int id3tag_set_fieldvalue(lame_global_flags * gfp, const char *fieldvalue) { lame_internal_flags *gfc = gfp->internal_flags; if (fieldvalue && *fieldvalue) { uint32_t const frame_id = toID3v2TagId(fieldvalue); char **p = NULL; if (strlen(fieldvalue) < 5 || fieldvalue[4] != '=') { return -1; } if (frame_id != 0) { if (id3tag_set_textinfo_latin1(gfp, fieldvalue, &fieldvalue[5])) { p = (char **) realloc(gfc->tag_spec.values, sizeof(char *) * (gfc->tag_spec.num_values + 1)); if (!p) { return -1; } gfc->tag_spec.values = (char **) p; local_strdup(&gfc->tag_spec.values[gfc->tag_spec.num_values++], fieldvalue); } } gfc->tag_spec.flags |= CHANGED_FLAG; } id3tag_add_v2(gfp); return 0; }
FLAC__bool parse_block_type(const char *in, Argument_BlockType *out) { char *p, *q, *r, *s; unsigned entry; if(*in == '\0') return false; s = local_strdup(in); /* first count the entries */ for(out->num_entries = 1, p = strchr(s, ','); p; out->num_entries++, p = strchr(++p, ',')) ; /* make space */ FLAC__ASSERT(out->num_entries > 0); if(0 == (out->entries = safe_malloc_mul_2op_(sizeof(Argument_BlockTypeEntry), /*times*/out->num_entries))) die("out of memory allocating space for option list"); /* load 'em up */ entry = 0; q = s; while(q) { FLAC__ASSERT(entry < out->num_entries); if(0 != (p = strchr(q, ','))) *p++ = 0; r = strchr(q, ':'); if(r) *r++ = '\0'; if(0 != r && 0 != strcmp(q, "APPLICATION")) { free(s); return false; } if(0 == strcmp(q, "STREAMINFO")) { out->entries[entry++].type = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO; } else if(0 == strcmp(q, "PADDING")) { out->entries[entry++].type = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_PADDING; } else if(0 == strcmp(q, "APPLICATION")) { out->entries[entry].type = FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_APPLICATION; out->entries[entry].filter_application_by_id = (0 != r); if(0 != r) { if(strlen(r) == sizeof (out->entries[entry].application_id)) { memcpy(out->entries[entry].application_id, r, sizeof (out->entries[entry].application_id)); } else if(strlen(r) == 10 && strncmp(r, "0x", 2) == 0 && strspn(r+2, "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef") == 8) { FLAC__uint32 x = strtoul(r+2, 0, 16); out->entries[entry].application_id[3] = (FLAC__byte)(x & 0xff); out->entries[entry].application_id[2] = (FLAC__byte)((x>>=8) & 0xff); out->entries[entry].application_id[1] = (FLAC__byte)((x>>=8) & 0xff); out->entries[entry].application_id[0] = (FLAC__byte)((x>>=8) & 0xff); } else { free(s); return false; } }
error *errorf(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); QString str = QString().vsprintf(format, ap); va_end(ap); QByteArray ba = str.toUtf8(); return local_strdup(ba.constData()); }
void panicf(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); QString str = QString().vsprintf(format, ap); va_end(ap); QByteArray ba = str.toUtf8(); hookPanic(local_strdup(ba.constData())); }
void id3tag_set_album(lame_global_flags * gfp, const char *album) { lame_internal_flags *gfc = gfp->internal_flags; if (album && *album) { local_strdup(&gfc->tag_spec.album, album); gfc->tag_spec.flags |= CHANGED_FLAG; copyV1ToV2(gfc, ID_ALBUM, album); } }
void id3tag_set_artist(lame_global_flags * gfp, const char *artist) { lame_internal_flags *gfc = gfp->internal_flags; if (artist && *artist) { local_strdup(&gfc->tag_spec.artist, artist); gfc->tag_spec.flags |= CHANGED_FLAG; copyV1ToV2(gfc, ID_ARTIST, artist); } }
void id3tag_set_title(lame_global_flags * gfp, const char *title) { lame_internal_flags *gfc = gfp->internal_flags; if (title && *title) { local_strdup(&gfc->tag_spec.title, title); gfc->tag_spec.flags |= CHANGED_FLAG; copyV1ToV2(gfc, ID_TITLE, title); } }
SWError SWSetPropertyString(SWPropertiesPtr properties, char *name, char *value) { struct SWProperty *p, *prev; //fprintf(stderr, "SET %s=\"%s\"\n", name, value); if (properties != NULL && name != NULL) { prev = NULL; for (p = properties->head; p != NULL; p = p->next) { prev = p; if (strcmp(name, p->key) == 0) { if (p->value != NULL) free(p->value); p->value = local_strdup(value); return kNoError; } } p = (struct SWProperty *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct SWProperty)); if (p == NULL) return kMemoryAllocationError; p->key = local_strdup(name); p->value = local_strdup(value); if (prev) prev->next = p; else properties->head = p; properties->numProperties++; return kNoError; } else return kUnknownError; }
void id3tag_set_comment(lame_global_flags * gfp, const char *comment) { lame_internal_flags *gfc = gfp->internal_flags; if (comment && *comment) { local_strdup(&gfc->tag_spec.comment, comment); gfc->tag_spec.flags |= CHANGED_FLAG; { uint32_t const flags = gfc->tag_spec.flags; id3v2_add_latin1(gfc, ID_COMMENT, "XXX", "", comment); gfc->tag_spec.flags = flags; } } }
