fixedpointnum navigation_getdistanceandbearing(fixedpointnum lat1,fixedpointnum lon1,fixedpointnum lat2,fixedpointnum lon2,fixedpointnum *bearing) { // returns fixedpointnum distance in meters and bearing in fixedpointnum degrees from point 1 to point 2 fixedpointnum latdiff=lat2-lat1; fixedpointnum londiff=lib_fp_multiply(lon2-lon1,lib_fp_cosine(lat1>>LATLONGEXTRASHIFT)); *bearing = FIXEDPOINT90 + lib_fp_atan2(-latdiff, londiff); if (*bearing >FIXEDPOINT180) *bearing -= FIXEDPOINT360; // distance is 111319 meters per degree. This factor needs to be shifted 16 to make it a fixedpointnum. // Since lat and lon are already shifted by 6, // we will shift by 10 more total. Shift lat and long by 8 and the constant by 2 to get the extra 10. // The squaring will overflow our fixedpointnum at distances greater than 1000 meters or so, so test for size and shift accordingly if (lib_fp_abs(latdiff)+lib_fp_abs(londiff)>40000L) { // for big distances, don't shift lat and long. Instead shift the constant by 10. // this will get us to 32 kilometers at which point our fixedpoingnum can't hold a larger distance. return(lib_fp_multiply(lib_fp_sqrt(lib_fp_multiply(latdiff,latdiff)+lib_fp_multiply(londiff,londiff)),113990656L)); } else { latdiff=latdiff<<8; londiff=londiff<<8; return(lib_fp_multiply(lib_fp_sqrt(lib_fp_multiply(latdiff,latdiff)+lib_fp_multiply(londiff,londiff)),445276L)); } }
void imucalculateestimatedattitude(void) { float EstG[3]; float acc[3]; // holds float accel vector float deltatime; // time in seconds float gyros[3]; vectorcopy ( &EstG[0] , &GEstG[0] ); deltatime = (float)lib_timers_gettimermicrosecondsandreset(&gp_timer) * 0.000001f ; // time in seconds deltatime = deltatime* 0.92; // correction factor // unknown reason readgyro(); readacc(); // correct the gyro and acc readings to remove error // x & y accel offsets only for ( int x = 0; x < 3; ++x) { // was 3 global.gyrorate[x] = global.gyrorate[x] + usersettings.gyrocalibration[x]; global.acc_g_vector[x] = global.acc_g_vector[x] + usersettings.acccalibration[x]; acc[x]= global.acc_g_vector[x]>>6; } // deadzone for yaw rate //global.gyrorate[2] = ( 0 || global.gyrorate[2] > 40000 || global.gyrorate[2]< -40000 ) * global.gyrorate[2] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3; i++) { gyros[i] = tofloat( global.gyrorate[i] ) * deltatime * 0.01745329; } #ifndef SMALL_ANGLE_APPROX // This does a "proper" matrix rotation using gyro deltas without small-angle approximation float mat[3][3]; float tempvect[3]; float cosx, sinx, cosy, siny, cosz, sinz; float coszcosx, coszcosy, sinzcosx, coszsinx, sinzsinx; vectorcopy ( &tempvect[0] , & EstG[0] ); // the signs are differnt due to different conventions // for positive/negative angles in various multiwii forks this is based on cosx = _cosf( gyros[1]); sinx = _sinf( gyros[1]); cosy = _cosf( -gyros[0]); siny = _sinf( -gyros[0]); cosz = _cosf( -gyros[2]); sinz = _sinf( -gyros[2]); coszcosx = cosz * cosx; coszcosy = cosz * cosy; sinzcosx = sinz * cosx; coszsinx = sinx * cosz; sinzsinx = sinx * sinz; mat[0][0] = coszcosy; mat[0][1] = -cosy * sinz; mat[0][2] = siny; mat[1][0] = sinzcosx + (coszsinx * siny); mat[1][1] = coszcosx - (sinzsinx * siny); mat[1][2] = -sinx * cosy; mat[2][0] = (sinzsinx) - (coszcosx * siny); mat[2][1] = (coszsinx) + (sinzcosx * siny); mat[2][2] = cosy * cosx; EstG[0] = tempvect[0] * mat[0][0] + tempvect[1] * mat[1][0] + tempvect[2] * mat[2][0]; EstG[1] = tempvect[0] * mat[0][1] + tempvect[1] * mat[1][1] + tempvect[2] * mat[2][1]; EstG[2] = tempvect[0] * mat[0][2] + tempvect[1] * mat[1][2] + tempvect[2] * mat[2][2]; #endif // end rotation matrix #ifdef SMALL_ANGLE_APPROX // this is a rotation with small angle approximation