Exemple #1
int libambit_sbem0102_command_request_raw(libambit_sbem0102_t *object, uint16_t command, uint8_t *data, size_t datalen, libambit_sbem0102_data_t *reply_data)
    int ret = -1;
    uint8_t *reply = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;

    static uint8_t header[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 'S', 'B', 'E', 'M', '0', '1', '0', '2' };

    // Reset reply data before starting to fill it

    if (libambit_protocol_command(object->ambit_object, command, data, datalen, &reply, &replylen, 0) == 0) {
        // Check that the reply contains an SBEM0102 header
        if (replylen >= sizeof(header) && memcmp(reply + 6, header + 6, 8) == 0) {
            if (replylen > sizeof(header)) {
                // Copy message to reply_data object
                reply_data->data = malloc(replylen - sizeof(header));
                memcpy(reply_data->data, reply + sizeof(header), replylen - sizeof(header));
                reply_data->size = replylen - sizeof(header);
//                LOG_INFO("Command 0x%x Copy message to reply_data object size = %d",command,reply_data->size);

            ret = 0;


    return ret;
static int gps_orbit_write(ambit_object_t *object, uint8_t *data, size_t datalen)
    uint8_t header[8], cmpheader[8];
    int ret = -1;

    LOG_INFO("Writing GPS orbit data");

    libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_write_start, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);

    if (object->driver->gps_orbit_header_read(object, header) == 0) {
        cmpheader[0] = data[7]; // Year, swap bytes
        cmpheader[1] = data[6];
        cmpheader[2] = data[8];
        cmpheader[3] = data[9];
        cmpheader[4] = data[13]; // 4 byte swap
        cmpheader[5] = data[12];
        cmpheader[6] = data[11];
        cmpheader[7] = data[10];

        // Check if new data differs 
        if (memcmp(header, cmpheader, 8) != 0) {
            ret = libambit_pmem20_gps_orbit_write(&object->driver_data->pmem20, data, datalen, true);
        else {
            LOG_INFO("Current GPS orbit data is already up to date, skipping");
            ret = 0;

    return ret;
Exemple #3
static int device_info_get(ambit_object_t *object, ambit_device_info_t *info)
    uint8_t *reply_data = NULL;
    size_t replylen;
    int ret = -1;

    LOG_INFO("Reading device info");

    if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_device_info, komposti_version, sizeof(komposti_version), &reply_data, &replylen, 1) == 0) {
        if (info != NULL) {
            const char *p = (char *)reply_data;

            info->model  = utf8memconv(p, LIBAMBIT_MODEL_LENGTH, NULL);
            p += LIBAMBIT_MODEL_LENGTH;
            info->serial = utf8memconv(p, LIBAMBIT_SERIAL_LENGTH, NULL);
            p += LIBAMBIT_SERIAL_LENGTH;
            memcpy(info->fw_version, p, 4);
            memcpy(info->hw_version, p + 4, 4);
        ret = 0;
    else {
        LOG_WARNING("Failed to device info");


    return ret;
Exemple #4
static int read_log_chunk(ambit_object_t *object, uint32_t address)
    int ret = -1;

    uint8_t *buffer = object->pmem20.log.buffer + (address - PMEM20_LOG_START);
    uint32_t length = object->pmem20.chunk_size;

    uint8_t *reply = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;

    uint8_t send_data[8];
    uint32_t *_address = (uint32_t*)&send_data[0];
    uint32_t *_length = (uint32_t*)&send_data[4];

    if ((address + object->pmem20.chunk_size) > (PMEM20_LOG_START + PMEM20_LOG_SIZE)) {
        length = PMEM20_LOG_START + PMEM20_LOG_SIZE - address;

    *_address = htole32(address);
    *_length = htole32(length);

    if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_log_read, send_data, sizeof(send_data), &reply, &replylen, 0) == 0 &&
        replylen == length + 8) {
        memcpy(buffer, reply + 8, length);
        ret = 0;


    return ret;
static int gps_orbit_header_read(ambit_object_t *object, uint8_t data[8])
    uint8_t *reply_data = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;
    int ret = -1;

    if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_gps_orbit_head, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) == 0 && replylen >= 9) {
        memcpy(data, &reply_data[1], 8);

        ret = 0;
    else {
        LOG_WARNING("Failed to read GPS orbit header");

    return ret;
static int personal_settings_get(ambit_object_t *object, ambit_personal_settings_t *settings)
    uint8_t *reply_data = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;
    int ret = -1;

