jj);
              v = wsqsum_bm(xMat, w, row_idx, center[jj], scale[jj], n, jj) / n;
              u = xwr/n + v * a[j];
              l1 = lambda[l] * m[jj] * alpha;
              l2 = lambda[l] * m[jj] * (1-alpha);
              beta(j, l) = lasso(u, l1, l2, v);

              shift = beta(j, l) - a[j];
              if (shift != 0) {
                // update change of objective function
                // update = - u * shift + (0.5 * v + 0.5 * l2) * (pow(beta(j, l), 2) - pow(a[j], 2)) + l1 * (fabs(beta(j, l)) - fabs(a[j]));
                update = pow(beta(j, l) - a[j], 2) * v;
                if (update > max_update) max_update = update;
                update_resid_eta(r, eta, xMat, shift, row_idx, center[jj], scale[jj], n, jj); // update r
                sumWResid = wsum(r, w, n); // update temp result w * r, used for computing xwr;
                a[j] = beta(j, l); // update a
          // Check for convergence
          if (max_update < thresh)  break;

      // Scan for violations in rest
      if (slores) {
        violations = check_rest_set_hsr_slores_nac(e2, slores_reject, z, xMat, row_idx, col_idx, center, scale, a, lambda[l], sumS, alpha, s, m, n, p);
      } else {
        violations = check_rest_set_bin_nac(e2, z, xMat, row_idx, col_idx, center, scale, a, lambda[l], sumS, alpha, s, m, n, p);
      if (violations == 0) break;
      if (n_slores_reject[l] <= p * slores_thresh) {
        slores = 0; // turn off slores screening for next iteration if not efficient
  Free_memo_bin_hsr_nac(s, w, a, r, e2, eta);
  return List::create(beta0, beta, center, scale, lambda, Dev, iter, n_reject, n_slores_reject, Rcpp::wrap(col_idx));
Exemple #7
// Coordinate descent for binomial models
SEXP cdfit_binomial(SEXP X_, SEXP y_, SEXP penalty_, SEXP lambda, SEXP eps_, SEXP max_iter_, SEXP gamma_, SEXP multiplier, SEXP alpha_, SEXP dfmax_, SEXP user_, SEXP warn_) {

  // Declarations
  int n = length(y_);
  int p = length(X_)/n;
  int L = length(lambda);
  SEXP res, beta0, beta, Dev, iter;
  PROTECT(beta0 = allocVector(REALSXP, L));
  double *b0 = REAL(beta0);
  for (int i=0; i<L; i++) b0[i] = 0;
  PROTECT(beta = allocVector(REALSXP, L*p));
  double *b = REAL(beta);
  for (int j=0; j<(L*p); j++) b[j] = 0;
  PROTECT(Dev = allocVector(REALSXP, L));
  PROTECT(iter = allocVector(INTSXP, L));
  for (int i=0; i<L; i++) INTEGER(iter)[i] = 0;
  double *a = Calloc(p, double);    // Beta from previous iteration
  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) a[j] = 0;
  double a0 = 0;                    // Beta0 from previous iteration
  double *X = REAL(X_);
  double *y = REAL(y_);
  const char *penalty = CHAR(STRING_ELT(penalty_, 0));
  double *lam = REAL(lambda);
  double eps = REAL(eps_)[0];
  int max_iter = INTEGER(max_iter_)[0];
  double gamma = REAL(gamma_)[0];
  double *m = REAL(multiplier);
  double alpha = REAL(alpha_)[0];
  int dfmax = INTEGER(dfmax_)[0];
  int user = INTEGER(user_)[0];
  int warn = INTEGER(warn_)[0];
  double *r = Calloc(n, double);
  double *w = Calloc(n, double);
  double *s = Calloc(n, double);
  double *z = Calloc(p, double);
  double *eta = Calloc(n, double);
  int *e1 = Calloc(p, int);
  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) e1[j] = 0;
  int *e2 = Calloc(p, int);
  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) e2[j] = 0;
  double xwr, xwx, pi, u, v, cutoff, l1, l2, shift, si;
  int converged, lstart;

