Exemple #1
		//this is only really for forces made manually, not by the forces that are made by other objects(including friction and normal forces)
		void Force::tick(std::vector<Object *> &objects) { //check for objects to act upon
			for(Object *obj : objects) {
				vec2* corners = obj->getVertices(); //i know for now that this array has a size of 4

				//for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
					//std::cout << corners[i] << std::endl;

				//check each side for collisions with this line
				vec2 intersect1 = lineIntersect(corners[0], corners[1]); //top side
				vec2 intersect2 = lineIntersect(corners[1], corners[2]); //right side
				vec2 intersect3 = lineIntersect(corners[2], corners[3]); //bottom side
				vec2 intersect4 = lineIntersect(corners[3], corners[0]); //left side
				//now check to see if each intersection is actually on the 
				if(pointOnSegment(intersect1, corners[0], corners[1])) {
					std::cout << "1" << std::endl;
					obj->forceApplied(this, intersect1);

				if(pointOnSegment(intersect2, corners[1], corners[2])) {
					std::cout << "1" << std::endl;
					obj->forceApplied(this, intersect2);

				if(pointOnSegment(intersect3, corners[2], corners[3])) {
					std::cout << "1" << std::endl;
					obj->forceApplied(this, intersect3);

				if(pointOnSegment(intersect4, corners[3], corners[4])) {
					std::cout << "1" << std::endl;
					obj->forceApplied(this, intersect4);

				toDelete = true;

				//maybe a for-loop here?
				//check if the intersects are in-bounds - should I have a method that does this?
				//a different method may need to be used - b/c how would i know which point is before the other?

				/*if(intersect1.x > corners[0].x && intersect1.x < corners[1].x)
					if(intersect1.y < corners[0].y && intersect1.y > corners[1].y)
						std::cout << "1 is inbounds" << std::endl;
				if(intersect2.x > corners[1].x && intersect2.x < corners[2].x)
					if(intersect2.y > corners[1].y && intersect2.y < corners[2].y)
						std::cout << "2 is inbounds" << std::endl;
				if(intersect1.x > corners[2].x && intersect1.x < corners[3].x)
					if(intersect1.y > corners[2].y && intersect1.y < corners[3].y)
						std::cout << "3 is inbounds" << std::endl;
				if(intersect1.x > corners[3].x && intersect1.x < corners[0].x)
					if(intersect1.y > corners[3].y && intersect1.y < corners[0].y)
						std::cout << "4 is inbounds" << std::endl;
void intersectGridLinesFromSegment(const osg::Vec2d& s0, const osg::Vec2d& s1, std::vector<osg::Vec2d>& list)
  struct Entry { 
    float dist;
    osg::Vec2d value;

  osg::Vec2d min(FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX);
  osg::Vec2d max(-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX);

  if(s0.x()<min.x()) min.x() = s0.x();
  if(s0.x()>max.x()) max.x() = s0.x();

  if(s0.y()<min.y()) min.y() = s0.y();
  if(s0.y()>max.y()) max.y() = s0.y();

  if(s1.x()<min.x()) min.x() = s1.x();
  if(s1.x()>max.x()) max.x() = s1.x();

  if(s1.y()<min.y()) min.y() = s1.y();
  if(s1.y()>max.y()) max.y() = s1.y();


  osg::Vec2d result;

    int start = static_cast<int>(floor(min[0]));
    int stop = static_cast<int>(ceil(max[0]));
    double myMin = floor(min[1]);
    double myMax = ceil(max[1]);
    for (int i = start; i <= stop; i++) {
      if (lineIntersect(s0,s1,osg::Vec2d(i,myMin - 1), osg::Vec2d(i,myMax + 1), result)) {
        list.push_back(osg::Vec2d(i, result[1]));

    int start = static_cast<int>(floor(min[1]));
    int stop = static_cast<int>(ceil(max[1]));
    double myMin = floor(min[0]);
    double myMax = ceil(max[0]);
    for (int j = start; j <= stop; j++) {
      if (lineIntersect(s0,s1,osg::Vec2d(myMin - 1, j), osg::Vec2d(myMax + 1,j ), result)) {
        list.push_back(osg::Vec2d(result[0], j));
  std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), less_mag(s0));
Exemple #3
    PixelRegion PixelRegion::globalCut(Side side, int p) {
        if (!lineIntersect(side, p)) {
            return PixelRegion({ 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 });

