/** * Apply smooth for thickness to stroke point (use pressure) * \param gps: Stroke to smooth * \param i: Point index * \param inf: Amount of smoothing to apply */ bool gp_smooth_stroke_thickness(bGPDstroke *gps, int i, float inf) { bGPDspoint *ptb = &gps->points[i]; /* Do nothing if not enough points */ if (gps->totpoints <= 2) { return false; } /* Compute theoretical optimal value using distances */ bGPDspoint *pta, *ptc; int before = i - 1; int after = i + 1; CLAMP_MIN(before, 0); CLAMP_MAX(after, gps->totpoints - 1); pta = &gps->points[before]; ptc = &gps->points[after]; /* the optimal value is the corresponding to the interpolation of the pressure * at the distance of point b */ float fac = line_point_factor_v3(&ptb->x, &pta->x, &ptc->x); float optimal = (1.0f - fac) * pta->pressure + fac * ptc->pressure; /* Based on influence factor, blend between original and optimal */ ptb->pressure = (1.0f - inf) * ptb->pressure + inf * optimal; return true; }
/* Callback to bvh tree raycast. The tree must have been built using bvhtree_from_mesh_edges. * userdata must be a BVHMeshCallbackUserdata built from the same mesh as the tree. */ static void mesh_edges_spherecast(void *userdata, int index, const BVHTreeRay *ray, BVHTreeRayHit *hit) { const BVHTreeFromMesh *data = (BVHTreeFromMesh *)userdata; const MVert *vert = data->vert; const MEdge *edge = &data->edge[index]; const float radius_sq = SQUARE(data->sphere_radius); float dist; const float *v1, *v2, *r1; float r2[3], i1[3], i2[3]; v1 = vert[edge->v1].co; v2 = vert[edge->v2].co; /* In case we get a zero-length edge, handle it as a point! */ if (equals_v3v3(v1, v2)) { mesh_verts_spherecast_do(data, index, v1, ray, hit); return; } r1 = ray->origin; add_v3_v3v3(r2, r1, ray->direction); if (isect_line_line_v3(v1, v2, r1, r2, i1, i2)) { /* No hit if intersection point is 'behind' the origin of the ray, or too far away from it. */ if ((dot_v3v3v3(r1, i2, r2) >= 0.0f) && ((dist = len_v3v3(r1, i2)) < hit->dist)) { const float e_fac = line_point_factor_v3(i1, v1, v2); if (e_fac < 0.0f) { copy_v3_v3(i1, v1); } else if (e_fac > 1.0f) { copy_v3_v3(i1, v2); } /* Ensure ray is really close enough from edge! */ if (len_squared_v3v3(i1, i2) <= radius_sq) { hit->index = index; hit->dist = dist; copy_v3_v3(hit->co, i2); } } } }
static enum ISectType intersect_line_tri( const float p0[3], const float p1[3], const float *t_cos[3], const float t_nor[3], float r_ix[3], const struct ISectEpsilon *e) { float p_dir[3]; unsigned int i_t0; float fac; sub_v3_v3v3(p_dir, p0, p1); normalize_v3(p_dir); for (i_t0 = 0; i_t0 < 3; i_t0++) { const unsigned int i_t1 = (i_t0 + 1) % 3; float te_dir[3]; sub_v3_v3v3(te_dir, t_cos[i_t0], t_cos[i_t1]); normalize_v3(te_dir); if (fabsf(dot_v3v3(p_dir, te_dir)) >= 1.0f - e->eps) { /* co-linear */ } else { float ix_pair[2][3]; int ix_pair_type; ix_pair_type = isect_line_line_epsilon_v3(p0, p1, t_cos[i_t0], t_cos[i_t1], ix_pair[0], ix_pair[1], 0.0f); if (ix_pair_type != 0) { if (ix_pair_type == 1) { copy_v3_v3(ix_pair[1], ix_pair[0]); } if ((ix_pair_type == 1) || (len_squared_v3v3(ix_pair[0], ix_pair[1]) <= e->eps_margin_sq)) { fac = line_point_factor_v3(ix_pair[1], t_cos[i_t0], t_cos[i_t1]); if ((fac >= e->eps_margin) && (fac <= 1.0f - e->eps_margin)) { fac = line_point_factor_v3(ix_pair[0], p0, p1); if ((fac >= e->eps_margin) && (fac <= 1.0f - e->eps_margin)) { copy_v3_v3(r_ix, ix_pair[0]); return (IX_EDGE_TRI_EDGE0 + (enum ISectType)i_t0); } } } } } } /* check ray isn't planar with tri */ if (fabsf(dot_v3v3(p_dir, t_nor)) >= e->eps) { if (isect_line_segment_tri_epsilon_v3(p0, p1, t_cos[0], t_cos[1], t_cos[2], &fac, NULL, 0.0f)) { if ((fac >= e->eps_margin) && (fac <= 1.0f - e->eps_margin)) { interp_v3_v3v3(r_ix, p0, p1, fac); if (min_fff(len_squared_v3v3(t_cos[0], r_ix), len_squared_v3v3(t_cos[1], r_ix), len_squared_v3v3(t_cos[2], r_ix)) >= e->eps_margin_sq) { return IX_EDGE_TRI; } } } } /* r_ix may be unset */ return IX_NONE; }
