void convertQuadsToTriangles( IndicesPtrType indices, unsigned int elementCount
                                  , const VertexAttributeSetSharedPtr & vasSP, std::vector<unsigned int> & newIndices
                                  , unsigned int pri = ~0 )
        //  for each quad-face create two triangles
        Buffer::ConstIterator<Vec3f>::Type vertices = vasSP->getVertices();
        newIndices.reserve( 6 * ( elementCount / 4 ) );   // might reserve more than needed, due to pri

        for ( unsigned int i=3 ; i<elementCount ; i+=4 )
          if ( indices[i-3] == pri )
            i -= 3;
          else if ( indices[i-2] == pri )
            i -= 2;
          else if ( indices[i-1] == pri )
            i -= 1;
          else if ( indices[i] != pri )
            //  determine the shorter diagonal
            if (  lengthSquared( vertices[indices[i-1]] - vertices[indices[i-3]] )
                < lengthSquared( vertices[indices[i-0]] - vertices[indices[i-2]] ) )
              //  cut diagonal 0-2 => 0,1,2 & 2,3,0
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-3] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-2] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-1] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-1] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-0] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-3] );
              //  cut diagonal 1-3 => 1,2,3 & 3,0,1
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-2] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-1] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-0] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-0] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-3] );
              newIndices.push_back( indices[i-2] );
  /***** Division algebra structure *********************************************/
  Quaternion<T>& invert() {
    auto lensq = lengthSquared();
    if(lensq != 0) {
	    (*this).conjugate() /= lensq;
    return *this;
 Quaternion<T>& normalize() {
   auto lensq = lengthSquared();
   if(lensq != 0) {
     *this /= std::sqrt(lensq);
   return *this;
        inline Vector4<T> normalize(const Vector4<T>& v) {
            return v * vmath::fastInverseSqrt(lengthSquared(v));
            return v / vmath::length(v);
Exemple #5
void MapView::getTilesInView()
    if (MapSource.id == None) return;

    QRectF viewRect = mapToScene(0,0,width(),height()).boundingRect();
    QList<QPoint> XYTileList = getXYTileInRange(currentZoom,
                                                getLatFromMercatorY(viewRect.y()+viewRect.height()) );
    QPoint p1 = XYTileList.first();
    QPoint p2 = XYTileList.last();
    QPointF center = QPointF( (p2.x()+p1.x()) / 2. , (p1.y()+p2.y()) / 2. );

    //sorts list so that points closest to center are loaded first
    QMap<qreal, QPoint> map;
    for(int i=0;i<XYTileList.size();++i) map.insertMulti(lengthSquared((XYTileList.at(i))-center),XYTileList.at(i));

    XYTileList = map.values();

    QPoint p;
        if (currentRequests.count()<requestLimit) p = XYTileList.takeFirst();
        else p = XYTileList.takeLast();

        if (!tilePlaced(p,currentZoom)) getTile(p.x(),p.y(),currentZoom);

    qDebug("Number of items in scene: "+QString::number(scene()->items().count()));
Exemple #6
	float4 Random::getFloat4(float maxRadius)
		float4 result;
		do {
			result = getFloat4(-float4::ONE, float4::ONE);
		} while (lengthSquared(result) >= 1.0f);

		return result * maxRadius;
Exemple #7
const Vec2f Mover::attract( const Mover& m, const float g ) const
    auto force = location - m.getLocation();
    auto distance = force.lengthSquared();
    distance = ( distance < 25.0f ) ? 25.0f : ( ( distance > 625.0f ) ? 625.0 : distance );
    force *= g * mass * m.getMass() / ( distance );
    return force;
Exemple #8
 // General invert
 Quaternion::invert ()
   // q * conj(q) = |q|^2
   //   ==> q * conj(q) / |q|^2 = 1
   //   ==> inv(q) = conj(q) / |q|^2
   float invLengthSq = 1 / lengthSquared ();
   w *= +invLengthSq;
   x *= -invLengthSq;
   y *= -invLengthSq;
   z *= -invLengthSq;
Exemple #9
Quaternion Quaternion::inverse() const
    float lenSquared = lengthSquared();
    if(lenSquared > EPSILON)
        float invLenSquared = 1.0f / lenSquared;
        Quaternion conj = conjugated();
        return conj * invLenSquared;
        return IDENTITY;
Exemple #10
 void Quat::invert()
  Real l = lengthSquared();
  if (l < (Real) 1E-4)
  Real inv = (Real) 1.0 / l;
  x *= inv;
  y *= inv;
  z *= inv;
  w *= inv;
	void addSample(nv::Color32 o, nv::Color32 c)
		nv::Vector3 vo = nv::Vector3(o.r, o.g, o.b);
		nv::Vector3 vc = nv::Vector3(c.r, c.g, c.b);

