Exemple #1
 *      ldap_modify_ext_sA     (WLDAP32.@)
 * See ldap_modify_ext_sW.
ULONG CDECL ldap_modify_ext_sA( WLDAP32_LDAP *ld, PCHAR dn, LDAPModA *mods[],
    PLDAPControlA *serverctrls, PLDAPControlA *clientctrls )
#ifdef HAVE_LDAP
    WCHAR *dnW = NULL;
    LDAPModW **modsW = NULL;
    LDAPControlW **serverctrlsW = NULL, **clientctrlsW = NULL;


    TRACE( "(%p, %s, %p, %p, %p)\n", ld, debugstr_a(dn), mods,
           serverctrls, clientctrls );

    if (!ld) return WLDAP32_LDAP_PARAM_ERROR;

    if (dn) {
        dnW = strAtoW( dn );
        if (!dnW) goto exit;
    if (mods) {
        modsW = modarrayAtoW( mods );
        if (!modsW) goto exit;
    if (serverctrls) {
        serverctrlsW = controlarrayAtoW( serverctrls );
        if (!serverctrlsW) goto exit;
    if (clientctrls) {
        clientctrlsW = controlarrayAtoW( clientctrls );
        if (!clientctrlsW) goto exit;

    ret = ldap_modify_ext_sW( ld, dnW, modsW, serverctrlsW, clientctrlsW );

    strfreeW( dnW );
    modarrayfreeW( modsW );
    controlarrayfreeW( serverctrlsW );
    controlarrayfreeW( clientctrlsW );

    return ret;
Exemple #2
//  RestoreDeletedObject()
//  Restores a deleted object. 
//  pwszDeletedDN - Contains the fully-qualified distinguished name of the 
//  deleted object.
//  pwszDestContainerDN - Contains the fully-qualified distinguished name of 
//  the folder that the delted object should be moved to.
//  Returns S_OK if successful or an HRESULT or LDAP error code otherwise.
HRESULT RestoreDeletedObject(LPCWSTR pwszDeletedDN, LPCWSTR pwszDestContainerDN)
    if((NULL == pwszDeletedDN) || (NULL == pwszDestContainerDN))
        return E_POINTER;
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;

    // Build the new distinguished name.
    LPWSTR pwszNewDN = new WCHAR[lstrlenW(pwszDeletedDN) + lstrlenW(pwszDestContainerDN) + 1];
        lstrcpyW(pwszNewDN, pwszDeletedDN);

        // Search for the first 0x0A character. This is the delimiter in the deleted object name.
        LPWSTR pwszChar;
        for(pwszChar = pwszNewDN; *pwszChar; pwszChar = CharNextW(pwszChar))
            if(('\\' == *pwszChar) && ('0' == *(pwszChar + 1)) && ('A' == *(pwszChar + 2)))

        if(0 != *pwszChar)
            // Truncate the name string at the delimiter.
            *pwszChar = 0;

            // Add the last known parent DN to complete the DN.
            lstrcatW(pwszNewDN, L",");
            lstrcatW(pwszNewDN, pwszDestContainerDN);

            PLDAP	ld;

            // Initialize LDAP.
            ld = ldap_init(NULL, LDAP_PORT);
            if(NULL != ld) 
                ULONG ulRC;
                ULONG version = LDAP_VERSION3;

                // Set the LDAP version.
                ulRC = ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, (void*)&version);
                if(LDAP_SUCCESS == ulRC)
                    // Establish a connection with the server.
                    ulRC = ldap_connect(ld, NULL);
                    if(LDAP_SUCCESS == ulRC)
                        // Bind to the LDAP server.
                        ulRC = ldap_bind_s(ld, NULL, NULL, LDAP_AUTH_NEGOTIATE);
                        if(LDAP_SUCCESS == ulRC)
                            // Setup the new values.
                            LPWSTR rgNewVals[] = {pwszNewDN, NULL};

                            Remove the isDeleted attribute. This cannot be set 
                            to FALSE or the restore operation will not work.
                            LDAPModW modIsDeleted = { LDAP_MOD_DELETE, L"isDeleted", NULL };

                            Set the new DN, in effect, moving the deleted 
                            object to where it resided before the deletion.
                            LDAPModW modDN = { LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, L"distinguishedName", rgNewVals };
                            // Initialize the LDAPMod structure.
                            PLDAPModW ldapMods[] = 

                            Use the LDAP_SERVER_SHOW_DELETED_OID control to 
                            modify deleted objects.
                            LDAPControlW showDeletedControl;
                            showDeletedControl.ldctl_oid = LDAP_SERVER_SHOW_DELETED_OID_W;
                            showDeletedControl.ldctl_value.bv_len = 0;
                            showDeletedControl.ldctl_value.bv_val = NULL;
                            showDeletedControl.ldctl_iscritical = TRUE;

                            // Initialzie the LDAPControl structure
                            PLDAPControlW ldapControls[] = { &showDeletedControl, NULL };

                            Modify the specified attributes. This must performed 
                            in one step, which is why the LDAP APIs must be used 
                            to restore a deleted object.
                            ulRC = ldap_modify_ext_sW(ld, (PWCHAR)pwszDeletedDN, ldapMods, ldapControls, NULL);
                            if(LDAP_SUCCESS == ulRC)
                                hr = S_OK;
                            else if(LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS == ulRC)
                                An object already exists with the specified name 
                                in the specified target container. At this point, 
                                a new name must be selected.

                if(LDAP_SUCCESS != ulRC)
                    hr = ulRC;

                // Release the LDAP session.
            If the end of the string is reached before the delimiter is found, just 
            end and fail.
            hr = E_INVALIDARG;
        delete pwszNewDN;
        hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    return hr;