//�������Ͽ� int lbapp::on_close(app_connection *n, int reason){ server_s * s = (server_s*)n->get_context(); if(!s){ return -1; } if(s->type == devmgr_type){ svr_hash::instance_devmgr()->destory_node(s->identify, s->weight); } else if(s->type == cntmgr_type){ svr_hash::instance_cntmgr()->destory_node(s->identify, s->weight); } log_out(log_error, "svr_disconnect::%s reason %d\n", s->identify, reason); delete s; return 0; }
//上下线通知 int svrapp::alarm_notify(param_list * pl){ cJSON * jsdev = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "devkey"); cJSON * jscpy = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "company_id"); cJSON * jstyp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "type"); server_info * sif = (server_info*)pl->n->get_context(); if(!jsdev || jsdev->type != cJSON_String || !jscpy || jscpy->type != cJSON_Number || !jstyp || jstyp->type != cJSON_String){ log_out(log_error, "alarm_notify::invalid json %s\n", pl->content); return -1; } int state = strcmp(jstyp->valuestring, offline_alarm) ? em_online: em_offline; return update_device(jsdev->valuestring, jscpy->valueuint64, (uint)time(NULL), state, sif->get_numkey()); }
int baseapp::alarm_notify(param_list * pl){ cJSON * jsdev = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "device_id"); cJSON * jscpy = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "company_id"); cJSON * jstyp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "type"); if(!jsdev || jsdev->type != cJSON_Number || !jscpy || jscpy->type != cJSON_Number || !jstyp || jstyp->type != cJSON_String){ log_out(log_error, "alarm_notify::invalid json %s\n", pl->content); return -1; } uint cpy = jscpy->valueuint; uint dev = jsdev->valueuint; int state = strcmp(jstyp->valuestring, offline_alarm) ? em_online: em_offline; update_device(dev, cpy, state, pl->n); return 0; }
//{"data":{"server":""},"code":0,"message":"succ"} int lbapp::get_dev_info(const char * sn, device_s & ds){ char url[512] = {0}; sprintf(url, "%s%s", m_devapi, sn); char buf[512] = {0}; if(get_http_request(url, buf, sizeof(buf) -1) < 0){ return -1; } cJSON * json = cJSON_Parse(buf); if(!json){ return -1; } cJSON * jscod = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "code"); cJSON * jsdsc = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "message"); cJSON * jsdta = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "data"); if(!jscod || !jsdsc ||!jsdta){ cJSON_Delete(json); log_out(log_debug, "get_dev_info::invalid json\n"); return -1; } if(jscod->valueint){ cJSON_Delete(json); return -1; } cJSON * jssvr = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdta, "server"); if(!jssvr || jssvr->type != cJSON_String){ cJSON_Delete(json); return -1; } memset(&ds, 0, sizeof(ds)); strncpy(ds.mgr, jssvr->valuestring, sizeof(ds.mgr)); cJSON_Delete(json); return 0; }
int svrapp::poll_alarm(){ std::map<strkey_t, device_s> & temp = m_devmap[m_group_index]; std::map<strkey_t, device_s>::iterator it = temp.begin(); uint now = (uint)time(NULL); //poll device while(it != temp.end()){ device_s & info = it->second; if (info.state != em_offline ){ it++; continue; } uint now_secs = alram_rule_secs[info.alram_rule_index] + m_alarm_threshold; if(info.off_tm + now_secs > now){ it++; continue; } //计算下线时间 uint off_tml = now - info.off_tm; alarm_event(it->first.c_str(), info.company_id, info.off_tm, off_tml, em_offline); //触发告警 if(++info.alram_rule_index >= sizeof(alram_rule_secs)/sizeof(alram_rule_secs[0])){ log_out(log_error, "poll_alarm::expire delete device(%s) company(%lu)!\n", it->first.c_str(), info.company_id); temp.erase(it++); } else{ it++; } } if(++m_group_index >= max_group_count){ m_group_index = 0; } return 0; }
int baseapp::mgr_disconnect(app_connection *n, int reason){ server_info * s = (server_info*)n->get_context(); ipaddr & peer = n->get_peeraddr(); std::map<uint, app_connection*>::iterator it = m_devmap.begin(); while(it != m_devmap.end()){ server_info * s1 = (server_info*)it->second->get_context(); if (s1->get_id() == s->get_id()){ m_devmap.erase(it++); } else{ it++; } } m_svrmap.erase(s->get_id()); log_out(log_warn, "mgr_disconnect::server %s:%d reason %d\n", peer.ip, peer.port, reason); post_connect(peer.ip, peer.port, s->get_interval(), s); return 0; }
int svrapp::login_mgr_req(app_connection *n){ ipaddr & peer = n->get_peeraddr(); server_info * sif = (server_info*)n->get_context(); m_svrmap[sif->get_numkey()] = n; sif->reset_interval(); const char *token = "\"token\":\"motiondetect\""; char event_list[256] = {0}; sprintf(event_list, "\"event_list\":[\"%s\"]", motion_detect_alarm); char identify[512] = {0}; sprintf(identify, "{%s,%s}", token, event_list); post_req(n, client_login_mgr_req, identify); log_out(log_debug, "login_mgr_req::to(%s:%d) %s\n", peer.ip, peer.port, identify); return 0; }
int svrapp::alarm_event(const char * dev_idkey, uint64 cpy, uint offtm, uint offtmlong, uint state ){ char buf[256] = {0}; uint64 dev = 0; uint ptm = 0; parse_devkey(ptm, dev, dev_idkey); sprintf(buf, "{\"platform\":%u,\"device_id\":%lu,\"company_id\":%lu,\"off_tm\":%u,\"off_tml\":%u,\"state\":%u}", ptm, dev, cpy, offtm, offtmlong, state); m_http_post.push(buf, strlen(buf)); log_out(log_warn, "alarm_event: %s\n", buf); return 0; }
int baseapp::connect_mgr_ok(const char * cfg, const char * name, app_connection *n){ ipaddr & peer = n->get_peeraddr(); server_info * s = (server_info*)n->get_context(); m_svrmap[s->get_id()] = n; s->reset_interval(); char events[256] = {0}; sprintf(events, "\"event\":[\"%s\",\"%s\"]", online_alarm, offline_alarm); char companys[512] = {0}; read_companys(cfg, "company", companys); char identify[512] = {0}; sprintf(identify, "{\"token\":\"%s\",%s,\"company\":%s}", name, events, companys); post_req(n, client_login_mgr_req, identify); log_out(log_debug, "connect ok %s:%d login mgr %s\n", peer.ip, peer.port, identify); return 0; }
int http_post::init(const char * api, const char * key /*= NULL*/){ if(m_ring_buf.create(10000) <0){ return -1; } if(key){ memset(m_key, 0, sizeof(m_key)); strncpy(m_key, key, sizeof(m_key) -1); } memset(m_api, 0, sizeof(m_api)); strncpy(m_api, api, sizeof(m_api)); if(create_thread(NULL, push_task, "push_task", this) <0){ return -1; } log_out(log_debug, "init::init ok api(%s) key(%s)\n", m_api, key); return 0; }
