Exemple #1
 * @brief   Generic function to write token into a file in the form (token=value)
 * @param   fileName: file name for which token will be updated
 * @param   token: Token in file to update: example (ESP_HOST_NAME)
 * @param   value: value of token to update (see definition of max buffer sizes in libconfigio.h)
 * @return  SUCCESS or FAIL
error_t libconfigio_write(const char* fileName, const char* token, const char* value)
    error_t retVal = SUCCESS;
    FILE *configFd = NULL;
    FILE *tmpConfigFd = NULL; // of back up file
    char line[LINE_MAX];
    long filePos = -1; ///where the current value is located
    long eofPos = -1; ///where the end of the file is
    char currentValue[LINE_MAX];
    char tmpFileName[256]; ///back up file name when copying the file


    memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));

    umask(022); // setting permissions to be able to write, open files

    // note that the config file or a link to it must be in /opt/etc, the source file is in
    // hub/etc/
    if (access(fileName, F_OK) != 0)
        SYSLOG_DEBUG("file %s does not exist -> will be created", fileName);
    }else if (access(fileName, W_OK) != 0)
        SYSLOG_DEBUG("no write permission for file %s", fileName);
        return FAIL;
        // see if the token already exists -> if so read it and gets its line position in the file.
        filePos = libconfigio_read (fileName, token, currentValue, sizeof(currentValue));

        if(strcmp (value, currentValue) == 0)
            // found value and it is the same -> no need to write the flash -> we're done
            retVal = SUCCESS;
            goto out;

    if (filePos != -1) //if found the value
        //used for backing up of data when rewriting values -> temporary file
        snprintf(tmpFileName, sizeof(tmpFileName), "%s.tmp", fileName);
        // TODO: use temp file tmpnam() from Linux
        tmpConfigFd = fopen(tmpFileName, "w+");
        if (tmpConfigFd == NULL)
            SYSLOG_ERR("%s -> could not open %s for reading and writing", strerror(errno), tmpFileName);
            retVal = FAIL;
            goto out;

        // file that we will update
        configFd = fopen(fileName, "r+");
        if (configFd == NULL)
            SYSLOG_ERR("%s -> could not open %s for reading and writing", strerror(errno), fileName);
            retVal = FAIL;
            goto out;

        //find which that existing value is
        fseek(configFd, filePos, SEEK_SET);

        //get the first line and then dump it.
        if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), configFd) == NULL)
          SYSLOG_ERR("fgets of first line failed");

        // now we need to cpy the following lines in the temporary file
        while (!feof (configFd))
            if(fgets(line, sizeof(line), configFd) == NULL)
            else if(fputs(line, tmpConfigFd) == EOF)
                SYSLOG_ERR("writing tmp file %s, %s", tmpFileName, strerror(errno));

        //go back to where that line is
        fseek(configFd, filePos, SEEK_SET);
        // write the new value
        fprintf(configFd, "%s=%s\n", token,value);
        // then recopy the tmp file where we are now
        //go back to where that line is
        fseek(tmpConfigFd, 0, SEEK_SET);

        // now we need to cpy the following lines in the temporary file
        while (!feof (tmpConfigFd))
            if(fgets(line, sizeof(line), tmpConfigFd) == NULL)
                if(fputs(line, configFd) == EOF)
                    SYSLOG_ERR("writing cur file %s, %s", fileName, strerror(errno));
        //update so that we know the file size
        eofPos = ftell(configFd);
        //create - write token + value in file if either value or file does not exist

        //find where that existing value is
        if(configFd != NULL)
        configFd = fopen(fileName, "a+");
        if (configFd == NULL)
            SYSLOG_ERR("%s -> could not open %s for appending", strerror(errno), fileName);
            retVal = FAIL;
            goto out;
        fprintf(configFd, "%s=%s\n", token,value);


        if (configFd != NULL)
            if (eofPos > 0)
                //eliminate junk at the end.
                if(ftruncate(fileno(configFd), eofPos) < 0)
                    SYSLOG_ERR("ftruncate failed: %s", strerror(errno));

        if (tmpConfigFd != NULL)
        return retVal;
 * Get the activation key from the server
 * @param key Application API key from logging in
 * @param locationId The location ID for this user
 * @return the activation key for this device
char *getactivationinfo_getDeviceActivationKey(const char *key, int locationId) {
    char url[PATH_MAX];
    char baseUrl[PATH_MAX];
    char deviceType[8];
    char rxBuffer[PROXY_MAX_MSG_LEN];
    char headerApiKey[PROXY_HEADER_KEY_LEN];
    http_param_t params;
    getactivationinfo_info_t getActivationInfo;

