int main (int argc, char** argv) { list_t l0 = list_create(); for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) list_append (l0, argv [i]); list_t l1 = list_create(); list_map1 (intValue, l1, l0); list_t l2 = list_create(); list_map2 (nullIfNegative, l2, l0, l1); list_t l3 = list_create(); list_filter (isNotNegative, l3, l1); list_t l4 = list_create(); list_filter (isNotNull, l4, l2); list_t l5 = list_create(); list_map2 (truncate, l5, l4, l3); list_foreach (printString, l5); list_foreach (free, l5); intptr_t v = -1; list_foldl (max, (void**) &v, l3); printf ("%ld\n", v); list_destroy (l0); list_destroy (l1); list_destroy (l2); list_destroy (l3); list_destroy (l4); list_destroy (l5); }
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { List* list = list_create ( sizeof ( int ),EqualInt ); int t; ListNode* n; int i; for ( i=0; i<10; ++i ) list_push_back ( list,createInt ( &t,rand() ) ); /*list_foreach(list,printInt);*/ ListIter iter = list_get_iter ( list ); while ( list_iter_hasNext ( iter ) ) { printInt ( list_iter_next ( iter ) ); } printf ( "\n" ); list_pop_back ( list ); list_foreach ( list,incInt ); list_foreach ( list,printInt ); printf ( "\n" ); n = list_find_first_node ( list,createInt ( &t,846930887 ) ); list_erase_node ( list,n ); list_foreach ( list,printInt ); list_delete ( list ); return 0; }
void print_symbol_table(void* rootscope) { scope* castedscope = (scope*) rootscope; printf("Printing scope at %p (parent = %p):\n", castedscope, castedscope->parent); list_foreach(castedscope->symbol_list, print_symbol); printf("\n"); list_foreach(castedscope->children, print_symbol_table); }
void xmpp_iq_player_status(int status) { send_stream_format(session.wfs, "<iq to='k01.warface' type='get'>" "<query xmlns='urn:cryonline:k01'>" "<player_status prev_status='%u' new_status='%u'" " to='%s'/>" "</query>" "</iq>", session.status, status, ""); session.status = status; list_foreach(session.friends, (f_list_callback) xmpp_iq_peer_status_update_friend, NULL); list_foreach(session.clanmates, (f_list_callback) xmpp_iq_peer_clan_member_update_clanmate, NULL); #ifdef DBUS_API dbus_api_emit_status_update(session.nickname, session.status, session.experience, session.clan_points); #endif }
void xmpp_iq_player_status(int status) { xmpp_send_iq_get( JID_K01, NULL, NULL, "<query xmlns='urn:cryonline:k01'>" "<player_status prev_status='%u' new_status='%u' to='%s'/>" "</query>",, status, session.gameroom.jid != NULL ? : ""); = status; = time(NULL); /* Broadcast to every buddy */ list_foreach(session.profile.friends, (f_list_callback) xmpp_iq_peer_status_update_friend, NULL); list_foreach(session.profile.clanmates, (f_list_callback) xmpp_iq_peer_clan_member_update_clanmate, NULL); #ifdef DBUS_API dbus_api_emit_status_update(session.profile.nickname,, session.profile.experience, session.profile.clan.points); #endif }
static int prepare_math_qry(struct subpaths *subpaths) { struct list_sort_arg sort_arg; uint32_t new_path_id = 0; /* strip gener paths because they are not used for searching */ list_foreach(&subpaths->li, &dele_if_gener, NULL); /* HACK: overwrite path_id of subpaths to the number of paths belong * to this bond variable, i.e. bound variable size. */ list_foreach(&subpaths->li, &overwrite_pathID_to_bondvar_sz, NULL); /* sort subpaths by <bound variable size, symbol> tuple */ sort_arg.cmp = &compare_qry_path; sort_arg.extra = NULL; list_sort(&subpaths->li, &sort_arg); /* assign new path_id for each subpaths, in its list node order. */ list_foreach(&subpaths->li, &assign_path_id_in_order, &new_path_id); /* prepare score structure for query subpaths */ prepare_score_struct(subpaths); return 0; }
