cl_device_id mclGetBestDeviceID() { cl_platform_id platform_id = mclGetPlatformID(); // Info about devices cl_uint num_devices; logOclCall("clGetDeviceIDs (get number of devices)"); clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, NULL, &num_devices); cl_device_id* devices = calloc(sizeof(cl_device_id), num_devices); logOclCall("clGetDeviceIDs (get list of devices)"); clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, num_devices, devices, NULL); if (mclLogLevel > 1) { logStream(stdout, "System has %d device(s):", num_devices); char buf1[MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char buf2[MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; for(cl_uint i = 0; i < num_devices;i++) { logOclCall("clGetDeviceInfo, name of device %d", i); clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, buf1, NULL); logOclCall("clGetDeviceInfo, OpenCL version for device %d", i); clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_VERSION, MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, buf2, NULL); logStream(stdout, " Device %d: %s, which supports %s", i, buf1, buf2); } } if (num_devices < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "MCL - Exiting: No devices available\n"); exit(1); } // Selecting the device cl_uint num_device = 0; cl_uint bestIndex = 0; for (cl_uint i = 0; i < num_devices; i++) { cl_uint maxComputeUnits, maxClockFrequency; logOclCall("clGetDeviceInfo, max compute unites device %d", i); clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS, sizeof(cl_uint), &maxComputeUnits, NULL); logOclCall("clGetDeviceInfo, max clock frequency %d", i); clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_MAX_CLOCK_FREQUENCY, sizeof(cl_uint), &maxClockFrequency, NULL); cl_uint index = maxComputeUnits * maxClockFrequency; if (index > bestIndex) { bestIndex = index; num_device = i; } } cl_device_id device_id = devices[num_device]; if (mclLogLevel > 0) { char buf[MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; logOclCall("clGetDeviceInfo, name of selected device (%d)", device_id); clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_NAME, MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, buf, NULL); logStream(stdout,"Selected device %d: %s", num_device, buf); if (mclLogLevel > 2) { mclPrintDeviceInfo(device_id); } } return device_id; }
mclContext mclInitialize(unsigned int log_level) { mclLogLevel = log_level; mclContext context; if (mclLogLevel > 1) { logStream(stdout, "Obtaining best device."); } context.device_id = mclGetBestDeviceID(); if (mclLogLevel > 1) { logStream(stdout, "Creating context."); } context.context = mclCreateContext(&context.device_id); context.command_queue = mclCreateCommandQueue(context.context,context.device_id); return context; }
int Rts2SchedBag::constructSchedules (int num) { struct ln_lnlat_posn *observer = rts2core::Configuration::instance ()->getObserver (); ticketSet->load (tarSet); if (ticketSet->size () == 0) { logStream (MESSAGE_ERROR) << "There aren't any scheduling tickets in database (tickets table)" << sendLog; return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Rts2Schedule *sched = new Rts2Schedule (JDstart, JDend, minObsDuration, observer); if (sched->constructSchedule (ticketSet)) return -1; push_back (sched); } popSize = size (); mutationNum = popSize / 2; reserve (popSize * 2); return 0; }
int checkSbigHw (PAR_ERROR ret) { if (ret == CE_NO_ERROR) return 0; logStream (MESSAGE_ERROR) << "Sbig::checkSbigHw ret: " << ret << sendLog; return -1; }
