int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc!=7) { printf("Usage: this.exe hsKind covKind nStates mixes paraKind streamList\n"); printf("hsKind : P(?)\n"); printf("covKind : InvDiagC/DiagC/FullC\n"); printf("nStates : 1(3,5)\n"); printf("mixes, mixes for each stream: \"6 6 6\"(3 streams here)\n"); printf("paraKind : MFCC_E_D_A_Z(case-by-case)\n"); printf("streamList, feature dimension for each stream : \"13 13 13\"(also 3 streams here)\n"); exit(-1); } char hsKind[2];//=P char covKind[10];//=D int nStates;//=3 char paraKind[100];//=MFCC_E_D_A_Z sscanf(argv[1],"%s", &hsKind); sscanf(argv[2],"%s", &covKind); sscanf(argv[3],"%d", &nStates); sscanf(argv[5],"%s", ¶Kind); //u must copy static argv[4] into a modifiable memory like tmpstr, if you use strtok(); String strobj(1000); StringArray list_stream(100, 10, 10); int nStreams = strobj.split(argv[6], " ", &list_stream); StringArray list_mix(nStreams, 10, 10); int nMix = strobj.split(argv[4], " ", &list_mix); if (nStreams!=nMix) { printf("number of streams not the same as number of mixtures\n"); exit(1); } int* mixes = new int[nStreams]; int* sWidths = new int[nStreams];//=13 13 13 int vecSize = 0; for (int i=0;i<nStreams;i++) { mixes[i] = atoi(list_mix.rowAt(i)); sWidths[i]=atoi(list_stream.rowAt(i)); vecSize += sWidths[i]; } outMacroTxt(hsKind, covKind, nStates, nStreams, sWidths, mixes, paraKind, vecSize) ; delete mixes; delete sWidths; exit(0); }
int CommandHandler::process(const string& cmd, ImageDBConfig& config) { if (cmd == "list") { db::DB* db = db::open_db(config.src(), db::READ); if (!db) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open db: " << config.src(); return -1; } for (db::Iterator* it = db->new_iterator(); it->valid(); it->next()) { cout << it->key() << endl; } return 0; } std::istream list_stream(cin.rdbuf()); std::ifstream list_file_stream; if (!config.listfile().empty()) {; if (list_file_stream.is_open()) { list_stream.rdbuf(list_file_stream.rdbuf()); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open listfile: " << config.listfile() << endl; return -1; } } int ret_code = 0; boost::shared_ptr<CommandProcessor> processor; std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<op::Operation>> ops; if (cmd == "pipe") { if (!op::create_ops_from_config(config.opsfile(), ops)) { return -1; } processor.reset(new PipeProcessor(ops)); } else if (cmd == "save") { processor.reset(new SaveProcessor(config.dst())); } else { std::map<string, string> ops_config; ops_config["cmd"] = cmd; if (!config.dst().empty()) { ops_config["db"] = config.dst(); } boost::shared_ptr<op::Operation> op_ptr = op::get_operation(ops_config); if (op_ptr) { ops.push_back(op_ptr); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported command: " << cmd; return -1; } if (!config.dst().empty()) { ops_config["cmd"] = "save"; ops_config["key"] = "$2"; boost::shared_ptr<op::Operation> save_op = op::get_operation(ops_config); ops.push_back(save_op); op_ptr.get()->post(save_op); } processor.reset(new PipeProcessor(ops)); } if (processor->good()) { ret_code = process_list(config, list_stream, processor); } else { ret_code = -1; } if (list_file_stream.is_open()) { list_file_stream.close(); } return ret_code; }