        PixelRegion cutOff(*this);
        int cutSize = 0;
        switch (side) {
        case LEFT:
            cutOff.setRight(p - cutSize);
        case TOP:
            cutOff.setBottom(p - cutSize);
        case RIGHT:
            cutOff.setLeft(p + cutSize);
        case BOTTOM:
            cutOff.setTop(p + cutSize);
        return cutOff;
Exemple #4
int isPL(point a, point b, vector<point> &res) { // `点逆时针给出,无三点共线`
	static double theta[MAXN];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) theta[i] = (list[(i + 1) % n] - list[i]).atan2();
	double delta = theta[0];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) theta[i] = normalize(theta[i] - delta);
	int x = lower_bound(theta, theta + n, normalize((b - a).atan2() - delta)) - theta;
	int y = lower_bound(theta, theta + n, normalize((a - b).atan2() - delta)) - theta;
	for (int k = 0; k <= 1; ++k, swap(a, b), swap(x, y)) {
		if (y < x) y += n;
		int l = x, r = y, m;
		while (l + 1 < r) {
			if (sign(det(b - a, list[(m = (l + r) / 2) % n] - a)) < 0) l = m;
			else r = m;
		l %= n, r %= n;
		if (sign(det(b - a, list[r] - list[l])) == 0) {
			if (sign(det(b - a, list[l] - a)) == 0)
			return -l; // `直线与 $(list[l], list[r])$ 重合`
		else {
			point p; lineIntersect(list[l], list[r], a, b, p);
			if (p.onSeg(list[l], list[r]))
	return res.size();
bool Box2D::intersect(Box2D* l)
  glm::vec4 transformedcorners1[4];
  glm::vec4 transformedcorners2[4];
  transformedcorners1[0] = m_transform * glm::vec4(m_corners[0][0], 1.0, m_corners[0][1], 1.0);
  transformedcorners1[1] = m_transform * glm::vec4(m_corners[1][0], 1.0, m_corners[1][1], 1.0);
  transformedcorners1[2] = m_transform * glm::vec4(m_corners[2][0], 1.0, m_corners[2][1], 1.0);
  transformedcorners1[3] = m_transform * glm::vec4(m_corners[3][0], 1.0, m_corners[3][1], 1.0);
  transformedcorners2[0] = l->m_transform * glm::vec4(l->m_corners[0][0], 1.0, l->m_corners[0][1], 1.0);
  transformedcorners2[1] = l->m_transform * glm::vec4(l->m_corners[1][0], 1.0, l->m_corners[1][1], 1.0);
  transformedcorners2[2] = l->m_transform * glm::vec4(l->m_corners[2][0], 1.0, l->m_corners[2][1], 1.0);
  transformedcorners2[3] = l->m_transform * glm::vec4(l->m_corners[3][0], 1.0, l->m_corners[3][1], 1.0);
  for(int a=0; a<4; a++)
    for(int b=0; b<4; b++)
      if(lineIntersect(glm::vec2(transformedcorners1[a][0], transformedcorners1[a][2]),
                       glm::vec2(transformedcorners1[(a+1)%4][0], transformedcorners1[(a+1)%4][2]),
                       glm::vec2(transformedcorners2[b][0], transformedcorners2[b][2]),
                       glm::vec2(transformedcorners2[(b+1)%4][0], transformedcorners2[(b+1)%4][2])))
        return true;
  return false;
bool PhysicalPolygon::intersectRay(Ray ray, sf::Vector2f& intersectionPoint, sf::Vector2f& intersectionNormal) const {
    if (vertices_.size() < 2)
        return false;