		// Unpack and normalize.
		vo = nv::normalize(2.0f * (vo / 255.0f) - 1.0f);
		vc = nv::normalize(2.0f * (vc / 255.0f) - 1.0f);

		ade += acosf(nv::clamp(dot(vo, vc), -1.0f, 1.0f));
		mse += lengthSquared((vo - vc) * (255 / 2.0f));
Exemple #12
void PCM::propagateCavityGradients(const ScalarField& A_shape, ScalarField& A_nCavity, ScalarFieldTilde& A_rhoExplicitTilde, bool electricOnly) const
{   if(fsp.pcmVariant == PCM_SGA13)
    {   //Propagate gradient w.r.t expanded cavities to nCavity:
        ((PCM*)this)->A_nc = 0;
        const ScalarField* A_shapeEx[2] = { &A_shape, &Acavity_shapeVdw };
        for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
        {   //First compute derivative w.r.t expanded electron density:
            ScalarField A_nCavityEx;
            ShapeFunction::propagateGradient(nCavityEx[i], *(A_shapeEx[i]), A_nCavityEx, fsp.nc, fsp.sigma);
            ((PCM*)this)->A_nc += (-1./fsp.nc) * integral(A_nCavityEx*nCavityEx[i]);
            //then propagate to original electron density:
            ScalarField nCavityExUnused; //unused return value below
            ShapeFunction::expandDensity(wExpand[i], Rex[i], nCavity, nCavityExUnused, &A_nCavityEx, &A_nCavity);
    else if(fsp.pcmVariant == PCM_CANDLE)
    {   ScalarField A_nCavityEx;
        ScalarFieldTilde A_phiExt;
        double A_pCavity=0.;
        ShapeFunction::propagateGradient(nCavityEx[0], coulomb(Sf[0]*rhoExplicitTilde), I(wExpand[0]*J(A_shape)) + Acavity_shapeVdw,
                                         A_nCavityEx, A_phiExt, A_pCavity, fsp.nc, fsp.sigma, fsp.pCavity);
        A_nCavity += fsp.Ztot * I(Sf[0] * J(A_nCavityEx));
        if(!electricOnly) A_rhoExplicitTilde += coulomb(Sf[0]*A_phiExt);
        ((PCM*)this)->A_nc = (-1./fsp.nc) * integral(A_nCavityEx*nCavityEx[0]);
        ((PCM*)this)->A_eta_wDiel = integral(A_shape * I(wExpand[1]*J(shapeVdw)));
        ((PCM*)this)->A_pCavity = A_pCavity;
    else if(isPCM_SCCS(fsp.pcmVariant))
    {   //Electrostatic and volumetric combinations via shape:
        ShapeFunctionSCCS::propagateGradient(nCavity, A_shape - fsp.cavityPressure, A_nCavity, fsp.rhoMin, fsp.rhoMax, epsBulk);
        //Add surface contributions:
        ScalarField shapePlus, shapeMinus;
        ShapeFunctionSCCS::compute(nCavity+(0.5*fsp.rhoDelta), shapePlus, fsp.rhoMin, fsp.rhoMax, epsBulk);
        ShapeFunctionSCCS::compute(nCavity-(0.5*fsp.rhoDelta), shapeMinus, fsp.rhoMin, fsp.rhoMax, epsBulk);
        VectorField Dn = gradient(nCavity);
        ScalarField DnLength = sqrt(lengthSquared(Dn));
        ScalarField A_shapeMinus = (fsp.cavityTension/fsp.rhoDelta) * DnLength;
        ScalarField A_DnLength = (fsp.cavityTension/fsp.rhoDelta) * (shapeMinus - shapePlus);
        A_nCavity -= divergence(Dn * (inv(DnLength) * A_DnLength));
        ShapeFunctionSCCS::propagateGradient(nCavity+(0.5*fsp.rhoDelta), -A_shapeMinus, A_nCavity, fsp.rhoMin, fsp.rhoMax, epsBulk);
        ShapeFunctionSCCS::propagateGradient(nCavity-(0.5*fsp.rhoDelta),  A_shapeMinus, A_nCavity, fsp.rhoMin, fsp.rhoMax, epsBulk);
    else //All gradients are w.r.t the same shape function - propagate them to nCavity (which is defined as a density product for SaLSA)
    {   ShapeFunction::propagateGradient(nCavity, A_shape + Acavity_shape, A_nCavity, fsp.nc, fsp.sigma);
        ((PCM*)this)->A_nc = (-1./fsp.nc) * integral(A_nCavity*nCavity);
void Physics3DTestDemo::onTouchesMoved(const std::vector<Touch*>& touches, cocos2d::Event  *event)
    if (touches.size() && _camera)
        auto touch = touches[0];
        auto delta = touch->getDelta();

