Exemple #1
 * This function generates a table, word_used[i][w], showing
 * whether each word w is used in each sublinkage i; if so,
 * the value for that cell of the table is 1.
static void count_words_used(con_context_t *ctxt, Linkage linkage)
	int i, w, link, num_subl;

	num_subl = linkage->num_sublinkages;
	if(linkage->unionized==1 && num_subl>1) num_subl--;

	if (verbosity>=2)
		printf("Number of sublinkages = %d\n", num_subl);
	for (i=0; i<num_subl; i++) {
		for (w=0; w<linkage->num_words; w++) ctxt->word_used[i][w]=0;
		for (link=0; link<linkage_get_num_links(linkage); link++) {
			ctxt->word_used[i][linkage_get_link_lword(linkage, link)]=1;
			ctxt->word_used[i][linkage_get_link_rword(linkage, link)]=1;
		if (verbosity>=2) {
			printf("Sublinkage %d: ", i);
			for (w=0; w<linkage->num_words; w++) {
				if (ctxt->word_used[i][w]==0) printf("0 ");
				if (ctxt->word_used[i][w]==1) printf("1 ");
Exemple #2
 * Go through all the words. If a word is on the right end of
 * an S (or SF or SX), wordtype[w]=STYPE.  If it's also on the left end of a
 * Pg*b, I, PP, or Pv, wordtype[w]=PTYPE. If it's a question-word
 * used in an indirect question, wordtype[w]=QTYPE. If it's a
 * question-word determiner,  wordtype[w]=QDTYPE. Else wordtype[w]=NONE.
 * (This function is called once for each sublinkage.)
static void generate_misc_word_info(con_context_t * ctxt, Linkage linkage)
	int l1, l2, w1, w2;
	const char * label1, * label2;

	for (w1=0; w1<linkage->num_words; w1++)

	for (l1=0; l1<linkage_get_num_links(linkage); l1++) {	
		w1=linkage_get_link_rword(linkage, l1);
		label1 = linkage_get_link_label(linkage, l1);
		if ((uppercompare(label1, "S")==0) ||
			(uppercompare(label1, "SX")==0) ||
			(uppercompare(label1, "SF")==0)) {
			ctxt->wordtype[w1] = STYPE;
			for (l2=0; l2<linkage_get_num_links(linkage); l2++) {
				w2=linkage_get_link_lword(linkage, l2);
				label2 = linkage_get_link_label(linkage, l2);
				if ((w1==w2) &&
					((post_process_match("Pg#b", label2)==1) ||
					 (uppercompare(label2, "I")==0) ||
					 (uppercompare(label2, "PP")==0) ||
					 (post_process_match("Pv", label2)==1))) {
					/* Pvf, Pgf? */
					ctxt->wordtype[w1] = PTYPE;
		if (post_process_match("QI#d", label1)==1) {
			ctxt->wordtype[w1] = QTYPE;
			for (l2=0; l2<linkage_get_num_links(linkage); l2++) {
				w2=linkage_get_link_lword(linkage, l2);
				label2 = linkage_get_link_label(linkage, l2);
				if ((w1==w2) && (post_process_match("D##w", label2)==1)) {
					ctxt->wordtype[w1] = QDTYPE;
		if (post_process_match("Mr", label1)==1) ctxt->wordtype[w1] = QDTYPE;
		if (post_process_match("MX#d", label1)==1) ctxt->wordtype[w1] = QDTYPE;
Exemple #3
/// This is the basic sentence dissection
static PyObject *sentence(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
    Dictionary    dict;
    Parse_Options opts;
    Sentence      sent;
    Linkage       linkage;
    Linkage       sub_linkage;
    char *        diagram;

    /// Link counts
    int   num_linkages;
    int   links;

    ///  Index's for the iterators
    int   link_idx;
    int   word_idx;
    int   num_words;
    long   span;
    long   sub_linkages;

    const char *text;
    const char *d_output;

    PyObject *output_list;
    PyObject *word_list;
    PyObject *word2_list;
    PyObject *span_list;
    PyObject *temp;
    PyObject *sublinkage_list;
    PyObject *_diagram;

    output_list = PyList_New(0);
    word_list   = PyList_New(0);
    word2_list  = PyList_New(0);
    sublinkage_list = PyList_New(0);

    span_list = PyList_New(0);

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &text))
        return NULL;

    opts = parse_options_create();
    parse_options_set_verbosity(opts, -1);
    parse_options_set_screen_width(opts, 50);