	float minDsq{MAX_FLOAT};
	sf::Vector2f closestIntersectionPoint;
	sf::Vector2f closestIntersectionNormal;

	for (auto pVertex = vertices_.begin() + 1; pVertex != vertices_.end(); pVertex++) {
		float t, u;
		if (lineIntersect(Line(ray.origin, ray.direction), LineSegment(*pVertex, *(pVertex-1)), t, u)) {
			if (t >= 0.0f && u >= 0.0f && u <= 1.0f) {
				float dsq = lengthsq(t*ray.direction);
				if (dsq < minDsq) {
					minDsq = dsq;
					closestIntersectionPoint = ray.origin + t*ray.direction;
					sf::Vector2f normal(-(*(pVertex-1)-*pVertex).y, (*(pVertex-1)-*pVertex).x);
		            closestIntersectionNormal = normalize( (dot(ray.origin - *pVertex, normal) > 0) ? normal : -normal );

	if (minDsq == MAX_FLOAT)
		return false;
	else {
		intersectionPoint = closestIntersectionPoint;
		intersectionNormal = closestIntersectionNormal;

	return true;
void Triangle2HeightField::clipTop(const std::vector<osg::Vec2d>& in, std::vector<osg::Vec2d>& out, double limit)
  osg::Vec2d result;
  for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {
    const osg::Vec2d& prev = in[(in.size()+i-1)%in.size()];
    const osg::Vec2d& cur = in[i];
    bool previousInside = prev[1] <= limit;
    bool currentInside = cur[1] <= limit;
    if ( (previousInside && !currentInside) || (!previousInside && currentInside) ) {
      double min(FLT_MAX);
      double max(-FLT_MAX);
      if(prev.x()<min) min = prev.x();
      if(prev.x()>max) max = prev.x();
      if(cur.x()<min) min = cur.x();
      if(cur.x()>max) max = cur.x();
      bool intersect = lineIntersect(prev, 
                                     osg::Vec2d(min - 1, limit),
                                     osg::Vec2d(max + 1, limit),
      result[1] = limit;
      if (!previousInside && currentInside) {
    } else if (previousInside && currentInside) {
std::vector<float> SystemsHandler::inputStateWeights(std::deque<InputState> *inputStates, long startTime, long endTime) {
	long len = inputStates->size();
	std::vector<float> rtn(len);
	for(int i=0; i<rtn.size()-1; i++) {
		rtn[i] = lineIntersect(startTime, endTime, inputStates->at(i+1).timeStamp, inputStates->at(i).timeStamp);
	rtn[rtn.size()-1] = 0;
	return rtn;
// Circle through 3 points
// Computes the circle containing the 3 given points.
// The 3 points are (x[0], y[0]), (x[1], y[1]) and (x[2], y[2]).
// The centre of the circle is returned as (r[0], r[1]).
// The radius is returned normally. If the circle is undefined (the points are collinear),
// -1.0 is returned.
// REQUIRES: lineIntersect
double circle3pts(double x[], double y[], double r[]) {
	double lix[4], liy[4];
	lix[0] = 0.5 * (x[0] + x[1]); liy[0] = 0.5 * (y[0] + y[1]);
	lix[1] = lix[0] + y[1] - y[0];	liy[1] = liy[0] + x[0] - x[1];
	lix[2] = 0.5 * (x[1] + x[2]); liy[2] = 0.5 * (y[1] + y[2]);
	lix[3] = lix[2] + y[2] - y[1];	liy[3] = liy[2] + x[1] - x[2];
	if (!lineIntersect(lix, liy, r)) return -1.0;
	return sqrt((r[0] - x[0]) * (r[0] - x[0]) + (r[1] - y[0]) * (r[1] - y[0]));
bool lineSegIntersect( E e, E f, E *r = NULL )
    E blah; if( !r ) r = &blah;

