Exemple #1
M_scquantizer::M_scquantizer(QWidget* parent, QString *p_sclname)
  : Module(M_type_scquantizer, 2, parent, tr("Scala Quantizer"))
  QString qs;
  int l1;

  port_M_in = new Port(tr("In"), PORT_IN, 0, this);
  port_M_trigger = new Port(tr("Trigger"), PORT_IN, 1, this);
  port_M_transpose = new Port(tr("Transpose"), PORT_IN, 2, this);
  cv.out_off = 95;
  port_out = new Port(tr("Out"), PORT_OUT, 0, this);
  port_trigger_out = new Port(tr("Trigger Out"), PORT_OUT, 1, this);
  base = 0;
  lastbase = 12;
  configDialog->addIntSlider(tr("&Note Offset"), base, -36, 36);

  sclname = "No_Scale_loaded";
  configDialog->addLabel(tr("   Scale: ") + sclname);
  configDialog->addLabel("   ");
//!!   configDialog->addPushButton("Load Scale");
//   QObject::connect(configDialog->midiPushButtonList.at(0), SIGNAL(clicked()),
//                    this, SLOT(openBrowser()));
  fileDialog = NULL;
  for (l1 = 0; l1 < 12; l1++) {
    scale_lut_isRatio[l1] = false;
    scale_lut[l1] = 100.0 + (float)l1 * 100.0;
  scale_lut_isRatio[12] = true;
  scale_lut[12] = 2.0;
  scale_lut_length = 12;
  dirpath.sprintf("%s", getenv("SCALA_PATH"));
  if (dirpath.length() < 1) {
    qWarning("\nSCALA_PATH not set, assuming SCALA_PATH=/usr/share/scala");
    dirpath = "/usr/share/scala";
  } else
    StdErr << "SCALA_PATH: " << dirpath << endl;

  if (p_sclname && !p_sclname->contains("No_Scale_loaded")) {
    loadScale(dirpath + "/" + *p_sclname);
void MLPluginProcessor::setStateFromXML(const XmlElement& xmlState, bool setViewAttributes)
	if (!(xmlState.hasTagName (JucePlugin_Name))) return;
	if (!(mEngine.getCompileStatus() == MLProc::OK)) return; // TODO revisit need to compile first

	// getCallbackLock() is in juce_AudioProcessor
	// process lock is a quick fix.  it is here to prevent doParams() from getting called in 
	// process() methods and thereby setting mParamsChanged to false before the real changes take place.
	// A better alternative would be a lock-free queue of parameter changes.
	const ScopedLock sl (getCallbackLock()); 
	// only the differences between default parameters and the program state are saved in a program,
	// so the first step is to set the default parameters.
	// get program version of saved state
	unsigned blobVersion = xmlState.getIntAttribute ("pluginVersion");
	unsigned pluginVersion = JucePlugin_VersionCode;
	if (blobVersion > pluginVersion)
		// TODO show error to user
		MLError() << "MLPluginProcessor::setStateFromXML: saved program version is newer than plugin version!\n";
	// try to load scale if a scale attribute exists
    // TODO auto save all state including this
 	const String scaleDir = xmlState.getStringAttribute ("scaleDir"); // look for old-style dir attribute   
	const String scaleName = xmlState.getStringAttribute ("scaleName");
    String fullName;
    if(scaleName != String::empty)
        fullName = scaleName;
        if(scaleDir != String::empty)
            fullName = scaleDir + String("/") + fullName + ".scl";
        fullName = "12-equal";
    std::string fullScaleName(fullName.toUTF8());
	setProperty("key_scale", fullScaleName);
    bool loaded = false;
    // look for scale under full name with path
    if(fullScaleName != std::string())
        const MLFilePtr f = mScaleFiles->getFileByName(fullScaleName);
        if(f != MLFilePtr())
            loaded = true;
	// get preset name saved in blob.  when saving from AU host, name will also be set from RestoreState().
	const String presetName = xmlState.getStringAttribute ("presetName");
	setProperty("preset", std::string(presetName.toUTF8()));
     debug() << "MLPluginProcessor: setStateFromXML: loading program " << presetName << ", version " << std::hex << blobVersion << std::dec << "\n";
     MemoryOutputStream myStream;
     xmlState->writeToStream (myStream, "");
     debug() << myStream.toString();
	// get plugin-specific translation table for updating older versions of data
	std::map<MLSymbol, MLSymbol> translationTable;