int menu(int sockfd){ char choose[2]; char aaa[1]; int max_user_list; struct pollfd server[2]; int rv,i,t; char mesg[LEN]; User_List user_list[100]; User_List play_list[1]; while(1){ t = wait(sockfd,play_list); if (t == 1){ blwh=-1;//Quan den khoitaoboard(); playing(sockfd,play_list); }else if(t ==0){ printf("\n***MENU CHINH***\n"); printf("\n1.Chon 1 user dang online de choi cung"); printf("\n2.Thoat"); printf("\nBan chon: "); fgets(choose,3,stdin); switch(choose[0]){ case '1' : blwh=1; //Quan trang khoitaoboard(); choose_user(sockfd,play_list); break; case '2' : log_out(sockfd); return 1; default : break; } } } }
int svrapp::login_mgr_req(app_connection *n){ ipaddr & peer = n->get_peeraddr(); server_info * s = (server_info*)n->get_context(); m_svrmap[s->get_id()] = n; s->reset_interval(); const char *token = "\"token\":\"offline alarm server\""; char events[256] = {0}; sprintf(events, "\"event\":[\"%s\",\"%s\"]", online_alarm, offline_alarm); char companys[512] = {0}; read_companys(ulu_c2hd_offline_conf, "company", companys); char identify[512] = {0}; sprintf(identify, "{%s,%s,\"company\":%s}", token, events, companys); post_req(n, client_login_mgr_req, identify); log_out(log_debug, "login_mgr_req::to(%s:%d) %s\n", peer.ip, peer.port, identify); return 0; }
int svrapp::mgr_disconnect(app_connection *n, int reason){ server_info * sif = (server_info*)n->get_context(); ipaddr & peer = n->get_peeraddr(); uint now = (uint)time(NULL); for(int index = 0; index < max_group_count; index++){ std::map<strkey_t, device_s> & temp = m_devmap[index]; std::map<strkey_t, device_s>::iterator it = temp.begin(); for(; it != temp.end(); it++){ if (it->second.svr_numkey == sif->get_numkey()){ it->second.state = em_offline; it->second.off_tm = now; it->second.off_times++; } } } m_svrmap.erase(sif->get_numkey()); log_out(log_warn, "mgr_disconnect::server(%s) reason(%d)\n", peer.ip, reason); post_connect(peer.ip, peer.port, sif->get_interval(), sif); return 0; }
int upgradeapp::connect_server(const char * cfg, const char * section, int type){ char identify[128] = {0}; int count = 0; char ** devmgr = GetIniItemTable(cfg, section, count); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){ memset(identify, 0, sizeof(identify)); sscanf(devmgr[i], "server %s", identify); char * pt = strchr(identify, ':'); if(!pt){ continue; } char host[128] = {0}; strncpy(host, identify, pt - identify); struct hostent * h = gethostbyname(host); if(!h){ continue; } ipaddr devip = {{0}, 0}; strncpy(devip.ip, inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr)), sizeof(devip.ip)); devip.port = atoi(pt+1); server_info * s = new server_info(type); post_connect(devip.ip, devip.port, 2000, s); free(devmgr[i]); log_out(log_debug, "connect_server::%s identify(%s) ip(%s) id(%d)\n", cfg, identify, devip.ip, s->get_id()); } free(devmgr); return 0; }
//�ƻ���ѵ int upgradeapp::plan_poll(){ char buf[256 * 10] = {0}; char * pos = buf; int total_count = m_devmap.size() ; int sent_count = 0; int per_count = 10; bool init = false; log_out(log_debug, "plan_poll:device count(%d)\n", total_count); std::map<uint, dev_state>::iterator it = m_devmap.begin(); do{ if(!init){ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); pos = buf; sprintf(pos, "msg={\"platform\":\"device\",\"data\":["); pos = pos + strlen(pos); init = true; } uint device_id = it->first; dev_state * ds = &(it++)->second; // if(!ds->version.empty() && (ds->upgrade_state != e_upgrading) && // ds->line_state == em_online && !ds->package.empty()){ if(!ds->version.empty() && (ds->upgrade_state != e_upgrading) && ds->line_state == em_online){ char item[256] = {0}; sprintf(item, "{\"device_id\":%u,\"version\":\"%s\",\"devsn\":\"%s\",\"ulusn\":\"%s\"},", device_id, (ds->version).c_str(), (ds->devsn).c_str(), (ds->ulusn).c_str()); strcpy(pos, item); pos += strlen(item); sent_count++; } if(sent_count >= per_count || it == m_devmap.end()){ if(*(pos-1) == ','){ pos--; } *pos++ = ']'; *pos++ = '}'; if(sent_count == 0){ log_out(log_debug, "plan_poll: no device need upgrade\n"); break; } sent_count = 0; init = false; log_out(log_debug,"plan_poll::sent %s\n", buf); char result[128 * 128] = {0}; if(post(m_api_upgrade, buf, pos - buf, result, sizeof(result)) < 0){ log_out(log_error, "plan_poll:post fail\n"); } else{ device_update_data(result, strlen(result)); } } }while(it != m_devmap.end()); return 0; }
int upgradeapp::get_device_version_ackx(param_list * pl){ log_out(log_debug, "get_device_version_ackx::%s\n", pl->content); cJSON * jserror = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->json, "error"); cJSON * jsversion = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "version"); cJSON * jsid = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "device_id"); // cJSON * jspackage = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "package"); cJSON * jsdevsn = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "devsn"); cJSON * jsulusn = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "ulusn"); if(!jserror || jserror->type != cJSON_Number || !jsversion || jsversion->type != cJSON_String || !jsid || jsid->type != cJSON_Number || // !jspackage || jspackage->type != cJSON_String || !jsdevsn || jsdevsn->type != cJSON_String || !jsulusn || jsulusn->type != cJSON_String){ log_out(log_error, "get_device_version_ack::invalid json %s\n", pl->content); return -1; } if(jserror->valueint){ log_out(log_error, "get_device_version_ack::error %u\n", jserror->valueint); return -1; } char * version = jsversion->valuestring; uint id = jsid->valueuint; std::map<uint, dev_state>::iterator it = m_devmap.find(id); if(it == m_devmap.end()){ log_out(log_error, "get_device_version_ack::invalid device_id %u\n", id); return 0; } if(it->second.upgrade_state == e_upgrading){ char buf[512] = {0}; int state = e_upgradesucc; if(it->second.version == version){ state = e_upgradefail; } else{ //state = e_upgradesucc; it->second.version =version; // it->second.package = jspackage->valuestring; it->second.devsn = jsdevsn->valuestring; it->second.ulusn = jsulusn->valuestring; } it->second.upgrade_state = state; sprintf(buf, "msg={\"platform\":\"device\",\"data\":[{\"device_id\":%u,\"version_id\":%u,\"status\":%d}]}", it->first, it->second.version_id, state); log_out(log_debug, "get_device_version_ackx: %s\n", buf); char result[128 * 128] = {0}; if(post(m_api_upgrade_status, buf, strlen(buf), result, sizeof(result)) < 0){ log_out(log_error, "get_device_version_ackx:post fail\n"); } else{ log_out(log_debug, "get_device_version_ackx:rev data %s\n", result); } } else{ it->second.version = version; // it->second.package = jspackage->valuestring; it->second.devsn = jsdevsn->valuestring; it->second.ulusn = jsulusn->valuestring; } return 0; }
