void LiveSLAMWrapper::BALoop()
    ros::Rate BARate(2000) ;
    list<ImageMeasurement>::iterator iterImage ;
    std::list<visensor_node::visensor_imu>::iterator iterIMU ;
    cv::Mat image0 ;
    cv::Mat image1 ;
    cv::Mat gradientMapForDebug(height, width, CV_8UC3) ;
    sensor_msgs::Image msg;
    double t ;

    while ( nh.ok() )
        int ttt = (monoOdometry->frameInfoListTail - monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead);
        if ( ttt < 0 ){
            ttt += frameInfoListSize ;
        //printf("[BA thread] sz=%d\n", ttt ) ;
        if ( ttt < 1 ){
            BARate.sleep() ;
            continue ;
        for ( int sz ; ; )
            monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead++ ;
            if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead >= frameInfoListSize ){
                monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead -= frameInfoListSize ;
            sz = monoOdometry->frameInfoListTail - monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead ;
            if ( sz == 0 ){
                break ;
            if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag ){
                break ;
        ros::Time imageTimeStamp = monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].t ;

        //Pop out the image list
        iterImage = image1Buf.begin() ;
        while ( iterImage->t < imageTimeStamp ){
            iterImage = image1Buf.erase( iterImage ) ;
        image1 = iterImage->image.clone();

        iterImage = image0Buf.begin() ;
        while ( iterImage->t < imageTimeStamp ){
            iterImage = image0Buf.erase( iterImage ) ;
        image0 = iterImage->image.clone();

        iterIMU = imuQueue.begin() ;
        Vector3d linear_acceleration;
        Vector3d angular_velocity;

        //std::cout << "imageTime=" << imageTimeStamp << std::endl;
        while ( iterIMU->header.stamp < imageTimeStamp )
            linear_acceleration(0) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.x;
            linear_acceleration(1) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.y;
            linear_acceleration(2) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.z;
            angular_velocity(0) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.x;
            angular_velocity(1) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.y;
            angular_velocity(2) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.z;

//            to_pub_info.x = angular_velocity(0)*180/PI ;
//            to_pub_info.y = angular_velocity(1)*180/PI ;
//            to_pub_info.z = angular_velocity(2)*180/PI ;
//            monoOdometry->pub_angular_velocity.publish( to_pub_info ) ;

//            outFile << to_pub_info.x << " "
//                    << to_pub_info.y << " "
//                    << to_pub_info.z << "\n";

            double pre_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec();
            iterIMU = imuQueue.erase(iterIMU);
            double next_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec();
            double dt = next_t - pre_t ;

//            std::cout << linear_acceleration.transpose() << std::endl ;
//            std::cout << angular_velocity.transpose() << std::endl ;
            monoOdometry->processIMU( dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity );

        //propagate the last frame info to the current frame
        Frame* lastFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get();
        float dt = lastFrame->timeIntegral;

        Vector3d T_bk1_2_b0 = lastFrame->T_bk_2_b0 - 0.5 * gravity_b0 * dt *dt
                + lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0*(lastFrame->v_bk * dt  + lastFrame->alpha_c_k);
        Vector3d v_bk1 = lastFrame->R_k1_k.transpose() *
                (lastFrame->v_bk - lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0.transpose() * gravity_b0 * dt
                 + lastFrame->beta_c_k);
        Matrix3d R_bk1_2_b0 = lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0 * lastFrame->R_k1_k;

        monoOdometry->insertFrame(imageSeqNumber, image0, imageTimeStamp, R_bk1_2_b0, T_bk1_2_b0, v_bk1);
        Frame* currentFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get();
        Frame* keyFrame = monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame.get();
        if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag )
            //prepare key frame
            cv::Mat disparity, depth ;
            monoOdometry->bm_(image0, image1, disparity, CV_32F);
            calculateDepthImage(disparity, depth, 0.11, fx );
            currentFrame->setDepthFromGroundTruth( (float*)depth.data ) ;

            //pub debugMap
            cv::cvtColor(image0, gradientMapForDebug, CV_GRAY2BGR);
            monoOdometry->generateDubugMap(currentFrame, gradientMapForDebug);
            msg.header.stamp = imageTimeStamp;
            sensor_msgs::fillImage(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8, height,
                                   width, width*3, gradientMapForDebug.data );
            monoOdometry->pub_gradientMapForDebug.publish(msg) ;
            int preKeyFrameID = monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->id() ;