FLAC__bool parse_vorbis_comment_field(const char *field_ref, char **field, char **name, char **value, unsigned *length, const char **violation) { static const char * const violations[] = { "field name contains invalid character", "field contains no '=' character" }; char *p, *q, *s; if(0 != field) *field = local_strdup(field_ref); s = local_strdup(field_ref); if(0 == (p = strchr(s, '='))) { free(s); *violation = violations[1]; return false; } *p++ = '\0'; for(q = s; *q; q++) { if(*q < 0x20 || *q > 0x7d || *q == 0x3d) { free(s); *violation = violations[0]; return false; } } *name = local_strdup(s); *value = local_strdup(p); *length = strlen(p); free(s); return true; }
FLAC__bool parse_add_seekpoint(const char *in, char **out, const char **violation) { static const char *garbled_ = "garbled specification"; const unsigned n = strlen(in); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != in); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != out); if(n == 0) { *violation = "specification is empty"; return false; } if(n > strspn(in, "0123456789.Xsx")) { *violation = "specification contains invalid character"; return false; } if(in[n-1] == 'X') { if(n > 1) { *violation = garbled_; return false; } } else if(in[n-1] == 's') { if(n-1 > strspn(in, "0123456789.")) { *violation = garbled_; return false; } } else if(in[n-1] == 'x') { if(n-1 > strspn(in, "0123456789")) { *violation = garbled_; return false; } } else { if(n > strspn(in, "0123456789")) { *violation = garbled_; return false; } } *out = local_strdup(in); return true; }
static int id3tag_set_userinfo_latin1(lame_internal_flags* gfc, char const *fieldvalue) { int rc; char* dsc = 0, *val; local_strdup(&dsc, fieldvalue); val = dsc; while (*val) { if (*val == '=') { *val++ = 0; break; } ++val; } rc = id3v2_add_latin1(gfc, ID_TXXX, "XXX", dsc, val); free(dsc); return rc; }
FLAC__bool parse_block_number(const char *in, Argument_BlockNumber *out) { char *p, *q, *s, *end; long i; unsigned entry; if(*in == '\0') return false; s = local_strdup(in); /* first count the entries */ for(out->num_entries = 1, p = strchr(s, ','); p; out->num_entries++, p = strchr(++p, ',')) ; /* make space */ FLAC__ASSERT(out->num_entries > 0); if(0 == (out->entries = safe_malloc_mul_2op_(sizeof(unsigned), /*times*/out->num_entries))) die("out of memory allocating space for option list"); /* load 'em up */ entry = 0; q = s; while(q) { FLAC__ASSERT(entry < out->num_entries); if(0 != (p = strchr(q, ','))) *p++ = '\0'; if(!isdigit((int)(*q)) || (i = strtol(q, &end, 10)) < 0 || *end) { free(s); return false; } out->entries[entry++] = (unsigned)i; q = p; } FLAC__ASSERT(entry == out->num_entries); free(s); return true; }
FLAC__bool parse_vorbis_comment_field_name(const char *field_ref, char **name, const char **violation) { static const char * const violations[] = { "field name contains invalid character" }; char *q, *s; s = local_strdup(field_ref); for(q = s; *q; q++) { if(*q < 0x20 || *q > 0x7d || *q == 0x3d) { free(s); *violation = violations[0]; return false; } } *name = s; return true; }
void packDataValue(QVariant_ *var, DataValue *value) { QVariant *qvar = reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(var); // Some assumptions are made below regarding the size of types. // There's apparently no better way to handle this since that's // how the types with well defined sizes (qint64) are mapped to // meta-types (QMetaType::LongLong). switch ((int)qvar->type()) { case QVariant::Invalid: value->dataType = DTInvalid; break; case QMetaType::QUrl: *qvar = qvar->value<QUrl>().toString(); // fallthrough case QMetaType::QString: { value->dataType = DTString; QByteArray ba = qvar->toByteArray(); *(char**)(value->data) = local_strdup(ba.constData()); value->len = ba.size(); break; } case QMetaType::Bool: value->dataType = DTBool; *(qint8*)(value->data) = (qint8)qvar->toInt(); break; case QMetaType::LongLong: value->dataType = DTInt64; *(qint64*)(value->data) = qvar->toLongLong(); break; case QMetaType::Int: value->dataType = DTInt32; *(qint32*)(value->data) = qvar->toInt(); break; case QMetaType::Double: value->dataType = DTFloat64; *(double*)(value->data) = qvar->toDouble(); break; case QMetaType::Float: value->dataType = DTFloat32; *(float*)(value->data) = qvar->toFloat(); break; case QMetaType::QColor: value->dataType = DTColor; *(unsigned int*)(value->data) = qvar->value<QColor>().rgba(); break; case QMetaType::QVariantList: { QVariantList varlist = qvar->toList(); int len = varlist.size(); DataValue *dvlist = (DataValue *) malloc(sizeof(DataValue) * len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { packDataValue((void*)&, &dvlist[i]); } value->dataType = DTList; value->len = len; *(DataValue**)(value->data) = dvlist; } break; default: if (qvar->type() == (int)QMetaType::QObjectStar || qvar->canConvert<QObject *>()) { QObject *qobject = qvar->value<QObject *>(); GoValue *govalue = dynamic_cast<GoValue *>(qobject); if (govalue) { value->dataType = DTGoAddr; *(void **)(value->data) = govalue->addr; } else { value->dataType = DTObject; *(void **)(value->data) = qobject; } break; } if (qstrncmp(qvar->typeName(), "QQmlListProperty<", 17) == 0) { QQmlListProperty<QObject> *list = reinterpret_cast<QQmlListProperty<QObject>*>(qvar->data()); if (list->count && list->at) { int len = list->count(list); DataValue *dvlist = (DataValue *) malloc(sizeof(DataValue) * len); QVariant elem; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { elem.setValue(list->at(list, i)); packDataValue(&elem, &dvlist[i]); } value->dataType = DTList; value->len = len; *(DataValue**)(value->data) = dvlist; break; } } panicf("unsupported variant type: %d (%s)", qvar->type(), qvar->typeName()); break; } }
