Exemple #1
EG_IMAGE * egDecodePNG(IN UINT8 *FileData, IN UINTN FileDataLength, IN UINTN IconSize, IN BOOLEAN WantAlpha) {
   EG_IMAGE *NewImage = NULL;
   unsigned Error, Width, Height;
   EG_PIXEL *PixelData;
   lode_color *LodeData;
   UINTN i;

   Error = lodepng_decode_memory((unsigned char **) &PixelData, &Width, &Height, (unsigned char*) FileData,
                                 (size_t) FileDataLength, LCT_RGBA, 8);

   if (Error) {
      return NULL;

   // allocate image structure and buffer
   NewImage = egCreateImage(Width, Height, WantAlpha);
   if ((NewImage == NULL) || (NewImage->Width != Width) || (NewImage->Height != Height))
      return NULL;

   LodeData = (lode_color *) PixelData;

   // Annoyingly, EFI and LodePNG use different ordering of RGB values in
   // their pixel data representations, so we've got to adjust them....
   for (i = 0; i < (NewImage->Height * NewImage->Width); i++) {
      NewImage->PixelData[i].r = LodeData[i].red;
      NewImage->PixelData[i].g = LodeData[i].green;
      NewImage->PixelData[i].b = LodeData[i].blue;
      if (WantAlpha)
         NewImage->PixelData[i].a = LodeData[i].alpha;

   return NewImage;
} // EG_IMAGE * egDecodePNG()
//Test LodePNG encoding and decoding the encoded result, using the C interface
void doCodecTest(Image& image)
  unsigned char* encoded = 0;
  size_t encoded_size = 0;
  unsigned char* decoded = 0;
  unsigned decoded_w;
  unsigned decoded_h;

  double t_enc0 = getTime();
  unsigned error_enc = lodepng_encode_memory(&encoded, &encoded_size, &image.data[0],
                                             image.width, image.height, image.colorType, image.bitDepth);

  double t_enc1 = getTime();

  assertEquals(0, error_enc, "encoder error C");

  double t_dec0 = getTime();
  for(int i = 0; i < NUM_DECODE; i++)
    unsigned error_dec = lodepng_decode_memory(&decoded, &decoded_w, &decoded_h,
                                               encoded, encoded_size, image.colorType, image.bitDepth);
    assertEquals(0, error_dec, "decoder error C");
  double t_dec1 = getTime();

  assertEquals(image.width, decoded_w);
  assertEquals(image.height, decoded_h);

  printValue("encoding time", t_enc1 - t_enc0, "s");
  std::cout << "compression: " << ((double)(encoded_size) / (double)(image.data.size())) * 100 << "%"
            << " ratio: " << ((double)(image.data.size()) / (double)(encoded_size))
            << " size: " << encoded_size << std::endl;
  total_enc_size += encoded_size;
  total_enc_time += (t_enc1 - t_enc0);

  if(NUM_DECODE> 0) printValue("decoding time", t_dec1 - t_dec0, "/", NUM_DECODE, " s");
  total_dec_time += (t_dec1 - t_dec0);

  std::cout << std::endl;

  //LodePNG_saveFile(encoded, encoded_size, "test.png");

Exemple #3
DeletablePixels loadPng(const Path &path, int &w, int &h, int &channels)
    uint64 size = FileUtils::fileSize(path);
    InputStreamHandle in = FileUtils::openInputStream(path);
    if (size == 0 || !in)
        return makeVoidPixels();

    std::unique_ptr<uint8[]> file(new uint8[size_t(size)]);
    FileUtils::streamRead(in, file.get(), size_t(size));

    uint8 *dst = nullptr;
    uint32 uw, uh;
    lodepng_decode_memory(&dst, &uw, &uh, file.get(), size_t(size), LCT_RGBA, 8);
    if (!dst)
        return makeVoidPixels();

    w = uw;
    h = uh;
    channels = 4;

    return DeletablePixels(dst, free);
Exemple #4
void parg_asset_preload(parg_token id)
    if (!_pngsuffix) {
        _pngsuffix = sdsnew(".png");
    sds filename = parg_token_to_sds(id);
    parg_buffer* buf = parg_buffer_from_path(filename);
    parg_assert(buf, "Unable to load asset");
    if (sdslen(filename) > 4) {
        sds suffix = sdsdup(filename);
        sdsrange(suffix, -4, -1);
        if (!sdscmp(suffix, _pngsuffix)) {
            unsigned char* decoded;
            unsigned dims[3] = {0, 0, 4};
            unsigned char* filedata = parg_buffer_lock(buf, PARG_READ);
            unsigned err = lodepng_decode_memory(&decoded, &dims[0], &dims[1],
                    filedata, parg_buffer_length(buf), LCT_RGBA, 8);
            parg_assert(err == 0, "PNG decoding error");
            int nbytes = dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2];
            buf = parg_buffer_alloc(nbytes + 12, PARG_CPU);
            int* ptr = parg_buffer_lock(buf, PARG_WRITE);
            *ptr++ = dims[0];
            *ptr++ = dims[1];
            *ptr++ = dims[2];
            memcpy(ptr, decoded, nbytes);
    if (!_asset_registry) {
        _asset_registry = kh_init(assmap);
    int ret;
    int iter = kh_put(assmap, _asset_registry, id, &ret);
    kh_value(_asset_registry, iter) = buf;
Exemple #5
void CPicture::LoadPNG( CDataStream& dataStream )
	lodepng_decode_memory( (unsigned char**)&m_pPixelData, &m_width, &m_height, (unsigned char*)dataStream.GetCursorData(), dataStream.GetSize(), LodePNGColorType::LCT_RGBA, 8 );
	m_format = ePF_R8G8B8A8;
	m_mipMapCount = 0;