address InterpreterGenerator::generate_math_entry(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind) {
  // rmethod: Method*
  // r13: sender sp
  // esp: args

  if (!InlineIntrinsics) return NULL; // Generate a vanilla entry

  // These don't need a safepoint check because they aren't virtually
  // callable. We won't enter these intrinsics from compiled code.
  // If in the future we added an intrinsic which was virtually callable
  // we'd have to worry about how to safepoint so that this code is used.

  // mathematical functions inlined by compiler
  // (interpreter must provide identical implementation
  // in order to avoid monotonicity bugs when switching
  // from interpreter to compiler in the middle of some
  // computation)
  // stack:
  //        [ arg ] <-- esp
  //        [ arg ]
  // retaddr in lr

  address entry_point = NULL;
  Register continuation = lr;
  switch (kind) {
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_abs:
    entry_point = __ pc();
    __ ldrd(v0, Address(esp));
    __ fabsd(v0, v0);
    __ mov(sp, r13); // Restore caller's SP
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_sqrt:
    entry_point = __ pc();
    __ ldrd(v0, Address(esp));
    __ fsqrtd(v0, v0);
    __ mov(sp, r13);
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_sin :
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_cos :
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_tan :
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_log :
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_log10 :
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_exp :
    entry_point = __ pc();
    __ ldrd(v0, Address(esp));
    __ mov(sp, r13);
    __ mov(r19, lr);
    continuation = r19;  // The first callee-saved register
    generate_transcendental_entry(kind, 1);
  case Interpreter::java_lang_math_pow :
    entry_point = __ pc();
    __ mov(r19, lr);
    continuation = r19;
    __ ldrd(v0, Address(esp, 2 * Interpreter::stackElementSize));
    __ ldrd(v1, Address(esp));
    __ mov(sp, r13);
    generate_transcendental_entry(kind, 2);
  if (entry_point) {
    __ br(continuation);

  return entry_point;
address AbstractInterpreterGenerator::generate_slow_signature_handler() {
  address entry = __ pc();

  __ andr(esp, esp, -16);
  __ mov(c_rarg3, esp);
  // rmethod
  // rlocals
  // c_rarg3: first stack arg - wordSize

  // adjust sp
  __ sub(sp, c_rarg3, 18 * wordSize);
  __ str(lr, Address(__ pre(sp, -2 * wordSize)));
  __ call_VM(noreg,
             rmethod, rlocals, c_rarg3);

  // r0: result handler

  // Stack layout:
  // rsp: return address           <- sp
  //      1 garbage
  //      8 integer args (if static first is unused)
  //      1 float/double identifiers
  //      8 double args
  //        stack args              <- esp
  //        garbage
  //        expression stack bottom
  //        bcp (NULL)
  //        ...

  // Restore LR
  __ ldr(lr, Address(__ post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));

  // Do FP first so we can use c_rarg3 as temp
  __ ldrw(c_rarg3, Address(sp, 9 * wordSize)); // float/double identifiers

  for (int i = 0; i < Argument::n_float_register_parameters_c; i++) {
    const FloatRegister r = as_FloatRegister(i);

    Label d, done;

    __ tbnz(c_rarg3, i, d);
    __ ldrs(r, Address(sp, (10 + i) * wordSize));
    __ b(done);
    __ bind(d);
    __ ldrd(r, Address(sp, (10 + i) * wordSize));
    __ bind(done);

  // c_rarg0 contains the result from the call of
  // InterpreterRuntime::slow_signature_handler so we don't touch it
  // here.  It will be loaded with the JNIEnv* later.
  __ ldr(c_rarg1, Address(sp, 1 * wordSize));
  for (int i = c_rarg2->encoding(); i <= c_rarg7->encoding(); i += 2) {
    Register rm = as_Register(i), rn = as_Register(i+1);
    __ ldp(rm, rn, Address(sp, i * wordSize));

  __ add(sp, sp, 18 * wordSize);
  __ ret(lr);

  return entry;
Exemple #3
void MacroAssembler::atomic_cas64(Register memval_lo, Register memval_hi, Register result, Register oldval_lo, Register oldval_hi, Register newval_lo, Register newval_hi, Register base, int offset) {
  if (VM_Version::supports_ldrexd()) {
    Label loop;
    assert_different_registers(memval_lo, memval_hi, result, oldval_lo,
                               oldval_hi, newval_lo, newval_hi, base);
    assert(memval_hi == memval_lo + 1 && memval_lo < R9, "cmpxchg_long: illegal registers");
    assert(oldval_hi == oldval_lo + 1 && oldval_lo < R9, "cmpxchg_long: illegal registers");
    assert(newval_hi == newval_lo + 1 && newval_lo < R9, "cmpxchg_long: illegal registers");
    assert(result != R10, "cmpxchg_long: illegal registers");
    assert(base != R10, "cmpxchg_long: illegal registers");

    mov(result, 0);
    ldrexd(memval_lo, Address(base, offset));
    cmp(memval_lo, oldval_lo);
    cmp(memval_hi, oldval_hi, eq);
    strexd(result, newval_lo, Address(base, offset), eq);
    rsbs(result, result, 1, eq);
    b(loop, eq);
  } else if (VM_Version::supports_kuser_cmpxchg64()) {
    // On armv5 platforms we must use the Linux kernel helper
    // function for atomic cas64 operations since ldrexd/strexd is
    // not supported.
    // This is a special routine at a fixed address 0xffff0f60
    // input:
    //  r0 = (long long *)oldval, r1 = (long long *)newval,
    //  r2 = ptr, lr = return adress
    // output:
    //  r0 = 0 carry set on success
    //  r0 != 0 carry clear on failure
    // r3, and flags are clobbered
    Label done;
    Label loop;

    if (result != R12) {
    push(RegisterSet(R10) | RegisterSet(LR));
    mov(R10, SP);         // Save SP

    bic(SP, SP, StackAlignmentInBytes - 1);  // align stack
    push(RegisterSet(oldval_lo, oldval_hi));
    push(RegisterSet(newval_lo, newval_hi));

    if ((offset != 0) || (base != R12)) {
      add(R12, base, offset);
    push(RegisterSet(R0, R3));
    ldrd(memval_lo, Address(R12)); //current
    ldrd(oldval_lo, Address(SP, 24));
    cmp(memval_lo, oldval_lo);
    cmp(memval_hi, oldval_hi, eq);
    pop(RegisterSet(R0, R3), ne);
    mov(result, 0, ne);
    b(done, ne);
    // Setup for kernel call
    mov(R2, R12);
    add(R0, SP, 24);            // R0 == &oldval_lo
    add(R1, SP, 16);            // R1 == &newval_lo
    mvn(R3, 0xf000);            // call kernel helper at 0xffff0f60
    mov(LR, PC);
    sub(PC, R3, 0x9f);
    b(loop, cc);                 // if Carry clear then oldval != current
                                 // try again. Otherwise, return oldval
    // Here on success
    pop(RegisterSet(R0, R3));
    mov(result, 1);
    ldrd(memval_lo, Address(SP, 8));
    pop(RegisterSet(newval_lo, newval_hi));
    pop(RegisterSet(oldval_lo, oldval_hi));
    mov(SP, R10);                 // restore SP
    pop(RegisterSet(R10) | RegisterSet(LR));
    if (result != R12) {
  } else {
    stop("Atomic cmpxchg64 unsupported on this platform");