  // Initialization
  double ybar = sum(y, n)/n;
  a0 = b0[0] = log(ybar/(1-ybar));
  double nullDev = 0;
  for (int i=0;i<n;i++) nullDev = nullDev - y[i]*log(ybar) - (1-y[i])*log(1-ybar);
  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) s[i] = y[i] - ybar;
  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) eta[i] = a0;
  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) z[j] = crossprod(X, s, n, j)/n;

  // If lam[0]=lam_max, skip lam[0] -- closed form sol'n available
  if (user) {
    lstart = 0;
  } else {
    lstart = 1;
    REAL(Dev)[0] = nullDev;

  // Path
  for (int l=lstart; l<L; l++) {
    if (l != 0) {
      // Assign a, a0
      a0 = b0[l-1];
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) a[j] = b[(l-1)*p+j];

      // Check dfmax
      int nv = 0;
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) {
	if (a[j] != 0) nv++;
      if (nv > dfmax) {
	for (int ll=l; ll<L; ll++) INTEGER(iter)[ll] = NA_INTEGER;
	res = cleanupB(s, w, a, r, e1, e2, z, eta, beta0, beta, Dev, iter);

      // Determine eligible set
      if (strcmp(penalty, "lasso")==0) cutoff = 2*lam[l] - lam[l-1];
      if (strcmp(penalty, "MCP")==0) cutoff = lam[l] + gamma/(gamma-1)*(lam[l] - lam[l-1]);
      if (strcmp(penalty, "SCAD")==0) cutoff = lam[l] + gamma/(gamma-2)*(lam[l] - lam[l-1]);
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) if (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[j])) e2[j] = 1;
    } else {

      // Determine eligible set
      double lmax = 0;
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) if (fabs(z[j]) > lmax) lmax = fabs(z[j]);
      if (strcmp(penalty, "lasso")==0) cutoff = 2*lam[l] - lmax;
      if (strcmp(penalty, "MCP")==0) cutoff = lam[l] + gamma/(gamma-1)*(lam[l] - lmax);
      if (strcmp(penalty, "SCAD")==0) cutoff = lam[l] + gamma/(gamma-2)*(lam[l] - lmax);
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) if (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[j])) e2[j] = 1;

    while (INTEGER(iter)[l] < max_iter) {
      while (INTEGER(iter)[l] < max_iter) {
	while (INTEGER(iter)[l] < max_iter) {
	  REAL(Dev)[l] = 0;
	  for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
	    if (eta[i] > 10) {
	      pi = 1;
	      w[i] = .0001;
	    } else if (eta[i] < -10) {
	      pi = 0;
	      w[i] = .0001;
	    } else {
	      pi = exp(eta[i])/(1+exp(eta[i]));
	      w[i] = pi*(1-pi);
	    s[i] = y[i] - pi;
	    r[i] = s[i]/w[i];
	    if (y[i]==1) REAL(Dev)[l] = REAL(Dev)[l] - log(pi);
	    if (y[i]==0) REAL(Dev)[l] = REAL(Dev)[l] - log(1-pi);
	  if (REAL(Dev)[l]/nullDev < .01) {
	    if (warn) warning("Model saturated; exiting...");
	    for (int ll=l; ll<L; ll++) INTEGER(iter)[ll] = NA_INTEGER;
	    res = cleanupB(s, w, a, r, e1, e2, z, eta, beta0, beta, Dev, iter);

	  // Intercept
	  xwr = crossprod(w, r, n, 0);
	  xwx = sum(w, n);
	  b0[l] = xwr/xwx + a0;
	  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
	    si = b0[l] - a0;
	    r[i] -= si;
	    eta[i] += si;

	  // Covariates
	  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) {
	    if (e1[j]) {

	      // Calculate u, v
	      xwr = wcrossprod(X, r, w, n, j);
	      xwx = wsqsum(X, w, n, j);
	      u = xwr/n + (xwx/n)*a[j];
	      v = xwx/n;

	      // Update b_j
	      l1 = lam[l] * m[j] * alpha;
	      l2 = lam[l] * m[j] * (1-alpha);
	      if (strcmp(penalty,"MCP")==0) b[l*p+j] = MCP(u, l1, l2, gamma, v);
	      if (strcmp(penalty,"SCAD")==0) b[l*p+j] = SCAD(u, l1, l2, gamma, v);
	      if (strcmp(penalty,"lasso")==0) b[l*p+j] = lasso(u, l1, l2, v);

