Exemple #1
bool SceneNode::hit(const Ray& ray, double &tmin, Shading &s) {
    // transform ray so in object co-ordinates
    Ray local_ray(ray);
    local_ray.direction = m_invtrans * ray.direction;
    local_ray.origin = m_invtrans * ray.origin;

    Shading shading(s.world);
    double t;
    tmin = 10E24;
    Vector3D normal;
    Material *mat;
    for (ChildList::const_iterator it = m_children.begin(); it != m_children.end(); it++) {
        SceneNode *object = (*it);
        if (object->hit(local_ray, t, shading) && (t < tmin)) {
            tmin = t;
            normal = shading.hit_normal;
            mat = shading.material;

    if (shading.hit_object) {
        s.hit_object = true;
        s.t = tmin;
        s.hit_normal = m_invtrans.transpose() * normal;
        s.material = mat;
        return true;
    return false;
Exemple #2
bool Mesh::hit(const Ray& ray, double &tmin, Shading &s) const
    Ray local_ray(ray);
    Shading shading(s.world);
    double t;
    tmin = 10E24;
    Vector3D normal;

    // check bounding box first
    Shading shading2(s.world);
    bool was_bound = m_boundbox->hit(ray,tmin,shading2);
    if (!m_boundbox->hit(ray,tmin,shading2)) {
        return false;

    tmin = 10E24;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_triangles.size(); i++) {
        Triangle triangle = m_triangles[i];
        if (triangle.hit(local_ray, t, shading) && (t < tmin)) {
            shading.hit_object = true;
            tmin = t;
            normal = shading.hit_normal;

    if (shading.hit_object) {
        s.hit_object = true;
        s.t = tmin;
        s.hit_normal = normal;
        return true;
    return false;

Exemple #3
bool GeometryNode::hit(const Ray& ray, double &tmin, Shading &s) { 
    // transform ray so in object co-ordinates
    Ray local_ray(ray);
    local_ray.direction = m_invtrans * ray.direction;
    local_ray.origin = m_invtrans * ray.origin;

    // only hit if primitive hit
    if (m_primitive->hit(local_ray, tmin, s)) {
        s.hit_object = true;
        s.material   = m_material;
        // translate normal back to WCS
        s.hit_normal = m_invtrans.transpose() * s.hit_normal;
        return true;

    return false;
Exemple #4
    bool Rectangle::Intersect(const Ray &ray,
                              const RayInterval &interval,
                              SurfaceInteraction *const interaction) const {
        // Compute local ray
        Ray local_ray = TransformRay(world_to_local, ray);
        // Check intersection with plane
        if (std::abs(local_ray.Direction().y()) > 10e-6f) {
            // Compute intersection with plane
            float t = -local_ray.Origin().y() * local_ray.InvDirection().y();
            // Check boundaries
            if (interval.Inside(t)) {
                // Compute intersection point
                Vector3f hit_p = local_ray(t);
                // Check hit point inside rectangle
                if (hit_p.x() > -x_size / 2.f && hit_p.x() < x_size / 2.f &&
                    hit_p.z() > -z_size / 2.f && hit_p.z() < z_size / 2.f) {
                    // Fill interaction
                    interaction->hit_point = hit_p;
                    interaction->geom_frame = Frame(Vector3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
                                                    Vector3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
                                                    Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f));
                    interaction->sh_frame = Frame(Vector3f(1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
                                                  Vector3f(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
                                                  Vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 1.f));
                    interaction->t = t;
                    interaction->wo = Normalize(-local_ray.Direction());
                    interaction->uv = Vector2f((hit_p.x() + x_size / 2.f) / x_size,
                                               (hit_p.z() + z_size / 2.f) / z_size);
                    interaction->surface = this;

                    // Transform to global space
                    *interaction = TransformInteraction(local_to_world, world_to_local, *interaction);

                    return true;

        return false;
Exemple #5
    bool Rectangle::IntersectP(const Ray &ray,
                               const RayInterval &interval) const {
        // Compute local ray
        Ray local_ray = TransformRay(world_to_local, ray);
        // Check intersection with plane
        if (std::abs(local_ray.Direction().y()) > EPS) {
            // Compute intersection with plane
            float t = -local_ray.Origin().y() * local_ray.InvDirection().y();
            // Check boundaries
            if (interval.Inside(t)) {
                // Compute intersection point
                Vector3f hit_p = local_ray(t);
                // Check hit point inside rectangle
                if (hit_p.x() > -x_size / 2.f && hit_p.x() < x_size / 2.f &&
                    hit_p.z() > -z_size / 2.f && hit_p.z() < z_size / 2.f) {
                    return true;

        return false;