    xmlSAXHandler saxHandler = {
        NULL, // internalSubsetHandler,
        NULL, // isStandaloneHandler,
        NULL, // hasInternalSubsetHandler,
        NULL, // hasExternalSubsetHandler,
        NULL, // resolveEntityHandler,
        NULL, // getEntityHandler,
        NULL, // entityDeclHandler,
        NULL, // notationDeclHandler,
        NULL, // attributeDeclHandler,
        NULL, // elementDeclHandler,
        NULL, // unparsedEntityDeclHandler,
        NULL, // setDocumentLocatorHandler,
        NULL, // startDocument
        NULL, // endDocument
        _getactivationinfo_xml_startElementHandler, // startElement
        NULL, // endElement
        NULL, // reference,
        _getactivationinfo_xml_charactersHandler, //characters
        NULL, // ignorableWhitespace
        NULL, // processingInstructionHandler,
        NULL, // comment
        NULL, // warning
        NULL, // error
        NULL, // fatal

    if(activationKeyValid) {
        return activationKey;

    bzero(deviceType, sizeof(deviceType));
    bzero(&params, sizeof(params));
    snprintf(headerApiKey, sizeof(headerApiKey), "FABRUX_API_KEY: %s", login_getApiKey());

    // Read the device type from the configuration file
    if(libconfigio_read(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_PROXY_DEVICE_TYPE_TOKEN_NAME, deviceType, sizeof(deviceType)) == -1) {
        printf("Couldn't read %s in file %s, writing default value\n", CONFIGIO_PROXY_DEVICE_TYPE_TOKEN_NAME, proxycli_getConfigFilename());
        libconfigio_write(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_PROXY_DEVICE_TYPE_TOKEN_NAME, DEFAULT_PROXY_DEVICETYPE);
        strncpy(deviceType, DEFAULT_PROXY_DEVICETYPE, sizeof(deviceType));

    // Read the activation URL from the configuration file
    if(libconfigio_read(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, baseUrl, sizeof(baseUrl)) == -1) {
        printf("Couldn't read %s in file %s, writing default value\n", CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, proxycli_getConfigFilename());
        libconfigio_write(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, DEFAULT_ACTIVATION_URL);
        strncpy(baseUrl, DEFAULT_ACTIVATION_URL, sizeof(baseUrl));

    snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/locations/%d/deviceActivation/%s", baseUrl, locationId, deviceType);

    //SYSLOG_INFO("Getting device activation key...");
    SYSLOG_INFO("Contacting URL %s\n", url);

    params.verbose = TRUE;
    params.timeouts.connectTimeout = HTTPCOMM_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC;
    params.timeouts.transferTimeout = HTTPCOMM_DEFAULT_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_SEC;
    params.key = headerApiKey;

    libhttpcomm_sendMsg(NULL, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, url, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, rxBuffer, sizeof(rxBuffer), params, NULL);

    SYSLOG_INFO("Server returned: \n%s\n", rxBuffer);

    getActivationInfo.resultCode = -1;
    xmlSAXUserParseMemory(&saxHandler, &getActivationInfo, rxBuffer, strlen(rxBuffer));

    if(getActivationInfo.resultCode == 0) {
        printf("Downloaded the secret activation key!\n");
        activationKeyValid = true;
        return activationKey;

    } else {
        printf("Error getting activation key. Check the syslogs.\n");
        return NULL;
Exemple #3
 * Login
 * @param username
 * @param password
 * @return Application API key, or NULL if we couldn't log in
error_t login_doLogin(const char *username, const char *password) {
  char baseUrl[PATH_MAX];
  char url[PATH_MAX];
  char rxBuffer[PROXY_MAX_MSG_LEN];
  char headerPassword[PROXY_HEADER_PASSWORD_LEN];
  http_param_t params;
  login_info_t loginInfo;

  bzero(&params, sizeof(params));

  xmlSAXHandler saxHandler = {
      NULL, // internalSubsetHandler,
      NULL, // isStandaloneHandler,
      NULL, // hasInternalSubsetHandler,
      NULL, // hasExternalSubsetHandler,
      NULL, // resolveEntityHandler,
      NULL, // getEntityHandler,
      NULL, // entityDeclHandler,
      NULL, // notationDeclHandler,
      NULL, // attributeDeclHandler,
      NULL, // elementDeclHandler,
      NULL, // unparsedEntityDeclHandler,
      NULL, // setDocumentLocatorHandler,
      NULL, // startDocument
      NULL, // endDocument
      _login_xml_startElementHandler, // startElement
      NULL, // endElement
      NULL, // reference,
      _login_xml_charactersHandler, //characters
      NULL, // ignorableWhitespace
      NULL, // processingInstructionHandler,
      NULL, // comment
      NULL, // warning
      NULL, // error
      NULL, // fatal

  // Read the activation URL from the configuration file
  if(libconfigio_read(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, baseUrl, sizeof(baseUrl)) == -1) {
    printf("Couldn't read %s in file %s, writing default value\n", CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, proxycli_getConfigFilename());
    libconfigio_write(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, DEFAULT_ACTIVATION_URL);
    strncpy(baseUrl, DEFAULT_ACTIVATION_URL, sizeof(baseUrl));

  snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/login?username=%s", baseUrl, username);
  snprintf(headerPassword, sizeof(headerPassword), "PASSWORD: %s", password);