struct gpio *gpio_open(int pin, const char *usage, int type, ...) { if(!usage) return NULL; // no usage specified int valid = 0; int i; for(i=0; i<PINS_COUNT; i++) { if(pins[i] == pin) { valid = 1; break; } } if(!valid) return NULL; // invalid pin number struct pin_lookup_data data_pin; = pin; data_pin.result = NULL; list_foreach(&gpios, pin_lookup, &data_pin); if(data_pin.result) return NULL; // already in use struct type_lookup_data data; data.type = type; data.result = NULL; list_foreach(&types, type_lookup, &data); if(!data.result) return NULL; // type not found struct gpio *gpio; malloc_nofail(gpio); gpio->pin = pin; strdup_nofail(gpio->usage, usage); gpio->type = data.result; gpio->gpio = gpio_from_pin[gpio->pin]; va_list args; va_start(args, type); int ret = gpio->type->open(gpio, args); va_end(args); if(!ret) { free(gpio->usage); free(gpio); return NULL; // type open failed } list_add(&gpios, gpio); ++(gpio->type->refcount); return gpio; }
int session_destroy(void) { t_session *session; logger_message("[SESSION] Stop session service"); session = session_get_session(); list_foreach(&(session->in), &delete_instruction_in); list_clear(&(session->in)); list_foreach(&(session->out), &delete_instruction_out); list_clear(&(session->out)); return (0); }
void testNTH() { list_t *l = list_new(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { int *x = malloc(sizeof(int)); *x = i; list_add(l, x); } int *x; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { CU_ASSERT(list_nth(l, i, (void **)&x)); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(*x, i); } CU_ASSERT_FALSE(list_nth(l, -1, (void **)&x)); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(x, NULL); CU_ASSERT_FALSE(list_nth(l, 100, (void **)&x)); CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(x, NULL); list_foreach(l, free); list_free(l); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { List *list = NULL; int i; int *data; for (i = 10; i<20; i++) { data = (int*) malloc(sizeof (int)); *data = i; list = list_append(list, data ); } for (i = 0; i<10; i++) { data = (int*) malloc(sizeof (int)); *data = i; list = list_insert(list, data, i); } list_foreach(list, func, NULL); list_free(list); return 0; }
int mb__system_properties_init() { if (initialized) { list_foreach(contexts, [](context_node* l) { l->reset_access(); }); return 0; } if (is_dir(property_filename)) { if (!initialize_properties()) { return -1; } if (!map_system_property_area(false, nullptr)) { free_and_unmap_contexts(); return -1; } } else { mb__system_property_area__ = map_prop_area(property_filename, true); if (!mb__system_property_area__) { return -1; } list_add(&contexts, "legacy_system_prop_area", mb__system_property_area__); list_add_after_len(&prefixes, "*", contexts); } initialized = true; return 0; }
/* ** DBus method call: "CrownChallenge" */ gboolean on_handle_crown_challenge ( Warfacebot *object, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation ) { if ( invalidated ) { struct list *ml =; GVariantBuilder *marr_builder; if ( marr != NULL ) g_variant_unref ( marr ); marr_builder = g_variant_builder_new ( G_VARIANT_TYPE ( "a(sssii)" ) ); list_foreach ( ml, (f_list_callback) mlist_to_array, marr_builder ); marr = g_variant_new ( "a(sssii)", marr_builder ); g_variant_ref ( marr ); g_variant_builder_unref ( marr_builder ); invalidated = FALSE; } warfacebot_complete_crown_challenge ( object, invocation, marr ); return TRUE; }
void oqueue_flush(OQueue *q, FILE *fh) { q->data = list_reverse(q->data); list_foreach(q->data, CBFUNC(fputs), fh); list_destroy(q->data, DESTROYFUNC(free)); q->data = NULL; }
static int count(list_t *list) { int cnt = 0; fail_unless(QEO_OK == list_foreach(list, count_cb, (uintptr_t)&cnt)); return cnt; }
static void prepare_score_struct(struct subpaths *subpaths) { /* initialize 'mark and score' query dimension */ mnc_reset_qry(); /* push queries to MNC stack for future scoring */ list_foreach(&subpaths->li, &push_query_path, NULL); }
/* Iterate over the list of agents */ static void load_host_agents (void *list, void *user_data, GO_UNUSED int count) { GSLList *lst = list; GAgents *agents = user_data; agents->items = new_gagent_item (count); list_foreach (lst, fill_host_agents, agents); }
static void load_host_agents_gmenu (void *list, void *user_data, int count) { GSLList *lst = list; GMenu *menu = user_data; menu->items = (GItem *) xcalloc (count, sizeof (GItem)); list_foreach (lst, fill_host_agents_gmenu, menu); }