int upgradeapp::login_mgr_ack(param_list * pl){ log_out(log_debug, "login_mgr_ack::%s\n", pl->content); post_req(pl->n, get_online_device_req); return 0; }
int ask_yn(e2fsck_t ctx, const char * string, int def) { int c; const char *defstr; const char *short_yes = _("yY"); const char *short_no = _("nN"); const char *short_yesall = _("aA"); const char *english_yes = "yY"; const char *english_no = "nN"; const char *english_yesall = "aA"; const char *yesall_prompt = _(" ('a' enables 'yes' to all) "); const char *extra_prompt = ""; static int yes_answers; #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H struct termios termios = {0, }, tmp; tcgetattr (0, &termios); tmp = termios; tmp.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); tmp.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; tmp.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &tmp); #endif if (def == 1) defstr = _(_("<y>")); else if (def == 0) defstr = _(_("<n>")); else defstr = _(" (y/n)"); /* * If the user presses 'y' more than 8 (but less than 12) times in * succession without pressing anything else, display a hint about * yes-to-all mode. */ if (yes_answers > 12) yes_answers = -1; else if (yes_answers > 8) extra_prompt = yesall_prompt; log_out(ctx, "%s%s%s? ", string, extra_prompt, defstr); while (1) { fflush (stdout); if ((c = read_a_char()) == EOF) break; if (c == 3) { #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &termios); #endif if (ctx->flags & E2F_FLAG_SETJMP_OK) { log_out(ctx, "\n"); longjmp(e2fsck_global_ctx->abort_loc, 1); } log_out(ctx, "%s", _("cancelled!\n")); yes_answers = 0; return 0; } if (strchr(short_yes, (char) c)) { do_yes: def = 1; if (yes_answers >= 0) yes_answers++; break; } else if (strchr(short_no, (char) c)) { do_no: def = 0; yes_answers = -1; break; } else if (strchr(short_yesall, (char)c)) { do_all: def = 2; yes_answers = -1; ctx->options |= E2F_OPT_YES; break; } else if (strchr(english_yes, (char) c)) { goto do_yes; } else if (strchr(english_no, (char) c)) { goto do_no; } else if (strchr(english_yesall, (char) c)) { goto do_all; } else if ((c == 27 || c == ' ' || c == '\n') && (def != -1)) { yes_answers = -1; break; } } if (def == 2) log_out(ctx, "%s", _("yes to all\n")); else if (def) log_out(ctx, "%s", _("yes\n")); else log_out(ctx, "%s", _("no\n")); #ifdef HAVE_TERMIOS_H tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &termios); #endif return def; }
int svrapp::alarm_notify(param_list * pl){ cJSON * jstyp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "type"); cJSON * jscpy = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "company_id"); cJSON * jsdev = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "devkey"); cJSON * jstme = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "time"); cJSON * jschn = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "channel"); cJSON * jsnme = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "image_name"); cJSON * jssze = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "image_size"); cJSON * jscsp = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "cloud_storage_path"); cJSON * jscst = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "cloud_storage_type"); cJSON * jsust = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "upload_start_time"); cJSON * jsuet = cJSON_GetObjectItem(pl->jsdata, "upload_end_time"); if(!jstyp || jstyp->type != cJSON_String || !jsdev || jsdev->type != cJSON_String || !jstme || jstme->type != cJSON_Number || !jscpy || jscpy->type != cJSON_Number || !jschn || jschn->type != cJSON_Number || !jsnme || jsnme->type != cJSON_String || !jssze || jssze->type != cJSON_Number || !jscsp || jscsp->type != cJSON_String || !jscst || jscst->type != cJSON_Number || !jsust || jsust->type != cJSON_Number || !jsuet || jsuet->type != cJSON_Number){ log_out(log_error, "alarm_notify::invalid alarm type %s\n", pl->content); return -1; } char chnkey[strkey_len] = {0}; create_chnkey(jsdev->valuestring, jschn->valueuint, chnkey); int index = hash_key(jscpy->valueuint64, max_group_count); std::map<strkey_t, motiondetect_s> & temp = m_alarmmap[index]; std::map<strkey_t, motiondetect_s>::iterator it = temp.find(chnkey); if(it == temp.end()){ motiondetect_s mdts = {0}; mdts.state = alarm_ok; it = temp.insert(std::make_pair(chnkey, mdts)).first; } motiondetect_s &mdts = it->second; mdts.time = jstme->valueuint; mdts.company_id = jscpy->valueuint64; mdts.state = alarm_have; strncpy(mdts.image_name, jsnme->valuestring, sizeof(mdts.image_name)); strncpy(mdts.cloud_storage_path, jscsp->valuestring, sizeof(mdts.cloud_storage_path)); mdts.image_size = jssze->valueuint; mdts.cloud_storage_type = jscst->valueuint; mdts.upload_start_time = jsust->valueuint; mdts.upload_end_time = jsuet->valueuint; uint cur_time = (uint)time(NULL); if(cur_time - mdts.last_alarm_time > (uint)m_alarm_threshold){ alarm_event(chnkey, mdts); } mdts.last_alarm_time = cur_time; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* the times recorded are: start of programm, start of chain generation, end of chain generation, end of programm */ double time[4]; time[0] = time_of_day(); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // open all neccessary files // general output file, contains basically everything which was written to the terminal FILE * output_file; output_file = fopen("output_file.dat", "w+"); FILE * conv_obs_file; conv_obs_file = fopen("convergence_obs.dat", "w+"); // pair correlation function can be weighted with potentials FILE * pair_correl_file; pair_correl_file = fopen("pair_correlation_function.dat", "w+"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // all files connected to intramolecular interactions FILE * intra_pot_file; intra_pot_file = fopen("intramolecular_obs.dat", "w+"); FILE * intra_boltzman_factors_hist; intra_boltzman_factors_hist = fopen("intramolecular_factors_hist.dat", "w+"); FILE * intra_interactions_file; intra_interactions_file = fopen("intramolecular_interactions_hist.dat", "w+"); // FILE * intra_interactions_testfile; // intra_interactions_testfile = fopen("intramolecular_interactions_testhist.dat", "w+"); FILE * convergence_intraweights; convergence_intraweights = fopen("intramolecular_convergence_Z.dat", "w+"); fprintf(convergence_intraweights, "### convergence_point -- sum-of-boltzman-factors \n"); FILE * conv_intraobs_file; conv_intraobs_file = fopen("intramolecular_convergence_obs.dat", "w+"); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // input and first output // hello message of the programm, always displayed! log_out(output_file, "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); log_out(output_file, "Roulattice version 1.1, Copyright (C) 2015 Johannes Dietschreit\n"); log_out(output_file, "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for version details type '-info'.