Exemple #1
/* duplicate hostent entry
 * and handle all Win16/Win32 dependent things (struct size, ...) *correctly*.
 * Dito for protoent and servent.
static SEGPTR ws_hostent_32_to_16( const struct WS_hostent* he )
    char *p;
    SEGPTR base;
    struct ws_hostent16 *p_to;

    int size = (sizeof(*he) +
                strlen(he->h_name) + 1 +
                list_size(he->h_aliases, 0) +
                list_size(he->h_addr_list, he->h_length));

    base = get_buffer_he(size);
    p_to = MapSL(base);

    p_to->h_addrtype = he->h_addrtype;
    p_to->h_length = he->h_length;

    p = (char *)(p_to + 1);
    p_to->h_name = base + (p - (char *)p_to);
    strcpy(p, he->h_name);
    p += strlen(p) + 1;

    p_to->h_aliases = base + (p - (char *)p_to);
    p += list_dup(he->h_aliases, p_to->h_aliases, 0);

    p_to->h_addr_list = base + (p - (char *)p_to);
    list_dup(he->h_addr_list, p_to->h_addr_list, he->h_length);

    return base;
Exemple #2
cDict *dict_new(cList *keys, cList *values)
    cDict *cnew;
    Int i, j, size;

    if (generic_empty_dict && list_length(keys) == 0)
        return dict_dup(generic_empty_dict);

    /* Construct a new dictionary. */
    cnew = tmalloc(sizeof(cDict));

    cnew->keys   = list_dup(keys);
    cnew->values = list_dup(values);

    /* Calculate initial size of chain and hash table. */
    cnew->hashtab_size = HASHTAB_STARTING_SIZE;
    while (cnew->hashtab_size < keys->len) {
        if (cnew->hashtab_size > 4096)
            cnew->hashtab_size += 4096;
            cnew->hashtab_size = cnew->hashtab_size * 2 + MALLOC_DELTA;

    /* Initialize chain entries and hash table. */
    size = sizeof(Int) * cnew->hashtab_size;
    cnew->links   = tmalloc(size);
    cnew->hashtab = tmalloc(size);
    memset(cnew->links,   -1, size);
    memset(cnew->hashtab, -1, size);

    /* Insert the keys into the hash table, eliminating duplicates. */
    i = j = 0;
    while (i < cnew->keys->len) {
        if (i != j) {
            cnew->keys->el[j] = cnew->keys->el[i];
            cnew->values->el[j] = cnew->values->el[i];
        if (search(cnew, &keys->el[i]) == F_FAILURE) {
            insert_key(cnew, j++);
        } else {
    cnew->keys->len = cnew->values->len = j;

    cnew->refs = 1;

    if (!generic_empty_dict && list_length(keys) == 0)
        generic_empty_dict = dict_dup(cnew);

    return cnew;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    list_type type;
    type.dup = node_dup;
    type.free = node_free;
    type.compare = node_compare;
    list_t *list = list_create(&type);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        sds value = sdsempty();
        value = sdscatprintf(value, "%d", i);
        list_add_node_tail(list, value);
        printf("add %s\n", value);

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        sds value = sdsempty();
        value = sdscatprintf(value, "%d", 10 + i);
        list_add_node_head(list, value);
        printf("add %s\n", value);

    list_node *node = list_index(list, 10);
    sds value = sdsempty();
    value = sdscatprintf(value, "%d", 100);
    list_insert_node(list, node, value, 1);
    printf("insert %s\n", value);

    node = list_find(list, value);
    printf("search: %s\n", (char *)node->value);

    for (int i = -10; i < 10; ++i) {
        node = list_index(list, i);
        if (node) {
            printf("%d: %s\n", i, (char *)node->value);

    list_t *copy = list_dup(list);

    printf("len: %ld\n", list_len(copy));
    list_iter *iter = list_get_iterator(copy, LIST_START_HEAD);
    while ((node = list_next(iter)) != NULL) {
        printf("%s\n", (char *)node->value);
        list_del(copy, node);
    printf("len: %ld\n", list_len(copy));
    printf("head: %p, tail: %p\n", copy->head, copy->tail);

    return 0;
Exemple #4
Fichier : eval.c Projet : S010/misc
struct expr    *
cdr(struct expr * e, struct context * ctx)
	struct list    *nl;
	struct expr    *a, *re;

	if (!e)
		return empty_list();

	if (list_len(e) < 2) {
		return empty_list();
	a = eval(e->v.list->next->v, ctx);
	if (a->t != LLIST || a->v.list == NULL) {
		return empty_list();
	nl = list_dup(a->v.list->next);
	if (!nl) {
		re = empty_list();
	} else {
		re = new_expr(LLIST);
		re->v.list = nl;
	return re;
Exemple #5
static SEGPTR ws_servent_32_to_16( const struct WS_servent *se )
    char *p;
    SEGPTR base;
    struct ws_servent16 *p_to;