  SYSLOG_INFO("Logging in...");
  SYSLOG_INFO("Contacting URL %s\n", url);

  params.verbose = TRUE;
  params.timeouts.connectTimeout = HTTPCOMM_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC;
  params.timeouts.transferTimeout = HTTPCOMM_DEFAULT_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_SEC;
  params.password = headerPassword;

  libhttpcomm_sendMsg(NULL, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, url, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, rxBuffer, sizeof(rxBuffer), params, NULL);

  SYSLOG_INFO("Server returned: \n%s\n", rxBuffer);

  loginInfo.resultCode = -1;

  if ( 0 == xmlSAXUserParseMemory(&saxHandler, &loginInfo, rxBuffer, strlen(rxBuffer)) )

      if(loginInfo.resultCode == 0) {
	  printf("Login successful!\n");
	  SYSLOG_INFO("Login successful");
	  return SUCCESS;

      } else {
	  printf("Error logging in\n");
	  return FAIL;

  printf("Error logging in\n");
  return FAIL;
 * Register Device
 * @return
error_t registerDevice(void) {
    char url[PATH_MAX];
    char baseUrl[PATH_MAX];
    char deviceType[8];
    char rxBuffer[PROXY_MAX_MSG_LEN];
    char headerApiKey[PROXY_HEADER_KEY_LEN];
    char eui64[EUI64_STRING_SIZE+8];
    http_param_t params;
    registrationinfo_info_t registrationInfo;

    bzero(&params, sizeof(params));

    xmlSAXHandler saxHandler = {
        NULL, // internalSubsetHandler,
        NULL, // isStandaloneHandler,
        NULL, // hasInternalSubsetHandler,
        NULL, // hasExternalSubsetHandler,
        NULL, // resolveEntityHandler,
        NULL, // getEntityHandler,
        NULL, // entityDeclHandler,
        NULL, // notationDeclHandler,
        NULL, // attributeDeclHandler,
        NULL, // elementDeclHandler,
        NULL, // unparsedEntityDeclHandler,
        NULL, // setDocumentLocatorHandler,
        NULL, // startDocument
        NULL, // endDocument
        _registrationinfo_xml_startElementHandler, // startElement
        NULL, // endElement
        NULL, // reference,
        _registrationinfo_xml_charactersHandler, //characters
        NULL, // ignorableWhitespace
        NULL, // processingInstructionHandler,
        NULL, // comment
        NULL, // warning
        NULL, // error
        NULL, // fatal

    bzero(deviceType, sizeof(deviceType));
    bzero(&params, sizeof(params));
    snprintf(headerApiKey, sizeof(headerApiKey), "FABRUX_API_KEY: %s", login_getApiKey());

    // Read the device type from the configuration file
    if(libconfigio_read(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_PROXY_DEVICE_TYPE_TOKEN_NAME, deviceType, sizeof(deviceType)) == -1) {
        printf("Couldn't read %s in file %s, writing default value\n", CONFIGIO_PROXY_DEVICE_TYPE_TOKEN_NAME, proxycli_getConfigFilename());
        libconfigio_write(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_PROXY_DEVICE_TYPE_TOKEN_NAME, DEFAULT_PROXY_DEVICETYPE);
        strncpy(deviceType, DEFAULT_PROXY_DEVICETYPE, sizeof(deviceType));

    // Read the activation URL from the configuration file
    if(libconfigio_read(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, baseUrl, sizeof(baseUrl)) == -1) {
        printf("Couldn't read %s in file %s, writing default value\n", CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, proxycli_getConfigFilename());
        libconfigio_write(proxycli_getConfigFilename(), CONFIGIO_ACTIVATION_URL_TOKEN_NAME, DEFAULT_ACTIVATION_URL);
        strncpy(baseUrl, DEFAULT_ACTIVATION_URL, sizeof(baseUrl));

    eui64_toString(eui64, sizeof(eui64));
    // https://developer.presencepro.com/cloud/json/devices/001C42DE23CF-4-33F?productId=4
    snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "%s/devices/%s?productId=%s", baseUrl, eui64, deviceType);

    SYSLOG_INFO("Register device...");
    SYSLOG_INFO("Contacting URL %s\n", url);

    params.verbose = TRUE;
    params.timeouts.connectTimeout = HTTPCOMM_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC;
    params.timeouts.transferTimeout = HTTPCOMM_DEFAULT_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_SEC;
    params.key = headerApiKey;

    libhttpcomm_postMsg(NULL, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, url, NULL, NULL, "", 0, rxBuffer, sizeof(rxBuffer), params, NULL);

    SYSLOG_INFO("Server returned: \n%s\n", rxBuffer);

    registrationInfo.resultCode = -1;

    if ( 0 == xmlSAXUserParseMemory(&saxHandler, &registrationInfo, rxBuffer, strlen(rxBuffer)) )

        if(registrationInfo.resultCode == 0) {
            printf("Register device successful!\n");
            SYSLOG_INFO("Register device successful");
            return SUCCESS;

        } else {
            printf("Error register device\n");
            return FAIL;

    printf("Error register device\n");
    return FAIL;