    LOG_INFO("Reading personal settings");

    if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_personal_settings, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) == 0) {
        ret = libambit_personal_settings_parse(reply_data, replylen, settings);
    else {
        LOG_WARNING("Failed to read personal settings");

    return ret;
Exemple #7
int libambit_pmem20_gps_orbit_write(ambit_object_t *object, uint8_t *data, size_t datalen)
    int ret = -1;
    uint8_t *bufptrs[2];
    size_t bufsizes[2];
    uint8_t startheader[4];
    uint8_t tailbuf[8];
    uint32_t *_sizeptr = (uint32_t*)&startheader[0];
    uint32_t address = PMEM20_GPS_ORBIT_START;
    size_t offset = 0;

    *_sizeptr = htole32(datalen);
    bufptrs[0] = startheader;
    bufsizes[0] = 4;
    bufptrs[1] = data;
    bufsizes[1] = object->pmem20.chunk_size - 4; // We assume that data is
                                                 // always > chunk_size

    // Write first chunk (including length)
    ret = write_data_chunk(object, address, 2, bufptrs, bufsizes);
    offset += bufsizes[1];
    address += object->pmem20.chunk_size;

    // Write rest of the chunks
    while (ret == 0 && offset < datalen) {
        bufptrs[0] = data + offset;
        bufsizes[0] = (datalen - offset > object->pmem20.chunk_size ? object->pmem20.chunk_size : datalen - offset);

        ret = write_data_chunk(object, address, 1, bufptrs, bufsizes);
        offset += bufsizes[0];
        address += bufsizes[0];

    // Write tail length (or what is really!?)
    if (ret == 0) {
        *((uint32_t*)(&tailbuf[0])) = htole32(PMEM20_GPS_ORBIT_START);
        *((uint32_t*)(&tailbuf[4])) = htole32(bufsizes[0]);
        ret = libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_data_tail_len, tailbuf, sizeof(tailbuf), NULL, NULL, 0);

    return ret;
Exemple #8
static int write_data_chunk(ambit_object_t *object, uint32_t address, size_t buffer_count, uint8_t **buffers, size_t *buffer_sizes)
    int ret = -1;

    uint8_t *reply = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;

    uint8_t *send_data;
    size_t send_data_len = 8;

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<buffer_count; i++) {
        send_data_len += buffer_sizes[i];
    send_data = malloc(send_data_len);

    if (send_data != NULL) {
        uint32_t *_address = (uint32_t*)&send_data[0];
        uint32_t *_length = (uint32_t*)&send_data[4];
        uint8_t *send_data_ptr = &send_data[8];

        *_address = htole32(address);
        *_length = htole32(send_data_len - 8);

        for (i=0; i<buffer_count; i++) {
            memcpy(send_data_ptr, buffers[i], buffer_sizes[i]);
            send_data_ptr += buffer_sizes[i];

        if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_data_write, send_data, send_data_len, &reply, &replylen, 0) == 0) {
            ret = 0;


    return ret;
Exemple #9
int libambit_sbem0102_write(libambit_sbem0102_t *object, uint16_t command, libambit_sbem0102_data_t *data)
    int ret = -1;
    uint8_t *send_data;
    size_t offset = 0;
    uint8_t *reply = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;
    static uint8_t header[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 'S', 'B', 'E', 'M', '0', '1', '0', '2' };

    // TODO: We have no idea how to deal with multiple packets at the moment,
    // just fail for now
    if (data != NULL && data->size > object->chunk_size) {
        return -1;

    // Calculate size of buffer, and allocate it
    send_data = malloc(sizeof(header) + (data != NULL ? data->size : 0));
    if (send_data == NULL) {
        return -1;

    // Prepare initial header
    memcpy(send_data, header, sizeof(header));
    offset += sizeof(header);

    if (data != NULL && data->data != NULL && data->size > 0) {
        memcpy(send_data+offset, data->data, data->size);
        offset += data->size;

    ret = libambit_protocol_command(object->ambit_object, command, send_data, offset, &reply, &replylen, 0);


    return ret;
static int get_memory_maps(ambit_object_t *object)
    uint8_t *reply_data = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;
    uint8_t send_data[4] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
    libambit_sbem0102_data_t reply_data_object;
    memory_map_entry_t *mm_entry;
    const uint8_t *ptr;

    if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_unknown2, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) != 0 || replylen < 4) {
        LOG_WARNING("Failed to read memory map key");
        return -1;

    if (libambit_sbem0102_command_request_raw(&object->driver_data->sbem0102, ambit_command_ambit3_memory_map, send_data, sizeof(send_data), &reply_data_object) != 0) {
        LOG_WARNING("Failed to read memory map");
        return -1;