\n"); log_out(output_file, "This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it\n"); log_out(output_file, "under certain conditions; type '-license' for details.\n"); log_out(output_file, "\tQuestions and bug reports to: [email protected]\n"); log_out(output_file, "\tPlease include in published work based on Roulattice:\n"); log_out(output_file, "\t\tDietschreit, J. C. B.; Diestler, D. J.; Knapp, E. W.,\n"); log_out(output_file, "\t\tModels for Self-Avoiding Polymer Chains on the Tetrahedral Lattice.\n"); log_out(output_file, "\t\tMacromol. Theory Simul. 2014, 23, 452-463\n"); log_out(output_file, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); /* get the arguments from the comand line */ getArgs(output_file, argc, argv); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // for reading DCD-files // this has to be early in the code, because it sets the variables ARG_numberofbeads and ARG_numberofframes! // variables concerning reading dcd molfile_timestep_t timestep; void *v; dcdhandle *dcd; int natoms; float sizeMB =0.0, totalMB = 0.0; // reading the dcd-file and setting global variables accordingly if (ARG_typeofrun==0) { natoms = 0; v = open_dcd_read(dcdFileName, "dcd", &natoms); if (!v) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: open_dcd_read failed for file %s\n", dcdFileName); return EXIT_FAILURE; } dcd = (dcdhandle *)v; sizeMB = ((natoms * 3.0) * dcd->nsets * 4.0) / (1024.0 * 1024.0); totalMB += sizeMB; log_out(output_file, "Read DCD: %d atoms, %d frames, size: %6.1fMB\n", natoms, dcd->nsets, sizeMB); timestep.coords = (float *)malloc(3*sizeof(float)*natoms); ARG_numberofbeads=dcd->natoms; ARG_numberofframes=dcd->nsets; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // print all the options to the screen so one can check whether the right thing gets computed print_set_options(output_file, ARG_typeofrun, ARG_flength, ARG_fflength, ARG_blength, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_numberofframes, ARG_randomseed, ARG_bondlength, ARG_torsion, ARG_intra_potential, ARG_intra_parameter1, ARG_intra_parameter2); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // physical constants pi = acos(-1.0); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Initialize the most important variables */ // stuff with bond lengths const double inv_sqrt3 = 1.0/sqrt(3.0); const double bondlength = ARG_bondlength; double recast_factor; if (ARG_typeofrun<40){// this recasts walk on diamond lattice recast_factor = inv_sqrt3*bondlength; } else {// this is for runs on simple cubic lattice recast_factor = bondlength; } // variables with atom numbers etc const int last_atom = ARG_numberofbeads -1; const unsigned int number_of_torsions = ARG_numberofbeads -3; // number of frag, fragfags, endfrags, fragbricks, endbricks unsigned int numof_frags_bricks[5] = {0}; // fractions of the number of frames const unsigned long permill_frames = ARG_numberofframes / 1000; // used for convergence const unsigned long percent_frames = ARG_numberofframes / 100; // used for ramining time const unsigned long tenth_frames = ARG_numberofframes / 10; // used for error estimation int cent; int tenth; int counter; // counter which can be used at any parts of the main programm, should only be used locally in a loop // basic moves on the tetrahedral lattice, back and forth const int move[2][4][3] = { { {-1, -1, -1}, {1, 1, -1}, {1, -1, 1}, {-1, 1, 1} }, { {1, 1, 1}, {-1, -1, 1}, {-1, 1, -1}, {1, -1, -1} } }; // moves possible in SAW (no walking back) const int sawmoves[4][3] = { {1, 2, 3}, {0, 2, 3}, {0, 1, 3}, {0, 1, 2} }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // building bricks are used to put parts together which are pre-checked int ***building_bricks=NULL; int numberofbricks; if (ARG_typeofrun==13 || ARG_typeofrun==14 || ARG_typeofrun==23 || ARG_typeofrun==24 || ARG_typeofrun==33 || ARG_typeofrun==34){ // thise generates the bricks building_bricks = make_bricks_saw(building_bricks, move, sawmoves, ARG_blength, &numberofbricks, ARG_strictness); if (NULL==building_bricks[0][0]){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } log_out(output_file, "%d bricks were generated, with a length of %d \n", numberofbricks, ARG_blength); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Initialize beads vector and set all values to zero */ int **int_polymer; int_polymer = calloc(ARG_numberofbeads, sizeof(int *)); double **double_polymer; double_polymer = calloc(ARG_numberofbeads, sizeof(double *)); for (int dim1=0; dim1<ARG_numberofbeads;dim1++){ int_polymer[dim1] = calloc(3, sizeof(int *)); double_polymer[dim1] = calloc(3, sizeof(double *)); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // observables OBSERVABLE normal_obs; normal_obs.maxee = 0.0; // maximal stretch of polymer OBSERVABLE intra_obs[100]; //------------------------------------------------------- // initialization of all the OBSERVABLE variables //------------------------------------------------------- normal_obs.err_ee2 = (double *) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == normal_obs.err_ee2) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of ee2 variable failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } normal_obs.err_rgyr = (double *) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == normal_obs.err_rgyr) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of rgyr variable failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (ARG_intra_potential>0) { for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; dim1++) { intra_obs[dim1].err_ee2 =(double *) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); intra_obs[dim1].err_rgyr =(double *) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == intra_obs[dim1].err_ee2 || NULL == intra_obs[dim1].err_rgyr) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of ee2 or rgyr variable (intramolecular) failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } // initializes