double SelfMadeTimer::printOverallEclipsedTime() { std::ofstream logStream(timeStatisticFileName); if (!logStream.good()) { std::cerr<<"IO error while open log file"<<std::endl; return -1; } std::cout<<"Summary of "<<projectName.c_str()<<"'s consumed time in order:\n"; logStream<<"Summary of "<<projectName.c_str()<<"'s consumed time in order:\n"; double seconds=0.0; if (periods.size()!=taskNames.size()) { std::cout<<"You may forget to name some tasks... Here are all tasks regardless of name"<<std::endl; logStream<<"You may forget to name some tasks... Here are all tasks regardless of name"<<std::endl; } for (std::vector<clock_t>::iterator pos=periods.begin();pos!=periods.end();pos++) { seconds+=printEclipsedTimeAtIndex(pos-periods.begin(),logStream); } std::cout<<"Overall consumed time is "<<seconds<<" seconds"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Averaged consumed time is "<<seconds/periods.size()<<" seconds"<<std::endl; std::cout<<"End of "<<projectName.c_str()<<"\n\n"<<std::endl; logStream<<"Overall consumed time is "<<seconds<<" seconds"<<std::endl; logStream<<"Averaged consumed time is "<<seconds/periods.size()<<" seconds"<<std::endl; logStream<<"End of "<<projectName.c_str()<<"\n\n"<<std::endl; logStream.close(); return seconds; }
void SBPLPlannerStatsEntry:: logInfo(char const * prefix) const { ostringstream os; logStream(os, "ompl::SBPLPlannerStatistics", prefix); ROS_INFO("%s", os.str().c_str()); }
TEST(Stream, append) { const std::wstring LOG_FILE_NAME(L"StreamTest.log"); removeFile(LOG_FILE_NAME); auto output(std::make_unique<LogOutput>(LOG_FILE_NAME)); auto prefix(std::make_unique<NothingPrefix>()); unsigned char uc[] = "uc"; void* pointer = reinterpret_cast<void*>(12345678U); LogStream logStream(std::move(output), std::move(prefix)); logStream << bkzFlush; logStream << 1; logStream << 2U; logStream << 1L; logStream << 2LU; logStream << 4.4f; logStream << 3.3; logStream << "HELLO"; logStream << uc; logStream << std::string("string"); logStream << std::wstring(L"wstring"); logStream << pointer; logStream << bkzEndl; const std::wstring actual = stringFromFile(LOG_FILE_NAME); EXPECT_EQ(L"12124.403.300HELLOucstringwstring12345678\n", actual); }
void BatchJob::ShowLog() { QDialog dlg(MIMainWindow::instance()); dlg.setWindowTitle(logFile); dlg.setModal(true); dlg.setSizeGripEnabled(true); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; dlg.setLayout(mainLayout); QTextBrowser *browse = new QTextBrowser(&dlg); mainLayout->addWidget(browse); QDialogButtonBox *bb = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok, Qt::Horizontal, &dlg); mainLayout->addWidget(bb); dlg.connect(bb, SIGNAL(accepted()), &dlg, SLOT(accept())); QFile logFileObj(logFile); if ( ! | QFile::Text) ) { browse->setPlainText(QObject::tr("ERROR: Log file %1 not found!") .arg(logFile)); } else { QTextStream logStream(&logFileObj); browse->setPlainText(logStream.readAll()); } dlg.exec(); }
int Rts2SchedBag::constructSchedulesFromObsSet (int num, struct ln_date *obsNight) { Rts2Night night = Rts2Night (obsNight, rts2core::Configuration::instance ()->getObserver ()); rts2db::ObservationSet obsSet = rts2db::ObservationSet (); obsSet.loadTime (night.getFrom (), night.getTo ()); if (obsSet.size () == 0) { logStream (MESSAGE_ERROR) << "Empty observation set" << sendLog; return -1; } JDstart = night.getJDFrom (); JDend = night.getJDTo (); if (isnan (JDstart) || isnan (JDend)) { logStream (MESSAGE_ERROR) << "Null start or end dates" << sendLog; return -1; } struct ln_lnlat_posn *observer = rts2core::Configuration::instance ()->getObserver (); ticketSet->constructFromObsSet (tarSet, obsSet); if (ticketSet->size () == 0) { logStream (MESSAGE_ERROR) << "There aren't any scheduling tickets constructed from observations." << sendLog; return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Rts2Schedule *sched = new Rts2Schedule (JDstart, JDend, minObsDuration, observer); if (sched->constructSchedule (ticketSet)) return -1; push_back (sched); } popSize = size (); mutationNum = popSize / 2; reserve (popSize * 2); return 0; }