FLAC__bool parse_option(int option_index, const char *option_argument, CommandLineOptions *options) { const char *opt = long_options_[option_index].name; Operation *op; Argument *arg; FLAC__bool ok = true; if(0 == strcmp(opt, "preserve-modtime")) { options->preserve_modtime = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "with-filename")) { options->prefix_with_filename = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "no-filename")) { options->prefix_with_filename = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "no-utf8-convert")) { options->utf8_convert = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "dont-use-padding")) { options->use_padding = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "no-cued-seekpoints")) { options->cued_seekpoints = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-md5sum")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_MD5SUM); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-min-blocksize")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_MIN_BLOCKSIZE); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-max-blocksize")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_MAX_BLOCKSIZE); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-min-framesize")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_MIN_FRAMESIZE); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-max-framesize")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_MAX_FRAMESIZE); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-sample-rate")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_SAMPLE_RATE); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-channels")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_CHANNELS); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-bps")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_BPS); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-total-samples")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_TOTAL_SAMPLES); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-md5sum")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_MD5SUM); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_md5(option_argument, op->argument.streaminfo_md5.value)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): bad MD5 sum\n", opt); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-min-blocksize")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_MIN_BLOCKSIZE); if(!parse_uint32(option_argument, &(op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value)) || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value < FLAC__MIN_BLOCK_SIZE || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value > FLAC__MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): value must be >= %u and <= %u\n", opt, FLAC__MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, FLAC__MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-max-blocksize")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_MAX_BLOCKSIZE); if(!parse_uint32(option_argument, &(op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value)) || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value < FLAC__MIN_BLOCK_SIZE || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value > FLAC__MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): value must be >= %u and <= %u\n", opt, FLAC__MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, FLAC__MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-min-framesize")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_MIN_FRAMESIZE); if(!parse_uint32(option_argument, &(op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value)) || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value >= (1u<<FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MIN_FRAME_SIZE_LEN)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): value must be a %u-bit unsigned integer\n", opt, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MIN_FRAME_SIZE_LEN); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-max-framesize")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_MAX_FRAMESIZE); if(!parse_uint32(option_argument, &(op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value)) || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value >= (1u<<FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_LEN)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): value must be a %u-bit unsigned integer\n", opt, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_MAX_FRAME_SIZE_LEN); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-sample-rate")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_SAMPLE_RATE); if(!parse_uint32(option_argument, &(op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value)) || !FLAC__format_sample_rate_is_valid(op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): invalid sample rate\n", opt); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-channels")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_CHANNELS); if(!parse_uint32(option_argument, &(op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value)) || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value > FLAC__MAX_CHANNELS) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): value must be > 0 and <= %u\n", opt, FLAC__MAX_CHANNELS); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-bps")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_BPS); if(!parse_uint32(option_argument, &(op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value)) || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value < FLAC__MIN_BITS_PER_SAMPLE || op->argument.streaminfo_uint32.value > FLAC__MAX_BITS_PER_SAMPLE) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): value must be >= %u and <= %u\n", opt, FLAC__MIN_BITS_PER_SAMPLE, FLAC__MAX_BITS_PER_SAMPLE); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-total-samples")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_TOTAL_SAMPLES); if(!parse_uint64(option_argument, &(op->argument.streaminfo_uint64.value)) || op->argument.streaminfo_uint64.value >= (((FLAC__uint64)1)<<FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_TOTAL_SAMPLES_LEN)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): value must be a %u-bit unsigned integer\n", opt, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_STREAMINFO_TOTAL_SAMPLES_LEN); ok = false; } else undocumented_warning(opt); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-vendor-tag")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_VC_VENDOR); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "show-tag")) { const char *violation; op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SHOW_VC_FIELD); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_vorbis_comment_field_name(option_argument, &(op->argument.vc_field_name.value), &violation)) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != violation); flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): malformed vorbis comment field name \"%s\",\n %s\n", opt, option_argument, violation); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "remove-all-tags")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__REMOVE_VC_ALL); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "remove-tag")) { const char *violation; op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__REMOVE_VC_FIELD); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_vorbis_comment_field_name(option_argument, &(op->argument.vc_field_name.value), &violation)) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != violation); flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): malformed vorbis comment field name \"%s\",\n %s\n", opt, option_argument, violation); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "remove-first-tag")) { const char *violation; op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__REMOVE_VC_FIRSTFIELD); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_vorbis_comment_field_name(option_argument, &(op->argument.vc_field_name.value), &violation)) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != violation); flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): malformed vorbis comment field name \"%s\",\n %s\n", opt, option_argument, violation); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-tag")) { const char *violation; op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_VC_FIELD); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); op->argument.vc_field.field_value_from_file = false; if(!parse_vorbis_comment_field(option_argument, &(op->argument.vc_field.field), &(op->argument.vc_field.field_name), &(op->argument.vc_field.field_value), &(op->argument.vc_field.field_value_length), &violation)) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != violation); flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): malformed vorbis comment field \"%s\",\n %s\n", opt, option_argument, violation); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "set-tag-from-file")) { const char *violation; op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__SET_VC_FIELD); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); op->argument.vc_field.field_value_from_file = true; if(!parse_vorbis_comment_field(option_argument, &(op->argument.vc_field.field), &(op->argument.vc_field.field_name), &(op->argument.vc_field.field_value), &(op->argument.vc_field.field_value_length), &violation)) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != violation); flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): malformed vorbis comment field \"%s\",\n %s\n", opt, option_argument, violation); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "import-tags-from")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__IMPORT_VC_FROM); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_string(option_argument, &(op->argument.filename.value))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): missing filename\n", opt); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "export-tags-to")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__EXPORT_VC_TO); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_string(option_argument, &(op->argument.filename.value))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): missing filename\n", opt); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "import-cuesheet-from")) { if(0 != find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__IMPORT_CUESHEET_FROM)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): may be specified only once\n", opt); ok = false; } op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__IMPORT_CUESHEET_FROM); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_string(option_argument, &(op->argument.import_cuesheet_from.filename))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): missing filename\n", opt); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "export-cuesheet-to")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__EXPORT_CUESHEET_TO); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_string(option_argument, &(op->argument.filename.value))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): missing filename\n", opt); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "import-picture-from")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__IMPORT_PICTURE_FROM); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_string(option_argument, &(op->argument.specification.value))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): missing specification\n", opt); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "export-picture-to")) { arg = find_argument(options, ARG__BLOCK_NUMBER); op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__EXPORT_PICTURE_TO); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_string(option_argument, &(op->argument.export_picture_to.filename))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): missing filename\n", opt); ok = false; } op->argument.export_picture_to.block_number_link = arg? &(arg->value.block_number) : 0; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "add-seekpoint")) { const char *violation; char *spec; FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_add_seekpoint(option_argument, &spec, &violation)) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != violation); flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): malformed seekpoint specification \"%s\",\n %s\n", opt, option_argument, violation); ok = false; } else { op = find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__ADD_SEEKPOINT); if(0 == op) op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__ADD_SEEKPOINT); local_strcat(&(op->argument.add_seekpoint.specification), spec); local_strcat(&(op->argument.add_seekpoint.specification), ";"); free(spec); } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "add-replay-gain")) { (void) append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__ADD_REPLAY_GAIN); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "remove-replay-gain")) { const FLAC__byte * const tags[5] = { GRABBAG__REPLAYGAIN_TAG_REFERENCE_LOUDNESS, GRABBAG__REPLAYGAIN_TAG_TITLE_GAIN, GRABBAG__REPLAYGAIN_TAG_TITLE_PEAK, GRABBAG__REPLAYGAIN_TAG_ALBUM_GAIN, GRABBAG__REPLAYGAIN_TAG_ALBUM_PEAK }; size_t i; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(tags)/sizeof(tags[0]); i++) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__REMOVE_VC_FIELD); op->argument.vc_field_name.value = local_strdup((const char *)tags[i]); } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "add-padding")) { op = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__ADD_PADDING); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_add_padding(option_argument, &(op->argument.add_padding.length))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): illegal length \"%s\", length must be >= 0 and < 2^%u\n", opt, option_argument, FLAC__STREAM_METADATA_LENGTH_LEN); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "help")) { options->show_long_help = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "version")) { options->show_version = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "list")) { (void) append_major_operation(options, OP__LIST); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "append")) { (void) append_major_operation(options, OP__APPEND); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "remove")) { (void) append_major_operation(options, OP__REMOVE); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "remove-all")) { (void) append_major_operation(options, OP__REMOVE_ALL); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "merge-padding")) { (void) append_major_operation(options, OP__MERGE_PADDING); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "sort-padding")) { (void) append_major_operation(options, OP__SORT_PADDING); } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "block-number")) { arg = append_argument(options, ARG__BLOCK_NUMBER); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_block_number(option_argument, &(arg->value.block_number))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: malformed block number specification \"%s\"\n", option_argument); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "block-type")) { arg = append_argument(options, ARG__BLOCK_TYPE); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_block_type(option_argument, &(arg->value.block_type))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): malformed block type specification \"%s\"\n", opt, option_argument); ok = false; } options->args.checks.has_block_type = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "except-block-type")) { arg = append_argument(options, ARG__EXCEPT_BLOCK_TYPE); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_block_type(option_argument, &(arg->value.block_type))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): malformed block type specification \"%s\"\n", opt, option_argument); ok = false; } options->args.checks.has_except_block_type = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "data-format")) { arg = append_argument(options, ARG__DATA_FORMAT); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_data_format(option_argument, &(arg->value.data_format))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): illegal data format \"%s\"\n", opt, option_argument); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "application-data-format")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!parse_application_data_format(option_argument, &(options->application_data_format_is_hexdump))) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR (--%s): illegal application data format \"%s\"\n", opt, option_argument); ok = false; } } else if(0 == strcmp(opt, "from-file")) { arg = append_argument(options, ARG__FROM_FILE); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); arg->value.from_file.file_name = local_strdup(option_argument); } else { FLAC__ASSERT(0); } return ok; }
FLAC__bool parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], CommandLineOptions *options) { int ret; int option_index = 1; FLAC__bool had_error = false; while ((ret = share__getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_options_, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (ret) { case 0: had_error |= !parse_option(option_index, share__optarg, options); break; case '?': case ':': had_error = true; break; default: FLAC__ASSERT(0); break; } } if(options->prefix_with_filename == 2) options->prefix_with_filename = (argc - share__optind > 1); if(share__optind >= argc && !options->show_long_help && !options->show_version) { flac_fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: you must specify at least one FLAC file;\n"); flac_fprintf(stderr," metaflac cannot be used as a pipe\n"); had_error = true; } options->num_files = argc - share__optind; if(options->num_files > 0) { unsigned i = 0; if(0 == (options->filenames = safe_malloc_mul_2op_(sizeof(char*), /*times*/options->num_files))) die("out of memory allocating space for file names list"); while(share__optind < argc) options->filenames[i++] = local_strdup(argv[share__optind++]); } if(options->args.checks.num_major_ops > 0) { if(options->args.checks.num_major_ops > 1) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may only specify one major operation at a time\n"); had_error = true; } else if(options->args.checks.num_shorthand_ops > 0) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may not mix shorthand and major operations\n"); had_error = true; } } /* check for only one FLAC file used with certain options */ if(options->num_files > 1) { if(0 != find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__IMPORT_CUESHEET_FROM)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may only specify one FLAC file when using '--import-cuesheet-from'\n"); had_error = true; } if(0 != find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__EXPORT_CUESHEET_TO)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may