    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
    dict = dictionary_create_default_lang();

    if (!dict) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Fatal error: Unable to open the dictionary");
        return Py_None;

    sent = sentence_create(text, dict);
    sentence_split(sent, opts);
    num_linkages = sentence_parse(sent, opts);

    if (num_linkages > 0) {
        linkage = linkage_create(0, sent, opts);
        /// Get the lengths of everything
        num_words = linkage_get_num_words(linkage);
        links = linkage_get_num_links(linkage);

        for(link_idx=0; link_idx < links; link_idx++) {
            PyObject *temp_subLen;

            diagram = linkage_print_diagram(linkage);
            _diagram = PyString_FromString(diagram);

            sub_linkage = linkage_create(link_idx, sent, opts);
            sub_linkages = linkage_get_num_sublinkages(linkage);

            temp_subLen = PyLong_FromLong(sub_linkages);
            PyList_Append(sublinkage_list, temp_subLen);

            span = linkage_get_link_length(linkage, link_idx);
            PyList_Append(span_list, PyInt_FromLong(span));

            PyObject *temp_list;
            temp_list = PyList_New(0);
            /// Sub Group these (left and right labels)
            const char *t1 = linkage_get_link_llabel(linkage, link_idx);
            temp = PyString_FromString(t1);
            PyList_Append(temp_list, temp);

            const char *t2 = linkage_get_link_rlabel(linkage, link_idx);
            temp = PyString_FromString(t2);
            PyList_Append(temp_list, temp);
            /// Then add to the main list
            PyList_Append(output_list, temp_list);

            /// Just the label
            const char *t3 = linkage_get_link_label(linkage, link_idx);
            temp = PyString_FromString(t3);
            PyList_Append(word2_list, temp);

        for(word_idx=0; word_idx < num_words; word_idx++) {
            d_output = linkage_get_word(linkage, word_idx);
            PyObject *word;

            word = PyString_FromString(d_output);
            PyList_Append(word_list, word);


    } else {

        return Py_None;


    return Py_BuildValue("SSSSSS", word_list, span_list, output_list, word2_list, sublinkage_list, _diagram);
Exemple #4
VALUE linkage_count_num_links(const VALUE self, VALUE link) {
	LinkagePtr *link_ptr = retrieve_linkage(link);
	int cnt = linkage_get_num_links(link_ptr->linkage);
	return INT2FIX(cnt);
Exemple #5
 * Class:      LinkGrammar
 * Method:     getNumLinks
 * Signature: ()I
Java_org_linkgrammar_LinkGrammar_getNumLinks(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls)
	per_thread_data *ptd = get_ptd(env, cls);
	return linkage_get_num_links(ptd->linkage);
Exemple #6
 SPOTriplets NLP::sentence2triplets ( const char* sentence )
   // vector of triplets
   SPOTriplets triplets;

   #ifdef DEBUG
     std::cout << "The sentence: " << sentence << std::endl;
   // creates a Sentence from the input char*
   Sentence sent = sentence_create ( sentence, dict_ );
   #ifdef DEBUG
     std::cout << "Sentence created" << std::endl;
   // tokenizes the sentence
   sentence_split ( sent, parse_opts_ );
   #ifdef DEBUG
     std::cout << "Sentence splitted" << std::endl;
   // searches for all possible linkages
   int num_linkages = sentence_parse ( sent, parse_opts_ );
   #ifdef DEBUG
     std::cout << "Sentence parsed" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Number of linkages: " << num_linkages << std::endl;

   // just one triplet
   SPOTriplet triplet;

   // if there is any linkage in the sentence
   if( num_linkages > 0 )
     // create the linkage
     Linkage linkage = linkage_create ( 0, sent, parse_opts_ );

     #ifdef DEBUG
       // prints the sentence's diagram
       std::cout << "The diagram: " << std::endl;
       char *diagram = linkage_print_diagram(linkage, true, 800);
       std::cout << diagram << std::endl;
       linkage_free_diagram( diagram );
       // end print diagram

     std::vector<std::string> labels;

     // 1. find the S_link
     // S* except there is an SJ* because then S* except Spx
     // two cases: there is SJ* and there is not SJ*

     // TODO: VJlp VJrp same as SJ but to predications
     // TODO: SFut SFst what the f**k?                                     ###FIXED###
     // TODO: His form was shining like the light not working              ###FIXED###
     // TODO: Car is mine not working                                      ###FIXED###
     // TODO: The little brown bear has eaten all of the honey not working ###FIXED###

