Exemple #1
int bb_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset,
	       struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    char *files[100];

    files[0] = ".";
    files[1] = "..";

    log_msg("\nbb_readdir(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, filler=0x%08x, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, buf, filler, offset, fi);

    int i, count = myreaddir(path, &files[2]) + 2;

    log_msg("count: %d, files[2]: %s\n", count, files[1]);

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        log_msg("calling filler with name %s\n", files[i]);
        if (filler(buf, files[i], NULL, 0) != 0) {
            log_msg("    ERROR bb_readdir filler:  buffer full");
            return -ENOMEM;


    return retstat;
/** Open directory
 * This method should check if the open operation is permitted for
 * this  directory
 * Introduced in version 2.3
int fusion_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
	DIR *dp;
	int retstat = 0;
	char fpath[PATH_MAX] = {0};

	log_msg("\nfusion_opendir(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);
	fusion_fullpath(fpath, path);

	/*if path exists in ZHT, create it locally*/
	char res[ZHT_MAX_BUFF] = {0};
	int stat = zht_lookup(path, res);

	if (ZHT_LOOKUP_FAIL != stat) {
		mkdir(fpath, 0775);
	else {
		fusion_error("_opendir() failed: <fpath> not found in ZHT");

	dp = opendir(fpath);
	if (dp == NULL)
		retstat = fusion_error("fusion_opendir opendir");

	fi->fh = (intptr_t) dp;


	return retstat;
Exemple #3
/** Read data from an open file
 * Read should return exactly the number of bytes requested except
 * on EOF or error, otherwise the rest of the data will be
 * substituted with zeroes.  An exception to this is when the
 * 'direct_io' mount option is specified, in which case the return
 * value of the read system call will reflect the return value of
 * this operation.
int bb_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0; int count; int count2;
   log_msg("\nbb_read(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n", path, buf, size, offset, fi);
   // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path

    * The pread() function attempts to read the specified amount (size) of 
    * data from the specified file descriptor (fi->fh), into the specified 
    * buffer (buf) starting at a point in the file (offset).  Returns the
    * number of bytes read.
   retstat = pread(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
	log_msg("\nFile \"%s\" has been encrypted\n", path);
	// Encrypts the chars before reading it
	for (count = 0; count < size; count++) {
		buf[count] = (buf[count]+1) % 256;
	// Decrypts if HasAccess is true
   if (HasAccess(BB_DATA)) {
      for (count2 = 0; count2 < size; count2++) {
   		buf[count2] = (buf[count2] == 0) ? 255 : ((buf[count2]-1) % 256);
		log_msg("\nAuthorized decryption on file \"%s\"\n", path);
   if (retstat < 0) retstat = bb_error("bb_read read");
   return retstat;
// this is a no-op in NPHFS.  It just logs the call and returns success
int nphfuse_flush(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi){
    log_msg("\nnphfuse_flush(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);
    // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path
    return 0;
Exemple #5
/** File open operation
 * No creation, or truncation flags (O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_TRUNC)
 * will be passed to open().  Open should check if the operation
 * is permitted for the given flags.  Optionally open may also
 * return an arbitrary filehandle in the fuse_file_info structure,
 * which will be passed to all file operations.
 * path = path to file, relative to rootdir
 * fi = contains file information for the file to be opened
 * struct fuse_file_info defined in Rootdir/fuse-2.9.2/include/fuse_common.h
int bb_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   int fd;
   char fpath[PATH_MAX];
   log_msg("\nbb_open(path\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);
   bb_fullpath(fpath, path);  // path is relative to rootdir, must change it
                              // to a full path
   fd = open(fpath, fi->flags);  // uses system open to open or return an error
                                 // returns a file despcriptor (> 0) on success
   if (fd < 0) retstat = bb_error("bb_open open");
   fi->fh = fd;  // sets the handle field of fi
   return retstat;  // This should be 0 - but we would like to return a file
                    // descriptor.  Fuse automatically chooses a file descriptor
                    // and returns that one (may be different from open's ret)
                    // fi->fh is different from descriptor returned as retstat
                    // Calls to read, say, include fi, hence fi->fh
                    // But programs think they are talking to retstat
                    // When program does a read, the call is intercepted by
                    // the kernel and redirected to a bb_read where fi->fh
                    // is used as the handle
Exemple #6
/** Read directory
 * Uses function called 'filler' to insert directory entries into the 
 * directory structure, which is also passed to the callback as 'buf'.
 * This supersedes the old getdir() interface.  New applications
 * should use this.
 * The filesystem may choose between two modes of operation:
 * 1) The readdir implementation ignores the offset parameter, and
 * passes zero to the filler function's offset.  The filler
 * function will not return '1' (unless an error happens), so the
 * whole directory is read in a single readdir operation.  This
 * works just like the old getdir() method.
 * 2) The readdir implementation keeps track of the offsets of the
 * directory entries.  It uses the offset parameter and always
 * passes non-zero offset to the filler function.  When the buffer
 * is full (or an error happens) the filler function will return
 * '1'.
int bb_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   DIR *dp;
   struct dirent *de;
   log_msg("\nbb_readdir(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, filler=0x%08x, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n", path, buf, filler, offset, fi);
   // once again, no need for fullpath -- but note that I need to cast fi->fh
   dp = (DIR*) (uintptr_t) fi->fh;