    double c1 = cross( e.a, e.b, f.a );
    double c2 = cross( e.b, e.a, f.b );
    double c3 = cross( f.a, f.b, e.a );
    double c4 = cross( f.b, f.a, e.b );
    if( c1 * c2 < -EPS || c3 * c4 < -EPS ) return false;
    if( fabs( c1 ) > EPS || fabs( c2 ) > EPS || fabs( c3 ) > EPS || fabs( c4 ) > EPS )
        lineIntersect( e, f, &r->a );
        r->b = r->a;
        return dist( e.a, r->b ) + dist( r->b, e.b ) - dist( e.a, e.b ) <= EPS
            && dist( f.a, r->b ) + dist( r->b, f.b ) - dist( f.a, f.b ) <= EPS;
        // degenerate line segments?
        if( dist2( e.a, e.b ) <= EPS && dist2( f.a, f.b ) <= EPS && dist2( f.a, e.a ) > EPS )
            return false;

        // Collinear case
        bool fa = dist( e.a, e.b ) >= dist( e.a, f.a ) + dist( e.b, f.a ) - EPS;
        bool fb = dist( e.a, e.b ) >= dist( e.a, f.b ) + dist( e.b, f.b ) - EPS;
        switch( ( fa ? 10 : 0 ) + ( fb ? 1 : 0 ) )
            case 11:        // f is inside e
                r->a = f.a;
                r->b = f.b;
                return true;

            case 10:        // only f.a is inside e
                r->a = ( dist2( e.a, f.b ) <= dist2( e.b, f.b ) ? e.a : e.b );
                r->b = f.a;
                return true;

            case 1:         // only f.b is inside e
                r->a = ( dist2( e.a, f.a ) <= dist2( e.b, f.a ) ? e.a : e.b );
                r->b = f.b;
                return true;

            case 0:         // both outside of e
                if( dist( f.a, e.a ) + dist( e.a, f.b ) <= dist( f.a, f.b ) + EPS &&
                    dist( f.a, e.b ) + dist( e.b, f.b ) <= dist( f.a, f.b ) + EPS )
                    // e is inside f
                    r->a = e.a;
                    r->b = e.b;
                    return true;
                return false;
    return false;       // Will never get here
// Determine for each edge the intersection point. Calculates
// - cutPoints_ : coordinates of all intersection points
// - edgePoint  : per edge -1 or the index into cutPoints
void Foam::cuttingPlane::intersectEdges
    const primitiveMesh& mesh,
    const scalarField& dotProducts,
    List<label>& edgePoint
    // Use the dotProducts to find out the cut edges.
    const edgeList& edges = mesh.edges();
    const pointField& points = mesh.points();

    // Per edge -1 or the label of the intersection point

    DynamicList<point> dynCuttingPoints(4*cutCells_.size());

    forAll(edges, edgeI)
        const edge& e = edges[edgeI];

            (dotProducts[e[0]] < zeroish && dotProducts[e[1]] > positive)
         || (dotProducts[e[1]] < zeroish && dotProducts[e[0]] > positive)
            // Edge is cut
            edgePoint[edgeI] = dynCuttingPoints.size();

            const point& p0 = points[e[0]];
            const point& p1 = points[e[1]];

            scalar alpha = lineIntersect(linePointRef(p0, p1));

            if (alpha < zeroish)
            else if (alpha >= 1.0)
                dynCuttingPoints.append((1-alpha)*p0 + alpha*p1);
            edgePoint[edgeI] = -1;