int Rts2DevMirrorFram::mirror_command (char cmd, int arg, char *ret_cmd, int *ret_arg) { char command_buffer[3]; int ret; size_t readed; char tc[27]; time_t t; command_buffer[0] = cmd; *((int *) &command_buffer[1]) = arg; logStream (MESSAGE_DEBUG) << "cmd " << cmd << " arg " << arg << sendLog; ret = write (mirror_fd, command_buffer, 3); if (ret != 3) { t = time (NULL); ctime_r (&t, tc); fprintf (mirr_log, "%s:write %i\n", tc, ret); fflush (mirr_log); return -1; } readed = 0; while (readed != 3) { ret = read (mirror_fd, &command_buffer[readed], 3); if (ret <= 0) { t = time (NULL); ctime_r (&t, tc); fprintf (mirr_log, "%s:read %i\n", tc, ret); fflush (mirr_log); return -1; } readed += ret; } logStream (MESSAGE_DEBUG) << "ret_cmd: " << command_buffer[0] << " ret_arg: " << command_buffer[1] << sendLog; if (ret_cmd) *ret_cmd = command_buffer[0]; if (ret_arg) *ret_arg = *((int *) &command_buffer[1]); flock (mirror_fd, LOCK_UN); return 0; }
void Logger::WriteLine(const QString &message) { if ( | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream logStream(&_logFile); logStream << message << "\n"; _logFile.close(); } }
void logOclCall(const char* fmt, ...) { if (mclLogLevel > 0) { va_list args; va_start(args,fmt); logStream(stdout,fmt,args); va_end(args); } }
cl_device_id mclGetGpuDeviceID() { cl_platform_id platform_id = mclGetPlatformID(); // Info about devices cl_uint num_devices; logOclCall("clGetDeviceIDs (get number of devices)"); clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 0, NULL, &num_devices); cl_device_id* devices = calloc(sizeof(cl_device_id), num_devices); logOclCall("clGetDeviceIDs (get list of devices)"); clGetDeviceIDs(platform_id, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, num_devices, devices, NULL); if (mclLogLevel > 1) { logStream(stdout, "System has %d GPU device(s):", num_devices); char buf1[MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char buf2[MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; for(cl_uint i = 0; i < num_devices;i++) { logOclCall("clGetDeviceInfo, name of device %d", i); clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_NAME, MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, buf1, NULL); logOclCall("clGetDeviceInfo, OpenCL version for device %d", i); clGetDeviceInfo(devices[i], CL_DEVICE_VERSION, MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, buf2, NULL); logStream(stdout, " Device %d: %s, which supports %s", i, buf1, buf2); } } if (num_devices < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "MCL - Exiting: No GPU devices available\n"); exit(1); } // Selecting the device cl_uint num_device = num_devices - 1; cl_device_id device_id = devices[num_device]; if (mclLogLevel > 0) { char buf[MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; logOclCall("clGetDeviceInfo, name of device %d", device_id); clGetDeviceInfo(device_id, CL_DEVICE_NAME, MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, buf, NULL); logStream(stdout,"Selected device %d: %s", num_device, buf); if (mclLogLevel > 2) { mclPrintDeviceInfo(device_id); } } return device_id; }
Logger::Logger(string &adhash_home) { time_t rawtime; time(&rawtime); long myId; myId = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank(); logFile = adhash_home+"/logs/log" + toString(myId) + ".txt"; ofstream logStream(logFile.c_str()); logStream << "Logging activity at " << ctime(&rawtime) << endl; logStream << "Process id: " << getpid() << endl << endl; }
void ReaderManipulatorWidget::writeToOutput(const QString &text) { ui->teOutput->append(text); if(m_useLogFile && m_logFile->isOpen()){ QTextStream logStream(m_logFile); logStream << text << QString("\r"); logStream.flush(); } }
void Logger::writeToLog(string record, bool to_screen){ #ifdef enable_logging ofstream logStream(logFile.c_str(), ios::app); logStream << record << endl; logStream.flush(); logStream.close(); #endif if(to_screen){ printf("%s\n", record.c_str()); //cout.flush(); } }
