Exemple #1
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
	struct csm_option* ops = csm_options_allocate(3);
	csm_options_double(ops, "scale_deg", &p.scale_deg, 0.0, "Scale factor (degrees) ");
	csm_options_int(ops, "neighbours", &p.neighbours, 1, "How many neighbours to consider (regardless of scale).");
	if(!csm_options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "A simple program for smoothing a sensor scan.\n\nUsage:\n");
		csm_options_print_help(ops, stderr);
		return -1;
/* jj_set_stream(open_file_for_writing("ld_cluster_curv.txt")); */

	int errors = 0;
	int count = -1;
	LDP ld;
	while( (ld = ld_read_smart(stdin)) ) {
		if(!ld_valid_fields(ld))  {
			sm_error("Invalid laser data (#%d in file)\n", count);
			return -1;

		ld_write_as_json(ld, stdout);

	return errors;
Exemple #2
void ld_write_format(LDP ld, FILE*f, const char * out_format) {
	if(!strncmp(out_format, "carmen", 6))
		ld_write_as_carmen(ld, f);
		ld_write_as_json(ld, f);
	/* XXX: check validity of format string */
Exemple #3
void spit(LDP ld, FILE * stream) {
	switch(p.format) {
		case(0): {
			ld_write_as_json(ld, stream);
		case(1): {
			/* XXX: to implement */
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
	options_banner("ld_purify: Makes sure that the file format is valid. \n * Sets valid=0 if reading is outside interval ");
	struct ld_purify_params p;
	struct option* ops = options_allocate(20);
	options_double(ops, "threshold_min", &p.threshold_min, 0.01, 
		"Sets valid=0 if readings are less than this threshold.");
	options_double(ops, "threshold_max", &p.threshold_max, 79.0, 
		"Sets valid=0 if readings are more than this threshold.");
	options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_input, "stdin", "Input file ");
	options_string(ops, "out", &p.file_output, "stdout", "Output file ");
	if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) {
		options_print_help(ops, stderr);
		return -1;

	FILE * in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_input);
	if(!in) return -3;

	FILE * out = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output);
	if(!out) return -2;

	LDP ld; int count = -1;
	while( (ld = ld_from_json_stream(in))) {
		purify(ld, p.threshold_min, p.threshold_max);
		if(!ld_valid_fields(ld))  {
			sm_error("Wait, we didn't purify enough  (#%d in file)\n", count);
		ld_write_as_json(ld, out);
	return 0;
Exemple #5
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
	int errors = 0;
	int count = -1;
	LDP ld;
	while( (ld = ld_read_smart(stdin)) ) {
		if(!ld_valid_fields(ld))  {
			sm_error("Invalid laser data (#%d in file)\n", count);

		ld_write_as_json(ld, stdout);

	return errors;
Exemple #6
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
	csm_options_banner("ld_noise: Adds noise to readings in a scan");
	struct ld_noise_params p;
	struct csm_option* ops = csm_options_allocate(20);
	csm_options_double(ops, "discretization", &p.discretization, 0.0, 
		"Size of discretization (disabled if 0)");
	csm_options_double(ops, "sigma", &p.sigma, 0.0, 
		"Std deviation of gaussian noise (disabled if 0)");
	csm_options_int(ops, "lambertian", &p.lambertian, 0, 
		"Use lambertian model cov = sigma^2 / cos(beta^2) where beta is the incidence. Need have alpha or true_alpha.");
	csm_options_int(ops, "seed", &p.seed, 0, 
		"Seed for random number generator (if 0, use GSL_RNG_SEED env. variable).");
	csm_options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_input, "stdin", "Input file ");
	csm_options_string(ops, "out", &p.file_output, "stdout", "Output file ");
	if(!csm_options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "A simple program for adding noise to sensor scans.\n\nUsage:\n");
		csm_options_print_help(ops, stderr);
		return -1;

	FILE * in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_input);
	if(!in) return -3;

	FILE * out = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output);
	if(!out) return -2;

	gsl_rng * rng = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_ranlxs0);
	if(p.seed != 0)
	gsl_rng_set(rng, (unsigned int) p.seed);