    int size = (sizeof(*se) +
                strlen(se->s_proto) + 1 +
                strlen(se->s_name) + 1 +
                list_size(se->s_aliases, 0));

    base = get_buffer_se(size);
    p_to = MapSL(base);

    p_to->s_port = se->s_port;
    p = (char *)(p_to + 1);

    p_to->s_name = base + (p - (char *)p_to);
    strcpy(p, se->s_name);
    p += strlen(p) + 1;

    p_to->s_proto = base + (p - (char *)p_to);
    strcpy(p, se->s_proto);
    p += strlen(p) + 1;

    p_to->s_aliases = base + (p - (char *)p_to);
    list_dup(se->s_aliases, p_to->s_aliases, 0);

    return base;
Exemple #6
static SEGPTR ws_protoent_32_to_16( const struct WS_protoent *pe )
    char *p;
    SEGPTR base;
    struct ws_protoent16 *p_to;

    int size = (sizeof(*pe) +
                strlen(pe->p_name) + 1 +
                list_size(pe->p_aliases, 0));

    base = get_buffer_pe(size);
    p_to = MapSL(base);

    p_to->p_proto = pe->p_proto;
    p = (char *)(p_to + 1);

    p_to->p_name = base + (p - (char *)p_to);
    strcpy(p, pe->p_name);
    p += strlen(p) + 1;

    p_to->p_aliases = base + (p - (char *)p_to);
    list_dup(pe->p_aliases, p_to->p_aliases, 0);

    return base;
Exemple #7
Hash * hash_new_with(cList *keys) {
    Hash *cnew;
    Int i, j;

    /* Construct a new hash */
    cnew = EMALLOC(Hash, 1);
    cnew->keys = list_dup(keys);

    /* Calculate initial size of chain and hash table. */
    cnew->hashtab_size = HASHTAB_STARTING_SIZE;
    while (cnew->hashtab_size < keys->len)
	cnew->hashtab_size = cnew->hashtab_size * 2 + MALLOC_DELTA;

    /* Initialize chain entries and hash table. */
    cnew->links   = EMALLOC(Int, cnew->hashtab_size);
    cnew->hashtab = EMALLOC(Int, cnew->hashtab_size);
    memset(cnew->links,   -1, sizeof(Long)*cnew->hashtab_size);
    memset(cnew->hashtab, -1, sizeof(Long)*cnew->hashtab_size);

    /* Insert the keys into the hash table, eliminating duplicates. */
    i = j = 0;
    while (i < cnew->keys->len) {
	if (i != j)
	    cnew->keys->el[j] = cnew->keys->el[i];
	if (hash_find(cnew, &keys->el[i]) == F_FAILURE)
	    quickhash_insert_key(cnew, j++);
    cnew->keys->len = j;

    cnew->refs = 1;
    return cnew;
Exemple #8
cDict *dict_prep(cDict *dict) {
    cDict *cnew;

    if (dict->refs == 1)
        return dict;

    /* Duplicate the old dictionary. */
    cnew = tmalloc(sizeof(cDict));
    cnew->keys         = list_dup(dict->keys);
    cnew->values       = list_dup(dict->values);
    cnew->hashtab_size = dict->hashtab_size;
    cnew->links        = tmalloc(sizeof(Int) * cnew->hashtab_size);
    cnew->hashtab      = tmalloc(sizeof(Int) * cnew->hashtab_size);
    MEMCPY(cnew->links,   dict->links,   cnew->hashtab_size);
    MEMCPY(cnew->hashtab, dict->hashtab, cnew->hashtab_size);
    cnew->refs = 1;
    return cnew;
Exemple #9
static LPARAM copy_he(void *base, int size, const struct WS_hostent *he)
    char *p;
    int needed;
    struct WS_hostent *to = base;

    if (!he) return MAKELPARAM( 0, GetLastError() );

    needed = sizeof(struct WS_hostent) + strlen(he->h_name) + 1 +
                 list_size(he->h_aliases, 0) +
                 list_size(he->h_addr_list, he->h_length );
    if (size < needed) return MAKELPARAM( needed, WSAENOBUFS );

    to->h_addrtype = he->h_addrtype;
    to->h_length = he->h_length;
    p = (char *)(to + 1);
    to->h_name = p;
    strcpy(p, he->h_name); p += strlen(p) + 1;
    to->h_aliases = (char **)p;
    p += list_dup(he->h_aliases, p, 0);
    to->h_addr_list = (char **)p;
    list_dup(he->h_addr_list, p, he->h_length);
    return MAKELPARAM( needed, 0 );
Exemple #10
static LPARAM copy_pe(void *base, int size, const struct WS_protoent* pe)
    char *p;
    int needed;
    struct WS_protoent *to = base;

    if (!pe) return MAKELPARAM( 0, GetLastError() );