        _angle -= CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(delta.x);
        _camera->setPosition3D(Vec3(100.0f * sinf(_angle), 50.0f, 100.0f * cosf(_angle)));
        _camera->lookAt(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

        if (delta.lengthSquared() > 16)
            _needShootBox = false;
Exemple #14
TintersectionResult Tsphere::getIntersect(const Tray &ray)

    auto v = ray.origin () - this->center ();
    auto a0 = v.lengthSquared () - this->m_sqrRadius;
    auto DdotV = Tvector::dotProduct (ray.direction (),v);

    if (DdotV <= 0) {
        auto discr = DdotV * DdotV - a0;
        if (discr >= 0) {
            TintersectionResult result;
            result.setGeometry (this);
            result.setDistance (-DdotV - sqrt(discr));
            result.setPos (ray.getPoint(result.distance ()));
            auto normal = result.pos () - this->center ();
            normal.normalize ();
            result.setNormal (normal);
            return result;
    return TintersectionResult::getNotHit ();
Exemple #15
int mandelbrot(double x, double y)
	transform(&x, &y);
	point p;
	setPoint(&p, x,y);
	int counter = 0;
	double result = 0;
	while(counter < 255)
		p.x += x;
		p.y += y;
		result = lengthSquared(&p);
		if(result >= 4.0)
			return 0;
	return 1;
inline T length (const Vector<T, Size>& a)
	return ::sqrt(lengthSquared(a));
Exemple #17
// Physics thread that controls the motion of all the spheres.
void physicsThread(int threadNum)
	int localFrame = 0;

	// Define the normals for each of the walls.
	static const Vector3 bottom(0, 1, 0);
	static const Vector3 left(1, 0, 0);
	static const Vector3 right(-1, 0, 0);
	static const Vector3 front(0, 0, -1);
	static const Vector3 back(0, 0, 1);

	// Initialize the starting values for the wall and sphere, spring and damping values.
	float wallSpringConst = UPPER_WALL_SPRING_CONST;
	float sphereSpringConst = UPPER_SPHERE_SPRING_CONST;

	float wallDampFactor = UPPER_WALL_DAMP_FACTOR;
	float sphereDampFactor = UPPER_SPHERE_DAMP_FACTOR;

	// The physics thread itself deals with reseting its frame counter. 
	// It will do this once a second.
	float secondCheck = 0.0f;

#if _USE_MT
	// If the physics function is being called as a thread, then we don't want it 
	// to finish after one pass.
	int threadRunning = 0;
		// If the simulation needs to be paused but the thread is running,
		// stop.
		if(pauseSimulation && threadRunning)
			threadRunning = 0;
		// If the simulation needs to be running but the thread is stopped,
		// start.
		else if(!pauseSimulation && !threadRunning)
			threadRunning = 1;

		// If the thread isn't running at this time we can't go any further and 
		// we'll just wait and check if the thread has started up next time the
		// thread is executing.