	      // Update r
	      shift = b[l*p+j] - a[j];
	      if (shift !=0) {
		/* for (int i=0;i<n;i++) r[i] -= shift*X[j*n+i]; */
		/* for (int i=0;i<n;i++) eta[i] += shift*X[j*n+i]; */
		for (int i=0;i<n;i++) {
		  si = shift*X[j*n+i];
		  r[i] -= si;
		  eta[i] += si;

	  // Check for convergence
	  converged = checkConvergence(b, a, eps, l, p);
	  a0 = b0[l];
	  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) a[j] = b[l*p+j];
	  if (converged) break;

	// Scan for violations in strong set
	int violations = 0;
	for (int j=0; j<p; j++) {
	  if (e1[j]==0 & e2[j]==1) {
	    z[j] = crossprod(X, s, n, j)/n;
	    l1 = lam[l] * m[j] * alpha;
	    if (fabs(z[j]) > l1) {
	      e1[j] = e2[j] = 1;
	if (violations==0) break;

      // Scan for violations in rest
      int violations = 0;
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) {
	if (e2[j]==0) {
	  z[j] = crossprod(X, s, n, j)/n;
	  l1 = lam[l] * m[j] * alpha;
	  if (fabs(z[j]) > l1) {
	    e1[j] = e2[j] = 1;
      if (violations==0) break;
  res = cleanupB(s, w, a, r, e1, e2, z, eta, beta0, beta, Dev, iter);
Exemple #8
// Coordinate descent for gaussian models
SEXP cdfit_gaussian(SEXP X_, SEXP y_, SEXP penalty_, SEXP lambda, SEXP eps_, SEXP max_iter_, SEXP gamma_, SEXP multiplier, SEXP alpha_, SEXP dfmax_, SEXP user_) {

  // Declarations
  int n = length(y_);
  int p = length(X_)/n;
  int L = length(lambda);
  SEXP res, beta, loss, iter;
  PROTECT(beta = allocVector(REALSXP, L*p));
  double *b = REAL(beta);
  for (int j=0; j<(L*p); j++) b[j] = 0;
  PROTECT(loss = allocVector(REALSXP, L));
  PROTECT(iter = allocVector(INTSXP, L));
  for (int i=0; i<L; i++) INTEGER(iter)[i] = 0;
  double *a = Calloc(p, double); // Beta from previous iteration
  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) a[j]=0;
  double *X = REAL(X_);
  double *y = REAL(y_);
  const char *penalty = CHAR(STRING_ELT(penalty_, 0));
  double *lam = REAL(lambda);
  double eps = REAL(eps_)[0];
  int max_iter = INTEGER(max_iter_)[0];
  double gamma = REAL(gamma_)[0];
  double *m = REAL(multiplier);
  double alpha = REAL(alpha_)[0];
  int dfmax = INTEGER(dfmax_)[0];
  int user = INTEGER(user_)[0];
  double *r = Calloc(n, double);
  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) r[i] = y[i];
  double *z = Calloc(p, double);
  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) z[j] = crossprod(X, r, n, j)/n;
  int *e1 = Calloc(p, int);
  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) e1[j] = 0;
  int *e2 = Calloc(p, int);
  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) e2[j] = 0;
  double cutoff, l1, l2;
  int lstart;

  // If lam[0]=lam_max, skip lam[0] -- closed form sol'n available
  double rss = gLoss(r,n);
  if (user) {
    lstart = 0;
  } else {
    REAL(loss)[0] = rss;
    lstart = 1;
  double sdy = sqrt(rss/n);

  // Path
  for (int l=lstart;l<L;l++) {
    if (l != 0) {
      // Assign a
      for (int j=0;j<p;j++) a[j] = b[(l-1)*p+j];

      // Check dfmax
      int nv = 0;
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) {
	if (a[j] != 0) nv++;
      if (nv > dfmax) {
	for (int ll=l; ll<L; ll++) INTEGER(iter)[ll] = NA_INTEGER;
	res = cleanupG(a, r, e1, e2, z, beta, loss, iter);