	LDP ld; int count = 0;
	while( (ld = ld_from_json_stream(in))) {
		if(!ld_valid_fields(ld))  {
			sm_error("Invalid laser data (#%d in file)\n", count);
		int i;
		for(i=0;i<ld->nrays;i++) {
			if(!ld->valid[i]) continue;
			double * reading = ld->readings + i;
			if(p.sigma > 0) {
				double add_sigma = p.sigma;
				if(p.lambertian) {

					int have_alpha = 0;
					double alpha = 0;
					if(!is_nan(ld->true_alpha[i])) {
						alpha = ld->true_alpha[i];
						have_alpha = 1;
					} else if(ld->alpha_valid[i]) {
						alpha = ld->alpha[i];;
						have_alpha = 1;
					} else have_alpha = 0;

					if(have_alpha) {
						/* Recall that alpha points outside the surface */
						double beta = (alpha+M_PI) - ld->theta[i];
					    add_sigma = p.sigma / cos(beta);
					} else {
						sm_error("Because lambertian is active, I need either true_alpha[] or alpha[]");
						ld_write_as_json(ld, stderr);
						return -1;
			   *reading += gsl_ran_gaussian(rng, add_sigma);
				if(is_nan(ld->readings_sigma[i])) {
					ld->readings_sigma[i] = add_sigma;
				} else {
					ld->readings_sigma[i] = sqrt(square(add_sigma) + square(ld->readings_sigma[i]));
			if(p.discretization > 0)
				*reading -= fmod(*reading , p.discretization);
		ld_write_as_json(ld, out);
	return 0;
Exemple #7
int compute_next_estimate(struct sm_params*params, 
	const double x_old[3], double x_new[3]) 
	LDP laser_ref  = params->laser_ref;
	LDP laser_sens = params->laser_sens;
	struct gpc_corr c[laser_sens->nrays];

	int i; int k=0;
	for(i=0;i<laser_sens->nrays;i++) {
		int j1 = laser_sens->corr[i].j1;
		int j2 = laser_sens->corr[i].j2;

		c[k].valid = 1;
		if(laser_sens->corr[i].type == corr_pl) {

			c[k].p[0] = laser_sens->points[i].p[0];
			c[k].p[1] = laser_sens->points[i].p[1];
			c[k].q[0] = laser_ref->points[j1].p[0];
			c[k].q[1] = laser_ref->points[j1].p[1];

			/** TODO: here we could use the estimated alpha */
			double diff[2];
			diff[0] = laser_ref->points[j1].p[0]-laser_ref->points[j2].p[0];
			diff[1] = laser_ref->points[j1].p[1]-laser_ref->points[j2].p[1];
			double one_on_norm = 1 / sqrt(diff[0]*diff[0]+diff[1]*diff[1]);
			double normal[2];
			normal[0] = +diff[1] * one_on_norm;
			normal[1] = -diff[0] * one_on_norm;

			double cos_alpha = normal[0];
			double sin_alpha = normal[1];
			c[k].C[0][0] = cos_alpha*cos_alpha;
			c[k].C[1][0] = 
			c[k].C[0][1] = cos_alpha*sin_alpha;
			c[k].C[1][1] = sin_alpha*sin_alpha;
/*			sm_debug("k=%d, i=%d sens_phi: %fdeg, j1=%d j2=%d,  alpha_seg=%f, cos=%f sin=%f \n", k,i,
				rad2deg(laser_sens->theta[i]), j1,j2, atan2(sin_alpha,cos_alpha), cos_alpha,sin_alpha);*/
#if 0
			/* Note: it seems that because of numerical errors this matrix might be
			   not semidef positive. */
			double det = c[k].C[0][0] * c[k].C[1][1] - c[k].C[0][1] * c[k].C[1][0];
			double trace = c[k].C[0][0] + c[k].C[1][1];
			int semidef = (det >= 0) && (trace>0);
			if(!semidef) {
	/*			printf("%d: Adjusting correspondence weights\n",i);*/
				double eps = -det;
				c[k].C[0][0] += 2*sqrt(eps);
				c[k].C[1][1] += 2*sqrt(eps);
		} else {
			c[k].p[0] = laser_sens->points[i].p[0];
			c[k].p[1] = laser_sens->points[i].p[1];