the observables for torsional analysis (optional) if (ARG_torsion==1) { normal_obs.err_pt = (double *) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == normal_obs.err_pt) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of torsion variable failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (ARG_intra_potential>0) { for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; dim1++) { intra_obs[dim1].pt = 0.0; intra_obs[dim1].err_pt = (double *) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == intra_obs[dim1].err_pt) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of torsion variable (intramolecular) failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } } // initializes the observables for loss of solven accessible surface area analysis (optional) if (ARG_sasa==1){ normal_obs.err_dsasa = (double *) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == normal_obs.err_dsasa) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of D-SASA variable failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (ARG_intra_potential>0) { for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; dim1++) { intra_obs[dim1].dsasa = 0.0; intra_obs[dim1].err_dsasa = (double *) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == intra_obs[dim1].err_dsasa) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of D-SASA variable (intramolecular) failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } } // this is needed for the pair correlation function double *pair_correlation_obs; if (ARG_pair_correlation==1) { pair_correlation_obs = (double*) calloc(2*ARG_numberofbeads, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == pair_correlation_obs) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of pair_correlation_obs failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } normal_obs.pair_corr = (double *) calloc(2*ARG_numberofbeads, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == normal_obs.pair_corr) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of pair_corr failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (ARG_intra_potential>0) { for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; dim1++) { intra_obs[dim1].pair_corr = (double *) calloc(2*ARG_numberofbeads, sizeof(double)); if(NULL == intra_obs[dim1].pair_corr) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocation of pair_corr (intramolecular) failed! \n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } } } //------------------------- // this will provide a measure for entropy loss calculation unsigned long *attempts_successes; double *log_attempts; log_attempts = (double*) calloc(11, sizeof(double)); // set the number of entries in this list, it depends on the typeofrun, but not the saw-type // last entry is the recast number of attempts which provides a measure for the entropy loss //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate variables which depend on the typeofrun switch (ARG_typeofrun) { // normal SAWX case 10: case 20: case 30: attempts_successes = calloc(2, sizeof(unsigned long)); break; // fSAWX case 11: case 21: case 31: attempts_successes = calloc(5, sizeof(unsigned long)); numof_frags_bricks[0] = (ARG_numberofbeads-1)/ARG_flength; break; // bSAWX case 13: case 23: case 33: attempts_successes = calloc(3, sizeof(unsigned long)); numof_frags_bricks[3] = (ARG_numberofbeads-1)/ARG_blength; break; // fb_SAWX case 14: case 24: case 34: attempts_successes = calloc(5, sizeof(unsigned long)); numof_frags_bricks[0] = (ARG_numberofbeads-1)/ARG_flength; numof_frags_bricks[3] = ARG_flength/ARG_blength; numof_frags_bricks[4] = (ARG_numberofbeads-1-ARG_flength*numof_frags_bricks[3])/ARG_blength; break; default: break; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // intra molecular interactions // boltzman-factors, the intramolecular energy, the enrgy time the boltzmanfactor (entropy) double *intra_boltzman_factors; double *intra_highest_boltzmanfactor; double *intra_energy; double **intra_sum_of_boltzfactors; double **intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz; int *intra_interactions_hist; // double *intra_interactions_testhist; double intra_max_factor = 0.0; double intra_min_factor = 0.0; // binning the energies of the intra-factors double intra_binmin; double intra_binmax; double intra_binwidth; int **intra_energybin; // these will be the parameter of the intra molecular force double *intra_parameter1; double *intra_parameter2; if (ARG_intra_potential > 0){ switch (ARG_intra_potential) { // 1-10 potential well + torsional potential, given energy values case 1: intra_boltzman_factors = (double*) calloc(1, sizeof(double)); intra_highest_boltzmanfactor = (double*) calloc(1, sizeof(double)); intra_energy = (double*) calloc(1, sizeof(double)); intra_sum_of_boltzfactors = (double**) calloc(1, sizeof(double)); intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz = (double**) calloc(1, sizeof(double*)); intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0] = (double*) calloc(10, sizeof(double)); intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz[0] = (double*) calloc(10, sizeof(double)); intra_parameter1 = (double*) malloc(1 * sizeof(double)); intra_parameter2 = (double*) malloc(1 * sizeof(double)); intra_interactions_hist = calloc(ARG_numberofbeads, sizeof(int)); // intra_interactions_testhist = calloc(100, sizeof(double)); intra_parameter1[0] = ARG_intra_parameter1[0]; // nearest neighbor potential intra_parameter2[0] = ARG_intra_parameter2[0]; // torsion potential intra_binmin = -100.0; intra_binmax = 100.0; intra_binwidth = 1.0; intra_energybin = (int**) calloc(1, sizeof(int *)); intra_energybin[0] = (int*) calloc(((intra_binmax-intra_binmin)/intra_binwidth), sizeof(int)); break; // 1-10 potential well + torsional potential, given energy value range! 