   // Every directory contains at least two entries: . and ..  If my
   // first call to the system readdir() returns NULL I've got an
   // error; near as I can tell, that's the only condition under
   // which I can get an error from readdir()
   de = readdir(dp);
   if (de == 0) {
      retstat = bb_error("bb_readdir readdir");
      return retstat;

   // This will copy the entire directory into the buffer.  The loop exits
   // when either the system readdir() returns NULL, or filler()
   // returns something non-zero.  The first case just means I've
   // read the whole directory; the second means the buffer is full.
   do {
      log_msg("calling filler with name %s\n", de->d_name);
      if (filler(buf, de->d_name, NULL, 0) != 0) {
	 log_msg("    ERROR bb_readdir filler:  buffer full");
	 return -ENOMEM;
   } while ((de = readdir(dp)) != NULL);
   return retstat;
Exemple #7
 * Create and open a file
 * If the file does not exist, first create it with the specified
 * mode, and then open it.
 * If this method is not implemented or under Linux kernel
 * versions earlier than 2.6.15, the mknod() and open() methods
 * will be called instead.
 * Introduced in version 2.5
int fool_create(const char *path, mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;
    char ssdpath[PATH_MAX];
	char hddpath[PATH_MAX];
    int fd;

	mode = (mode | 0664) ;

    log_msg("\nfool_create(path=\"%s\", mode=0%03o, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, mode, fi);

    fool_fullpath_hdd(hddpath, path);
    fool_fullpath_ssd(ssdpath, path);

	log_msg("\nfool_create_log2, path = \"%s\", ssdpath = \"%s\" , hddpath = \"%s\"\n", path, ssdpath, hddpath);
//	Don't know was doing it :P
//    fd = open(hddpath, fi->flags);

    fd = creat(hddpath, mode);
    if (fd < 0)
		retstat = fool_error("fool_create creat");

    fd = open(hddpath, fi->flags);

    symlink(hddpath, ssdpath);
    fi->fh = fd;
    return retstat;
Exemple #8
// when exactly is this called?  when a user calls fsync and it
// happens to be a directory? ???
int bb_fsyncdir(const char *path, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   log_msg("\nbb_fsyncdir(path=\"%s\", datasync=%d, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	   path, datasync, fi);
   return retstat;
Exemple #9
int bb_flush(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;

    log_msg("\nbb_flush(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);

    return retstat;
Exemple #10
/** Release directory
 * Introduced in version 2.3
int bb_releasedir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   log_msg("\nbb_releasedir(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);
   closedir((DIR*) (uintptr_t) fi->fh);
   return retstat;
 * FUSE document:
 * Create and open a file
 * If the file does not exist, first create it with the specified
 * mode, and then open it.
 * If this method is not implemented or under Linux kernel
 * versions earlier than 2.6.15, the mknod() and open() methods
 * will be called instead.
 * Introduced in version 2.5
 * *****************************************************************
 * DFZ:
 * 	In fusionFS, a file creation always happens in the local node
int fusion_create(const char *path, mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
	int retstat = 0;
	char fpath[PATH_MAX] = {0};
	int fd;

	log_msg("\nfusion_create(path=\"%s\", mode=0%03o, fi=0x%08x)\n", path, mode, fi);
	fusion_fullpath(fpath, path);

