/* ****************************************************************************
* httpRequestSend - 
*   httpRequestSend returns 0 on success and a negative number on failure:
*     -1: Invalid port
*     -2: Invalid IP
*     -3: Invalid verb
*     -4: Invalid resource
*     -5: No Content-Type BUT content present
*     -6: Content-Type present but there is no content
*     -7: Total outgoing message size is too big
*     -8: Unable to initialize libcurl
*     -9: Error making HTTP request
*   [ error codes -1 to -7 comes from httpRequestSendWithCurl ]
int httpRequestSend
   const std::string&     _ip,
   unsigned short         port,
   const std::string&     protocol,
   const std::string&     verb,
   const std::string&     tenant,
   const std::string&     servicePath,
   const std::string&     xauthToken,
   const std::string&     resource,
   const std::string&     orig_content_type,
   const std::string&     content,
   const std::string&     fiwareCorrelation,
   const std::string&     ngisv2AttrFormat,
   bool                   useRush,
   bool                   waitForResponse,
   std::string*           outP,
   const std::string&     acceptFormat,
   long                   timeoutInMilliseconds
  struct curl_context  cc;
  int                  response;

  get_curl_context(_ip, &cc);
  if (cc.curl == NULL)
    LM_E(("Runtime Error (could not init libcurl)"));

    *outP = "error";
    return -8;

  response = httpRequestSendWithCurl(cc.curl,
  return response;
/* ****************************************************************************
* httpRequestSendWithCurl -
* The waitForResponse arguments specifies if the method has to wait for response
* before return. If this argument is false, the return string is ""
* We are using a hybrid approach, consisting in a static thread-local buffer of a
* small size that copes with most notifications to avoid expensive
* calloc/free syscalls if the notification payload is not very large.
*   httpRequestSendWithCurl returns 0 on success and a negative number on failure:
*     -1: Invalid port
*     -2: Invalid IP
*     -3: Invalid verb
*     -4: Invalid resource
*     -5: No Content-Type BUT content present
*     -6: Content-Type present but there is no content
*     -7: Total outgoing message size is too big
*     -9: Error making HTTP request
int httpRequestSendWithCurl
   CURL                   *curl,
   const std::string&     _ip,
   unsigned short         port,
   const std::string&     protocol,
   const std::string&     verb,
   const std::string&     tenant,
   const std::string&     servicePath,
   const std::string&     xauthToken,
   const std::string&     resource,
   const std::string&     orig_content_type,
   const std::string&     content,
   const std::string&     fiwareCorrelation,
   const std::string&     ngisv2AttrFormat,
   bool                   useRush,
   bool                   waitForResponse,
   std::string*           outP,
   const std::string&     acceptFormat,
   long                   timeoutInMilliseconds
  char                       portAsString[STRING_SIZE_FOR_INT];
  static unsigned long long  callNo             = 0;
  std::string                result;
  std::string                ip                 = _ip;
  struct curl_slist*         headers            = NULL;
  MemoryStruct*              httpResponse       = NULL;
  CURLcode                   res;
  int                        outgoingMsgSize       = 0;
  std::string                content_type(orig_content_type);


  // For content-type application/json we add charset=utf-8
  if (orig_content_type == "application/json")
    content_type += "; charset=utf-8";

  if (timeoutInMilliseconds == -1)
    timeoutInMilliseconds = defaultTimeout;

  lmTransactionStart("to", ip.c_str(), port, resource.c_str());

  // Preconditions check
  if (port == 0)
    LM_E(("Runtime Error (port is ZERO)"));

    *outP = "error";
    return -1;

  if (ip.empty())
    LM_E(("Runtime Error (ip is empty)"));

    *outP = "error";
    return -2;

  if (verb.empty())
    LM_E(("Runtime Error (verb is empty)"));

    *outP = "error";
    return -3;

  if (resource.empty())
    LM_E(("Runtime Error (resource is empty)"));

    *outP = "error";
    return -4;

  if ((content_type.empty()) && (!content.empty()))
    LM_E(("Runtime Error (Content-Type is empty but there is actual content)"));

    *outP = "error";
    return -5;

  if ((!content_type.empty()) && (content.empty()))
    LM_E(("Runtime Error (Content-Type non-empty but there is no content)"));

    *outP = "error";
    return -6;

  // Allocate to hold HTTP response
  httpResponse = new MemoryStruct;
  httpResponse->memory = (char*) malloc(1); // will grow as needed
  httpResponse->size = 0; // no data at this point