only specify one FLAC file when using '--export-cuesheet-to'\n"); had_error = true; } if(0 != find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__EXPORT_PICTURE_TO)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may only specify one FLAC file when using '--export-picture-to'\n"); had_error = true; } if( 0 != find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__IMPORT_VC_FROM) && 0 == strcmp(find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__IMPORT_VC_FROM)->argument.filename.value, "-") ) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may only specify one FLAC file when using '--import-tags-from=-'\n"); had_error = true; } } if(options->args.checks.has_block_type && options->args.checks.has_except_block_type) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: you may not specify both '--block-type' and '--except-block-type'\n"); had_error = true; } if(had_error) short_usage(0); /* * We need to create an OP__ADD_SEEKPOINT operation if there is * not one already, and --import-cuesheet-from was specified but * --no-cued-seekpoints was not: */ if(options->cued_seekpoints) { Operation *op = find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__IMPORT_CUESHEET_FROM); if(0 != op) { Operation *op2 = find_shorthand_operation(options, OP__ADD_SEEKPOINT); if(0 == op2) op2 = append_shorthand_operation(options, OP__ADD_SEEKPOINT); op->argument.import_cuesheet_from.add_seekpoint_link = &(op2->argument.add_seekpoint); } } return had_error; }
FLAC__bool import_cs_from(const char *filename, FLAC__StreamMetadata **cuesheet, const char *cs_filename, FLAC__bool *needs_write, FLAC__uint64 lead_out_offset, unsigned sample_rate, FLAC__bool is_cdda, Argument_AddSeekpoint *add_seekpoint_link) { FILE *f; const char *error_message; char **seekpoint_specification = add_seekpoint_link? &(add_seekpoint_link->specification) : 0; unsigned last_line_read; if(0 == cs_filename || strlen(cs_filename) == 0) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: empty import file name\n", filename); return false; } if(0 == strcmp(cs_filename, "-")) f = stdin; else f = flac_fopen(cs_filename, "r"); if(0 == f) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: can't open import file %s: %s\n", filename, cs_filename, strerror(errno)); return false; } *cuesheet = grabbag__cuesheet_parse(f, &error_message, &last_line_read, sample_rate, is_cdda, lead_out_offset); if(f != stdin) fclose(f); if(0 == *cuesheet) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: while parsing cuesheet \"%s\" on line %u: %s\n", filename, cs_filename, last_line_read, error_message); return false; } if(!FLAC__format_cuesheet_is_legal(&(*cuesheet)->data.cue_sheet, /*check_cd_da_subset=*/false, &error_message)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR parsing cuesheet \"%s\": %s\n", filename, cs_filename, error_message); return false; } /* if we're expecting CDDA, warn about non-compliance */ if(is_cdda && !FLAC__format_cuesheet_is_legal(&(*cuesheet)->data.cue_sheet, /*check_cd_da_subset=*/true, &error_message)) { flac_fprintf(stderr, "%s: WARNING cuesheet \"%s\" is not audio CD compliant: %s\n", filename, cs_filename, error_message); (*cuesheet)->data.cue_sheet.is_cd = false; } /* add seekpoints for each index point if required */ if(0 != seekpoint_specification) { char spec[128]; unsigned track, indx; const FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet *cs = &(*cuesheet)->data.cue_sheet; if(0 == *seekpoint_specification) *seekpoint_specification = local_strdup(""); for(track = 0; track < cs->num_tracks; track++) { const FLAC__StreamMetadata_CueSheet_Track *tr = cs->tracks+track; for(indx = 0; indx < tr->num_indices; indx++) { flac_snprintf(spec, sizeof (spec), "%" PRIu64 ";", (tr->offset + tr->indices[indx].offset)); local_strcat(seekpoint_specification, spec); } } } *needs_write = true; return true; }
SWError SWLoadProperties_RW(SWPropertiesPtr properties, SDL_RWops *ops) { char *key, *value, *semi, *s, *p; char *section = NULL; char line[80]; SWError err = kNoError; if (properties != NULL && ops != NULL) { while(1) { key = SDL_RWgets(ops, line, sizeof(line)); if (key == NULL) break; if (key[0] == '#' || line[0] == '/') continue; // comments semi = strchr(key, ';'); if (semi != NULL) *semi = '\0'; // comment if (key[0] == '[') // sections { key++; s = line + strlen(line) - 1; while (isspace(*s) && s > key) *s-- = '\0'; if (*s == ']') { *s-- = '\0'; // trim whitespace (section) while (isspace(*key) && *key) key++; while (isspace(*s) && s > key) *s-- = '\0'; if (section != NULL) free(section); section = local_strdup(key); //fprintf(stderr, "SECTION: \"%s\"\n", section); continue; } } value = strchr(line, '='); if (value != NULL) { *value++ = '\0'; // trim whitespace (key) while (isspace(*key) && *key) key++; s = value - 2; while (isspace(*s) && s > key) *s-- = '\0'; if (s < key) continue; // empty // trim whitespace (value) while (isspace(*value) && *value) value++; s = value + strlen(value) - 1; while (isspace(*s) && s > value) *s-- = '\0'; if (s < value) continue; if (section == NULL) err = SWSetPropertyString(properties, key, value); else { p = malloc(strlen(section) + 1 + strlen(key) + 1); if (p != NULL) { s = p; *s = '\0'; strcat(s, section); s += strlen(section); *s++ = '/'; *s = '\0'; strcat(s, key); s += strlen(key); *s = '\0'; err = SWSetPropertyString(properties, p, value); free(p); } } if (err) return err; } } if (section != NULL) free(section); SDL_RWclose(ops); return kNoError; } else return kUnknownError; }