	// TODO move this into Aalto! 
	// make translation tables based on program version. 
	if (blobVersion <= 0x00010120)
		// translate seq parameters
		for(unsigned n=0; n<16; ++n)
			std::stringstream pName;
			std::stringstream pName2;
			pName << "seq_value" << n;
			pName2 << "seq_pulse" << n;
			MLSymbol oldSym(pName.str());
			MLSymbol newSym = MLSymbol("seq_value#").withFinalNumber(n);
			MLSymbol oldSym2(pName2.str());
			MLSymbol newSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse#").withFinalNumber(n);
			translationTable[oldSym] = newSym;
			translationTable[oldSym2] = newSym2;	

	if (blobVersion <= 0x00010200)
		MLSymbol oldSym = MLSymbol("seq_value");
		MLSymbol newSym = MLSymbol("seq_value").withFinalNumber(0);
		MLSymbol oldSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse");
		MLSymbol newSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse").withFinalNumber(0);
		translationTable[oldSym] = newSym;
		translationTable[oldSym2] = newSym2;
		// translate seq parameters
		for(unsigned n=1; n<16; ++n)
			oldSym = MLSymbol("seq_value#").withFinalNumber(n);
			newSym = MLSymbol("seq_value").withFinalNumber(n);
			oldSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse#").withFinalNumber(n);
			newSym2 = MLSymbol("seq_pulse").withFinalNumber(n);
			translationTable[oldSym] = newSym;
			translationTable[oldSym2] = newSym2;	
	// get params from xml
	const unsigned numAttrs = xmlState.getNumAttributes();
	String patcherInputStr ("patcher_input_");

	for(unsigned i=0; i<numAttrs; ++i)
		// get name / value pair.
		const String& attrName = xmlState.getAttributeName(i);
		const MLParamValue paramVal = xmlState.getDoubleAttribute(attrName);
		// if not a patcher input setting,
		if (!attrName.contains(patcherInputStr))
			// see if we have this named parameter in our engine. 
			MLSymbol paramSym = XMLAttrToSymbol(attrName);
			const int pIdx = getParameterIndex(paramSym);
			if (pIdx >= 0)
				// debug() << "setStateFromXML: <" << paramSym << " = " << paramVal << ">\n";
				setPropertyImmediate(paramSym, paramVal);
			else // try finding a match through translation table. 
				//debug() << "Looking for parameter " << paramSym << " in table...\n";
				std::map<MLSymbol, MLSymbol>::iterator it;
				it = translationTable.find(paramSym);
				if (it != translationTable.end())
					const MLSymbol newSym = translationTable[paramSym];
					const int pNewIdx = getParameterIndex(newSym);
					if (pNewIdx >= 0)
						//debug() << "translated parameter to " << newSym << " .\n";
						setPropertyImmediate(newSym, paramVal);
						MLError() << "MLPluginProcessor::setStateFromXML: no such parameter! \n";
					// fail silently on unfound params, because we have deprecated some but they may still 
					// be around in old presets. 
					//debug() << "MLPluginProcessor::setStateFromXML: parameter " << paramSym << " not found!\n";
	// get editor state from XML
		int x = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_x");
		int y = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_y");
		int width = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_width");
		int height = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_height");
		mEditorRect = MLRect(x, y, width, height);
		mEditorNumbersOn = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_num", 1);
		mEditorAnimationsOn = xmlState.getIntAttribute("editor_anim", 1);