Exemple #1
bool Enemy::noticeFollower()
	bool returnBool = false;
	D3DXVECTOR3 followerPos = gFollower->getPosition();
	float distanceSq = D3DXVec3LengthSq(&(mPosition - followerPos));
	if (distanceSq > mSightRangeSq)//if not within range, they can't see follower
		bAttackFollower = false;
		return false;
	// they are close enough to hear the follower through a wall or behind them
	if (distanceSq < mHearRangeSq)
		returnBool = true;
	//if the follower would be behind the enemy, they don't get a chance to see them
	//current enemy rotation is mRotation.y
	//find rotation towards follower
	D3DXVECTOR3 toFollower = gFollower->getPosition() - mPosition;
	float followerDirection = atan2(toFollower.x, toFollower.z);
	//if not within VISION_RANGE degrees/PI radians of each other
	//this only applies if the player has not injured them. If player has, they are more 
	if (mHealth == mHealthMax && returnBool == false)
		//1.57 ~ 1/2 * PI      6.28 ~ 2 * PI
		if ((fabs(followerDirection - mRotation.y) > 1.57) &&
			((fabs(followerDirection - 6.28)) + mRotation.y > 1.57) &&
			((fabs(mRotation.y - 6.28)) + followerDirection > 1.57))
			bAttackFollower = false;
			return false;
	//if they are between max hearing and max sight range, see if they are line of sight to player
	//make a line segment between enemy and player location
	//only take into account x and z here since map is flat, will save time
	LineSegment line3D(mPosition, followerPos);
	for (Mesh* M : gCurrentLevel->getWorldGeometry())
		for (AxisAlignedBoundingBox AABB : M->getBoundsBoxList())
			//if further out than sight range, no point in checking it
			if (D3DXVec3LengthSq(&(AABB.mMin - mPosition)) > mSightRangeSq)
			//see if it collides with the line
			if (collides(AABB, line3D))
				bAttackPlayer = false;
				return returnBool;
	//if it gets through the above checks, then it can see the player
	mLoseSightFollower = 0.0f;
	bAttackFollower = true;
	bSeenPlayer = true;
	return true;
TEST_F(LineSegmentTest, getPointsTest) {
	LineSegment<1> line1D(Point<1>(1.0), Point<1>(2.0));
	LineSegment<2> line2D(Point<2>(1.0, 2.0), Point<2>(2.0, 3.0));
	LineSegment<3> line3D(Point<3>(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), Point<3>(2.0, 3.0, 4.0));

	EXPECT_EQ(1.0, line1D.getPoints().first.x());
	EXPECT_EQ(2.0, line2D.getPoints().first.y());
	EXPECT_EQ(3.0, line3D.getPoints().first.z());
	EXPECT_EQ(2.0, line1D.getPoints().second.x());
	EXPECT_EQ(3.0, line2D.getPoints().second.y());
	EXPECT_EQ(4.0, line3D.getPoints().second.z());
TEST_F(LineSegmentTest, minAndMaxTest) {
	LineSegment<1> line1D(Point<1>(1.0), Point<1>(2.0));
	LineSegment<2> line2D(Point<2>(1.0, 2.0), Point<2>(2.0, 3.0));
	LineSegment<3> line3D(Point<3>(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), Point<3>(2.0, 3.0, 4.0));

	EXPECT_EQ(1.0, line1D.startPoint().x());
	EXPECT_EQ(2.0, line2D.startPoint().y());
	EXPECT_EQ(3.0, line3D.startPoint().z());
	EXPECT_EQ(2.0, line1D.endPoint().x());
	EXPECT_EQ(3.0, line2D.endPoint().y());
	EXPECT_EQ(4.0, line3D.endPoint().z());
TEST_F(LineSegmentTest, ConstructorTest) {
	EXPECT_NO_THROW(LineSegment<1> line1D(Point<1>(1.0), Point<1>(2.0)));
	EXPECT_NO_THROW(LineSegment<2> line2D(Point<2>(1.0, 2.0), Point<2>(2.0, 3.0)));
	EXPECT_NO_THROW(LineSegment<3> line3D(Point<3>(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), Point<3>(2.0, 3.0, 4.0)));