            //set key frame
            monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail] ;
            monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->keyFrameFlag = true ;
            monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->cameraLinkList.clear() ;

            //reset the initial guess
            monoOdometry->RefToFrame = Sophus::SE3() ;

            //update tracking reference

            pubPointCloud(valid_num, imageTimeStamp, R_vi_2_odometry);
            //unlock dense tracking
            monoOdometry->lock_densetracking = false;

            if ( (imageTimeStamp - lastLoopClorsureTime).toSec() > 0.18 )
                //add possible loop closure link
                t = (double)cvGetTickCount()  ;
                monoOdometry->setReprojectionListRelateToLastestKeyFrame( monoOdometry->head, preKeyFrameID,
                                                                          R_i_2_c, T_i_2_c ) ;
                ROS_WARN("loop closure link cost time: %f", ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000) );
                t = (double)cvGetTickCount()  ;
                lastLoopClorsureTime = imageTimeStamp ;

        if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].trust )
//            cout << "insert camera link" << endl ;
//            cout << monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].T_k_2_c << endl ;

            monoOdometry->insertCameraLink(keyFrame, currentFrame,
                          monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].lastestATA );

        int control_flag = 0 ;
        Vector3d preBAt = currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0 ;

//        cout << "[-BA]current Position: " << currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0.transpose() << endl;
//        cout << "[-BA]current Velocity: " << currentFrame->v_bk.transpose() << endl;

        t = (double)cvGetTickCount()  ;
        printf("BA cost time: %f\n", ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000) );
        t = (double)cvGetTickCount()  ;

        //cout << "[BA-]current Position: " << currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0.transpose() << endl;
        //cout << "[BA-]current Velocity: " << currentFrame->v_bk.transpose() << endl;

        if ( (currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0 - preBAt ).norm() > 0.1 ){
            control_flag = 1 ; //loop_closure or other sudden position change case
        if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].trust == false ){
            control_flag = 2 ; //only IMU link, dense tracking fails

#ifdef PUB_GRAPH


//        R_vi_2_odometry.setIdentity() ;
//        if ( onUAV )
//        {
//            pubOdometry(monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0,
//                    monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk,
//                    monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0,
//                    monoOdometry->pub_odometry, monoOdometry->pub_pose,
//                    control_flag, R_vi_2_odometry,
//                    monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag, imageTimeStamp );
//        }
//        else
//        {
//            pubOdometry(monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0,
//                    monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk,
//                    monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0,
//                    monoOdometry->pub_odometry, monoOdometry->pub_pose,
//                    control_flag, Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(),
//                    monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag, imageTimeStamp );
//        }

        int colorFlag = 0 ;
        colorFlag = monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag ;
        if (  monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].trust == false ){
            colorFlag = 2 ;
        if ( onUAV ){
                    monoOdometry->path_line, monoOdometry->pub_path, R_vi_2_odometry);
                    monoOdometry->path_line, monoOdometry->pub_path, Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() );

#ifdef  PUB_TF
        static tf::TransformBroadcaster br;
        tf::Transform transform;
        Vector3d t_translation = R_vi_2_odometry * monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0 ;
        Quaterniond t_q(monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0) ;
                                t_translation(2)) );
        tf::Quaternion q;
        Quaterniond tt_q(R_vi_2_odometry * monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0 * R_vi_2_odometry.transpose());
        br.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(transform, ros::Time::now(), "world", "densebody"));
        logCameraPose() ;

//        int preIndex = monoOdometry->tail - 1 ;
//        if ( preIndex < 0 ){
//            preIndex += slidingWindowSize ;
//        }
//        Vector3d tt_dist = (monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->T_bk_2_b0 -
//                monoOdometry->slidingWindow[preIndex]->T_bk_2_b0) ;
//        Matrix3d tt_rotate = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->R_bk_2_b0.transpose() *
//                monoOdometry->slidingWindow[preIndex]->R_bk_2_b0 ;
//        Quaterniond tt_q(tt_rotate) ;