cl_platform_id mclGetPlatformID() { /* Get the platform information */ cl_uint num_platforms; logOclCall("clGetPlatformIDs (get number of platforms)"); clGetPlatformIDs(0, NULL, &num_platforms); // get number of platforms cl_platform_id* platforms = calloc(sizeof(cl_platform_id), num_platforms); logOclCall("clGetPlatformIDs (list of platforms, n = %d)", num_platforms); clGetPlatformIDs(num_platforms, platforms, NULL); // populate platform table if (mclLogLevel > 1) { logStream(stdout,"System has %d platform(s):", num_platforms); for(cl_uint i = 0; i < num_platforms;i++) { char buf[MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; logOclCall("clGetPlatformInfo (get platform name for device %d)", i); clGetPlatformInfo(platforms[i], CL_PLATFORM_NAME, MCL_MAX_STRING_LENGTH, buf, NULL); logStream(stdout," Platform: %s", buf); } } if (num_platforms == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "MCL - Exiting: No OpenCL Platform available\n"); exit(1); } return platforms[0]; }
void ControlWindows::Save() { QString nameFile=QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this,"Save File","./"); QTextStream logStream(stdout); QFile fileLog; fileLog.setFileName(nameFile); | QIODevice::Append); logStream.setDevice(&fileLog); logStream << m_cache << flush; fileLog.close(); m_cache.clear(); }
void writeLog(QString strLog) { QFile logFile("/mnt/log.txt"); QDateTime timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime();; if (logFile.isOpen()) { QTextStream logStream(&logFile); logStream << timestamp.toString() << " " << strLog << '\n'; logFile.close(); } else { qDebug() << timestamp.toString() << " " << strLog; } }
void SBPLPlannerStatsEntry:: logFile(char const * filename, char const * title, char const * prefix) const { FILE * ff(fopen(filename, "a")); if (0 == ff) { ROS_WARN("SBPLPlannerStatsEntry::logFile(): fopen(%s): %s", filename, strerror(errno)); return; } ostringstream os; logStream(os, title, prefix); fprintf(ff, "%s", os.str().c_str()); if (0 != fclose(ff)) ROS_WARN("SBPLPlannerStatsEntry::logFile(): fclose() on %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno)); }
void NoGUI::tick() { if(!isValid()) { for(QVariant &variant : m_statistics) { Statistic *statistic = variant.value<Statistic*>(); statistic->compute(m_geometry, m_timestep); } for(QVariant &variant : m_models) { Statistic *statistic = variant.value<Statistic*>(); statistic->compute(m_geometry, m_timestep); } for(QVariant &variant : m_datas) { Statistic *statistic = variant.value<Statistic*>(); statistic->compute(m_geometry, m_timestep); } if(!isValid()) { qDebug() << "Error, NoGUI or children not ready..."; exit(1); } } if(!m_timer.isValid()) m_timer.start(); if(m_monteCarlo) m_monteCarlo->tick(m_timestep); if( m_monteCarlo && (m_timestep % m_printEvery) == 0) { double timeLeft = m_timer.elapsed() / ( double(m_timestep+1)) * (m_timesteps-m_timestep) / 1000.; // seconds QTextStream logStream(&m_log); qDebug() << "MC step " << m_timestep << "/" << m_timesteps << ". χ^2: " << QString::number( m_monteCarlo->chiSquared(), 'f', 10 ) << ", T=" << m_monteCarlo->temperature() << " with acceptance ratio " << m_monteCarlo->acceptanceRatio() << " (" << m_monteCarlo->accepted() << " / " << m_monteCarlo->steps() << ") and random walk fraction " << m_geometry->randomWalkFraction() << ". Estimated time left: " << timeLeft << " seconds."; logStream << "MC step " << m_timestep << "/" << m_timesteps << ". χ^2: " << QString::number( m_monteCarlo->chiSquared(), 'f', 10 ) << ", T=" << m_monteCarlo->temperature() << " with acceptance ratio " << m_monteCarlo->acceptanceRatio() << " (" << m_monteCarlo->accepted() << " / " << m_monteCarlo->steps() << ") and random walk fraction " << m_geometry->randomWalkFraction() << ". Estimated time left: " << timeLeft << " seconds.\n"; if(m_visualize) { for(QVariant &variant : m_statistics) { Statistic *statistic = variant.value<Statistic*>(); statistic->compute(m_geometry, m_timestep); if(m_visualize) { statistic->updateQML(); } } } } m_timestep++; if(m_timestep >= m_timesteps) { setFinished(true); } }