	/*if <path> exists in ZHT, we should return at this point*/
	char res[ZHT_MAX_BUFF] = {0};
	int stat = zht_lookup(path, res);
	if (ZHT_LOOKUP_FAIL == stat) {
		log_msg("\n================DFZ ERROR: file already exists. \n");
		return -1;

	/*create the local file*/
	fd = creat(fpath, mode);
	if (fd < 0)
		retstat = fusion_error("fusion_create creat");
	fi->fh = fd;

	/*add the filename to its parent path in the ZHT entry*/
	char dirname[PATH_MAX] = {0};
	char *pch = strrchr(path, '/');
	strncpy(dirname, path, pch - path + 1);
	log_msg("\n================DFZ debug: dirname = %s \n", dirname);
	char oldval[ZHT_MAX_BUFF] = {0};
	stat = zht_lookup(dirname, oldval);

	if (ZHT_LOOKUP_FAIL == stat) {
		log_msg("\n================DFZ ERROR: no parent path exists. \n");
		return -1;
	log_msg("\n================DFZ debug: oldval = %s. \n", oldval);
	zht_append(dirname, pch + 1);

	// log_msg("cshou debug ==== dirname=%s, filename=%s\n", dirname, pch + 1);

	/*insert <path, ip_addr> into ZHT */
	char addr[PATH_MAX] = {0};
	log_msg("\n================DFZ debug _create(): addr = %s. \n", addr);
	if (zht_insert(path, addr))
		log_msg("\n================ERROR _create(): failed to insert <%s, %s> to ZHT. \n", path, addr);
	char myaddr[PATH_MAX] = {0};

	spade_create(myaddr, fpath, fuse_get_context()->pid);

	return retstat;
Exemple #12
/** Release directory
 * Introduced in version 2.3
int atmos_releasedir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
  int retstat = 0;
  log_msg("\natmos_releasedir(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n",
	  path, fi);
  return retstat;
Exemple #13
/** Release an open file
 * Release is called when there are no more references to an open
 * file: all file descriptors are closed and all memory mappings
 * are unmapped.
 * For every open() call there will be exactly one release() call
 * with the same flags and file descriptor.  It is possible to
 * have a file opened more than once, in which case only the last
 * release will mean, that no more reads/writes will happen on the
 * file.  The return value of release is ignored.
 * Changed in version 2.2
int bb_release(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    log_msg("\nbb_release(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n",
	  path, fi);

    // We need to close the file.  Had we allocated any resources
    // (buffers etc) we'd need to free them here as well.
    return log_syscall("close", close(fi->fh), 0);
Exemple #14
// As  with read(), the documentation above is inconsistent with the
// documentation for the write() system call.
int bb_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
	     struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;

    log_msg("\nbb_write(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, buf, size, offset, fi
    // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path

    // openssl code here

    // char c_enc = 'A';

    // char temp[1];
    // if(offset!=0){
    //     log_msg("here samarth\n");
    //     pread(fi->fh, temp, 1, offset - 1);
    //     c_enc = temp[0];
    //     log_msg("temp : %d\n", temp[0]);
    // }

    // int keylength = 128;
    // unsigned char aes_key[16] = {'p', 'a', 's', 's', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd', 'p', 'a', 's', 's', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd'};
    // unsigned char iv_enc[16] = {'p', 'a', 's', 's', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd', 'p', 'a', 's', 's', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd'};

    // size_t inputslength = strlen(buf);
    // const size_t encslength = ((inputslength + AES_BLOCK_SIZE) / AES_BLOCK_SIZE) * AES_BLOCK_SIZE;

    // memset(enc_out, 0, sizeof(enc_out));

    // AES_KEY enc_key, dec_key;
    // AES_set_encrypt_key(aes_key, keylength, &enc_key);
    // AES_cbc_encrypt((unsigned char*)buf, enc_out, inputslength, &enc_key, iv_enc, AES_ENCRYPT);