//        to_pub_info.x = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk(0) ;
//        to_pub_info.y = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk(1) ;
//        to_pub_info.z = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail]->v_bk(2) ;
//        monoOdometry->pub_linear_velocity.publish(to_pub_info) ;

void LiveSLAMWrapper::BALoop()
    ros::Rate BARate(2000) ;
    list<ImageMeasurement>::iterator iterImage ;
    std::list<visensor_node::visensor_imu>::iterator iterIMU ;
    cv::Mat image0 ;
    cv::Mat image1 ;
    cv::Mat gradientMapForDebug(height, width, CV_8UC3) ;
    sensor_msgs::Image msg;
    double t ;

    while ( nh.ok() )
        int ttt = (monoOdometry->frameInfoListTail - monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead);
        if ( ttt < 0 ){
            ttt += frameInfoListSize ;
        //printf("[BA thread] sz=%d\n", ttt ) ;
        if ( ttt < 1 ){
            BARate.sleep() ;
            continue ;
        for ( int sz ; ; )
            monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead++ ;
            if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead >= frameInfoListSize ){
                monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead -= frameInfoListSize ;
            sz = monoOdometry->frameInfoListTail - monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead ;
            if ( sz == 0 ){
                break ;
            if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag ){
                break ;
        ros::Time imageTimeStamp = monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].t ;

        //Pop out the image list
        iterImage = image1Buf.begin() ;
        while ( iterImage->t < imageTimeStamp ){
            iterImage = image1Buf.erase( iterImage ) ;
        image1 = iterImage->image.clone();

        iterImage = image0Buf.begin() ;
        while ( iterImage->t < imageTimeStamp ){
            iterImage = image0Buf.erase( iterImage ) ;
        image0 = iterImage->image.clone();

        iterIMU = imuQueue.begin() ;
        Vector3d linear_acceleration;
        Vector3d angular_velocity;

        //std::cout << "imageTime=" << imageTimeStamp << std::endl;
        while ( iterIMU->header.stamp < imageTimeStamp )
            linear_acceleration(0) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.x;
            linear_acceleration(1) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.y;
            linear_acceleration(2) = iterIMU->linear_acceleration.z;
            angular_velocity(0) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.x;
            angular_velocity(1) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.y;
            angular_velocity(2) = iterIMU->angular_velocity.z;

            //linear_acceleration = -linear_acceleration;
            //angular_velocity = -angular_velocity ;

//            double pre_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec();
//            iterIMU = imuQueue.erase(iterIMU);

//            //std::cout << imuQueue.size() <<" "<< iterIMU->header.stamp << std::endl;

//            double next_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec();
//            double dt = next_t - pre_t ;

            double pre_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec();
            iterIMU = imuQueue.erase(iterIMU);
            double next_t = iterIMU->header.stamp.toSec();
            double dt = next_t - pre_t ;

//            std::cout << linear_acceleration.transpose() << std::endl ;
//            std::cout << angular_velocity.transpose() << std::endl ;
            monoOdometry->processIMU( dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity );

        //propagate the last frame info to the current frame
        Frame* lastFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get();
        float dt = lastFrame->timeIntegral;

        Vector3d T_bk1_2_b0 = lastFrame->T_bk_2_b0 - 0.5 * gravity_b0 * dt *dt
                + lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0*(lastFrame->v_bk * dt  + lastFrame->alpha_c_k);
        Vector3d v_bk1 = lastFrame->R_k1_k.transpose() *
                (lastFrame->v_bk - lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0.transpose() * gravity_b0 * dt
                 + lastFrame->beta_c_k);
        Matrix3d R_bk1_2_b0 = lastFrame->R_bk_2_b0 * lastFrame->R_k1_k;

        monoOdometry->insertFrame(imageSeqNumber, image1, imageTimeStamp, R_bk1_2_b0, T_bk1_2_b0, v_bk1);
        Frame* currentFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail].get();
        Frame* keyFrame = monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame.get();
        if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].keyFrameFlag )
            //prepare key frame
            cv::Mat disparity, depth ;
            monoOdometry->bm_(image1, image0, disparity, CV_32F);
            calculateDepthImage(disparity, depth, 0.11, fx );
            currentFrame->setDepthFromGroundTruth( (float*)depth.data ) ;