			/* Identity matrix */
			c[k].C[0][0] = 1;
			c[k].C[1][0] = 0;
			c[k].C[0][1] = 0;
			c[k].C[1][1] = 1;
		double factor = 1;
		/* Scale the correspondence weight by a factor concerning the 
		   information in this reading. */
		if(params->use_ml_weights) {
			int have_alpha = 0;
			double alpha = 0;
			if(!is_nan(laser_ref->true_alpha[j1])) {
				alpha = laser_ref->true_alpha[j1];
				have_alpha = 1;
			} else if(laser_ref->alpha_valid[j1]) {
				alpha = laser_ref->alpha[j1];;
				have_alpha = 1;
			} else have_alpha = 0;
			if(have_alpha) {
				double pose_theta = x_old[2];
				/** Incidence of the ray 
					Note that alpha is relative to the first scan (not the world)
					and that pose_theta is the angle of the second scan with 
					respect to the first, hence it's ok. */
				double beta = alpha - (pose_theta + laser_sens->theta[i]);
				factor = 1 / square(cos(beta));
			} else {
				static int warned_before = 0;
				if(!warned_before) {
					sm_error("Param use_ml_weights was active, but not valid alpha[] or true_alpha[]." 
					          "Perhaps, if this is a single ray not having alpha, you should mark it as inactive.\n");						
					sm_error("Writing laser_ref: \n");						
					ld_write_as_json(laser_ref, stderr);
					warned_before = 1;
		/* Weight the points by the sigma in laser_sens */
		if(params->use_sigma_weights) {
			if(!is_nan(laser_sens->readings_sigma[i])) {
				factor *= 1 / square(laser_sens->readings_sigma[i]);
			} else {
				static int warned_before = 0;
				if(!warned_before) {
					sm_error("Param use_sigma_weights was active, but the field readings_sigma[] was not filled in.\n");						
					sm_error("Writing laser_sens: \n");						
					ld_write_as_json(laser_sens, stderr);
		c[k].C[0][0] *= factor;
		c[k].C[1][0] *= factor;
		c[k].C[0][1] *= factor;
		c[k].C[1][1] *= factor;
	/* TODO: use prior for odometry */
	double std = 0.11;
	const double inv_cov_x0[9] = 
		{1/(std*std), 0, 0,
		 0, 1/(std*std), 0,
		 0, 0, 0};
	int ok = gpc_solve(k, c, 0, inv_cov_x0, x_new);
	if(!ok) {
		sm_error("gpc_solve_valid failed\n");
		return 0;

	double old_error = gpc_total_error(c, k, x_old);
	double new_error = gpc_total_error(c, k, x_new);

	sm_debug("\tcompute_next_estimate: old error: %f  x_old= %s \n", old_error, friendly_pose(x_old));
	sm_debug("\tcompute_next_estimate: new error: %f  x_new= %s \n", new_error, friendly_pose(x_new));
	sm_debug("\tcompute_next_estimate: new error - old_error: %g \n", new_error-old_error);

	double epsilon = 0.000001;
	if(new_error > old_error + epsilon) {
		sm_error("\tcompute_next_estimate: something's fishy here! Old error: %lf  new error: %lf  x_old %lf %lf %lf x_new %lf %lf %lf\n",old_error,new_error,x_old[0],x_old[1],x_old[2],x_new[0],x_new[1],x_new[2]);
	return 1;
Exemple #8
int main(int argc, const char ** argv) {
	struct ld_exp_tro1_params p;
	struct option* ops = options_allocate(10);
	options_double(ops, "max_xy_error", &p.max_xy_error, 10.0, "Maximum error for x,y (m)");
	options_double(ops, "max_theta_error_deg", &p.max_theta_error_deg, 10.0, "Maximum error for orientation (deg)");
	options_int   (ops, "seed", &p.seed, 0, "Seed for random number generator (if 0, use GSL_RNG_SEED env. variable).");