      // Determine eligible set
      if (strcmp(penalty, "lasso")==0) cutoff = 2*lam[l] - lam[l-1];
      if (strcmp(penalty, "MCP")==0) cutoff = lam[l] + gamma/(gamma-1)*(lam[l] - lam[l-1]);
      if (strcmp(penalty, "SCAD")==0) cutoff = lam[l] + gamma/(gamma-2)*(lam[l] - lam[l-1]);
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) if (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[j])) e2[j] = 1;
    } else {
      // Determine eligible set
      double lmax = 0;
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) if (fabs(z[j]) > lmax) lmax = fabs(z[j]);
      if (strcmp(penalty, "lasso")==0) cutoff = 2*lam[l] - lmax;
      if (strcmp(penalty, "MCP")==0) cutoff = lam[l] + gamma/(gamma-1)*(lam[l] - lmax);
      if (strcmp(penalty, "SCAD")==0) cutoff = lam[l] + gamma/(gamma-2)*(lam[l] - lmax);
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) if (fabs(z[j]) > (cutoff * alpha * m[j])) e2[j] = 1;

    while (INTEGER(iter)[l] < max_iter) {
      while (INTEGER(iter)[l] < max_iter) {
	while (INTEGER(iter)[l] < max_iter) {
	  // Solve over the active set
          double maxChange = 0;
	  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) {
	    if (e1[j]) {
	      z[j] = crossprod(X, r, n, j)/n + a[j];

	      // Update beta_j
	      l1 = lam[l] * m[j] * alpha;
	      l2 = lam[l] * m[j] * (1-alpha);
	      if (strcmp(penalty,"MCP")==0) b[l*p+j] = MCP(z[j], l1, l2, gamma, 1);
	      if (strcmp(penalty,"SCAD")==0) b[l*p+j] = SCAD(z[j], l1, l2, gamma, 1);
	      if (strcmp(penalty,"lasso")==0) b[l*p+j] = lasso(z[j], l1, l2, 1);

	      // Update r
	      double shift = b[l*p+j] - a[j];
	      if (shift !=0) {
                for (int i=0;i<n;i++) r[i] -= shift*X[j*n+i];
                if (fabs(shift) > maxChange) maxChange = fabs(shift);

	  // Check for convergence
	  for (int j=0; j<p; j++) a[j] = b[l*p+j];
	  if (maxChange < eps*sdy) break;

	// Scan for violations in strong set
	int violations = 0;
	for (int j=0; j<p; j++) {
	  if (e1[j]==0 & e2[j]==1) {

	    z[j] = crossprod(X, r, n, j)/n;

	    // Update beta_j
	    l1 = lam[l] * m[j] * alpha;
	    l2 = lam[l] * m[j] * (1-alpha);
	    if (strcmp(penalty,"MCP")==0) b[l*p+j] = MCP(z[j], l1, l2, gamma, 1);
	    if (strcmp(penalty,"SCAD")==0) b[l*p+j] = SCAD(z[j], l1, l2, gamma, 1);
	    if (strcmp(penalty,"lasso")==0) b[l*p+j] = lasso(z[j], l1, l2, 1);

	    // If something enters the eligible set, update eligible set & residuals
	    if (b[l*p+j] !=0) {
	      e1[j] = e2[j] = 1;
	      for (int i=0; i<n; i++) r[i] -= b[l*p+j]*X[j*n+i];
	      a[j] = b[l*p+j];
	if (violations==0) break;

      // Scan for violations in rest
      int violations = 0;
      for (int j=0; j<p; j++) {
	if (e2[j]==0) {

	  z[j] = crossprod(X, r, n, j)/n;

	  // Update beta_j
	  l1 = lam[l] * m[j] * alpha;
	  l2 = lam[l] * m[j] * (1-alpha);
	  if (strcmp(penalty,"MCP")==0) b[l*p+j] = MCP(z[j], l1, l2, gamma, 1);
	  if (strcmp(penalty,"SCAD")==0) b[l*p+j] = SCAD(z[j], l1, l2, gamma, 1);
	  if (strcmp(penalty,"lasso")==0) b[l*p+j] = lasso(z[j], l1, l2, 1);

