void TestCppTools::Quantity_test() { Length length1(1.); Length length2(length1 * 5); Length length3; length3 = length2; //qDebug() << length1 << length2; QCOMPARE(sizeof(Length), sizeof(double)); }
int compareto(char *p, char *q) { int i = 0,count=0,l1=0,l2=0; l1 = length1(p); l2 = length1(q); if (l1 != l2||l1==0) return 0; else { while (*(p + i) != '\0') { if (*(p + i) != (*(q + i))) count++; i++; } if (count == 0) return 1; else return 0; } }
void f(int capacity_, char *old_storage) { try { length1(); int old_capacity = capacity_; capacity_ *= 2; g(capacity_); for (int i = 1; i < old_capacity; i++) old_storage[i] = old_storage[i - 1]; } catch (...) { for (int i = 1; i < capacity_; i++){old_storage[i] = 0;} } }
void TestStyles::testCopyParagraphStyle() { QTextLength length1(QTextLength::FixedLength, 10.0); QTextLength length2(QTextLength::FixedLength, 20.0); QTextLength length3(QTextLength::FixedLength, 30.0); KoParagraphStyle style1; KoParagraphStyle style2; style2.setParentStyle(&style1); style1.setLeftMargin(length1); style1.setRightMargin(length3); style2.setRightMargin(length2); KoParagraphStyle newStyle; newStyle.copyProperties(&style2); QCOMPARE(newStyle.leftMargin(), 10.0); QCOMPARE(newStyle.rightMargin(), 20.0); }
void MDS_Embedding::classicalScaling( const MDS_Matrix& D ) { int N = D.length0(); int n = length1(); MDS_Matrix A,B,H(N,N); // Matrix A // Since we assume the D_{ik} now to be the // Euclidian distances, we have to square them. // a_{rs} = -1/2 D_{rs}*D_{rs} A = -0.5*D.pointMul(D); // Matrix H // This is not very effective, but // done for the ease of the implementation. H = -1./double(N); H.diagonal() = 1.-1./double(N); // Matrix B // Inner-product-matrix, B=XX^T B = H*A*H; // Jacobi rotation: // Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of B. MDS_Matrix V(N,N); MDS_Vector lambda( N ); int rot; jacobid( B.nr(), N, lambda.nr() , V.nr(), &rot ); eigsrtd( lambda.nr() , V.nr(), N ); copy( V.window(0,0,N,n) ); }
void TestStyles::testApplyParagraphStyleWithParent() { KoParagraphStyle style1; style1.setStyleId(1002); KoParagraphStyle style2; style2.setStyleId(1003); KoParagraphStyle style3; style3.setStyleId(1004); style3.setParentStyle(&style2); style2.setParentStyle(&style1); style1.setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); QCOMPARE(style1.alignment(), Qt::AlignRight); QCOMPARE(style2.alignment(), Qt::AlignRight); QCOMPARE(style3.alignment(), Qt::AlignRight); style2.setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); QCOMPARE(style1.alignment(), Qt::AlignRight); QCOMPARE(style2.alignment(), Qt::AlignCenter); QCOMPARE(style3.alignment(), Qt::AlignCenter); style3.setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignAbsolute); QCOMPARE(style1.alignment(), Qt::AlignRight); QCOMPARE(style2.alignment(), Qt::AlignCenter); QCOMPARE(style3.alignment(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignAbsolute); style3.setLineSpacing(23.45); style3.setLineHeightPercent(150); style3.setLineHeightAbsolute(8.0); QCOMPARE(style3.lineHeightPercent(), 0.0); QCOMPARE(style3.lineHeightAbsolute(), 8.0); QCOMPARE(style3.lineSpacing(), 23.45); QVERIFY(!style3.hasNormalLineHeight()); style3.setNormalLineHeight(); QCOMPARE(style3.lineHeightPercent(), 0.0); QCOMPARE(style3.lineHeightAbsolute(), 0.0); QCOMPARE(style3.lineSpacing(), 0.0); QVERIFY(style3.hasNormalLineHeight()); style3.setLineHeightPercent(150); style3.setLineSpacing(56.78); QCOMPARE(style3.lineHeightPercent(), 150.0); QCOMPARE(style3.lineHeightAbsolute(), 0.0); QCOMPARE(style3.lineSpacing(), 56.78); QVERIFY(!style3.hasNormalLineHeight()); QTextLength length0(QTextLength::FixedLength, 0.0); QTextLength