/* from/to_world_space : whether from/to particles are in world or hair space * from/to_mat : additional transform for from/to particles (e.g. for using object space copying) */ static bool remap_hair_emitter(Scene *scene, Object *ob, ParticleSystem *psys, Object *target_ob, ParticleSystem *target_psys, PTCacheEdit *target_edit, float from_mat[4][4], float to_mat[4][4], bool from_global, bool to_global) { ParticleSystemModifierData *target_psmd = psys_get_modifier(target_ob, target_psys); ParticleData *pa, *tpa; PTCacheEditPoint *edit_point; PTCacheEditKey *ekey; BVHTreeFromMesh bvhtree= {NULL}; MFace *mface = NULL, *mf; MEdge *medge = NULL, *me; MVert *mvert; DerivedMesh *dm, *target_dm; int numverts; int i, k; float from_ob_imat[4][4], to_ob_imat[4][4]; float from_imat[4][4], to_imat[4][4]; if (!target_psmd->dm) return false; if (!psys->part || psys->part->type != PART_HAIR) return false; if (!target_psys->part || target_psys->part->type != PART_HAIR) return false; edit_point = target_edit ? target_edit->points : NULL; invert_m4_m4(from_ob_imat, ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(to_ob_imat, target_ob->obmat); invert_m4_m4(from_imat, from_mat); invert_m4_m4(to_imat, to_mat); if (target_psmd->dm->deformedOnly) { /* we don't want to mess up target_psmd->dm when converting to global coordinates below */ dm = target_psmd->dm; } else { /* warning: this rebuilds target_psmd->dm! */ dm = mesh_get_derived_deform(scene, target_ob, CD_MASK_BAREMESH | CD_MASK_MFACE); } target_dm = target_psmd->dm; /* don't modify the original vertices */ dm = CDDM_copy(dm); /* BMESH_ONLY, deform dm may not have tessface */ DM_ensure_tessface(dm); numverts = dm->getNumVerts(dm); mvert = dm->getVertArray(dm); /* convert to global coordinates */ for (i=0; i<numverts; i++) mul_m4_v3(to_mat, mvert[i].co); if (dm->getNumTessFaces(dm) != 0) { mface = dm->getTessFaceArray(dm); bvhtree_from_mesh_faces(&bvhtree, dm, 0.0, 2, 6); } else if (dm->getNumEdges(dm) != 0) { medge = dm->getEdgeArray(dm); bvhtree_from_mesh_edges(&bvhtree, dm, 0.0, 2, 6); } else { dm->release(dm); return false; } for (i = 0, tpa = target_psys->particles, pa = psys->particles; i < target_psys->totpart; i++, tpa++, pa++) { float from_co[3]; BVHTreeNearest nearest; if (from_global) mul_v3_m4v3(from_co, from_ob_imat, pa->hair[0].co); else mul_v3_m4v3(from_co, from_ob_imat, pa->hair[0].world_co); mul_m4_v3(from_mat, from_co); nearest.index = -1; nearest.dist_sq = FLT_MAX; BLI_bvhtree_find_nearest(bvhtree.tree, from_co, &nearest, bvhtree.nearest_callback, &bvhtree); if (nearest.index == -1) { if (G.debug & G_DEBUG) printf("No nearest point found for hair root!"); continue; } if (mface) { float v[4][3]; mf = &mface[nearest.index]; copy_v3_v3(v[0], mvert[mf->v1].co); copy_v3_v3(v[1], mvert[mf->v2].co); copy_v3_v3(v[2], mvert[mf->v3].co); if (mf->v4) { copy_v3_v3(v[3], mvert[mf->v4].co); interp_weights_poly_v3(tpa->fuv, v, 4, nearest.co); } else interp_weights_poly_v3(tpa->fuv, v, 3, nearest.co); tpa->foffset = 0.0f; tpa->num = nearest.index; tpa->num_dmcache = psys_particle_dm_face_lookup(target_ob, target_dm, tpa->num, tpa->fuv, NULL); } else { me = &medge[nearest.index]; tpa->fuv[1] = line_point_factor_v3(nearest.co, mvert[me->v1].co, mvert[me->v2].co); tpa->fuv[0] = 1.0f - tpa->fuv[1]; tpa->fuv[2] = tpa->fuv[3] = 0.0f; tpa->foffset = 0.0f; tpa->num = nearest.index; tpa->num_dmcache = -1; } /* translate hair keys */ { HairKey *key, *tkey; float hairmat[4][4], imat[4][4]; float offset[3]; if (to_global) copy_m4_m4(imat, target_ob->obmat); else { /* note: using target_dm here, which is in target_ob object space and has full modifiers */ psys_mat_hair_to_object(target_ob, target_dm, target_psys->part->from, tpa, hairmat); invert_m4_m4(imat, hairmat); } mul_m4_m4m4(imat, imat, to_imat); /* offset in world space */ sub_v3_v3v3(offset, nearest.co, from_co); if (edit_point) { for (k=0, key=pa->hair, tkey=tpa->hair, ekey = edit_point->keys; k<tpa->totkey; k++, key++, tkey++, ekey++) { float co_orig[3]; if (from_global) mul_v3_m4v3(co_orig, from_ob_imat, key->co); else mul_v3_m4v3(co_orig, from_ob_imat, key->world_co); mul_m4_v3(from_mat, co_orig); add_v3_v3v3(tkey->co, co_orig, offset); mul_m4_v3(imat, tkey->co); ekey->flag |= PEK_USE_WCO; } edit_point++; } else { for (k=0, key=pa->hair, tkey=tpa->hair; k<tpa->totkey; k++, key++, tkey++) { float co_orig[3]; if (from_global) mul_v3_m4v3(co_orig, from_ob_imat, key->co); else mul_v3_m4v3(co_orig, from_ob_imat, key->world_co); mul_m4_v3(from_mat, co_orig); add_v3_v3v3(tkey->co, co_orig, offset); mul_m4_v3(imat, tkey->co); } } } } free_bvhtree_from_mesh(&bvhtree); dm->release(dm); psys_free_path_cache(target_psys, target_edit); PE_update_object(scene, target_ob, 0); return true; }
static PyObject *M_Geometry_intersect_line_sphere(PyObject *UNUSED(self), PyObject *args) { VectorObject *line_a, *line_b, *sphere_co; float sphere_radius; int clip = TRUE; float isect_a[3]; float isect_b[3]; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!O!f|i:intersect_line_sphere", &vector_Type, &line_a, &vector_Type, &line_b, &vector_Type, &sphere_co, &sphere_radius, &clip)) { return NULL; } if (BaseMath_ReadCallback(line_a) == -1 || BaseMath_ReadCallback(line_b) == -1 || BaseMath_ReadCallback(sphere_co) == -1) { return NULL; } if (ELEM3(2, line_a->size, line_b->size, sphere_co->size)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "geometry.intersect_line_sphere(...): " " can't use 2D Vectors"); return NULL; } else { short use_a = TRUE; short use_b = TRUE; float lambda; PyObject *ret = PyTuple_New(2); switch (isect_line_sphere_v3(line_a->vec, line_b->vec, sphere_co->vec, sphere_radius, isect_a, isect_b)) { case 1: if (!(!clip || (((lambda = line_point_factor_v3(isect_a, line_a->vec, line_b->vec)) >= 0.0f) && (lambda <= 1.0f)))) use_a = FALSE; use_b = FALSE; break; case 2: if (!(!clip || (((lambda = line_point_factor_v3(isect_a, line_a->vec, line_b->vec)) >= 0.0f) && (lambda <= 1.0f)))) use_a = FALSE; if (!(!clip || (((lambda = line_point_factor_v3(isect_b, line_a->vec, line_b->vec)) >= 0.0f) && (lambda <= 1.0f)))) use_b = FALSE; break; default: use_a = FALSE; use_b = FALSE; } if (use_a) { PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 0, Vector_CreatePyObject(isect_a, 3, Py_NEW, NULL)); } else { PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 0, Py_None); Py_INCREF(Py_None); } if (use_b) { PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 1, Vector_CreatePyObject(isect_b, 3, Py_NEW, NULL)); } else { PyTuple_SET_ITEM(ret, 1, Py_None); Py_INCREF(Py_None); } return ret; } }