    while (libambit_sbem0102_data_next(&reply_data_object) == 0) {
        if (libambit_sbem0102_data_id(&reply_data_object) == 0x3f) {
            ptr = libambit_sbem0102_data_ptr(&reply_data_object);
            mm_entry = NULL;
            if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "Waypoints") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.waypoints;
            else if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "Routes") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.waypoints;
            else if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "Rules") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.rules;
            else if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "GpsSGEE") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.gps;
            else if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "CustomModes") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.custom_modes;
            else if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "TrainingProgram") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.training_program;
            else if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "ExerciseLog") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.excercise_log;
            else if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "EventLog") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.event_log;
            else if (strcmp((char*)ptr, "BlePairingInfo") == 0) {
                mm_entry = &object->driver_data->memory_maps.ble_pairing;
            else {
                LOG_WARNING("Unknown memory map type \"%s\"", (char*)ptr);

            if (mm_entry != NULL) {
                // We have dealed with the name, advance to hash
                ptr += strlen((char*)ptr) + 1;

                if (libambit_htob((const char*)ptr, mm_entry->hash, sizeof(mm_entry->hash)) < 0) {
                    LOG_ERROR("Failed to read memory map hash");
                ptr += strlen((char*)ptr) + 1;

                mm_entry->start = read32(ptr, 0);
                ptr += 4;
                mm_entry->size = read32(ptr, 0);

    object->driver_data->memory_maps.initialized = 1;

    LOG_INFO("Memory map successfully parsed");

    return 0;
static int log_read(ambit_object_t *object, ambit_log_skip_cb skip_cb, ambit_log_push_cb push_cb, ambit_log_progress_cb progress_cb, void *userref)
    int entries_read = 0;

    uint8_t *reply_data = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;
    uint16_t log_entries_total = 0;
    uint16_t log_entries_walked = 0;

    uint32_t more = 0x00000400;

    bool read_pmem = false;

    ambit_log_header_t log_header;
    ambit_log_entry_t *log_entry;

    LOG_INFO("Reading number of logs");
    log_header.activity_name = NULL;

     * Read number of log entries
    if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_log_count, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) != 0) {
        LOG_WARNING("Failed to read number of log entries");
        return -1;
    log_entries_total = le16toh(*(uint16_t*)(reply_data + 2));

    LOG_INFO("Number of logs=%d", log_entries_total);

     * First part walks through headers to check if there is any point in start
     * reading the PMEM content. If no skip callback is defined, there is no
     * point in checking the headers, because no one can tell us to not include
     * the logs...

    if (skip_cb != NULL) {
        LOG_INFO("Look in headers for new logs");
        // Rewind
        if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_log_head_first, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) != 0) {
            LOG_WARNING("Failed to rewind header pointer");
            return -1;
        more = le32toh(*(uint32_t*)reply_data);

        // Loop through logs while more entries exists
        while (more == 0x00000400) {
            LOG_INFO("Reading next header");
            // Go to next entry
            if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_log_head_step, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) != 0) {
                LOG_WARNING("Failed to walk to next header");
                return -1;

            // Assume every header is composited by 2 parts, where only the
            // second is of interrest right now
            if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_log_head, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) != 0) {
                LOG_WARNING("Failed to read first part of header");
                return -1;

            if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_log_head, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) == 0) {
                if (replylen > 8 && libambit_pmem20_log_parse_header(reply_data + 8, replylen - 8, &log_header) == 0) {
                    if (skip_cb(userref, &log_header) != 0) {
                        // Header was NOT skipped, break out!
                        read_pmem = true;
                        LOG_INFO("Found new entry, start reading log data");
                else {
                    LOG_ERROR("Failed to parse log header");
                    return -1;
            else {
                LOG_WARNING("Failed to read second part of header");
                return -1;

            // Is there more entries to read?
            if (libambit_protocol_command(object, ambit_command_log_head_peek, NULL, 0, &reply_data, &replylen, 0) != 0) {
                LOG_WARNING("Failed to check for more headers");
                return -1;
            more = le32toh(*(uint32_t*)reply_data);
    else {
        LOG_INFO("No skip callback defined, reading log data");
        read_pmem = true;

    if (read_pmem) {
        if (libambit_pmem20_log_init(&object->driver_data->pmem20, PMEM20_LOG_START, PMEM20_LOG_SIZE) != 0) {
            return -1;

