bool WinProcessImpl::Read(wxString& buff)
    DWORD le1(-1);
    DWORD le2(-1);
    if( !DoReadFromPipe(hChildStderrRdDup, buff) ) {
        le2 = GetLastError();

    if( !DoReadFromPipe(hChildStdoutRdDup, buff) ) {
        le1 = GetLastError();

    if( le1 == ERROR_NO_DATA && le2 == ERROR_NO_DATA) {
        if ( IsAlive() ) {
            return true;

    bool success = !buff.IsEmpty();
    if(!success) {
        DWORD dwExitCode;
        if (GetExitCodeProcess(piProcInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode)) {
            SetProcessExitCode(GetPid(), (int)dwExitCode);
    return success;
Exemple #2
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent)
	: QMainWindow(parent)
	QWidget* w(new QWidget(this));

	QVBoxLayout* mainLayout(new QVBoxLayout(w));

	sm::LineEdit* le(new sm::LineEdit(w));

	sm::LineEdit* le1(
		new sm::LineEdit(sm::LineEdit::Ctrl::Exam, tr("Enter first name"), w));

	sm::LineEdit* le2(
		new sm::LineEdit(sm::LineEdit::Ctrl::Pwd, tr("Password"), w));

	sm::LineEdit* le3(
		new sm::LineEdit(sm::LineEdit::Ctrl::ExamAndPwd, tr("Password"), w));

 void PrintArray(){
	Lemon le1(1.4), le2(4.3), le3(2.1);
	Orange or1(.9), or2(0.2), or3(0.6);
	CitrusFruit *cfarr[] = {&or1, &le1,
							 &or2, &le2,
							 &or3, &le3};
	for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) {

    QApplication app( argc, argv );

    QWidget w;
    QGridLayout glay( &w );

    KDHorizontalLine hl1( "Foo", &w );
    glay.addWidget( &hl1, 0, 0, 1, 2 );

    QLabel lb1( "Foo 1:", &w );
    glay.addWidget( &lb1, 1, 0 );
    QLineEdit le1( &w );
    glay.addWidget( &le1, 1, 1 );

    glay.setColumnStretch( 1, 1 );
    glay.setRowStretch( 2, 1 );;

    return app.exec();
Exemple #5
smt_convt::overflow_arith(const expr2tc &expr)
  // If in integer mode, this is completely pointless. Return false.
  if (int_encoding)
    return mk_smt_bool(false);

  const overflow2t &overflow = to_overflow2t(expr);
  const arith_2ops &opers = static_cast<const arith_2ops &>(*overflow.operand);
  assert(opers.side_1->type == opers.side_2->type);
  constant_int2tc zero(opers.side_1->type, BigInt(0));
  lessthan2tc op1neg(opers.side_1, zero);
  lessthan2tc op2neg(opers.side_2, zero);

  equality2tc op1iszero(opers.side_1, zero);
  equality2tc op2iszero(opers.side_2, zero);
  or2tc containszero(op1iszero, op2iszero);

  // Guess whether we're performing a signed or unsigned comparison.
  bool is_signed = (is_signedbv_type(opers.side_1) ||

  if (is_add2t(overflow.operand)) {
    if (is_signed) {
      // Two cases: pos/pos, and neg/neg, which can over and underflow resp.
      // In pos/neg cases, no overflow or underflow is possible, for any value.
      constant_int2tc zero(opers.side_1->type, BigInt(0));

      lessthan2tc op1pos(zero, opers.side_1);
      lessthan2tc op2pos(zero, opers.side_2);
      and2tc both_pos(op1pos, op2pos);

      not2tc negop1(op1pos);
      not2tc negop2(op2pos);
      and2tc both_neg(negop1, negop2);

      implies2tc nooverflow(both_pos,
                            greaterthanequal2tc(overflow.operand, zero));
      implies2tc nounderflow(both_neg,
                            lessthanequal2tc(overflow.operand, zero));
      return convert_ast(not2tc(and2tc(nooverflow, nounderflow)));
    } else {
      // Just ensure the result is >= both operands.
      greaterthanequal2tc ge1(overflow.operand, opers.side_1);
      greaterthanequal2tc ge2(overflow.operand, opers.side_2);
      and2tc res(ge1, ge2);
      not2tc inv(res);
      return convert_ast(inv);
  } else if (is_sub2t(overflow.operand)) {
    if (is_signed) {
      // Convert to be an addition
      neg2tc negop2(opers.side_2->type, opers.side_2);
      add2tc anadd(opers.side_1->type, opers.side_1, negop2);
      expr2tc add_overflows(new overflow2t(anadd));