    needed = sizeof(struct WS_protoent) + strlen(pe->p_name) + 1 + list_size(pe->p_aliases, 0);
    if (size < needed) return MAKELPARAM( needed, WSAENOBUFS );

    to->p_proto = pe->p_proto;
    p = (char *)(to + 1);
    to->p_name = p;
    strcpy(p, pe->p_name); p += strlen(p) + 1;
    to->p_aliases = (char **)p;
    list_dup(pe->p_aliases, p, 0);
    return MAKELPARAM( needed, 0 );
Exemple #11
static LPARAM copy_se(void *base, int size, const struct WS_servent* se)
    char *p;
    int needed;
    struct WS_servent *to = base;

    if (!se) return MAKELPARAM( 0, GetLastError() );

    needed = sizeof(struct WS_servent) + strlen(se->s_proto) + strlen(se->s_name) + 2 + list_size(se->s_aliases, 0);
    if (size < needed) return MAKELPARAM( needed, WSAENOBUFS );

    to->s_port = se->s_port;
    p = (char *)(to + 1);
    to->s_name = p;
    strcpy(p, se->s_name); p += strlen(p) + 1;
    to->s_proto = p;
    strcpy(p, se->s_proto); p += strlen(p) + 1;
    to->s_aliases = (char **)p;
    list_dup(se->s_aliases, p, 0);
    return MAKELPARAM( needed, 0 );
Exemple #12
cList *list_union(cList * list1, cList * list2)
    cData *start, *end, *d;

    start = list2->el + list2->start;
    end = start + list2->len;
    if (list1->len + list2->len < 12) {
        for (d = start; d < end; d++) {
            if (list_search(list1, d) == -1)
                list1 = list_add(list1, d);
    } else {
        Hash *tmp;

        tmp = hash_new_with(list1);
        for (d = start; d < end; d++) {
            tmp = hash_add(tmp, d);
        list1 = list_dup(tmp->keys);
    return list1;
Exemple #13
static sql_rel *
psm_analyze(mvc *sql, dlist *qname, dlist *columns, symbol *sample )
	exp_kind ek = {type_value, card_value, FALSE};
	sql_exp *sample_exp = NULL, *call;
	char *sname = NULL, *tname = NULL;
	list *tl = sa_list(sql->sa);
	list *exps = sa_list(sql->sa), *analyze_calls = sa_list(sql->sa);
	sql_subfunc *f = NULL;

	if (sample) {
		sql_subtype *tpe = sql_bind_localtype("lng");

       		sample_exp = rel_value_exp( sql, NULL, sample, 0, ek);
		if (sample_exp)
			sample_exp = rel_check_type(sql, tpe, sample_exp, type_cast); 
	if (qname) {
		if (qname->h->next)
			sname = qname_schema(qname);
			sname = qname_table(qname);
		if (!sname)
			sname = cur_schema(sql)->base.name;
		if (qname->h->next)
			tname = qname_table(qname);
	/* call analyze( [schema, [ table ]], opt_sample_size ) */
	if (sname) {
		sql_exp *sname_exp = exp_atom_clob(sql->sa, sname);

		append(exps, sname_exp);
		append(tl, exp_subtype(sname_exp));
	if (tname) {
		sql_exp *tname_exp = exp_atom_clob(sql->sa, tname);

		append(exps, tname_exp);
		append(tl, exp_subtype(tname_exp));

		if (columns)
			append(tl, exp_subtype(tname_exp));
	if (!columns) {
		if (sample_exp) {
			append(exps, sample_exp);
			append(tl, exp_subtype(sample_exp));
		f = sql_bind_func_(sql->sa, mvc_bind_schema(sql, "sys"), "analyze", tl, F_PROC);
		if (!f)
			return sql_error(sql, 01, "Analyze procedure missing");
		call = exp_op(sql->sa, exps, f);
		append(analyze_calls, call);
	} else {
		dnode *n;

		if (sample_exp)
			append(tl, exp_subtype(sample_exp));
		f = sql_bind_func_(sql->sa, mvc_bind_schema(sql, "sys"), "analyze", tl, F_PROC);

		if (!f)
			return sql_error(sql, 01, "Analyze procedure missing");
		for( n = columns->h; n; n = n->next) {
			char *cname = n->data.sval;
			list *nexps = list_dup(exps, NULL);
			sql_exp *cname_exp = exp_atom_clob(sql->sa, cname);

			append(nexps, cname_exp);
			if (sample_exp)
				append(nexps, sample_exp);
			/* call analyze( sname, tname, cname, opt_sample_size ) */
			call = exp_op(sql->sa, nexps, f);
			append(analyze_calls, call);
	return rel_psm_block(sql->sa, analyze_calls);
Exemple #14
cList *dict_keys(cDict *dict)
    return list_dup(dict->keys);
Exemple #15
cList *dict_values(cDict *dict)
    return list_dup(dict->values);