//-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ void ModuleService::unload(module_ptr_type _pModule) { // Get the logger stream Zen::Utility::log_stream& logStream( I_PluginManager::getSingleton().getApplication()->getLogStream() ); // Guard this method boost::shared_ptr<Threading::CriticalSection> pGuard( new Threading::CriticalSection(m_pModuleGuard) ); // Use _pModule to get the module info module_info_ptr_type pModuleInfo = m_modules[_pModule]; // Decrement the reference // If the count is zero, get the handle and unload the library if( pModuleInfo->decrementReferences() == 0 ) { std::string moduleName = pModuleInfo->getName(); // Remove module from the index module_name_index_iterator_type moduleIndexIterator = m_moduleIndex.find(moduleName); m_moduleIndex.erase(moduleIndexIterator); // Physically unload module I_ModuleInfo::module_handle_type hModule = pModuleInfo->getHandle(); #ifdef _WIN32 if( !FreeLibrary(hModule) ) #else if( dlclose(hModule) ) #endif // _WIN32 { logStream << "DEBUG: Error unloading module " << moduleName << " Error " << Zen::Utility::GetLastError() << std::endl; // TODO Throw an exception with the error return; } // Remove module from the cache modules_iterator_type moduleIterator = m_modules.find(_pModule); m_modules.erase(moduleIterator); } }
void Console::logToFile(const LogMessage& message) { #if defined __APPLE__ NSLogWrapper(message.string()); #else IO::FileManager fileManager; const String logDirectory = fileManager.logDirectory(); if (logDirectory.empty()) return; if (!fileManager.exists(logDirectory)) fileManager.makeDirectory(logDirectory); const String logFilePath = fileManager.appendPath(logDirectory, "TrenchBroom.log"); std::fstream logStream(logFilePath.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::app); if (logStream.is_open()) { wxDateTime now = wxDateTime::Now(); logStream << wxGetProcessId() << " " << now.FormatISOCombined(' ') << ": " << message.string() << std::endl; } #endif }
void messageHandler(QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext& context, const QString& message) { Q_UNUSED(context); QString logMessage; QString threadId = QString::number((long long)QThread::currentThreadId(), 16); QString timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.zzz"); switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: logMessage = QString("[%1] [%2] [D] %3").arg(timestamp).arg(threadId).arg(message); break; case QtWarningMsg: logMessage = QString("[%1] [%2] [W] %3").arg(timestamp).arg(threadId).arg(message); break; case QtCriticalMsg: logMessage = QString("[%1] [%2] [C] %3").arg(timestamp).arg(threadId).arg(message); break; case QtFatalMsg: logMessage = QString("[%1] [%2] [F] %3").arg(timestamp).arg(threadId).arg(message); } fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", qPrintable(logMessage)); QString path = QString("%1/.CasparCG/Client/Logs").arg(QDir::homePath()); QDir directory(path); if (!directory.exists()) directory.mkpath("."); QFile logFile(QString("%1/Client_%2.log").arg(path).arg(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd"))); | QIODevice::Append); QTextStream logStream(&logFile); logStream << logMessage << endl; logFile.close(); if (type == QtFatalMsg) abort(); }