            //pub debugMap
            cv::cvtColor(image1, gradientMapForDebug, CV_GRAY2BGR);
            monoOdometry->generateDubugMap(currentFrame, gradientMapForDebug);
            msg.header.stamp = imageTimeStamp;
            sensor_msgs::fillImage(msg, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8, height,
                                   width, width*3, gradientMapForDebug.data );
            monoOdometry->pub_gradientMapForDebug.publish(msg) ;

            //set key frame
            monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame = monoOdometry->slidingWindow[monoOdometry->tail] ;
            monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->keyFrameFlag = true ;
            monoOdometry->currentKeyFrame->cameraLinkList.clear() ;
            //reset the initial guess
            monoOdometry->RefToFrame = Sophus::SE3() ;

            //unlock dense tracking
            monoOdometry->lock_densetracking = false;
        if ( monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].trust )
//            cout << "insert camera link" << endl ;
//            cout << monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].T_k_2_c << endl ;

            monoOdometry->insertCameraLink(keyFrame, currentFrame,
                          monoOdometry->frameInfoList[monoOdometry->frameInfoListHead].lastestATA );

        cout << "[-BA]current Position: " << currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0.transpose() << endl;
        cout << "[-BA]current Velocity: " << currentFrame->v_bk.transpose() << endl;

        t = (double)cvGetTickCount()  ;
        printf("BA cost time: %f\n", ((double)cvGetTickCount() - t) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000) );
        t = (double)cvGetTickCount()  ;

        cout << "[BA-]current Position: " << currentFrame->T_bk_2_b0.transpose() << endl;
        cout << "[BA-]current Velocity: " << currentFrame->v_bk.transpose() << endl;


        //    pubOdometry(-T_bk1_2_b0, R_bk1_2_b0, pub_odometry, pub_pose );
        //    pubPath(-T_bk1_2_b0, path_line, pub_path );

                monoOdometry->pub_odometry, monoOdometry->pub_pose );
                monoOdometry->path_line, monoOdometry->pub_path);
// Update the controller
void GazeboRosIMU::UpdateChild()
  common::Time cur_time = this->world_->GetSimTime();

  // rate control
  if (this->update_rate_ > 0 &&
      (cur_time - this->last_time_).Double() < (1.0 / this->update_rate_))

  if ((this->pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0 && this->topic_name_ != ""))
    ignition::math::Pose3d pose;
    ignition::math::Quaterniond rot;
    ignition::math::Vector3d pos;

    // Get Pose/Orientation ///@todo: verify correctness
    pose = this->link->WorldPose();
    pose = this->link->GetWorldPose().Ign();
    // apply xyz offsets and get position and rotation components
    pos = pose.Pos() + this->offset_.Pos();
    rot = pose.Rot();

    // apply rpy offsets
    rot = this->offset_.Rot()*rot;

    // get Rates
    ignition::math::Vector3d vpos = this->link->GetWorldLinearVel().Ign();
    ignition::math::Vector3d veul = this->link->GetWorldAngularVel().Ign();

    // differentiate to get accelerations
    double tmp_dt = this->last_time_.Double() - cur_time.Double();
    if (tmp_dt != 0)
      this->apos_ = (this->last_vpos_ - vpos) / tmp_dt;
      this->aeul_ = (this->last_veul_ - veul) / tmp_dt;
      this->last_vpos_ = vpos;
      this->last_veul_ = veul;

    // copy data into pose message
    this->imu_msg_.header.frame_id = this->frame_name_;
    this->imu_msg_.header.stamp.sec = cur_time.sec;
    this->imu_msg_.header.stamp.nsec = cur_time.nsec;

    // orientation quaternion

    // uncomment this if we are reporting orientation in the local frame
    // not the case for our imu definition
    // // apply fixed orientation offsets of initial pose
    // rot = this->initial_pose_.Rot()*rot;
    // rot.Normalize();

    this->imu_msg_.orientation.x = rot.X();
    this->imu_msg_.orientation.y = rot.Y();
    this->imu_msg_.orientation.z = rot.Z();
    this->imu_msg_.orientation.w = rot.W();

    // pass euler angular rates
    ignition::math::Vector3d linear_velocity(
      veul.X() + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_),
      veul.Y() + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_),
      veul.Z() + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_));
    // rotate into local frame
    // @todo: deal with offsets!
    linear_velocity = rot.RotateVector(linear_velocity);
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity.x    = linear_velocity.X();
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity.y    = linear_velocity.Y();
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity.z    = linear_velocity.Z();