	options_int(ops, "num_per_scan", &p.num_per_scan, 10, "Number of trials for each scan.");

	options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_input, "stdin", "Input file ");
	options_string(ops, "out1", &p.file_output1, "stdout", "Output file for first scan");
	options_string(ops, "out2", &p.file_output2, "stdout", "Output file for second scan");
	options_int(ops, "debug", &p.debug, 0, "Shows debug information");
	if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) {
		options_print_help(ops, stderr);
		return -1;

	gsl_rng * rng = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_ranlxs0);
	if(p.seed != 0)
	gsl_rng_set(rng, (unsigned int) p.seed);
	/* Open the two output files (possibly the same one) */
	FILE * in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_input);
	if(!in) return -3;

	FILE * out1 = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output1);
	if(!out1) return -2;
	FILE * out2;
	if(!strcmp(p.file_output1, p.file_output2)) {
		out1 = out2;
	} else {
		out2 = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output2);
		if(!out2) return -2;

	/* Read laser data from input file */
	LDP ld; int count=0;
	while( (ld = ld_read_smart(in))) {
		if(!ld_valid_fields(ld))  {
			sm_error("Invalid laser data (#%d in file)\n", count);
		for(int n=0; n < p.num_per_scan; n++) {					
			ld->true_pose[0] = 0;
			ld->true_pose[1] = 0;
			ld->true_pose[2] = 0;
			ld->odometry[0] = 0;
			ld->odometry[1] = 0;
			ld->odometry[2] = 0;
			ld_write_as_json(ld, out1);

			ld->odometry[0] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * p.max_xy_error;
			ld->odometry[1] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * p.max_xy_error;
			ld->odometry[2] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * deg2rad(p.max_theta_error_deg);
			ld_write_as_json(ld, out2);

	return 0;
Exemple #9
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

	const char *in_filename;
	const char *ref_filename;
	const char *out_filename;
	const char *ref_field_string; ld_reference ref_field;
	const char *out_field_string; ld_reference out_field;

	struct option* ops = options_allocate(15);
	options_string(ops, "in", &in_filename, "stdin", "scan matching log");
	options_string(ops, "ref", &ref_filename, "ref.log", "slam log");
	options_string(ops, "out", &out_filename, "stdout", "output file");

	options_string(ops, "ref_field", &ref_field_string, "estimate", "What field to find in ref.");
	options_string(ops, "out_field", &out_field_string, "true_pose", "What field to copy to.");
	if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) {
		fprintf(stderr, " This program works on two logs: A and B. "
		"For each scan in A, the program searches for the scan in B having the same timestamp. "
		"Then, the true_pose field in B is copied to the scan form A, and it is written to the output.\n");
		options_print_help(ops, stderr);
		return -1;
	ref_field = ld_string_to_reference(ref_field_string);
	out_field = ld_string_to_reference(out_field_string);
	FILE * in_stream  = open_file_for_reading(in_filename);
	FILE * ref_stream = open_file_for_reading(ref_filename);
	FILE * out_stream = open_file_for_writing(out_filename);
	if(!in_stream || !ref_stream || !out_stream) return -1;

	LDP ld_in;
	while((ld_in = ld_read_smart(in_stream))) {
		int matched = 0;
		while(1) {
			LDP ld_ref = ld_read_smart(ref_stream);
			if(!ld_ref) break;
			if(same_scan(ld_in, ld_ref)) {
				matched = 1;
				const double *ref_pose = ld_get_reference_pose(ld_ref, ref_field);
				double *out_pose = ld_get_reference_pose_silent(ld_in, out_field);
				copy_d(ref_pose, 3, out_pose);
				ld_write_as_json(ld_in, out_stream);
				fputs("\n", out_stream);

		if(!matched) {
			sm_error("Could not match %s. \n", short_desc(ld_in));
			if(feof(ref_stream)) {
				sm_error("..because ref stream has ended.\n");
	return 0;