	  // If something enters the eligible set, update eligible set & residuals
	  if (b[l*p+j] !=0) {
	    e1[j] = e2[j] = 1;
	    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) r[i] -= b[l*p+j]*X[j*n+i];
	    a[j] = b[l*p+j];

      if (violations==0) {
    REAL(loss)[l] = gLoss(r, n);
  res = cleanupG(a, r, e1, e2, z, beta, loss, iter);
Exemple #9
SEXP grplasso(SEXP X0, SEXP y0, SEXP n0, SEXP groups0, SEXP lambda0, SEXP model0, SEXP conveps0, SEXP eps0, SEXP maxiter0,SEXP maxitersg0)
  Rcpp::NumericVector lasso_result;
  //convert parameters to Rcpp types
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix X(X0);
  Rcpp::NumericVector y(y0);
  Rcpp::IntegerMatrix groups(groups0);
  double lambda = Rcpp::as<double>(lambda0);
  int model = Rcpp::as<int>(model0);
  double eps = Rcpp::as<double>(eps0);
  double conveps = Rcpp::as<double>(conveps0);
  int maxiter = Rcpp::as<int>(maxiter0);
  int maxitersg = Rcpp::as<int>(maxitersg0);
  Rcpp::IntegerVector n(n0);
  int K = 1;
  assert(lambda >= 0.0);
  assert(model >= 0);
  assert(model < MULTITASK_MODEL_COUNT);
  assert(eps > 0.0);
  assert(maxiter > 0);
  assert(maxitersg > 0);
  int p = groups.nrow();
  int L = groups.ncol();
  //initialize start values  
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix alpha_cur(p, K);
  for (int i = 0; i < p * K; i++) {
    alpha_cur[i] = random(-0.1, 0.1);
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix beta_cur = alpha_cur;
  Rcpp::NumericVector d_cur(L);
  std::fill(d_cur.begin(), d_cur.end(), 1.0);
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix eta_cur(L, K);
  std::fill(eta_cur.begin(), eta_cur.end(), 1.0);

  Rcpp::IntegerVector nz_cur(p*K + L);
  std::fill(nz_cur.begin(), nz_cur.end(), 1);

  Rcpp::NumericMatrix beta_new;
  bool converged = false;
  int iterations = 0;
  do {
    if (iterations >= maxiter && maxiter > 0) {
    //update alpha
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix alpha_new(p, K);
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix Xtilde = x_tilde(X, n, groups, d_cur, eta_cur);
    lasso_result = lasso(Xtilde, y, lambda, model, false, eps, maxitersg);
    assert(lasso_result.size() == p);
    for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
      alpha_new(j,1) = lasso_result[j];
    //update d
    Rcpp::NumericMatrix Xtilde2 = x_tilde_2(X, n, groups, alpha_new, eta_cur);
    lasso_result = lasso(Xtilde2, y, 1.0, model, true, eps, maxitersg);
    assert(lasso_result.size() == L);
    Rcpp::NumericVector d_new(L);
    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) {
      d_new[i] = lasso_result[i]/max(lasso_result);
      if(std::isnan(d_new[i])) d_new[i] = 0;
    //update beta
    beta_new = next_beta(n, groups, alpha_new, d_new, eta_cur);
    assert(beta_new.nrow() == p);
    assert(beta_new.ncol() == K);
    //check structure convergence
    Rcpp::IntegerVector nz_new = nz_vec(alpha_new,d_new,eps);
    int nz_diff = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nz_new.length(); i++) {
      nz_diff += nz_cur[i] - nz_new[i];

    double max_diff = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < p * K; i++) {
      double diff = fabs(beta_new[i] - beta_cur[i]);
      if (diff > max_diff) {
	max_diff = diff;
   if (max_diff < conveps && nz_diff==0) {
     converged = true;
    alpha_cur = alpha_new;
    d_cur = d_new;
    beta_cur = beta_new;
    nz_cur = nz_new;
  } while (converged != true);
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix beta_refit = refit_model(X, y, beta_new, n, model, eps, maxitersg);

  Rcpp::List result;
  result["beta"] = beta_refit;
  result["d"] = nz(d_cur,eps);
  switch (model) {
    result["bic"] = bic_linear(X, y, beta_new, eps, n);
    result["bic"] = bic_logistic(X, y, beta_new, eps, n);
  result["converged"] = converged;
  return result;