  // Rush
  // Every call to httpRequestSend specifies whether RUSH should be used or not.
  // But, this depends also on how the broker was started, so here the 'useRush'
  // parameter is cancelled in case the broker was started without rush.
  // If rush is to be used, the IP/port is stored in rushHeaderIP/rushHeaderPort and
  // after that, the host and port of rush is set as ip/port for the message, that is
  // now sent to rush instead of to its final destination.
  // Also, a few HTTP headers for rush must be setup.
  if ((rushPort == 0) || (rushHost == ""))
    useRush = false;

  if (useRush)
    char         rushHeaderPortAsString[STRING_SIZE_FOR_INT];
    uint16_t     rushHeaderPort     = port;
    std::string  rushHeaderIP       = ip;
    std::string  headerRushHttp;

    ip    = rushHost;
    port  = rushPort;

    snprintf(rushHeaderPortAsString, sizeof(rushHeaderPortAsString), "%d", rushHeaderPort);
    headerRushHttp = "X-relayer-host: " + rushHeaderIP + ":" + rushHeaderPortAsString;
    LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerRushHttp.c_str()));
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerRushHttp.c_str());
    outgoingMsgSize += headerRushHttp.size();

    if (protocol == "https:")
      headerRushHttp = "X-relayer-protocol: https";
      LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerRushHttp.c_str()));
      headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerRushHttp.c_str());
      outgoingMsgSize += headerRushHttp.size();

  snprintf(portAsString, sizeof(portAsString), "%u", port);

  // ----- User Agent

  snprintf(headerUserAgent, sizeof(headerUserAgent), "User-Agent: orion/%s libcurl/%s", versionGet(), curlVersionGet(cvBuf, sizeof(cvBuf)));
  LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerUserAgent));
  headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerUserAgent);
  outgoingMsgSize += strlen(headerUserAgent) + 1;

  // ----- Host

  snprintf(headerHost, sizeof(headerHost), "Host: %s:%d", ip.c_str(), (int) port);
  LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerHost));
  headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerHost);
  outgoingMsgSize += strlen(headerHost) + 1;

  // ----- Tenant
  if (tenant != "")
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, ("fiware-service: " + tenant).c_str());
    outgoingMsgSize += tenant.size() + 16; // "fiware-service: "

  // ----- Service-Path
  if (servicePath != "")
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, ("Fiware-ServicePath: " + servicePath).c_str());
    outgoingMsgSize += servicePath.size() + strlen("Fiware-ServicePath: ");

  // ----- X-Auth-Token
  if (xauthToken != "")
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, ("X-Auth-Token: " + xauthToken).c_str());
    outgoingMsgSize += xauthToken.size() + strlen("X-Auth-Token: ");

  // ----- Accept
  std::string acceptedFormats = "application/json";
  if (acceptFormat != "")
    acceptedFormats = acceptFormat;

  std::string acceptString = "Accept: " + acceptedFormats;
  headers = curl_slist_append(headers, acceptString.c_str());
  outgoingMsgSize += acceptString.size();

  // ----- Expect
  headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Expect: ");
  outgoingMsgSize += 8; // from "Expect: "

  // ----- Content-length
  std::stringstream contentLengthStringStream;
  contentLengthStringStream << content.size();
  std::string headerContentLength = "Content-length: " + contentLengthStringStream.str();
  LM_T(LmtHttpHeaders, ("HTTP-HEADERS: '%s'", headerContentLength.c_str()));
  headers = curl_slist_append(headers, headerContentLength.c_str());
  outgoingMsgSize += contentLengthStringStream.str().size() + 16; // from "Content-length: "
  outgoingMsgSize += content.size();

  // ----- Content-type
  headers = curl_slist_append(headers, ("Content-type: " + content_type).c_str());
  outgoingMsgSize += content_type.size() + 14; // from "Content-type: "

  // Fiware-Correlator
  std::string correlation = "Fiware-Correlator: " + fiwareCorrelation;
  headers = curl_slist_append(headers, correlation.c_str());
  outgoingMsgSize += correlation.size();

  // Notify Format
  if ((ngisv2AttrFormat != "") && (ngisv2AttrFormat != "JSON") && (ngisv2AttrFormat != "legacy"))
    std::string nFormat = "X-Ngsiv2-AttrsFormat: " + ngisv2AttrFormat;
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, nFormat.c_str());
    outgoingMsgSize += nFormat.size();

  // Check if total outgoing message size is too big
  if (outgoingMsgSize > MAX_DYN_MSG_SIZE)
    LM_E(("Runtime Error (HTTP request to send is too large: %d bytes)", outgoingMsgSize));


    delete httpResponse;

    *outP = "error";
    return -7;

  // Contents
  const char* payload = content.c_str();
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, (u_int8_t*) payload);

  // Set up URL
  std::string url;
  if (isIPv6(ip))
    url = "[" + ip + "]";
    url = ip;
  url = url + ":" + portAsString + (resource.at(0) == '/'? "" : "/") + resource;