     // REGEXES
     std::regex SJ_( "SJ.*" );
     std::regex VJ_( "VJ.*");
     std::regex subject( "(Ss.*)|(SFut)|(Sp\*.*)" );
     std::regex Spx( "Spx.*" );
     // TODO:fix theese initializer list not allowed                       ###FIXED###
     std::regex predicate( "(Pv.*)|(Pg.*)|(PP.*)|(I.*)|(TO)|(MVi.*)" );
     // TODO: make one from theese // (Sp.*)|(Ss.*)                        ###FIXED###
     std::regex noun_adject_object ( "(O.*)|(Os.*)|(Op.*)|(MVpn.*)|(Pa.*)|(MVa.*)" );
     std::regex preposition ( "(MVp.*)|(Pp.*)|(OF)|(TO)" );
     std::regex prep_object ( "(J.*)|(TI)|(I.*)|(ON)" );
     // TODO: problems with matching!! Pg*!!                               ###FIXED###
     // TODO: problems with matching!! Mvp.*!!                             ###FIXED###

     bool s_found = false;
     bool p_found = false;
     bool o_found = false;
     bool SJ = false;

     // search for SJ.s labels
     for( auto label: labels )
       if( std::regex_match( label, SJ_ ) )
         SJ = true;

     // multiple subject in the sentence
     if( SJ )
       // SPls left -> first subject
       // SPrs right -> second subject
       // Spx right -> predicate
       // SJ-s are multiple subjects
       std::string temp;
       // go through every linkage
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         // get their label
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
         // if there is an SJl* label
         if( std::regex_match( l, std::regex( "SJl.*" ) ) )
           // SJls left side
           triplet.s = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
           triplet.cut( triplet.s );
           temp = triplet.s + " ";
           // and word
           triplet.s = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           triplet.cut( triplet.s );
           temp += triplet.s + " ";

           // find SJr*
           for( int j = 0; j < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++j )
             std::string m = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, j );
             if( std::regex_match( m, std::regex( "SJr.*" ) ) )
               triplet.s = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, j ) );
               temp += triplet.s;
               triplet.s = temp;

               s_found = true;
               #ifdef DEBUG
                 std::cout << "Subject found: " << triplet.s << std::endl;
             } // if
           } // for
         } // if
       } // for

       // now we have the subject

       // find Spx and its right side will be the starter predicate
       std::string current_word;
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
         if( std::regex_match( l, std::regex( "Spx.*" ) ) )
           triplet.p = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           current_word = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
       // from now all the same as on the else branch !!!!

       bool predicate_match = false;

       // search for the linkage that has triplet.s as left!
         predicate_match = false;

         for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
           // every linkage's left word
           std::string word_i = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
           // every linkage's label
           std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );

           if( std::regex_match( l, predicate ) && word_i == current_word )
             // found predicate
             triplet.p = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
             current_word = triplet.p;
             predicate_match = true;
       while( predicate_match );

       // we now have the predicate too
       // TODO: multiple predicates!
       p_found = true;
       #ifdef DEBUG
         std::cout << "Predicate found: " << triplet.p << std::endl;

       // ###COPY BEGIN###

       // search for noun object or adjective object
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         // get every linkage label
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
         // get the left word of every linkage
         std::string l_word = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
         // if thete is a label that match AND its left word is the predicate
         if( std::regex_match( l, noun_adject_object ) && triplet.p == l_word )
           // then the object is that linkage's right word
           triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           triplet.cut( triplet.o );
           o_found = true;
           #ifdef DEBUG
             std::cout << "Adjective or noun object found: " << triplet.o << std::endl;
         } // if
       } // for

       // still not found object, then search for preposition
       if( !o_found )
         // go through every linkage
         for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
           // get the linkage's label
           std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
           // and left word
           std::string word_i = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
           // if there is a linkage which is a preposition and its left word is the predicate
           if( std::regex_match( l, preposition ) && triplet.p == word_i )
             // found preposition
             // search for prep_object
             // then the temp will contain the preposition label's right word
             std::string temp = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
             #ifdef DEBUG
               std::cout << "Preposition found! and its rigth word is: " << temp << std::endl;

             for( int j = 0; j < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++j )
               // every linkages
               std::string m = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, j );
               // every left word
               std::string word_j = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, j ) );

