Exemple #1
void StaffType::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const
      xml.tag("name", name());
      if (lines() != 5)
            xml.tag("lines", lines());
      if (lineDistance().val() != 1.0)
            xml.tag("lineDistance", lineDistance().val());
      if (!genClef())
            xml.tag("clef", genClef());
      if (slashStyle())
            xml.tag("slashStyle", slashStyle());
      if (!showBarlines())
            xml.tag("barlines", showBarlines());
Exemple #2
void StaffTypeTablature::setFretMetrics()
      if(_fretMetricsValid && _refDPI == MScore::DPI)

      QFontMetricsF fm(fretFont());
      // compute total height of used characters
      QRectF bb(fm.tightBoundingRect(_useNumbers ? g_strNumbers : g_strLetters));
      // compute vertical displacement
      if(_useNumbers) {
            // for numbers: centre on '0': move down by the whole part above (negative)
            // the base line ( -bb.y() ) then up by half the whole height ( -bb.height()/2 )
            QRectF bx( fm.tightBoundingRect("0") );
            _fretYOffset = -(bx.y() + bx.height()/2.0);
            // _fretYOffset = -(bb.y() + bb.height()/2.0);  // <- using bbox of all chars
      else {
            // for letters: centre on the 'a' ascender, by moving down half of the part above the base line in bx
            QRectF bx( fm.tightBoundingRect("a") );
            _fretYOffset = -bx.y() / 2.0;
      // if on string, we are done; if between strings, raise by half line distance
            _fretYOffset -= lineDistance().val()*MScore::DPI*SPATIUM20 / 2.0;

      // from _fretYOffset, compute _charBoxH and _charBoxY
      _fretBoxH = bb.height();
      _fretBoxY = bb.y()  + _fretYOffset;

      // keep track of the conditions under which metrics have been computed
      _refDPI = MScore::DPI;
      _fretMetricsValid = true;
Exemple #3
void StaffType::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const
      xml.tag("name", name());
      // uncontionally write properties: staff types are read back over a copy of the built-in types
      // and properties may be different across types => each might need to be properly (re-)set
      xml.tag("lines", lines());
      xml.tag("lineDistance", lineDistance().val());
      xml.tag("clef", genClef());
      xml.tag("slashStyle", slashStyle());
      xml.tag("barlines", showBarlines());
      xml.tag("timesig", genTimesig());
Exemple #4
void StaffTypeTablature::setDurationMetrics()
      if (_durationMetricsValid && _refDPI == MScore::DPI)           // metrics are still valid

      QFontMetricsF fm(durationFont());
      QRectF bb( fm.tightBoundingRect(QString(g_cDurationChars, STAFFTYPETAB_NUMOFDURCHARS)) );
      // move symbols so that the lowest margin 'sits' on the base line:
      // move down by the whole part above (negative) the base line
      // ( -bb.y() ) then up by the whole height ( -bb.height()/2 )
      _durationYOffset = -bb.y() - bb.height()
      // then move up by a default margin and, if marks are above lines, by half the line distance
      // (converted from spatium units to raster units)
            + ( TAB_DEFAULT_DUR_YOFFS - (_onLines ? 0.0 : lineDistance().val()/2.0) ) * MScore::DPI*SPATIUM20;
      _durationBoxH = bb.height();
      _durationBoxY = bb.y()  + _durationYOffset;
      // keep track of the conditions under which metrics have been computed
      _refDPI = MScore::DPI;
      _durationMetricsValid = true;
Exemple #5
void StaffTypeTablature::setFretMetrics()
      if(_fretMetricsValid && _refDPI == MScore::DPI)

      QFontMetricsF fm(fretFont());
      QRectF bb;
      // compute vertical displacement
      if(_useNumbers) {
            // compute total height of used characters
            QString txt = QString();
            for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++)  // use only first 10 digits
            bb = fm.tightBoundingRect(txt);
            // for numbers: centre on '0': move down by the whole part above (negative)
            // the base line ( -bb.y() ) then up by half the whole height ( -bb.height()/2 )
            QRectF bx( fm.tightBoundingRect(_fretFonts[_fretFontIdx].displayDigit[0]) );
            _fretYOffset = -(bx.y() + bx.height()/2.0);
            // _fretYOffset = -(bb.y() + bb.height()/2.0);  // <- using bbox of all chars
      else {
            // compute total height of used characters
            QString txt(_fretFonts[_fretFontIdx].displayLetter, NUM_OF_LETTERFRETS);
            bb = fm.tightBoundingRect(txt);
            // for letters: centre on the 'a' ascender, by moving down half of the part above the base line in bx
            QRectF bx( fm.tightBoundingRect(_fretFonts[_fretFontIdx].displayLetter[0]) );
            _fretYOffset = -bx.y() / 2.0;
      // if on string, we are done; if between strings, raise by half line distance
            _fretYOffset -= lineDistance().val()*MScore::DPI*SPATIUM20 / 2.0;

      // from _fretYOffset, compute _charBoxH and _charBoxY
      _fretBoxH = bb.height();
      _fretBoxY = bb.y()  + _fretYOffset;

      // keep track of the conditions under which metrics have been computed
      _refDPI = MScore::DPI;
      _fretMetricsValid = true;
void QtWaitingSpinner::paintEvent(QPaintEvent */*ev*/) {
	QPainter painter(this);
	painter.fillRect(this->rect(), Qt::transparent);
	painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);

	if (myCurrentCounter >= myLinesNumber) {
		myCurrentCounter = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < myLinesNumber; ++i) {
		painter.translate(myRadius + myLength, myRadius + myLength);
		qreal rotateAngle = (qreal)360 * qreal(i) / qreal(myLinesNumber);
		painter.translate(myRadius, 0);
		int distance = lineDistance(i, myCurrentCounter, myLinesNumber);
		QColor color = countTrailColor(distance, myLinesNumber, myTrail, myOpacity, myColor);
		//TODO improve the way rounded rect is painted
		painter.drawRoundedRect(QRect(0, -myWidth/2, myLength, myWidth), myRoundness, myRoundness, Qt::RelativeSize);