    // code ends here

    // log_msg("Buf here: %s %d\n", buf, strlen(buf));
    // int i;
    // enc_out[0] = buf[0] ^ c_enc;
    // log_msg("enc_out[0] : %c\n", enc_out[0]);
    // log_msg("c_enc : %c\n", c_enc);
    // log_msg("buf[0] : %c\n", buf[0]);

    char enc_out[size];
    int key_pos = offset % 16;
    for(int i=0;i<size;++i){
        enc_out[i] = (char)(buf[i] ^ key[key_pos]);
        key_pos = (key_pos+1)%16;
    return log_syscall("pwrite", pwrite(fi->fh, enc_out, size, offset), 0);
Exemple #15
 * Change the size of an open file
 * This method is called instead of the truncate() method if the
 * truncation was invoked from an ftruncate() system call.
 * If this method is not implemented or under Linux kernel
 * versions earlier than 2.6.15, the truncate() method will be
 * called instead.
 * Introduced in version 2.5
int bb_ftruncate(const char *path, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   log_msg("\nbb_ftruncate(path=\"%s\", offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n", 
	   path, offset, fi);
   retstat = ftruncate(fi->fh, offset);
   if (retstat < 0) retstat = bb_error("bb_ftruncate ftruncate");
   return retstat;
Exemple #16
// Since it's currently only called after bb_create(), and bb_create()
// opens the file, I ought to be able to just use the fd and ignore
// the path...
int bb_fgetattr(const char *path, struct stat *statbuf, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   log_msg("\nbb_fgetattr(path=\"%s\", statbuf=0x%08x, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	   path, statbuf, fi);
   retstat = fstat(fi->fh, statbuf);
   if (retstat < 0) retstat = bb_error("bb_fgetattr fstat");
   return retstat;
Exemple #17
// As  with read(), the documentation above is inconsistent with the
// documentation for the write() system call.
int bb_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
	     struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   log_msg("\nbb_write(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n", path, buf, size, offset, fi);
   // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path
   retstat = pwrite(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
   if (retstat < 0) retstat = bb_error("bb_write pwrite");
   return retstat;
Exemple #18
/** Synchronize file contents
 * If the datasync parameter is non-zero, then only the user data
 * should be flushed, not the meta data.
 * Changed in version 2.2
int bb_fsync(const char *path, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   log_msg("\nbb_fsync(path=\"%s\", datasync=%d, fi=0x%08x)\n",path,datasync,fi);
   if (datasync) retstat = fdatasync(fi->fh);
   else	retstat = fsync(fi->fh);
   if (retstat < 0) bb_error("bb_fsync fsync");
   return retstat;
Exemple #19
int bb_release(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;

    log_msg("\nbb_release(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);

    // We need to close the file.  Had we allocated any resources
    // (buffers etc) we'd need to free them here as well.

    return retstat;
Exemple #20
/** Synchronize file contents
 * If the datasync parameter is non-zero, then only the user data
 * should be flushed, not the meta data.
 * Changed in version 2.2
int bb_fsync(const char *path, int datasync, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    log_msg("\nbb_fsync(path=\"%s\", datasync=%d, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, datasync, fi);
    // some unix-like systems (notably freebsd) don't have a datasync call
    if (datasync)
	return log_syscall("fdatasync", fdatasync(fi->fh), 0);
	return log_syscall("fsync", fsync(fi->fh), 0);
Exemple #21
int bb_fgetattr(const char *path, struct stat *statbuf, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    int retstat = 0;

    log_msg("\nbb_fgetattr(path=\"%s\", statbuf=0x%08x, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, statbuf, fi);

    return bb_getattr(path, statbuf);


    return retstat;
 * DFZ: for FusionFS, no need to modify _read(). The file synchronization
 * 		is done in _getattr() and _release()
int fusion_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
		struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
	int retstat = 0;

			"\nfusion_read(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
			path, buf, size, offset, fi);
	// no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path

	char fpath[PATH_MAX] = {0};
	fusion_fullpath(fpath, path);

