Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
        _cleanup_free_ char *cmd = NULL, *cmd2 = NULL, *ans = NULL, *ans2 = NULL, *d = NULL, *tmp = NULL, *line = NULL;
        _cleanup_close_ int fd = -1, fd2 = -1;
        const char *p = argv[1] ?: "/tmp";
        char *pattern;


        pattern = strjoina(p, "/systemd-test-XXXXXX");

        fd = open_tmpfile_unlinkable(p, O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC);
        assert_se(fd >= 0);

        assert_se(asprintf(&cmd, "ls -l /proc/"PID_FMT"/fd/%d", getpid_cached(), fd) > 0);
        (void) system(cmd);
        assert_se(readlink_malloc(cmd + 6, &ans) >= 0);
        log_debug("link1: %s", ans);
        assert_se(endswith(ans, " (deleted)"));

        fd2 = mkostemp_safe(pattern);
        assert_se(fd >= 0);
        assert_se(unlink(pattern) == 0);

        assert_se(asprintf(&cmd2, "ls -l /proc/"PID_FMT"/fd/%d", getpid_cached(), fd2) > 0);
        (void) system(cmd2);
        assert_se(readlink_malloc(cmd2 + 6, &ans2) >= 0);
        log_debug("link2: %s", ans2);
        assert_se(endswith(ans2, " (deleted)"));

        pattern = strjoina(p, "/tmpfiles-test");
        assert_se(tempfn_random(pattern, NULL, &d) >= 0);

        fd = open_tmpfile_linkable(d, O_RDWR|O_CLOEXEC, &tmp);
        assert_se(fd >= 0);
        assert_se(write(fd, "foobar\n", 7) == 7);

        assert_se(touch(d) >= 0);
        assert_se(link_tmpfile(fd, tmp, d) == -EEXIST);
        assert_se(unlink(d) >= 0);
        assert_se(link_tmpfile(fd, tmp, d) >= 0);

        assert_se(read_one_line_file(d, &line) >= 0);
        assert_se(streq(line, "foobar"));
        assert_se(unlink(d) >= 0);

        return 0;
Exemple #2
static int fix_permissions(
                int fd,
                const char *filename,
                const char *target,
                const char *context[_CONTEXT_MAX],
                uid_t uid) {

        int r;

        assert(fd >= 0);

        /* Ignore errors on these */
        (void) fchmod(fd, 0640);
        (void) fix_acl(fd, uid);
        (void) fix_xattr(fd, context);

        if (fsync(fd) < 0)
                return log_error_errno(errno, "Failed to sync coredump %s: %m", coredump_tmpfile_name(filename));

        r = link_tmpfile(fd, filename, target);
        if (r < 0)
                return log_error_errno(r, "Failed to move coredump %s into place: %m", target);

        return 0;