void ApplicationLog::write(QString message) { QString datetimeString = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(LOG_MESSAGE_DATETIME_PATTERN); QString formattedMessage = QString("%1 %2").arg(datetimeString, message); this -> logMutex -> lock(); // если новая дата if (this -> currentDate != QDate::currentDate()) { writeToStdout(QString("The current log file will be closed and a new file opened for the new date.")); this -> logFile -> close(); if (!this -> createLogFile()) { return; } } QTextStream stdoutStream(stdout); QTextStream logStream(logFile); stdoutStream << formattedMessage << endl; logStream << formattedMessage << endl; stdoutStream.flush(); logStream.flush(); logMutex -> unlock(); }
void writeLog(QString strLog) { QFile logFile(QDir::homePath() + "/" + "osmc_installer_log.txt"); QDateTime timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime();; if (logFile.isOpen()) { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX // Set the owner and group the same as the home path QFileInfo info(QDir::homePath()); fchown(logFile.handle(),info.ownerId(),info.groupId()); #endif QTextStream logStream(&logFile); logStream << timestamp.toString() << " " << strLog << '\n'; logFile.close(); } else { qDebug() << timestamp.toString() << " " << strLog; } }
void logToFile(QtMsgType type, const char *msg) { QFile file(LOG_PATH); if (! | QFile::Text | QFile::Append)) { abort(); return; } QTextStream logStream(&file); QString str(LOG_PATTERN); switch (type) { case QtDebugMsg: str = str.arg("Debug"); break; case QtWarningMsg: str = str.arg("Warning"); break; case QtCriticalMsg: str = str.arg("Critical"); break; case QtFatalMsg: str = str.arg("Fatal").arg(msg); abort(); default: file.close(); return; } str = str.arg(msg); logStream << str; #ifdef WIN32 OutputDebugString(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t *>(str.utf16())); #endif #ifdef __linux__ std::cerr << str.toStdString() << std::endl; #endif file.close(); }
FocusCameraClient *FocusClient::initFocCamera (FocusCameraClient * cam) { std::vector < char *>::iterator cam_iter; cam->setSaveImage (autoSave || focExe); if (defCenter) { cam->center (imageWidth, imageHeight); } else if (xOffset >= 0 || yOffset >= 0 || imageWidth >= 0 || imageHeight >= 0) { cam->queCommand (new rts2core::CommandBox (cam, xOffset, yOffset, imageWidth, imageHeight)); } if (!std::isnan (defExposure)) { cam->queCommand (new rts2core::CommandChangeValue (cam->getMaster (), "exposure", '=', defExposure)); } if (darks) { cam->queCommand (new rts2core::CommandChangeValue (cam->getMaster (), "SHUTTER", '=', 1)); } if (defBin >= 0) { cam->queCommand (new rts2core::CommandChangeValue (cam->getMaster (), "binning", '=', defBin)); } // post exposure event..if name agree for (cam_iter = cameraNames.begin (); cam_iter != cameraNames.end (); cam_iter++) { if (!strcmp (*cam_iter, cam->getName ())) { logStream (MESSAGE_DEBUG) << "exposing on " << cam->getName () << sendLog; cam->queCommand (new rts2core::CommandExposure (this, cam, bop >= 0 ? bop : 0)); } } return cam; }
void ChatWindow::logText(const QString& text) { if(log()) { // "cd" into log path or create path, if it's not there cdIntoLogPath(); if( | QIODevice::Append)) { // wrap the file into a stream QTextStream logStream(&logfile); // write log in utf8 to help i18n logStream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); logStream.setAutoDetectUnicode(true); if(firstLog) { QString intro(i18n("\n*** Logfile started\n*** on %1\n\n", QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString())); logStream << intro; firstLog=false; } QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString logLine(QString("[%1] [%2] %3\n").arg(QLocale().toString(, QLocale::LongFormat)). arg(QLocale().toString(dateTime.time(), QLocale::LongFormat)).arg(text)); logStream << logLine; // detach stream from file logStream.setDevice(0); // close file logfile.close(); } else qWarning() << "open(QIODevice::Append) for " << logfile.fileName() << " failed!"; } }