        // Loop through all log entries, first check headers
        while (log_entries_walked < log_entries_total && libambit_pmem20_log_next_header(&object->driver_data->pmem20, &log_header) == 1) {
            LOG_INFO("Reading header of log %d of %d", log_entries_walked + 1, log_entries_total);
            if (progress_cb != NULL) {
                progress_cb(userref, log_entries_total, log_entries_walked+1, 100*log_entries_walked/log_entries_total);
            // Check if this entry needs to be read
            if (skip_cb == NULL || skip_cb(userref, &log_header) != 0) {
                LOG_INFO("Reading data of log %d of %d", log_entries_walked + 1, log_entries_total);
                log_entry = libambit_pmem20_log_read_entry(&object->driver_data->pmem20);
                if (log_entry != NULL) {
                    if (push_cb != NULL) {
                        push_cb(userref, log_entry);
            else {
                LOG_INFO("Log %d of %d already exists, skip reading data", log_entries_walked + 1, log_entries_total);
            if (progress_cb != NULL) {
                progress_cb(userref, log_entries_total, log_entries_walked, 100*log_entries_walked/log_entries_total);

    LOG_INFO("%d entries read", entries_read);

    return entries_read;
Exemple #12
int libambit_sbem0102_command_request(libambit_sbem0102_t *object, uint16_t command, libambit_sbem0102_data_t *data_objects, libambit_sbem0102_data_t *reply_data)
    int ret = -1;
    uint8_t *send_data = NULL;
    size_t offset = 0;
    uint8_t *reply = NULL;
    size_t replylen = 0;

    static uint8_t header[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 'S', 'B', 'E', 'M', '0', '1', '0', '2' };
    static uint8_t special_header[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x00, 'S', 'B', 'E', 'M', '0', '1', '0', '2' };

    // TODO: We have no idea how to deal with multiple packets at the moment,
    // just fail for now
    if (data_objects != NULL && data_objects->size > object->chunk_size) {
    	LOG_INFO("libambit_sbem0102_command_request -    --1");
        return -1;

    // Calculate size of buffer, and allocate it
    // TODO: log headers seems to have a different format than the rest, treat
    // it here until the mystery of the 2 extra bytes is really solved
    if (command == ambit_command_ambit3_log_headers) {
        send_data = malloc(sizeof(special_header) + (data_objects != NULL ? data_objects->size : 0));
        if (send_data == NULL) {
            return -1;
        memcpy(send_data, special_header, sizeof(special_header));
        offset += sizeof(special_header);
    else {
        send_data = malloc(sizeof(header) + (data_objects != NULL ? data_objects->size : 0));
        if (send_data == NULL) {
            return -1;
        memcpy(send_data, header, sizeof(header));
        offset += sizeof(header);

    // Add data objects
    if (data_objects != NULL && data_objects->data != NULL && data_objects->size > 0) {
        memcpy(send_data+offset, data_objects->data, data_objects->size);
        offset += data_objects->size;

    // Reset reply data before starting to fill it

    if (libambit_protocol_command(object->ambit_object, command, send_data, offset, &reply, &replylen, 0) == 0) {
        // Check that the reply contains an SBEM0102 header
        if (replylen >= sizeof(header) && memcmp(reply + 6, header + 6, 8) == 0) {
            if (replylen > sizeof(header)) {
                // Copy message to reply_data object
            	reply_data->data = malloc(replylen - sizeof(header));
            	memcpy(reply_data->data, reply + sizeof(header), replylen - sizeof(header));
            	reply_data->size = replylen - sizeof(header);

                // Check if this reply was just a part (5th byte is the current
                // guess on how to determine)
                while (reply[4] != 0x01) {
                    // Guess number 2: first 4 bytes seems to be copied from
                    // the reply when asking for more data, what the f*ck does
                    // they represent!?
                    memcpy(send_data, reply, 4);

                    // Free old reply before calling again

                    if (libambit_protocol_command(object->ambit_object, command, send_data, offset, &reply, &replylen, 0) != 0 ||
                        replylen < 6) {

                    if (replylen > 6) {
                    	reply_data->data = realloc(reply_data->data, reply_data->size + replylen - 6);
                    	memcpy(reply_data->data + reply_data->size, reply + 6, replylen - 6);
                    	reply_data->size += replylen - 6;

            ret = 0;


      	LOG_INFO("%2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x %2x",reply_data->data[0],reply_data->data[1],reply_data->data[2],reply_data->data[3],reply_data->data[4],reply_data->data[5],reply_data->data[6],reply_data->data[7]);


    return ret;