void ObservationBuffer::bufferCloud(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud& cloud){
    Stamped<btVector3> global_origin;

    //create a new observation on the list to be populated

    //check whether the origin frame has been set explicitly or whether we should get it from the cloud
    string origin_frame = sensor_frame_ == "" ? cloud.header.frame_id : sensor_frame_;

      //given these observations come from sensors... we'll need to store the origin pt of the sensor
      Stamped<btVector3> local_origin(btVector3(0, 0, 0), cloud.header.stamp, origin_frame);
      tf_.transformPoint(global_frame_, local_origin, global_origin);
      observation_list_.front().origin_.x = global_origin.getX();
      observation_list_.front().origin_.y = global_origin.getY();
      observation_list_.front().origin_.z = global_origin.getZ();

      //make sure to pass on the raytrace/obstacle range of the observation buffer to the observations the costmap will see
      observation_list_.front().raytrace_range_ = raytrace_range_;
      observation_list_.front().obstacle_range_ = obstacle_range_;

      sensor_msgs::PointCloud global_frame_cloud;

      //transform the point cloud
      tf_.transformPointCloud(global_frame_, cloud, global_frame_cloud);
      global_frame_cloud.header.stamp = cloud.header.stamp;

      //now we need to remove observations from the cloud that are below or above our height thresholds
      sensor_msgs::PointCloud& observation_cloud = observation_list_.front().cloud_;
      unsigned int cloud_size = global_frame_cloud.points.size();
      unsigned int point_count = 0;
      //copy over the points that are within our height bounds
      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < cloud_size; ++i){
        if(global_frame_cloud.points[i].z <= max_obstacle_height_ && global_frame_cloud.points[i].z >= min_obstacle_height_){
          observation_cloud.points[point_count++] = global_frame_cloud.points[i];

      //resize the cloud for the number of legal points
      observation_cloud.header.stamp = cloud.header.stamp;
      observation_cloud.header.frame_id = global_frame_cloud.header.frame_id;
    catch(TransformException& ex){
      //if an exception occurs, we need to remove the empty observation from the list
      ROS_ERROR("TF Exception that should never happen for sensor frame: %s, cloud frame: %s, %s", sensor_frame_.c_str(), 
          cloud.header.frame_id.c_str(), ex.what());

    //if the update was successful, we want to update the last updated time
    last_updated_ = ros::Time::now();

    //we'll also remove any stale observations from the list

	Traduit en coordonnees locales un mouvement / vecteur initialement
	exprime en coordonnees du parent.
	@param movement Vecteur exprime en coordonnees du parent
	@return le meme vecteur, exprime en coordonnees locales
QPointF DiagramTextItem::mapMovementFromParent(const QPointF &movement) const {
	// on definit deux points sur le parent
	QPointF parent_origin(0.0, 0.0);
	QPointF parent_movement_point(movement);
	// on les mappe sur ce QGraphicsItem
	QPointF local_origin(mapFromParent(parent_origin));
	QPointF local_movement_point(mapFromParent(parent_movement_point));
	// on calcule le vecteur represente par ces deux points
	return(local_movement_point - local_origin);
	Traduit en coordonnees de l'item parent un mouvement / vecteur initialement
	exprime en coordonnees locales.
	@param movement Vecteur exprime en coordonnees locales
	@return le meme vecteur, exprime en coordonnees du parent
QPointF DiagramTextItem::mapMovementToParent(const QPointF &movement) const {
	// on definit deux points en coordonnees locales
	QPointF local_origin(0.0, 0.0);
	QPointF local_movement_point(movement);
	// on les mappe sur la scene
	QPointF parent_origin(mapToParent(local_origin));
	QPointF parent_movement_point(mapToParent(local_movement_point));
	// on calcule le vecteur represente par ces deux points
	return(parent_movement_point - parent_origin);