/** * This benchmark runs a series of huge strokes on a canvas with a * particular configuration of the swapper/pooler and history * management. After the test is done you can visualize the results * with the GNU Octave. Please use kis_low_memory_show_report.m file * for that. */ void KisLowMemoryBenchmark::benchmarkWideArea(const QString presetFileName, const QRectF &rect, qreal vstep, int numCycles, bool createTransaction, int hardLimitMiB, int softLimitMiB, int poolLimitMiB, int index) { KisPaintOpPresetSP preset = new KisPaintOpPreset(QString(FILES_DATA_DIR) + QDir::separator() + presetFileName); LOAD_PRESET_OR_RETURN(preset, presetFileName); /** * Initialize image and painter */ const KoColorSpace *colorSpace = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->rgb8(); KisImageSP image = new KisImage(0, HUGE_IMAGE_SIZE, HUGE_IMAGE_SIZE, colorSpace, "stroke sample image", true); KisLayerSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(image, "temporary for stroke sample", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, colorSpace); KisLayerSP layerExtra = new KisPaintLayer(image, "temporary for threading", OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8, colorSpace); image->addNode(layer, image->root()); image->addNode(layerExtra, image->root()); KisPainter *painter = new KisPainter(layer->paintDevice()); painter->setPaintColor(KoColor(Qt::black, colorSpace)); painter->setPaintOpPreset(preset, layer, image); /** * A simple adapter that will store all the transactions for us */ KisSurrogateUndoAdapter undoAdapter; /** * Reset configuration to the desired settings */ KisImageConfig config; qreal oldHardLimit = config.memoryHardLimitPercent(); qreal oldSoftLimit = config.memorySoftLimitPercent(); qreal oldPoolLimit = config.memoryPoolLimitPercent(); const qreal _MiB = 100.0 / KisImageConfig::totalRAM(); config.setMemoryHardLimitPercent(hardLimitMiB * _MiB); config.setMemorySoftLimitPercent(softLimitMiB * _MiB); config.setMemoryPoolLimitPercent(poolLimitMiB * _MiB); KisTileDataStore::instance()->testingRereadConfig(); /** * Create an empty the log file */ QString fileName; fileName = QString("log_%1_%2_%3_%4_%5.txt") .arg(createTransaction) .arg(hardLimitMiB) .arg(softLimitMiB) .arg(poolLimitMiB) .arg(index); QFile logFile(fileName); | QFile::Truncate); QTextStream logStream(&logFile); logStream.setFieldWidth(10); logStream.setFieldAlignment(QTextStream::AlignRight); /** * Start painting on the image */ QTime cycleTime; QTime lineTime; cycleTime.start(); lineTime.start(); qreal rectBottom = rect.y() + rect.height(); for (int i = 0; i < numCycles; i++) { cycleTime.restart(); QLineF line(rect.topLeft(), rect.topLeft() + QPointF(rect.width(), 0)); if (createTransaction) { painter->beginTransaction(); } KisDistanceInformation currentDistance; while(line.y1() < rectBottom) { lineTime.restart(); KisPaintInformation pi1(line.p1(), 0.0); KisPaintInformation pi2(line.p2(), 1.0); painter->paintLine(pi1, pi2, ¤tDistance); painter->device()->setDirty(painter->takeDirtyRegion()); logStream << "L 1" << i << lineTime.elapsed() << KisTileDataStore::instance()->numTilesInMemory() * 16 << KisTileDataStore::instance()->numTiles() * 16 << createTransaction << endl; line.translate(0, vstep); } painter->device()->setDirty(painter->takeDirtyRegion()); if (createTransaction) { painter->endTransaction(&undoAdapter); } // comment/uncomment to emulate user waiting after the stroke QTest::qSleep(1000); logStream << "C 2" << i << cycleTime.elapsed() << KisTileDataStore::instance()->numTilesInMemory() * 16 << KisTileDataStore::instance()->numTiles() * 16 << createTransaction << config.memoryHardLimitPercent() / _MiB << config.memorySoftLimitPercent() / _MiB << config.memoryPoolLimitPercent() / _MiB << endl; } config.setMemoryHardLimitPercent(oldHardLimit * _MiB); config.setMemorySoftLimitPercent(oldSoftLimit * _MiB); config.setMemoryPoolLimitPercent(oldPoolLimit * _MiB); delete painter; }