  // Prepare CURL handle with obtained options
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str());
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, verb.c_str()); // Set HTTP verb
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L); // Allow redirection (?)
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); // Activate include the header in the body output
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); // Put headers in place
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, &writeMemoryCallback); // Send data here
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void*) httpResponse); // Custom data for response handling

  // There is a known problem in libcurl (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9191668/error-longjmp-causes-uninitialized-stack-frame)
  // which is solved using CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL. If we update some day from libcurl 7.19 (the one that comes with CentOS 6.x) to a newer version
  // (there are some reports about the bug is no longer in libcurl 7.32), using CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL could be not necessary and this be removed).
  // See issue #1016 for more details.
  curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);

  // Timeout 
  // The parameter timeoutInMilliseconds holds the timeout time in milliseconds.
  // If the timeout time requested is 0, then no timeuot is used.
  if (timeoutInMilliseconds != 0) 
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS, timeoutInMilliseconds);

  // Synchronous HTTP request
  // This was previously a LM_T trace, but we have "promoted" it to INFO due to it is needed to check logs in a .test case (case 000 notification_different_sizes.test)
  LM_I(("Sending message %lu to HTTP server: sending message of %d bytes to HTTP server", callNo, outgoingMsgSize));
  res = curl_easy_perform(curl);

  if (res != CURLE_OK)
    // NOTE: This log line is used by the functional tests in cases/880_timeout_for_forward_and_notifications/
    //       So, this line should not be removed/altered, at least not without also modifying the functests.
    alarmMgr.notificationError(url, "(curl_easy_perform failed: " + std::string(curl_easy_strerror(res)) + ")");
    *outP = "notification failure";
    // The Response is here
    LM_I(("Notification Successfully Sent to %s", url.c_str()));
    outP->assign(httpResponse->memory, httpResponse->size);

  // Cleanup curl environment


  delete httpResponse;


  return res == CURLE_OK ? 0 : -9;
Exemple #3
/* ****************************************************************************
* requestCompleted -
static void requestCompleted
  void*                       cls,
  MHD_Connection*             connection,
  void**                      con_cls,
  MHD_RequestTerminationCode  toe
  ConnectionInfo*  ciP      = (ConnectionInfo*) *con_cls;
  struct timespec  reqEndTime;

  if ((ciP->payload != NULL) && (ciP->payload != static_buffer))

  *con_cls = NULL;

  lmTransactionEnd();  // Incoming REST request ends

  if (timingStatistics)
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &reqEndTime);
    clock_difftime(&reqEndTime, &ciP->reqStartTime, &threadLastTimeStat.reqTime);


  // Statistics
  // Flush this requests timing measures onto a global var to be read by "GET /statistics".
  // Also, increment the accumulated measures.
  if (timingStatistics)
    timeStatSemTake(__FUNCTION__, "updating statistics");

    memcpy(&lastTimeStat, &threadLastTimeStat, sizeof(lastTimeStat));

    // "Fix" mongoBackendTime
    //   Substract times waiting at mongo driver operation (in mongo[Read|Write|Command]WaitTime counters) so mongoBackendTime
    //   contains at the end the time passed in our logic, i.e. a kind of "self-time" for mongoBackend
    clock_subtime(&threadLastTimeStat.mongoBackendTime, &threadLastTimeStat.mongoReadWaitTime);
    clock_subtime(&threadLastTimeStat.mongoBackendTime, &threadLastTimeStat.mongoWriteWaitTime);
    clock_subtime(&threadLastTimeStat.mongoBackendTime, &threadLastTimeStat.mongoCommandWaitTime);

    clock_addtime(&accTimeStat.jsonV1ParseTime,       &threadLastTimeStat.jsonV1ParseTime);
    clock_addtime(&accTimeStat.jsonV2ParseTime,       &threadLastTimeStat.jsonV2ParseTime);
    clock_addtime(&accTimeStat.mongoBackendTime,      &threadLastTimeStat.mongoBackendTime);
    clock_addtime(&accTimeStat.mongoWriteWaitTime,    &threadLastTimeStat.mongoWriteWaitTime);
    clock_addtime(&accTimeStat.mongoReadWaitTime,     &threadLastTimeStat.mongoReadWaitTime);
    clock_addtime(&accTimeStat.mongoCommandWaitTime,  &threadLastTimeStat.mongoCommandWaitTime);
    clock_addtime(&accTimeStat.renderTime,            &threadLastTimeStat.renderTime);
    clock_addtime(&accTimeStat.reqTime,               &threadLastTimeStat.reqTime);

    timeStatSemGive(__FUNCTION__, "updating statistics");