Exemple #1
void lldp_msg_handler(struct q_node* qn, uint32_t xid, char* buffer, uint16_t total_len)
	ovs_be32 in_port_num = 0;	
	in_port_num = packet_in_msg_get_in_port_num(qn);
	struct ofp11_port * port = get_switch_port_by_port_num(qn->sw, in_port_num);
	if(unlikely(port == NULL))
		log_warn("Bad Port");
	struct link_node * right_node = link_node_create(qn->sw, port);
	uint64_t dpid = get_dpid_from_LLDP_packet(qn->rx_packet + qn->packet_length - total_len);
	struct mf_switch *sw = get_switch_by_dpid_from_list(dpid);
	if(unlikely(sw == NULL))
		log_warn("Bad dpid, can Not get switch");
	uint16_t outport = get_outport_from_LLDP_packet(qn->rx_packet + qn->packet_length - total_len);
	struct ofp11_port * port_out = get_switch_port_by_port_num(sw, outport);
	if(unlikely(port_out == NULL))
		log_warn("Bad Port");
	struct link_node * left_node = link_node_create(sw, port_out); 
	uint32_t rst = 0;
	struct network_link * netlink = network_link_create(right_node, left_node);
	if(netlink != NULL)
		rst = sw_link_insert(&(qn->sw->link_list), netlink);
	//if(rst == 1)
int BLECharacteristicImp::addDescriptor(const bt_uuid_t* uuid, 
                                        unsigned char property, 
                                        uint16_t handle)
    BLEDescriptorImp* descriptorImp = descrptor(uuid);
    if (NULL != descriptorImp)
        return BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    descriptorImp = new BLEDescriptorImp(uuid, property, handle, _ble_device);
    pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_BLE, "%s-%d",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    if (NULL == descriptorImp)
        return BLE_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
    BLEDescriptorNodePtr node = link_node_create(descriptorImp);
    if (NULL == node)
        delete descriptorImp;
        return BLE_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
    link_node_insert_last(&_descriptors_header, node);
    pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_BLE, "%s-%d",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
int BLECharacteristicImp::addDescriptor(BLEDescriptor& descriptor)
    BLEDescriptorImp* descriptorImp = descrptor(descriptor.uuid());
    if (NULL != descriptorImp)
        return BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    descriptorImp = new BLEDescriptorImp(_ble_device, descriptor);
    pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_BLE, "%s-%d",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    if (NULL == descriptorImp)
        return BLE_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
    pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_BLE, "%s-%d",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    BLEDescriptorNodePtr node = link_node_create(descriptorImp);
    if (NULL == node)
        delete descriptorImp;
        return BLE_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;
    link_node_insert_last(&_descriptors_header, node);
    pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_BLE, "%s-%d",__FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
Exemple #4
 * Add one pair to the dom
 * @param p the pair to add
 * @param p_parent the pair parent ("pairs")
 * @param parents a hashmap of parents looking for children
 * @param orphans a hashmap of children looking for parents
 * @param id VAR param: parent ID to update
 * @return 1 if it worked OK else 0
int write_one_pair( pair *p, dom_item *p_parent, hashmap *parents,
                    hashmap *orphans, int *id )
    int res = 1;
    dom_item *p_element = dom_object_create( "pair" );
    if ( p_element != NULL )
        if ( pair_is_parent(p) )
            char id_str[32];
            char p_key[32];
            UChar u_key[32];
            snprintf( id_str, 32, "%d", *id );
            dom_add_attribute( p_element, dom_attribute_create("id",id_str) );
            snprintf( p_key, 32, "%lx",(long)p );
            ascii_to_uchar( p_key, u_key, 32 );
            hashmap_put( parents, u_key, id_str );
            // check if any orphans belong to this parent
            link_node *ln = hashmap_get( orphans, u_key );
            if ( ln != NULL )
                char *id_str = hashmap_get( parents, u_key );
                dom_item *child = link_node_obj( ln );
                while ( child != NULL )
                    dom_add_attribute( child, dom_attribute_create("parent",
                                       id_str) );
                    ln = link_node_next( ln );
                    if ( ln != NULL )
                        child = link_node_obj( ln );
                        child = NULL;
                hashmap_remove( orphans, u_key, NULL );
                link_node_dispose( ln );
        else if ( pair_is_child(p) )
            UChar u_key[32];
            char p_key[32];
            snprintf( p_key, 32, "%lx",(long)pair_parent(p) );
            ascii_to_uchar( p_key, u_key, 32 );
            char *id_str = hashmap_get( parents, u_key );
            if ( id_str != NULL )
                dom_add_attribute( p_element, dom_attribute_create("parent",
                                   id_str) );
                link_node *children = hashmap_get( orphans, u_key );
                if ( children == NULL )
                    children = link_node_create();
                    if ( children != NULL )
                        link_node_set_obj( children, p_element );
                        res = hashmap_put( orphans, u_key, children );
                    link_node *ln = link_node_create();
                    if ( ln != NULL )
                        link_node_set_obj( ln, p_element );
                        link_node_append( children, ln );
                        res = 0;
        if ( res )
            if ( pair_is_hint(p) )
                dom_add_attribute( p_element,
                                   dom_attribute_create("hint","true") );
            int bytes = bitset_allocated(pair_versions(p))*8;
            char *bit_str = calloc( bytes+1, 1 );
            if ( bit_str != NULL )
                bitset_tostring( pair_versions(p), bit_str, bytes );
                res = dom_add_attribute( p_element,
                                         dom_attribute_create("versions",bit_str) );
                free( bit_str );
            if ( res && !pair_is_child(p) )
                char *utf8_data = to_utf8( pair_data(p), pair_len(p) );
                if ( utf8_data != NULL )
                    res = dom_add_text( p_element, utf8_data );
                    free( utf8_data );
            dom_add_child( p_parent, p_element );
        res = 0;
    return res;