		// Get the time since this thread last executed and convert into
		// seconds (from milliseconds).
		float dt = (float)(((double)time.QuadPart - (double)updateTimes[threadNum].QuadPart) / freq);
		dt *= 0.001;

		// Adjust the spring and dampening values based on dt.
		// This helps when going to lower frame rates and the overlap between
		// the walls and spheres when using high frame rate values will cause
		// the spheres to gain energy.
		wallSpringConst = WALL_SPRING_GRAD * dt + WALL_SPRING_CONST;

		wallDampFactor = WALL_DAMP_GRAD * dt + WALL_DAMP_CONST;
		sphereDampFactor = SPHERE_DAMP_GRAD * dt + SPHERE_DAMP_CONST;

		// As the gradients for the spring and dampening factors are negative,
		// we want to clamp the lower bounds of the values. Otherwise at low
		// framerates the values will be negative.
		if (wallSpringConst < LOWER_WALL_SPRING_CONST)
			wallSpringConst = LOWER_WALL_SPRING_CONST;

		if (sphereSpringConst < LOWER_SPHERE_SPRING_CONST)
			sphereSpringConst = LOWER_SPHERE_SPRING_CONST;

		if (wallDampFactor < LOWER_WALL_DAMP_FACTOR)
			wallDampFactor = LOWER_WALL_DAMP_FACTOR;

		if (sphereDampFactor < LOWER_SPHERE_DAMP_FACTOR)
			sphereDampFactor = LOWER_SPHERE_DAMP_FACTOR;

		// If this is the 1st thread, then we will deal with the user controlled
		// sphere here.
		int startSphere = threadNum;
		if(threadNum == 0)
			// Skip calcuating the user sphere like a typical sphere.
			startSphere += numPhysicsThreads;

			// As the user controlled sphere only has a position and velocity
			// that is either zero or constant, we can easily calculate its new
			// position.
			if(numSpheres > 0)
				spherePositions[0] += sphereData[0].m_velocity * dt;

		for(int i = startSphere; i < numSpheres; i += numPhysicsThreads)
			// Calculate the radius of the sphere based on array index.
			float radius = (float)((i % 3) + 1) * 0.5f;
			float roomSize = ROOM_SIZE - radius;
			Vector3 forces(0);

			Vector3 &spherePosition = spherePositions[i];
			SphereData &sphere = sphereData[i];

			// Calculate the interim velocity.
			Vector3 halfVelo = sphere.m_velocity + (0.5f * sphere.m_acc * dt);
			spherePosition += halfVelo * dt;

			Vector3 tempVelocity = sphere.m_velocity + (sphere.m_acc * dt);

			float overlap;

			// As the % operator is fairly slow we can take advantage here
			// that we always know what the next value in the array is going
			// to be and manually determine the mod.
			int indexCounter = 0;
			for(int j = 0; j < numSpheres; j++)
				// And since we don't want the actual mod value but mod + 1
				// we don't worry about resetting to 0.
				if(indexCounter > 3)
					indexCounter = 1;

				// We don't want a sphere to check if it's collided with itself.
				if(i == j)

				SphereData &otherSphere = sphereData[j];
				Vector3 toCentre = spherePosition - spherePositions[j];
				// An unfortunately slow way of checking if the radius of the
				// other sphere should be the other spheres actual radius or
				// the user controlled spheres radius.
				float otherRadius; 
				if(j == 0)
					otherRadius = userSphereSize;
					otherRadius = (float)(indexCounter) * 0.5f;

