Exemple #1
int findNodeDepths(double dt)
    int i;
    int converged;      // convergence flag
    double yOld;        // previous node depth (ft)

    // --- compute outfall depths based on flow in connecting link
    for ( i = 0; i < Nobjects[LINK]; i++ ) link_setOutfallDepth(i);

    // --- compute new depth for all non-outfall nodes and determine if
    //     depth change from previous iteration is below tolerance
    converged = TRUE;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(NumThreads)                                   //(5.1.008)
    #pragma omp for private(yOld)                                              //(5.1.008)
    for ( i = 0; i < Nobjects[NODE]; i++ )
        if ( Node[i].type == OUTFALL ) continue;
        yOld = Node[i].newDepth;
        setNodeDepth(i, dt);
        Xnode[i].converged = TRUE;
        if ( fabs(yOld - Node[i].newDepth) > HeadTol )
            converged = FALSE;
            Xnode[i].converged = FALSE;
}                                                                              //(5.1.008)
    return converged;
Exemple #2
void initNodeDepths(void)
//  Input:   none
//  Output:  none
//  Purpose: sets initial depth at nodes for Dynamic Wave flow routing.
    int   i;                           // link or node index
    int   n;                           // node index
    double y;                          // node water depth (ft)

    // --- use Node[].inflow as a temporary accumulator for depth in 
    //     connecting links and Node[].outflow as a temporary counter
    //     for the number of connecting links
    for (i = 0; i < Nobjects[NODE]; i++)
        Node[i].inflow  = 0.0;
        Node[i].outflow = 0.0;

    // --- total up flow depths in all connecting links into nodes
    for (i = 0; i < Nobjects[LINK]; i++)
        if ( Link[i].newDepth > FUDGE ) y = Link[i].newDepth + Link[i].offset1;
        else y = 0.0;
        n = Link[i].node1;
        Node[n].inflow += y;
        Node[n].outflow += 1.0;
        n = Link[i].node2;
        Node[n].inflow += y;
        Node[n].outflow += 1.0;

    // --- if no user-supplied depth then set initial depth at non-storage/
    //     non-outfall nodes to average of depths in connecting links
    for ( i = 0; i < Nobjects[NODE]; i++ )
        if ( Node[i].type == OUTFALL ) continue;
        if ( Node[i].type == STORAGE ) continue;
        if ( Node[i].initDepth > 0.0 ) continue;
        if ( Node[i].outflow > 0.0 )
            Node[i].newDepth = Node[i].inflow / Node[i].outflow;

    // --- compute initial depths at all outfall nodes
    for ( i = 0; i < Nobjects[LINK]; i++ ) link_setOutfallDepth(i);