void packDataValue(QVariant_ *var, DataValue *value) { QVariant *qvar = reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(var); // Some assumptions are made below regarding the size of types. // There's apparently no better way to handle this since that's // how the types with well defined sizes (qint64) are mapped to // meta-types (QMetaType::LongLong). switch ((int)qvar->type()) { case QVariant::Invalid: value->dataType = DTInvalid; break; case QMetaType::QUrl: *qvar = qvar->value<QUrl>().toString(); // fallthrough case QMetaType::QString: { value->dataType = DTString; QByteArray ba = qvar->toByteArray(); *(char**)(value->data) = local_strdup(ba.constData()); value->len = ba.size(); break; } case QMetaType::Bool: value->dataType = DTBool; *(qint8*)(value->data) = (qint8)qvar->toInt(); break; case QMetaType::LongLong: // Some of these entries will have to be fixed when handling platforms // where sizeof(long long) != 8 or sizeof(int) != 4. value->dataType = DTInt64; *(qint64*)(value->data) = qvar->toLongLong(); break; case QMetaType::ULongLong: value->dataType = DTUint64; *(quint64*)(value->data) = qvar->toLongLong(); break; case QMetaType::Int: value->dataType = DTInt32; *(qint32*)(value->data) = qvar->toInt(); break; case QMetaType::UInt: value->dataType = DTUint32; *(quint32*)(value->data) = qvar->toUInt(); break; case QMetaType::VoidStar: value->dataType = DTUintptr; *(uintptr_t*)(value->data) = (uintptr_t)qvar->value<void *>(); break; case QMetaType::Double: value->dataType = DTFloat64; *(double*)(value->data) = qvar->toDouble(); break; case QMetaType::Float: value->dataType = DTFloat32; *(float*)(value->data) = qvar->toFloat(); break; case QMetaType::QColor: value->dataType = DTColor; *(unsigned int*)(value->data) = qvar->value<QColor>().rgba(); break; case QMetaType::QVariantList: { QVariantList varlist = qvar->toList(); int len = varlist.size(); DataValue *dvlist = (DataValue *) malloc(sizeof(DataValue) * len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { packDataValue((void*)&, &dvlist[i]); } value->dataType = DTValueList; value->len = len; *(DataValue**)(value->data) = dvlist; } break; case QMetaType::QVariantMap: { QVariantMap varmap = qvar->toMap(); int len = varmap.size() * 2; DataValue *dvlist = (DataValue *) malloc(sizeof(DataValue) * len); QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> it(varmap); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { if (!it.hasNext()) { panicf("QVariantMap mutated during iteration"); }; QVariant key = it.key(); QVariant val = it.value(); packDataValue((void*)&key, &dvlist[i]); packDataValue((void*)&val, &dvlist[i+1]); } value->dataType = DTValueMap; value->len = len; *(DataValue**)(value->data) = dvlist; } break; default: if (qvar->type() == (int)QMetaType::QObjectStar || qvar->canConvert<QObject *>()) { QObject *qobject = qvar->value<QObject *>(); GoValue *goValue = dynamic_cast<GoValue *>(qobject); if (goValue) { value->dataType = DTGoAddr; *(void **)(value->data) = goValue->addr; break; } GoPaintedValue *goPaintedValue = dynamic_cast<GoPaintedValue *>(qobject); if (goPaintedValue) { value->dataType = DTGoAddr; *(void **)(value->data) = goPaintedValue->addr; break; } value->dataType = DTObject; *(void **)(value->data) = qobject; break; } { QQmlListReference ref = qvar->value<QQmlListReference>(); if (ref.isValid() && ref.canCount() && ref.canAt()) { int len = ref.count(); DataValue *dvlist = (DataValue *) malloc(sizeof(DataValue) * len); QVariant elem; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { elem.setValue(; packDataValue(&elem, &dvlist[i]); } value->dataType = DTValueList; value->len = len; *(DataValue**)(value->data) = dvlist; break; } } if (qstrncmp(qvar->typeName(), "QQmlListProperty<", 17) == 0) { QQmlListProperty<QObject> *list = reinterpret_cast<QQmlListProperty<QObject>*>(qvar->data()); if (list->count && list->at) { int len = list->count(list); DataValue *dvlist = (DataValue *) malloc(sizeof(DataValue) * len); QVariant elem; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { elem.setValue(list->at(list, i)); packDataValue(&elem, &dvlist[i]); } value->dataType = DTValueList; value->len = len; *(DataValue**)(value->data) = dvlist; break; } } panicf("unsupported variant type: %d (%s)", qvar->type(), qvar->typeName()); break; } }