      // Corner case: subtracting MIN_INT from many things overflows. The result
      // should always be positive.
      constant_int2tc zero(opers.side_1->type, BigInt(0));
      uint64_t topbit = 1ULL << (opers.side_1->type->get_width() - 1);
      constant_int2tc min_int(opers.side_1->type, BigInt(topbit));
      equality2tc is_min_int(min_int, opers.side_2);
      implies2tc imp(is_min_int, greaterthan2tc(overflow.operand, zero));
      return convert_ast(or2tc(add_overflows, is_min_int));
    } else {
      // Just ensure the result is >= the operands.
      lessthanequal2tc le1(overflow.operand, opers.side_1);
      lessthanequal2tc le2(overflow.operand, opers.side_2);
      and2tc res(le1, le2);
      not2tc inv(res);
      return convert_ast(inv);
  } else {
    assert(is_mul2t(overflow.operand) && "unexpected overflow_arith operand");

    // Zero extend; multiply; Make a decision based on the top half.
    unsigned int sz = zero->type->get_width();
    smt_sortt boolsort = boolean_sort;
    smt_sortt normalsort = mk_sort(SMT_SORT_BV, sz, false);
    smt_sortt bigsort = mk_sort(SMT_SORT_BV, sz * 2, false);

    // All one bit vector is tricky, might be 64 bits wide for all we know.
    constant_int2tc allonesexpr(zero->type, BigInt((sz == 64)
                                                 ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL
                                                 : ((1ULL << sz) - 1)));
    smt_astt allonesvector = convert_ast(allonesexpr);

    smt_astt arg1_ext, arg2_ext;
    if (is_signed) {
      // sign extend top bits.
      arg1_ext = convert_ast(opers.side_1);
      arg1_ext = convert_sign_ext(arg1_ext, bigsort, sz - 1, sz);
      arg2_ext = convert_ast(opers.side_2);
      arg2_ext = convert_sign_ext(arg2_ext, bigsort, sz - 1, sz);
    } else {
      // Zero extend the top parts
      arg1_ext = convert_ast(opers.side_1);
      arg1_ext = convert_zero_ext(arg1_ext, bigsort, sz);
      arg2_ext = convert_ast(opers.side_2);
      arg2_ext = convert_zero_ext(arg2_ext, bigsort, sz);

    smt_astt result = mk_func_app(bigsort, SMT_FUNC_BVMUL, arg1_ext, arg2_ext);

    // Extract top half.
    smt_astt toppart = mk_extract(result, (sz * 2) - 1, sz, normalsort);

    if (is_signed) {
      // It should either be zero or all one's; which depends on what
      // configuration of signs it had. If both pos / both neg, then the top
      // should all be zeros, otherwise all ones. Implement with xor.
      smt_astt op1neg_ast = convert_ast(op1neg);
      smt_astt op2neg_ast = convert_ast(op2neg);
      smt_astt allonescond =
        mk_func_app(boolsort, SMT_FUNC_XOR, op1neg_ast, op2neg_ast);
      smt_astt zerovector = convert_ast(zero);

      smt_astt initial_switch =
        mk_func_app(normalsort, SMT_FUNC_ITE, allonescond,
                    allonesvector, zerovector);

      // either value being zero means the top must be zero.
      smt_astt contains_zero_ast = convert_ast(containszero);
      smt_astt second_switch = mk_func_app(normalsort, SMT_FUNC_ITE,

      smt_astt is_eq =
        mk_func_app(boolsort, SMT_FUNC_EQ, second_switch, toppart);
      return mk_func_app(boolsort, SMT_FUNC_NOT, &is_eq, 1);
    } else {
      // It should be zero; if not, overflow
      smt_astt iseq =
        mk_func_app(boolsort, SMT_FUNC_EQ, toppart, convert_ast(zero));
      return mk_func_app(boolsort, SMT_FUNC_NOT, &iseq, 1);

  return NULL;