	// added by cshou
	struct stat sb;
	char s_size[20];
	char s_time[50];
	if (stat(fpath, &sb) != -1) {
		sprintf(s_size, "%zd", sb.st_size);
		sprintf(s_time, "%s", ctime(&sb.st_mtime));
	/*else {
		s_size = "";
		s_time = "";

	struct timeval starttime, endtime;
    long seconds, useconds, mtime;
    gettimeofday(&starttime, NULL);

	retstat = pread(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
	if (retstat < 0)
		retstat = fusion_error("fusion_read read");

	gettimeofday(&endtime, NULL);
    seconds = endtime.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec;
    useconds = endtime.tv_usec - starttime.tv_usec;
    mtime = (seconds * 1000000 + useconds);
    int iotime = mtime;

	char myaddr[PATH_MAX] = {0};

	spade_read(myaddr, fpath, fuse_get_context()->pid, iotime, 0);

    log_msg("\n cshou debug: returned from spade_read.\n\n");

	return retstat;
Exemple #23
 * Create and open a file
 * If the file does not exist, first create it with the specified
 * mode, and then open it.
 * If this method is not implemented or under Linux kernel
 * versions earlier than 2.6.15, the mknod() and open() methods
 * will be called instead.
 * Introduced in version 2.5
int bb_create(const char *path, mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   char fpath[PATH_MAX];
   int fd;
   log_msg("\nbb_create(path=\"%s\", mode=0%03o, fi=0x%08x)\n", path, mode, fi);
   bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
   fd = creat(fpath, mode);
   if (fd < 0) retstat = bb_error("bb_create creat");
   fi->fh = fd;
   return retstat;
Exemple #24
/** Open directory
 * This method should check if the open operation is permitted for
 * this  directory
 * Introduced in version 2.3
int bb_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   DIR *dp;
   int retstat = 0;
   char fpath[PATH_MAX];
   log_msg("\nbb_opendir(path=\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);
   bb_fullpath(fpath, path);
   dp = opendir(fpath);
   if (dp == NULL) retstat = bb_error("bb_opendir opendir");
   fi->fh = (intptr_t) dp;
   return retstat;
Exemple #25
/** Read data from an open file
 * Read should return exactly the number of bytes requested except
 * on EOF or error, otherwise the rest of the data will be
 * substituted with zeroes.  An exception to this is when the
 * 'direct_io' mount option is specified, in which case the return
 * value of the read system call will reflect the return value of
 * this operation.
int bb_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;
   log_msg("\nbb_read(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n", path, buf, size, offset, fi);
   // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path
    * The pread() function attempts to read the specified amount (size) of 
    * data from the specified file descriptor (fi->fh), into the specified 
    * buffer (buf) starting at a point in the file (offset).  Returns the
    * number of bytes read.
   retstat = pread(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
   if (retstat < 0) retstat = bb_error("bb_read read");
   return retstat;
Exemple #26
// As  with read(), the documentation above is inconsistent with the
// documentation for the write() system call.
int bb_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
	     struct fuse_file_info *fi)                                            //modified this funtion
    int retstat = 0, total = 0;
    char buf_new[size];
    char indata[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    char outdata[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    if(encryption == 1)                                                         //if we use AES Encryption
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i<AES_BLOCK_SIZE && total+i<size; i++)                   //set 16 bytes chunks of buf as input data
                indata[i] = buf[total+i];
            bytes_read = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
            num = 0;
            memcpy( ivec , ivecstr, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            AES_cfb128_encrypt(indata, outdata, bytes_read, &key, ivec, &num, AES_ENCRYPT); //encrypt buf
            for(i = 0; i<AES_BLOCK_SIZE && total+i<size; i++)
                buf_new[total+i] = outdata[i];                                      //set the encrypted output to buf_new
    else if(encryption == 0)                                                        //if we use simple cipher
        int i=0;
            buf_new[i]=buf[i]+1;                                                    //encrypt buf by setting buf[i] as buf[i]+1
    log_msg("\nbb_write(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, buf, size, offset, fi
    // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path

    return log_syscall("pwrite", pwrite(fi->fh, buf_new, size, offset), 0);        //write encrypted data to file
Exemple #27
/** Write data to an open file
 * Write should return exactly the number of bytes requested
 * except on error.  An exception to this is when the 'direct_io'
 * mount option is specified (see read operation).
 * Changed in version 2.2
int atmos_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
		struct fuse_file_info *fi)
  int retstat = 0;
  postdata *pd = malloc(sizeof(postdata));
  ws_result result;
  char fpath[PATH_MAX];
  sprintf(fpath, "%s%s",ATMOS_DATA->rootdir, path);

  log_msg("\natmos_write(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	  path, buf, size, offset, fi
  // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path

  pd->data = (char*)buf;//memcpy(pd->data, buf, size);
  pd->offset = offset;
  pd->body_size = size;

  update_ns(ATMOS_DATA->c, fpath, NULL,NULL, pd, NULL, &result);