    // pass accelerations
    ignition::math::Vector3d linear_acceleration(
      apos_.X() + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_),
      apos_.Y() + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_),
      apos_.Z() + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_));
    // rotate into local frame
    // @todo: deal with offsets!
    linear_acceleration = rot.RotateVector(linear_acceleration);
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration.x    = linear_acceleration.X();
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration.y    = linear_acceleration.Y();
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration.z    = linear_acceleration.Z();

    // fill in covariance matrix
    /// @todo: let user set separate linear and angular covariance values.
    /// @todo: apply appropriate rotations from frame_pose
    double gn2 = this->gaussian_noise_*this->gaussian_noise_;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation_covariance[0] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation_covariance[4] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation_covariance[8] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[0] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[4] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[8] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration_covariance[0] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration_covariance[4] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration_covariance[8] = gn2;

      boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->lock_);
      // publish to ros
      if (this->pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0 && this->topic_name_ != "")
          this->pub_Queue->push(this->imu_msg_, this->pub_);

    // save last time stamp
    this->last_time_ = cur_time;
// Update the controller
void GazeboRosIMU::UpdateChild()
  if ((this->pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0 && this->topic_name_ != ""))
    math::Pose pose;
    math::Quaternion rot;
    math::Vector3 pos;

    // Get Pose/Orientation ///@todo: verify correctness
    pose = this->link->GetWorldPose();
    // apply xyz offsets and get position and rotation components
    pos = pose.pos + this->offset_.pos;
    rot = pose.rot;

    // apply rpy offsets
    rot = this->offset_.rot*rot;

    common::Time cur_time = this->world_->GetSimTime();

    // get Rates
    math::Vector3 vpos = this->link->GetWorldLinearVel();
    math::Vector3 veul = this->link->GetWorldAngularVel();

    // differentiate to get accelerations
    double tmp_dt = this->last_time_.Double() - cur_time.Double();
    if (tmp_dt != 0)
      this->apos_ = (this->last_vpos_ - vpos) / tmp_dt;
      this->aeul_ = (this->last_veul_ - veul) / tmp_dt;
      this->last_vpos_ = vpos;
      this->last_veul_ = veul;

    // copy data into pose message
    this->imu_msg_.header.frame_id = this->frame_name_;
    this->imu_msg_.header.stamp.sec = cur_time.sec;
    this->imu_msg_.header.stamp.nsec = cur_time.nsec;

    // orientation quaternion

    // uncomment this if we are reporting orientation in the local frame
    // not the case for our imu definition
    // // apply fixed orientation offsets of initial pose
    // rot = this->initial_pose_.rot*rot;
    // rot.Normalize();

    this->imu_msg_.orientation.x = rot.x;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation.y = rot.y;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation.z = rot.z;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation.w = rot.w;

    // pass euler angular rates
    math::Vector3 linear_velocity(
      veul.x + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_),
      veul.y + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_),
      veul.z + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_));
    // rotate into local frame
    // @todo: deal with offsets!
    linear_velocity = rot.RotateVector(linear_velocity);
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity.x    = linear_velocity.x;
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity.y    = linear_velocity.y;
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity.z    = linear_velocity.z;

    // pass accelerations
    math::Vector3 linear_acceleration(
      apos_.x + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_),
      apos_.y + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_),
      apos_.z + this->GaussianKernel(0, this->gaussian_noise_));
    // rotate into local frame
    // @todo: deal with offsets!
    linear_acceleration = rot.RotateVector(linear_acceleration);
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration.x    = linear_acceleration.x;
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration.y    = linear_acceleration.y;
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration.z    = linear_acceleration.z;

    // fill in covariance matrix
    /// @todo: let user set separate linear and angular covariance values.
    /// @todo: apply appropriate rotations from frame_pose
    double gn2 = this->gaussian_noise_*this->gaussian_noise_;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation_covariance[0] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation_covariance[4] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.orientation_covariance[8] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[0] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[4] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.angular_velocity_covariance[8] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration_covariance[0] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration_covariance[4] = gn2;
    this->imu_msg_.linear_acceleration_covariance[8] = gn2;

      boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->lock_);
      // publish to ros
      if (this->pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0 && this->topic_name_ != "")

    // save last time stamp
    this->last_time_ = cur_time;