float deltagyroangle; // holds float gyro angle in rad // Rotate Estimated vector(s), ROLL EstG[2] = scos(gyros[0]) * EstG[2] - ssin(gyros[0]) * EstG[0]; EstG[0] = ssin(gyros[0]) * EstG[2] + scos(gyros[0]) * EstG[0]; // Rotate Estimated vector(s), PITCH EstG[1] = scos(gyros[1]) * EstG[1] + ssin(gyros[1]) * EstG[2]; EstG[2] = -ssin(gyros[1]) * EstG[1] + scos(gyros[1]) * EstG[2]; // Rotate Estimated vector(s), YAW EstG[0] = scos(gyros[2]) * EstG[0] - ssin(gyros[2]) * EstG[1]; EstG[1] = ssin(gyros[2]) * EstG[0] + scos(gyros[2]) * EstG[1]; #endif // end small angle approx // yaw not tested ( maybe for yaw hold? ) // includes deadzone // global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[YAWINDEX] += ( 0 || global.gyrorate[2] > 40000 || global.gyrorate[2]< -40000 ) * ( (float) ( global.gyrorate[2] ) * deltatime + 0.5f); // yaw without deadzone // not tested , i am not sure what the yaw angle is even used for global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[YAWINDEX] += ( (float) ( global.gyrorate[2] ) * deltatime); lib_fp_constrain180(&global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[YAWINDEX]); // global.estimateddownvector[ZINDEX] < 0 // in pilotcontrol.c fix for inverted(not tested) global.estimateddownvector[ZINDEX] = (EstG[2]>0)? 1111:-1111 ; // orientation vector magnitude float mag = 0; mag = calcmagnitude( &EstG[0] ); // normalize orientation vector if (1) { for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { EstG[axis] = EstG[axis] / ( mag / ACC_1G ); } } //debug4 = mag; // calc acc mag float accmag; accmag = calcmagnitude( &acc[0] ); // debug2 = accmag; //normvector( acc , accmag, normal); // normalize acc for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) { acc[axis] = acc[axis] / (accmag / ACC_1G) ; } // test acc mag //debug5 = calcmagnitude( &acc[0] ); /* Set the Gyro Weight for Gyro/Acc complementary filter */ /* Increasing this value would reduce and delay Acc influence on the output of the filter*/ // times for 3ms loop time // filter time changes linearily with loop time // 0.970 0.1s // 0.988 0.25s // 0.994 0.5 s // 0.996 0.75 s // 0.997 1.0 sec // 0.998 1.5 sec // 0.9985 2 sec // 0.999 3 sec // 0.99925 4 s #define GYR_CMPF_FACTOR 0.998f // was 0.998 #define DISABLE_ACC 0 #define ACC_MIN 0.8f #define ACC_MAX 1.2f static unsigned int count = 0; if ( ( accmag > ACC_MIN * ACC_1G ) && ( accmag < ACC_MAX * ACC_1G ) && !DISABLE_ACC ) { //for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) if ( count >= 10 ) // loop time = 3ms so 30ms wait { //x4_set_leds( 0xFF); EstG[0] = EstG[0] * GYR_CMPF_FACTOR + (float)acc[0] * ( 1.0f - GYR_CMPF_FACTOR ); EstG[1] = EstG[1] * GYR_CMPF_FACTOR + (float)acc[1] * ( 1.0f - GYR_CMPF_FACTOR ); EstG[2] = EstG[2] * GYR_CMPF_FACTOR + (float)acc[2] * ( 1.0f - GYR_CMPF_FACTOR ); } count++; } else {// acc mag out of bounds //x4_set_leds( 0x00); count = 0; } vectorcopy ( &GEstG[0] , &EstG[0]); // convert our vectors to euler angles global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[ROLLINDEX] = lib_fp_atan2( FIXEDPOINTCONSTANT(EstG[0]*8 ), FIXEDPOINTCONSTANT(EstG[2]*8 ) ) ; /* global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[PITCHINDEX] = lib_fp_atan2( FIXEDPOINTCONSTANT( EstG[1]*8), FIXEDPOINTCONSTANT( EstG[2]*8) ); */ if (lib_fp_abs(global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[ROLLINDEX]) > FIXEDPOINT45 && lib_fp_abs(global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[ROLLINDEX]) < FIXEDPOINT135) { global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[PITCHINDEX] = lib_fp_atan2(EstG[1]*8, lib_fp_abs(EstG[0])*8); } else { global.currentestimatedeulerattitude[PITCHINDEX] = lib_fp_atan2( EstG[1]*8, EstG[2]*8); } }