void config_free(config_t* cfg) { if (cfg->config == NULL) return; list_foreach((node_l**)&cfg->config, configitem_free); list_destroy((node_l**)&cfg->config); cfg->config = NULL; }
void print_ready(){ lock(); printk("ready:\n"); ListHead *p1; list_foreach(p1,&ready) printk("id : %d ,tf : %x\n",((PCB *)(list_entry(p1,PCB,list)))->pid, ((PCB *)(list_entry(p1,PCB,list)))->tf); printk("-------------\n"); unlock(); }
void cfw_send_event(struct cfw_message * msg) { #ifdef SVC_MANAGER_DEBUG pr_debug(LOG_MODULE_CFW, "%s : msg:%d", __func__, CFW_MESSAGE_ID(msg)); #endif list_head_t * list = get_event_list(CFW_MESSAGE_ID(msg)); if (list != NULL ) { list_foreach(list, send_event_callback, msg); } }
void test_list_foreach(void) { List *l = list_prepend(NULL, INT_TO_POINTER(1)); l = list_prepend(l, INT_TO_POINTER(2)); l = list_prepend(l, INT_TO_POINTER(3)); int sum = 0; list_foreach(l, foreach_cb, &sum); cut_assert_equal_int(6, sum); }
void ps_collect(struct t_peer_storage * ps, const ps_consumer consumer, const void * token) { struct t_ps_list_token list_token = {ps, consumer, ps_time_cycle(ps), token}; struct t_list * list = ps->item_list; /* set current list to new one, for writing new items */ ps->item_list = list_create(); /* consume and migrate items */ list_foreach(list, ps_accept, (void *)&list_token); /* destroy old list */ list_destroy(list); }
static void pin_debounce_timer_handler(void *priv_data) { struct managed_comparator_info *priv = (struct managed_comparator_info *)priv_data; priv->pin_deb_counter = 0; /* Call user callbacks */ list_foreach(&priv->cb_head, call_user_callback, (void *)priv->pin_status); }
static void leaf_group(struct tex_tr *l) { struct tex_tr *f /* father */ = MEMBER_2_STRUCT(l->tnd.father, struct tex_tr, tnd); /* * for leaf, n_fan means the number of brothers * with same symbol_id. */ list_foreach(&f->tnd.sons, &update_same_brothers, l); }
void *thread_close(struct thread *t) { xprintf("Closed %s\n", t->name); = 0; list_foreach(thread_list, (f_list_callback) thread_kill, NULL); pthread_exit(NULL); }
void testLISTHAS() { list_t *l = list_new(); list_add(l, strdup("hello")); list_add(l, strdup("world")); CU_ASSERT_FALSE(list_has(l, streq, "HELLO")); CU_ASSERT(list_has(l, streq, "hello")); list_foreach(l, free); list_free(l); }
void client_manager_destroy() { if (!g_client_manager) return; logger_message("[CLIENT] Manager destroy"); list_foreach(&g_client_manager->clients, (feach) &client_destroy); list_clear(&g_client_manager->clients); list_free(&g_client_manager->commands); network_destroy(); free(g_client_manager); g_client_manager = NULL; }
void testLENGTH() { list_t *l = list_new(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(list_len(l), i); list_add(l, malloc(sizeof(int))); } list_foreach(l, free); list_free(l); }
void status_set(enum status status) { enum status old_status =; time_t now = time(NULL); /* Check if status is different */ if ((old_status ^ STATUS_AFK) != (status ^ STATUS_AFK)) { = now; } xmpp_iq_player_status(status); = status; = now; /* Update cached infos */ status_update_location(); /* Broadcast to every buddy */ list_foreach(session.profile.friends, (f_list_callback) xmpp_iq_peer_status_update_friend, NULL); list_foreach(session.profile.clanmates, (f_list_callback) xmpp_iq_peer_clan_member_update_clanmate, NULL); #ifdef DBUS_API /* Broadcast to DBus */ dbus_api_emit_status_update(session.profile.nickname,, session.profile.experience, session.profile.clan.points); #endif }
/* Soc Specific initialization */ static inline void usb_generic_callback(struct device *dev) { struct usb_pm_info *priv = (struct usb_pm_info*)dev->priv; // Toggle USB status priv->is_plugged = !priv->is_plugged; #ifdef CONFIG_USB #ifdef CONFIG_QUARK_SE_SWITCH_INTERNAL_OSCILLATOR set_oscillator(priv->is_plugged ? OSC_EXTERNAL:OSC_INTERNAL); #endif enable_vusb_regulator(priv, priv->is_plugged); #endif /* Call user callbacks */ list_foreach(&priv->cb_head, call_user_callback, (void*)priv->is_plugged); }