Exemple #12
bool PhysicalCircle::intersectLine(Line line, sf::Vector2f& intersectionPoint, sf::Vector2f& intersectionNormal) const {
	float t1, t2;
	if (lineIntersect(line, t1, t2)) {
		float t = (abs(t1) < abs(t2)) ? t1 : t2;
		intersectionPoint = line.origin + t*line.direction;
		intersectionNormal = normalize(intersectionPoint - center_);
		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #13
std::pair<float, float> poly_mutator::getPos(const int cx, const int cy, const float rad, const int w, const int h) {
	float ix;	// intersection
	float iy;
	float fcx = static_cast<float>(cx);
	float fcy = static_cast<float>(cy);
	// end points of a line from center that extends beyond rect
	float ex = std::cos(rad) * (w + h);
	float ey = std::sin(rad) * (w + h);
	// intersect top
	if (lineIntersect(fcx, fcy, ex, ey, -1, 0, w, 0, ix, iy))
		return std::pair<float, float>(ix, iy);
	// intersect right
	if (lineIntersect(fcx, fcy, ex, ey, w - 1, -1, w - 1, h, ix, iy))
		return std::pair<float, float>(ix, iy);
	// intersect bottom
	if (lineIntersect(fcx, fcy, ex, ey, -1, h - 1, w, h - 1, ix, iy))
		return std::pair<float, float>(ix, iy);
	// intersect left
	if (lineIntersect(fcx, fcy, ex, ey, 0, -1, 0, h, ix, iy))
		return std::pair<float, float>(ix, iy);

	// something went wrong...
	return std::pair<float, float>(ix, iy);
Exemple #14
bool lineIntersectVertSeg(
  qreal a1, qreal b1, qreal c1,
  QPoint seg[2], QPoint &intersect)
  qreal a2, b2, c2;
  if ( ! lineEquation(seg,a2,b2,c2)) {
    return false;

  if ( ! lineIntersect(a1,b1,c1,a2,b2,c2,intersect)) {
    return false;

  return intersect.y() >= seg[0].y() && intersect.y() <= seg[1].y();
void computeDual(double vx0, double vy0, double vx1, double vy1,
                 int a, int b, int c, int d) {
  float npts = NSAMPLES;
  for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
    float t1 = (float)i/(float)npts;
    for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
      float t2 = (float)j/(float)npts;
      double x1 = s_x[a] + t1 * (s_x[b]-s_x[a]);
      double y1 = s_y[a] + t1 * (s_y[b]-s_y[a]);
      double x2 = s_x[c] + t2 * (s_x[d]-s_x[c]);
      double y2 = s_y[c] + t2 * (s_y[d]-s_y[c]);
      float t;
      int result = lineIntersect(vx0, vy0, vx1, vy1, x1, y1, x2, y2, t);
      if (result && t >= 0 && t <= 1.0) {
// displayDual
void displayDual(double vx0, double vy0, double vx1, double vy1, float r, float g, float b) {
  glColor4f(r, g, b, 0.025);
  float npts = NSAMPLES;
  for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++) {
    float t1 = (float)i/(float)npts;
    for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
      float t2 = (float)j/(float)npts;
      double x1 = s1_x[0] + t1 * (s1_x[1]-s1_x[0]);
      double y1 = s1_y[0] + t1 * (s1_y[1]-s1_y[0]);
      double x2 = s2_x[0] + t2 * (s2_x[1]-s2_x[0]);
      double y2 = s2_y[0] + t2 * (s2_y[1]-s2_y[0]);
      float t;
      int result = lineIntersect(vx0, vy0, vx1, vy1, x1, y1, x2, y2, t);
      if (result && t >= 0 && t <= 1.0) {
	glVertex3f(t1, t2, 0.0);
Exemple #17
bool PhysicalCircle::intersectLineSegment(LineSegment lineSegment, sf::Vector2f& intersectionPoint, sf::Vector2f& intersectionNormal) const {
	float t1, t2;
	if (lineIntersect(Line(lineSegment.start, lineSegment.end - lineSegment.start), t1, t2)) {
		float t;
		if (t1 >= 0.0f && t1 <= 1.0f)
			if (t2 >= 0.0f && t1 <= 1.0f)
				t = (t1 < t2) ? t1 : t2;
				t = t1;
		else if (t2 >= 0.0f && t2 <= 1.0f)
			t = t2;
			return false;