               // if there is a label with match and its left is exactly the preposition's right
               if( std::regex_match( m, prep_object ) && temp == word_j )
                 triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, j ) );

                 triplet.o += " ";
                 // save o
                 std::string temp = triplet.o;

                 triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, j ) );
                 temp += triplet.o;

                 triplet.o = temp;
                 o_found = true;
                 #ifdef DEBUG
                   std::cout << "Object found: " << triplet.o << std::endl;
               } // if( std::regex_match( m, prep_object ) && temp == word_j ) END
             } // for J END
           } // if( std::regex_match( l, preposition ) && triplet.p == word_i ) END
         } // for I END
       } // if( !o_found ) END

       if( s_found && p_found && o_found )
         // TODO: cut the words itself not the whole triplet
         // have to cut every word itself
         // triplet.cut();
         triplets.push_back( triplet );
         s_found = false;
         p_found = false;
         o_found = false;
       // ###COPY END###
     else // only one subject
       // except Spx!!!
       // S left -> subject
       // S right -> predicate at first
       // if the word next to S right, is an element of Pv*, Pg* PP*, I*, TO, MVi*
       // then the new predicate will be that word

       std::string current_word;

       // search for subject (S_link)
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         // get the linkage's label
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );

         if( std::regex_match( l, subject ) )
           // subject found
           triplet.s = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
           s_found = true;
           current_word = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           triplet.p = current_word;
           #ifdef DEBUG
             std::cout << "Subject found: " << triplet.s << std::endl;

       if( s_found )
         bool predicate_match = false;

         // search for the linkage that has triplet.s as left!
           predicate_match = false;

           for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
             // every linkage's left word
             std::string l_word = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
             // every linkage's label
             std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );

             if( std::regex_match( l, predicate ) && l_word == current_word )
               // found predicate
               triplet.p = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
               current_word = triplet.p;
               predicate_match = true;
           } // for END
         } while( predicate_match );

         p_found = true;
         #ifdef DEBUG
           std::cout << "Predicate found: " << triplet.p << std::endl;
       } // if( s_found ) END

       // subject and predicate found
       // search for object

       // from k to linkage_get_num_links( linkage )
       // if there is any of the noun, adjective od preposition object then that
       // label's right will give the object.

       // !!! search only between labels that has triplet.p as left word !!!!!

       // search for noun object or adjective objects
       // go through all links
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         // get every linkage label
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
         // get the left word of every linkage
         std::string word_i = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
         // if thete is a label that match AND its left word is the predicate
         if( std::regex_match( l, noun_adject_object ) && triplet.p == word_i )
           // then the object is that linkage's right word
           triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           o_found = true;
           #ifdef DEBUG
             std::cout << "Adjective or noun object found: " << triplet.o << std::endl;
         } // if END
       } // for END

       // still not found object, then search for preposition
       if( !o_found )
         // go through every linkage
         for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
           // get the linkage's label
           std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
           // and left word
           std::string word_i = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );

           // if there is a linkage which is a preposition and its left word is the predicate
           if( std::regex_match( l, preposition ) && triplet.p == word_i )
             // found preposition
             // search for prep_object
             // then the temp will contain the preposition label's right word
             std::string temp = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
             #ifdef DEBUG
               std::cout << "Preposition found! and its rigth word is: " << temp << std::endl;

             // start search from there
             for( int j = 0; j < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++j )
               // every linkages
               std::string m = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, j );
               // every left word
               std::string word_j = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, j ) );
               #ifdef DEBUG
                 if( std::regex_match( m, prep_object ) )
                     std::cout << m << " DOES match to (J.*)|(TI)|(I.*)|(ON)" << std::endl;

               // if there is a label with match and its left is exactly the preposition's right
               if( std::regex_match( m, prep_object ) && temp == word_j )
                 triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, j ) );

                 triplet.o += " ";
                 // save o
                 std::string temp = triplet.o;

                 triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, j ) );
                 temp += triplet.o;

                 triplet.o = temp;
                 #ifdef DEBUG
                   std::cout << "Object found: " << triplet.o << std::endl;
                 o_found = true;
             } // for
           } // if
         } // for
       } // if( o_found ) END

       if( s_found && p_found && o_found )
         // TODO: cut the words itself not the whole triplet ###FIXED###
         // have to cut every word itself
         // triplet.cut();

         triplets.push_back( triplet );
         s_found = false;
         p_found = false;
         o_found = false;

     } // end else

     linkage_delete ( linkage );
   } // if( num_linkages > 0 ) END