				float combinedRadius = radius + otherRadius;
				float lengthSqrd = lengthSquared(toCentre);
				float combinedRadiusSqrd = combinedRadius * combinedRadius;
				// A check to see if the spheres have overlapped at all.
				float overlapSqrd = lengthSqrd - combinedRadiusSqrd;
				if(overlapSqrd < 0)
#if _SSE
					overlap = sqrt(lengthSqrd) - combinedRadius;
					// We want to let the vector normalize itself in SSE
					// because we can take advantage of the rsqrt instruction
					// which will be quicker than loading in a float value
					// and multiplying by the reciprocal.
					Vector3 tangent = normalize(toCentre);
					// Here we can take advantage that we've already calculated
					// the actual length value so that we have the overlap and
					// can use that value again to normalize the tangent.
					float len = sqrt(lengthSqrd);
					overlap = len - combinedRadius;
					Vector3 tangent = toCentre / len;
					calcForce(forces, sphereSpringConst, sphereDampFactor, overlap, tangent, tempVelocity);
			// Calculate the overlap with the walls using the normal of the wall
			// and the walls distance from the origin. Should work best for SSE
			// as it should not require any checking of individual elements of
			// the vector.
			overlap = dot3(spherePosition, bottom) + roomSize;
			if(overlap < 0)
				calcForce(forces, wallSpringConst, wallDampFactor, overlap, bottom, tempVelocity);

			overlap = dot3(spherePosition, left) + roomSize;
			if(overlap < 0)
				calcForce(forces, wallSpringConst, wallDampFactor, overlap, left, tempVelocity);
			overlap = dot3(spherePosition, right) + roomSize;
			if(overlap < 0)
				calcForce(forces, wallSpringConst, wallDampFactor, overlap, right, tempVelocity);

			overlap = dot3(spherePosition, front) + roomSize;
			if(overlap < 0)
				calcForce(forces, wallSpringConst, wallDampFactor, overlap, front, tempVelocity);
			overlap = dot3(spherePosition, back) + roomSize;
			if(overlap < 0)
				calcForce(forces, wallSpringConst, wallDampFactor, overlap, back, tempVelocity);

			// Apply the accumulated forces to the acceleration.
			sphere.m_acc = forces / (radius * 2.0f);
			sphere.m_acc += GRAVITY;

			// Calculate the final velocity value from the interim velocity
			// and final acceleration.
			sphere.m_velocity = halfVelo + (0.5f * sphere.m_acc * dt);

		// Determin if we need to reset out physics frame counter.
		secondCheck += dt;
		if(secondCheck > 1.0f)
			physicsFrames[threadNum] = 1;
			secondCheck -= 1.0f;

		updateTimes[threadNum] = time;

		// If we're running the physics function as a thread function then we
		// need to keep it running, so this is the end of the while(programRunning) loop.
#if _USE_MT
Exemple #18
	float length(const vec4 &V)
		return sqrtf(lengthSquared(V));
Exemple #19
GLfloat Vector3::length(void) const
    return sqrt(lengthSquared());
Exemple #20
 T length() const
     return sqrt(lengthSquared());
Exemple #21
float length(const Vec4& v) {
  return sqrt(lengthSquared(v)); 
 Tout length() const {
   return static_cast<Tout>(std::sqrt(lengthSquared()));
Exemple #23
 Real Quat::length()
  return ::Xk::Math::sqrt(lengthSquared());
Exemple #24
 bool Quat::isNormalised(Real epsilon_tolerance)
  return ::Xk::Math::nearEqual( lengthSquared(), (Real) 1, epsilon_tolerance);
	ScalarFieldArray tauWeizsacker(const Everything& e)
	{	ScalarFieldArray tauW(e.eVars.n.size());
		for(size_t j=0; j<e.eVars.n.size(); j++)
			tauW[j] = (1./8.)*lengthSquared(gradient(e.eVars.n[j]))*pow(e.eVars.n[j], -1);
		return tauW;
Exemple #26
double myVector3d::length() {
	return sqrt(lengthSquared());
Exemple #27
 Quaternion::length () const
   // q * conj(q) = w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = |q|^2
   return (sqrt (lengthSquared ()));
Exemple #28
double		Vector3d::length() const
  return sqrt(lengthSquared());
Exemple #29
float FloatPoint::length() const
    return sqrtf(lengthSquared());
Exemple #30
            \brief Returns length of a given vector

            If comparing the length of two vectors it is mroe efficient
            to use the squared lengths
            \see lengthSquared
            static inline float length(const sf::Vector2f& source)
                return std::sqrt(lengthSquared(source));