 		intersectionPoint = lineSegment.start + t*(lineSegment.end - lineSegment.start);
		intersectionNormal = normalize(intersectionPoint - center_);
		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #18
bool PhysicalCircle::intersectRay(Ray ray, sf::Vector2f& intersectionPoint, sf::Vector2f& intersectionNormal) const {
	float t1, t2;
	if (lineIntersect(Line(ray.origin, ray.direction), t1, t2)) {
		float t;
		if (t1 >= 0.0f)
			if (t2 >= 0.0f)
				t = (t1 < t2) ? t1 : t2;
				t = t1;
		else if (t2 >= 0.0f)
			t = t2;
			return false;

 		intersectionPoint = ray.origin + t*ray.direction;
		intersectionNormal = normalize(intersectionPoint - center_);
		return false;

	return true;
Exemple #19
		vec2 Force::lineIntersect(vec4 line) const {
			return lineIntersect(vec2(line.x, line.y), vec2(line.z, line.w));
Exemple #20
	bool lineIntersect(Line line1, Line line2, float* i_x, float* i_y)
		return lineIntersect(line1.getPoint1().x, line1.getPoint1().y, line1.getPoint2().x, line1.getPoint2().y, line2.getPoint1().x, line2.getPoint1().y, line2.getPoint2().x, line2.getPoint2().y, i_x, i_x);
inline bool lineIntersect( E e, E f, P *r = NULL )
    return lineIntersect( e.a, e.b, f.a, f.b, *r );
Exemple #22
bool PhysicalPolygon::intersectCircle(float radius, LineSegment displacement, sf::Vector2f& centerAfterCollision, sf::Vector2f& intersectionPoint, sf::Vector2f& intersectionNormal) const {
	float minDsq{MAX_FLOAT};
	sf::Vector2f closestCenterAfterCollision;
	sf::Vector2f closestIntersectionPoint;
	sf::Vector2f closestIntersectionNormal;
	sf::Vector2f p1;
	sf::Vector2f p2;

	for (auto pVertex = vertices_.begin() + 1; pVertex != vertices_.end(); pVertex++) {
		sf::Vector2f normal(-(*(pVertex-1)-*pVertex).y, (*(pVertex-1)-*pVertex).x);
		normal = normalize( (dot(displacement.start - *pVertex, normal) > 0) ? normal : -normal );
		Line shiftedLine(displacement.start - normal * radius, displacement.end - displacement.start);

		float t, u;
		if (lineIntersect(shiftedLine, LineSegment(*(pVertex - 1), *pVertex), t, u)) {
			if (t >= 0.0f && t <= 1.0f && u >= 0.0f && u <= 1.0f) {
				float dsq = lengthsq(t*shiftedLine.direction);
				if (dsq < minDsq) {
					minDsq = dsq;
					closestCenterAfterCollision = displacement.start + t*shiftedLine.direction;
					closestIntersectionPoint = shiftedLine.origin + t*shiftedLine.direction;
					closestIntersectionNormal = normal;
					p1 = *(pVertex-1); // end points to exclude
					p2 = *pVertex;

	for (auto pVertex = vertices_.begin(); pVertex != vertices_.end(); pVertex++) {
		if (*pVertex == p1 || *pVertex == p2)

		sf::Vector2f v = displacement.end - displacement.start;

		sf::Vector2f p = *pVertex;
		sf::Vector2f w = p - displacement.start;
		float a = dot(w, v)/lengthsq(v);
		float b = radius * radius - lengthsq(w - a*v);
		if (b >= 0) {
			float d = a - sqrtf(b/dot(v, v));
			if (d > 0.0f && d < 1.0f && d < sqrtf(minDsq)) {
				minDsq = d*d;
				closestCenterAfterCollision = displacement.start + d*v;
				closestIntersectionPoint = p;
				closestIntersectionNormal = closestCenterAfterCollision - p;

	if (minDsq == MAX_FLOAT)
		return false;
	else {
		centerAfterCollision = closestCenterAfterCollision - 0.1f*normalize(displacement.end - displacement.start);
		intersectionPoint = closestIntersectionPoint;
		intersectionNormal = normalize(closestIntersectionNormal);

	return true;