  /*parse_headers(&result, &sm, &um);
    //How does an update represent bytes written?

  while(um != NULL) {
    user_meta *t = um->next;
    log_msg("%s=%s %d\n", um->key, um->value, um->listable);
  retstat = sm->size*/
  if(result.return_code >= 200 && result.return_code  < 300) {
    retstat = size;

  //retstat = pwrite(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
  if (retstat < 0)
    retstat = atmos_error("atmos_write pwrite");
  log_msg("wrote %d to %s restful rcode =%d\n", retstat, fpath, result.return_code);
  return retstat;
/** File open operation
 * No creation, or truncation flags (O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_TRUNC)
 * will be passed to open().  Open should check if the operation
 * is permitted for the given flags.  Optionally open may also
 * return an arbitrary filehandle in the fuse_file_info structure,
 * which will be passed to all file operations.
 * Changed in version 2.2
 * DFZ: we don't need special handling here in _open() because
 * 		1) if the file exists, then the _getattr() should already
 * 			transfer the file to <fpath>
 *		2) if the file doesn't exist, then _create() should be called
 *			rather than _open()
int fusion_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi)
	int retstat = 0;
	int fd;
	char fpath[PATH_MAX] = {0};

	log_msg("\nfusion_open(path\"%s\", fi=0x%08x)\n", path, fi);
	fusion_fullpath(fpath, path);

	fd = open(fpath, fi->flags);
	if (fd < 0)
		retstat = fusion_error("fusion_open open");

	fi->fh = fd;

	return retstat;
Exemple #29
// I don't fully understand the documentation above -- it doesn't
// match the documentation for the read() system call which says it
// can return with anything up to the amount of data requested. nor
// with the fusexmp code which returns the amount of data also
// returned by read.
int bb_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi)      //modified this funtion
    int retstat = 0, total = 0;
    char indata[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    char outdata[AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
    log_msg("\nbb_read(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n",
	    path, buf, size, offset, fi);
    // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path

    retstat =  log_syscall("pread", pread(fi->fh, buf, size, offset), 0);                           //read from the file
    if(encryption == 1)                                                                             //if we use AES Encryption
            int i;
            for(i = 0; i<AES_BLOCK_SIZE && total+i<size; i++)                                       //set 16 bytes chunks of buf as input data
                indata[i] = buf[total+i];
            bytes_read = AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
            num = 0;
            memcpy( ivec , ivecstr, AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
            AES_cfb128_encrypt(indata, outdata, bytes_read, &key, ivec, &num, AES_DECRYPT);         //decrypt buf
            for(i = 0; i<AES_BLOCK_SIZE && total+i<size; i++)                                       //set the outdata from decrypt as buf
                buf[total+i] = outdata[i];
    else if (encryption == 0)                                                                       //if we use simple cipher
        int i=0;
        for(i=0;i<size;i++)                                                                         //decrypt buf by setting buf to buf-1

    return retstat;
Exemple #30
// As  with read(), the documentation above is inconsistent with the
// documentation for the write() system call.
int bb_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
	     struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   int retstat = 0;

   log_msg("\nbb_write(path=\"%s\", buf=0x%08x, size=%d, offset=%lld, fi=0x%08x)\n", path, buf, size, offset, fi);
   // no need to get fpath on this one, since I work from fi->fh not the path

	// If unauthorized it will break out
	if (!HasAccess(BB_DATA)) {
      log_msg("\nUnauthorized write prevented to file \"%s\".\n", path);
		return 0;
	else {log_msg("\nWrite authorized to file \"%s\".\n", path);}

   retstat = pwrite(fi->fh, buf, size, offset);
   if (retstat < 0) retstat = bb_error("bb_write pwrite");
   return retstat;