length1(QTextLength::FixedLength, 10.0); QTextLength length2(QTextLength::FixedLength, 20.0); style1.setLeftMargin(length1); QCOMPARE(style1.leftMargin(), 10.0); QCOMPARE(style2.leftMargin(), 10.0); QCOMPARE(style3.leftMargin(), 10.0); style2.setRightMargin(length2); QCOMPARE(style1.rightMargin(), 0.0); QCOMPARE(style2.rightMargin(), 20.0); QCOMPARE(style3.rightMargin(), 20.0); // now actually apply it. QTextBlockFormat rawFormat; style1.applyStyle(rawFormat); KoParagraphStyle format(rawFormat, rawFormat.toCharFormat()); QCOMPARE(rawFormat.properties().count(), 4); QCOMPARE(format.alignment(), Qt::AlignRight); QCOMPARE(rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::StyleId).toInt(), 1002); //since we have not specified any NextStyle it should be the same as the current style QCOMPARE(rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::StyleId).toInt(), rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::NextStyle).toInt()); QCOMPARE(format.leftMargin(), 10.0); QCOMPARE(format.rightMargin(), 0.0); style2.applyStyle(rawFormat); KoParagraphStyle format2(rawFormat, rawFormat.toCharFormat()); QCOMPARE(rawFormat.properties().count(), 5); QCOMPARE(format2.alignment(), Qt::AlignCenter); QCOMPARE(rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::StyleId).toInt(), 1003); //since we have not specified any NextStyle it should be the same as the current style QCOMPARE(rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::StyleId).toInt(), rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::NextStyle).toInt()); QCOMPARE(format2.leftMargin(), 10.0); QCOMPARE(format2.rightMargin(), 20.0); style3.applyStyle(rawFormat); KoParagraphStyle format3(rawFormat, rawFormat.toCharFormat()); QCOMPARE(rawFormat.properties().count(), 9); QCOMPARE(rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::LineSpacing).toReal(), 56.78); QCOMPARE(format3.alignment(), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignAbsolute); QCOMPARE(rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::StyleId).toInt(), 1004); //since we have not specified any NextStyle it should be the same as the current style QCOMPARE(rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::StyleId).toInt(), rawFormat.property(KoParagraphStyle::NextStyle).toInt()); QCOMPARE(format3.leftMargin(), 10.0); QCOMPARE(format3.rightMargin(), 20.0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, s; list q; list1 q1; list2 q2; record d; personal f; record *ptr, *pt; personal *ptr2, *pt2; FILE *fp, *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4, *fp6, *fp8, *fp9, *fp10; fp1 = fopen("b.txt", "a+"); node2 *st2; init(&q); init1(&q1); init2(&q2); char a[48]; char br[32]; int m, posi, choice, roll, size, s1, s2, s3, s4, num, posii, yr, MIS; while(1) { choice = printmenu(); switch(choice) { case 1 : printf("\nEnter the Name, MIS, Branch, Year of student and the MIS before which you wish to insert the record :\n"); /*if it is the first record 'posi' can be anything*/ scanf(" %[^\n]%d%s%d%d", a, &m, br, &yr, &posi); fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); Add_academic(&q, a, m, br, posi, yr, fp); fclose(fp); print(&q); break; case 2 : printf("Enter the MIS of the student record to be deleted :\n"); scanf("%d", &posii); fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); fp4 = fopen("d.txt", "w+"); if(pt = delet_academic(&q, posii,fp,fp4)) { printf("Name:%s\n MIS:%d\n Branch:%s\n Year :%d\n", pt->name, pt->MIS, pt->branch, pt->year); } else { printf("INVALID ENTRY\n"); } print(&q); fclose(fp); fclose(fp4); break; case 3 : printf("Enter the MIS of student :\n"); scanf("%d", &roll); if(ptr = search(&q, roll)) { printf("\nName :%s\tMIS :%d\tBranch :%s\tYear :%d\n", ptr->name, ptr->MIS, ptr->branch, ptr->year); } else { printf("\nRECORD NOT FOUND\n"); } break; case 4 : printf("Enter the Name, MIS, Branch, Year of student :\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]%d%s%d", a, &m, br, &yr); fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); append_academic(&q, a, m, br, yr, fp); print(&q); fclose(fp); break; case 5 : size = length(&q); printf("Number of student records(academic) : %d\n", size); break; case 6 : printf("Enter the MIS of student :\n"); scanf("%d", &roll); creatingID(&q, roll); break; case 7 : fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); fp3 = fopen("a.txt", "r"); academicfromfile(&q, fp3, fp); print(&q); fclose(fp); fclose(fp3); break; case 8 : printf("Enter the Name, MIS, Branch and Year of student:\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]%d%s%d", a, &m, br, &yr); /*MIS should be same*/ fp = fopen("k.txt", "a+"); fp6 = fopen("n.txt", "w+"); Modify_academic(&q, m, a, br, yr, fp, fp6); print(&q); fclose(fp); fclose(fp6); break; case 9 : num = length1(&q1); printf("No of students who appeared for final exam : %d\n", num); break; case 10 : printf("Enter MIS, T1 marks of 4 subjects ,MIS before which you wish to enter the record and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d%d",&roll,&s1,&s2,&s3,&s4,&m, &i); T1Marks(&q1,roll,s1,s2,s3,s4,m,i); printT1(&q1, i); break; case 11 : printf("Enter MIS and T2 marks of 4 subjects and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&roll,&s1,&s2,&s3,&s4, &i); T2Marks(&q1,roll,s1,s2,s3,s4,i); printT2(&q1, i); break; case 12 : printf("Enter MIS and ESE marks of 4 subjects and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&roll,&s1,&s2,&s3,&s4,&i); ESEMarks(&q1,roll,s1,s2,s3,s4,i); printESE(&q1, i); break; case 13 : printf("Enter the MIS and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d", &MIS, &i); Total(&q1, MIS,i, fp1); printTOT(&q1, i); break; case 14 : printf("Enter the Name, MIS, Mobile no., Email Id of student and the MIS before which you wish to insert the record :\n"); /*if it is the first record, posi can be anything*/ scanf(" %[^\n]%d%d%s%d", a, &m, &yr, br, &posi); fp2 = fopen("c.txt", "a+"); Add2_personal(&q2, a, m, yr, br, posi, fp2); print2(&q2); fclose(fp2); break; case 15 : printf("Enter the MIS of the student record to be deleted :\n"); scanf("%d", &posii); fp2 = fopen("c.txt", "a+"); fp9 = fopen("s.txt", "w+"); if(pt2 = delet2_personal(&q2, posii,fp2, fp9)) { printf("Name:%s\n MIS:%d\n Mobile No:%d\n Email Id :%s\n", pt2->name, pt2->MISS, pt2->mobile, pt2->email_Id); } else { printf("INVALID ENTRY\n"); } print2(&q2); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp9); break; case 16 : printf("Enter the MIS of student :\n"); scanf("%d", &roll); if(ptr2 = search2(&q2, roll)) { printf("\nName :%s\tMIS :%d\tMobile No :%d\tEmail Id :%s\n", ptr2->name, ptr2->MISS, ptr2->mobile, ptr2->email_Id); } else { printf("\nRECORD NOT FOUND\n"); } break; case 17 : printf("Enter the Name, MIS, Mobile no. and Email Id of student:\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]%d%d%s", a, &m, &yr, br); /*MIS should be same*/ fp8 = fopen("w.txt", "w+"); fp2 = fopen("c.txt", "a+"); Modify2_personal(&q2, m, a, yr, br,fp2, fp8); print2(&q2); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp8); break; case 18 : printf("\nEnter the MIS of the student and the semester :\n"); scanf("%d%d", &m, &s); link(&q, &q1, &q2, m, s); break; case 19 : fp2 = fopen("c.txt", "a+"); fp10 = fopen("p.txt", "r"); personalfromfile(&q2, fp10, fp2); print2(&q2); fclose(fp2); fclose(fp10); break; case 20 : fclose(fp1); exit(1); break; } } }