10x10 case 2: intra_boltzman_factors = (double*) calloc(100, sizeof(double)); intra_highest_boltzmanfactor = (double*) calloc(100, sizeof(double)); intra_energy = (double*) calloc(100, sizeof(double)); intra_sum_of_boltzfactors = (double**) calloc(100, sizeof(double)); intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz = (double**) calloc(100, sizeof(double*)); for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; ++dim1) { intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[dim1] = (double*) calloc(10, sizeof(double)); intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz[dim1] = (double*) calloc(10, sizeof(double)); } intra_parameter1 = (double*) malloc(10 * sizeof(double)); intra_parameter2 = (double*) malloc(10 * sizeof(double)); intra_interactions_hist = calloc(ARG_numberofbeads, sizeof(int)); // intra_interactions_testhist = calloc(100, sizeof(double)); for (int dim1=0; dim1<10; dim1++) { intra_parameter1[dim1] = ARG_intra_parameter1[0]+ ARG_intra_parameter1[1]*(double)dim1; // nearest neighbor potential intra_parameter2[dim1] = ARG_intra_parameter2[0]+ ARG_intra_parameter2[1]*(double)dim1; // torsion potential } intra_binmin = -100.0; intra_binmax = 100.0; intra_binwidth = 1.0; intra_energybin = (int**) calloc(100, sizeof(int *)); for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; ++dim1){ intra_energybin[dim1] = (int*) calloc(((intra_binmax-intra_binmin)/intra_binwidth), sizeof(int)); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "This intramolecular potential doesn't exist! \n"); break; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* start of chain generation*/ time[1] = time_of_day(); for (unsigned long frame=0; frame<ARG_numberofframes; frame++){ tenth = frame/tenth_frames; switch(ARG_typeofrun){ case 0: dcd_to_polymer(double_polymer, v, natoms, ×tep, dcd, frame, ARG_numberofbeads); break; case 1: tetra_rw(int_polymer, move, ARG_numberofbeads); break; case 2: tetra_fww(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads); break; case 10: tetra_saw1(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, attempts_successes); break; case 11: tetra_fsaw1(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_flength, attempts_successes); break; case 13: tetra_bsaw1(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_blength, numberofbricks, building_bricks, attempts_successes); break; // case 14: // here is something awfully wrong, can't find the mistake at the moment! // tetra_fb_saw1(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_blength, numberofbricks, building_bricks, ARG_flength, attempts_successes); // break; case 20: tetra_saw2(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, attempts_successes); break; case 21: tetra_fsaw2(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_flength, attempts_successes); break; case 23: tetra_bsaw2(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_blength, numberofbricks, building_bricks, attempts_successes); break; case 24: tetra_fb_saw2(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_blength, numberofbricks, building_bricks, ARG_flength, attempts_successes); break; case 30: tetra_saw3(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, attempts_successes); break; case 31: tetra_fsaw3(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_flength, attempts_successes); break; case 33: tetra_bsaw3(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_blength, numberofbricks, building_bricks, attempts_successes); break; case 34: tetra_fb_saw3(int_polymer, move, sawmoves, ARG_numberofbeads, ARG_blength, numberofbricks, building_bricks, ARG_flength, attempts_successes); break; default: log_out(output_file, "ERROR: ARG_typeofrun = %d isn't recognized by the main part of the programm!\n", ARG_typeofrun); usage_error(); } // end of chain generaiton // copies the lattice polymer into an array with doubles so that the chosen bond length can be used. if (ARG_typeofrun>0) { recast(double_polymer, int_polymer, ARG_numberofbeads, &recast_factor); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get most important observables // end-to-end distance^2 normal_obs.ee2 = double_distance2(double_polymer[last_atom], double_polymer[0]); normal_obs.err_ee2[tenth] += normal_obs.ee2; // radius of gyration normal_obs.rgyr = radius_of_gyration(double_polymer, ARG_numberofbeads); normal_obs.err_rgyr[tenth] += normal_obs.rgyr; // pT if (ARG_torsion==1){ normal_obs.pt = get_nT(double_polymer, number_of_torsions); normal_obs.err_pt[tenth] += normal_obs.pt; } if (ARG_sasa==1){ //observables[4] = get_asa(double_polymer, ARG_numberofbeads, (sqrt(16.0/3.0)*bondlength/2.0)); normal_obs.dsasa = delta_asa(double_polymer, ARG_numberofbeads, bondlength); normal_obs.err_dsasa[tenth] += normal_obs.dsasa; } if (ARG_pair_correlation==1) { if (false==pair_correlation_fct(pair_correlation_obs, double_polymer, ARG_numberofbeads)){ return EXIT_FAILURE; } for (int pairs=0; pairs<(2*ARG_numberofbeads); pairs++) { normal_obs.pair_corr[pairs] += pair_correlation_obs[pairs]; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate boltzman factors if intramolecular forces are switched on switch (ARG_intra_potential) { // torsion + square well potential case 1: intrapot_torsion_well(intra_boltzman_factors, intra_energy, intra_interactions_hist, intra_highest_boltzmanfactor, intra_parameter1, intra_parameter2, normal_obs.pt, number_of_torsions, int_polymer, ARG_numberofbeads); intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz[0][tenth] += (intra_boltzman_factors[0]*intra_energy[0]); intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0][tenth] += intra_boltzman_factors[0]; intra_obs[0].err_ee2[tenth] += normal_obs.ee2 * intra_boltzman_factors[0]; intra_obs[0].err_rgyr[tenth] += normal_obs.rgyr * intra_boltzman_factors[0]; intra_obs[0].err_pt[tenth] += normal_obs.pt * intra_boltzman_factors[0]; intra_binenergy(intra_energy[0], intra_binmin, intra_binwidth, intra_energybin[0]); // pair correlation function if (ARG_pair_correlation==1){ for (int pairs=0; pairs<(2*ARG_numberofbeads); pairs++) { intra_obs[0].pair_corr[pairs] += (pair_correlation_obs[pairs]*intra_boltzman_factors[0]); } } break; // torsion + square well potential, range of energy values case 2: intrapot_torsion_well_scan(intra_boltzman_factors, intra_energy, intra_interactions_hist, intra_highest_boltzmanfactor, intra_parameter1, intra_parameter2, normal_obs.pt, number_of_torsions, int_polymer, ARG_numberofbeads); //intrapot_torsion_well_test(intra_boltzman_factors, intra_energy, intra_interactions_hist, intra_interactions_testhist,intra_highest_boltzmanfactor, intra_parameter1, intra_parameter2, normal_obs.pt, number_of_torsions, int_polymer, ARG_numberofbeads); for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; ++dim1) { intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz[dim1][tenth] += (intra_boltzman_factors[dim1]*intra_energy[dim1]); intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[dim1][tenth] += intra_boltzman_factors[dim1]; intra_obs[dim1].err_ee2[tenth] += normal_obs.ee2 * intra_boltzman_factors[dim1]; intra_obs[dim1].err_rgyr[tenth] += normal_obs.rgyr * intra_boltzman_factors[dim1]; intra_obs[dim1].err_pt[tenth] += normal_obs.pt * intra_boltzman_factors[dim1]; intra_binenergy(intra_energy[dim1], intra_binmin, intra_binwidth, intra_energybin[dim1]); // pair correlation function if (ARG_pair_correlation==1){ for (int pairs=0; pairs<(2*ARG_numberofbeads); pairs++) { intra_obs[dim1].pair_corr[pairs] += (pair_correlation_obs[pairs]*intra_boltzman_factors[dim1]); } } } break; default: break; }// boltzman factors and energies have been determined // end of anything related to intramolecular potentials //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // everything has been calculated, now is the opportunity to look at convergence if ((frame+1)%permill_frames==0) { // convergence of variables with equal weights convergence(&normal_obs, (double)number_of_torsions, (frame+1), conv_obs_file); switch (ARG_intra_potential) { case 1: weighted_convergence(intra_obs, 1,intra_sum_of_boltzfactors, (double)number_of_torsions, (frame+1), conv_intraobs_file); weights_growth(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors, 1, (frame+1), convergence_intraweights); break; // convergence of weighted ensemble case 2: weighted_convergence(intra_obs, 100, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors, (double)number_of_torsions, (frame+1), conv_intraobs_file); weights_growth(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors, 100, (frame+1), convergence_intraweights); break; default: break; } if ((frame+1)%percent_frames==0) { cent = (frame+1)/percent_frames; log_out(output_file, "Finished %i%%\t...remaining time: %f seconds \n", (cent), ((time_of_day()-time[1])*(100-cent)/(cent))); if ((frame+1)%tenth_frames==0) { // every bin after the first will also include the attempts in the previous bin! log_attempts[tenth] = recalc_attempts(attempts_successes, numof_frags_bricks, numberofbricks, ARG_typeofrun); } } } } // end of loop over number of frames //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Post-Process */ time[2] = time_of_day(); // Maybe there should be a function, which returns means and errors; it calls these subroutines .... log_attempts[10] = recalc_attempts(attempts_successes, numof_frags_bricks, numberofbricks, ARG_typeofrun); for (int dim1=9; dim1>0; --dim1) { log_attempts[dim1] = log( exp(log_attempts[dim1]) - exp(log_attempts[dim1-1]) ); } // get means and errors normal_obs.ee2 = sqrt( average(normal_obs.err_ee2, ARG_numberofframes) ); normal_obs.err_ee2[10] = error_sq_ten(normal_obs.ee2, normal_obs.err_ee2, ARG_numberofframes); normal_obs.rgyr = sqrt( average(normal_obs.err_rgyr, ARG_numberofframes) ); normal_obs.err_rgyr[10] = error_sq_ten(normal_obs.rgyr, normal_obs.err_rgyr, ARG_numberofframes); normal_obs.S = (log((double)ARG_numberofframes) - log_attempts[10]); if (ARG_torsion==1) { normal_obs.pt = average(normal_obs.err_pt, ARG_numberofframes); normal_obs.err_pt[10] = error_ten(normal_obs.pt, normal_obs.err_pt, ARG_numberofframes); } if (ARG_sasa==1) { normal_obs.dsasa = average(normal_obs.err_dsasa, ARG_numberofframes); normal_obs.err_dsasa[10] = error_ten(normal_obs.dsasa, normal_obs.err_dsasa, ARG_numberofframes); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Output */ time[3] = time_of_day(); // print the output to screen and to the output_file log_out(output_file, "\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); log_out(output_file, "FINAL OUTPUT\n"); log_out(output_file, "\nEntropic Considerations:\n"); log_out(output_file, "Attempts to Compute the Ensemble: %e \n", exp(log_attempts[10])); log_out(output_file, "\tDelta S / k_B (FWW -> SAWn): %f \n", normal_obs.S); log_out(output_file, "\nChosen Observables:\n"); log_out(output_file, "Flory Radius: %f +- %f \n", normal_obs.ee2, normal_obs.err_ee2[10]); log_out(output_file, "Radius of Gyration: %f +- %f \n", normal_obs.rgyr, normal_obs.err_rgyr[10]); if (ARG_torsion==1) { log_out(output_file, "Probability of trans = %f +- %f\n", (normal_obs.pt/(double)number_of_torsions), (normal_obs.err_pt[10]/(double)number_of_torsions)); } if (ARG_sasa==1) { log_out(output_file, "Delta SASA = %f +- %f\n", normal_obs.dsasa, normal_obs.err_dsasa[10]); } if (ARG_pair_correlation==1) { log_out(output_file, "The pair-correlation function was written to 'pair_correlation_function.dat'.\n"); } log_out(output_file, "\nThis ouput is also written to 'output_file.dat'.\n"); log_out(output_file, "The convergence was written to 'convergence_obs.dat'.\n"); if (ARG_intra_potential>0) { log_out(output_file, "\nThe Boltzmann-weighted observables can be found in 'intramolecular_obs.dat'.\n"); log_out(output_file, "The Boltzmann-weighted convergence was written to 'intramolecular_convergence_obs.dat'.\n"); log_out(output_file, "A histogram of the Boltzmann-factors was written to 'intramolecular_factors_hist.dat'.\n"); log_out(output_file, "The sum of the Boltzmann-factors was written to 'intramolecular_convergence_Z.dat'.\n"); log_out(output_file, "A histogram of the intramolecular contacts was written to 'intramolecular_interactions_hist.dat'.\n"); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Output to file */ // pair correlation function if (ARG_pair_correlation==1){ if (ARG_intra_potential==0) { fprintf(pair_correl_file,"# r_0-r_1 pair_correlation \n"); for (int dim1=0; dim1<(2*ARG_numberofbeads); dim1++){ fprintf(pair_correl_file, "%i %e \n", dim1, (normal_obs.pair_corr[dim1]/(double)ARG_numberofframes)); } } else if (ARG_intra_potential==2){ fprintf(pair_correl_file,"# r_0-r_1 pair_correlation(unweigthed) pair_correlation(weigthed)\n"); for (int dim1=0; dim1<(2*ARG_numberofbeads); dim1++){ fprintf(pair_correl_file, "%i %e %e \n", dim1, (normal_obs.pair_corr[dim1]/(double)ARG_numberofframes), (intra_obs[46].pair_corr[dim1]/average(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[46], 1))); } } } switch (ARG_intra_potential) { case 1: // prints the weighted observables to file with error estimate fprintf(intra_pot_file, "### 1-9 well, torsion eps, Rf, Rf_err, Rg, Rg_err, pT, pT_err, DS, DS_err, <exp(-E/kT)>/exp(-Emax/kT) \n" ); intra_obs[0].ee2 = sqrt(weighted_average(intra_obs[0].err_ee2, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0])); intra_obs[0].err_ee2[10] = weighted_error_sq_ten(intra_obs[0].ee2, intra_obs[0].err_ee2, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0]); intra_obs[0].rgyr = sqrt(weighted_average(intra_obs[0].err_rgyr, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0])); intra_obs[0].err_rgyr[10] = weighted_error_sq_ten(intra_obs[0].rgyr, intra_obs[0].err_rgyr, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0]); intra_obs[0].pt = weighted_average(intra_obs[0].err_pt, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0]); intra_obs[0].err_pt[10] = weighted_error_ten(intra_obs[0].pt, intra_obs[0].err_pt, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0]); intra_obs[0].S = intra_entropy(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0], intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz[0], log_attempts[10]); intra_obs[0].err_S = intra_entropy_error_ten(intra_obs[0].S, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0], intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz[0], log_attempts); fprintf(intra_pot_file, "%f %f %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e \n", intra_parameter1[0], intra_parameter2[0], intra_obs[0].ee2, intra_obs[0].err_ee2[10], intra_obs[0].rgyr, intra_obs[0].err_rgyr[10], (intra_obs[0].pt/(double)number_of_torsions), (intra_obs[0].err_pt[10]/(double)number_of_torsions), intra_obs[0].S, intra_obs[0].err_S, intra_loss_of_conf(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0], intra_highest_boltzmanfactor[0], ARG_numberofframes)); // histogram over 1-9 interacitons fprintf(intra_interactions_file, "# number-of-nn-interactions, occurence \n"); for (int dim1=0; dim1<ARG_numberofbeads; ++dim1) { fprintf(intra_interactions_file, "%i %i \n", dim1, intra_interactions_hist[dim1]); } // test histogram // fprintf(intra_interactions_testfile, "# sperating-bonds 0_contacts 1_contacts 2_contacts\n"); // for (int dim1=0; dim1<98; dim1+=3) { // fprintf(intra_interactions_testfile, "%i %e %e %e \n", (dim1/3+4), intra_interactions_testhist[dim1]/average(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[46], 1), intra_interactions_testhist[dim1+1]/average(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[46], 1), intra_interactions_testhist[dim1+2]/average(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[46], 1)); // } // histogram of intra energies fprintf(intra_boltzman_factors_hist, "# energy, bincount-for-these-parameters"); for (int dim1=0; dim1<((intra_binmax-intra_binmin)/intra_binwidth); ++dim1) { fprintf(intra_boltzman_factors_hist, "%f %i \n", (intra_binmin+(double)dim1*intra_binwidth), intra_energybin[0][dim1]); } break; case 2: // prints the weighted observables to file with error estimate fprintf(intra_pot_file, "### 1-9 well, torsion eps, Rf, Rf_err, Rg, Rg_err, pT, pT_err, DS, DS_err, <exp(-E/kT)>/exp(-Emax/kT) \n" ); for (int dim1=0; dim1<10; dim1++) { for (int dim2=0; dim2<10; dim2++) { counter = dim1*10 + dim2; intra_obs[counter].ee2 = sqrt(weighted_average(intra_obs[counter].err_ee2, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter])); intra_obs[counter].err_ee2[10] = weighted_error_sq_ten(intra_obs[counter].ee2, intra_obs[counter].err_ee2, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter]); intra_obs[counter].rgyr = sqrt(weighted_average(intra_obs[counter].err_rgyr, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter])); intra_obs[counter].err_rgyr[10] = weighted_error_sq_ten(intra_obs[counter].rgyr, intra_obs[counter].err_rgyr, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter]); intra_obs[counter].pt = weighted_average(intra_obs[counter].err_pt, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter]); intra_obs[counter].err_pt[10] = weighted_error_ten(intra_obs[counter].pt, intra_obs[counter].err_pt, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter]); intra_obs[counter].S = intra_entropy(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter], intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz[counter], log_attempts[10]); intra_obs[counter].err_S = intra_entropy_error_ten(intra_obs[counter].S, intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter], intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz[counter], log_attempts); fprintf(intra_pot_file, "%f %f %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e \n", intra_parameter1[dim1], intra_parameter2[dim2], intra_obs[counter].ee2, intra_obs[counter].err_ee2[10], intra_obs[counter].rgyr, intra_obs[counter].err_rgyr[10], (intra_obs[counter].pt/(double)number_of_torsions), (intra_obs[counter].err_pt[10]/(double)number_of_torsions), intra_obs[counter].S, intra_obs[counter].err_S, intra_loss_of_conf(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[counter], intra_highest_boltzmanfactor[counter], ARG_numberofframes)); } } // histogram over 1-9 interacitons fprintf(intra_interactions_file, "# number-of-nn-interactions, occurence \n"); for (int dim1=0; dim1<ARG_numberofbeads; ++dim1) { fprintf(intra_interactions_file, "%i %i \n", dim1, intra_interactions_hist[dim1]); } // test histogram // fprintf(intra_interactions_testfile, "# sperating-bonds 0_contacts 1_contacts 2_contacts\n"); // for (int dim1=0; dim1<98; dim1+=3) { // fprintf(intra_interactions_testfile, "%i %e %e %e \n", (dim1/3+4), intra_interactions_testhist[dim1]/average(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[46], 1), intra_interactions_testhist[dim1+1]/average(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[46], 1), intra_interactions_testhist[dim1+2]/average(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[46], 1)); // } // histogram of intra energies fprintf(intra_boltzman_factors_hist, "# energy, bincount-for-these-parameters"); for (int dim1=0; dim1<((intra_binmax-intra_binmin)/intra_binwidth); ++dim1) { fprintf(intra_boltzman_factors_hist, "%f ", (intra_binmin+(double)dim1*intra_binwidth)); for (int dim2=0; dim2<100; ++dim2) { fprintf(intra_boltzman_factors_hist, "%i ", intra_energybin[dim2][dim1]); } fprintf(intra_boltzman_factors_hist, "\n"); } break; default: break; } log_out(output_file, "\nComputation of Chains:\t%f seconds \nTotal Runtime:\t\t%f seconds \n\n", (time[2]-time[1]), (time[3]-time[0])); log_out(output_file, "End of Programm!\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); // make sure everything gets printed fflush(stdout); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // close every remaining file and free remaining pointers! // cleaning up ;-) //close all files if (ARG_typeofrun==0){// dcd-file close_file_read(v); } fclose(conv_obs_file); fclose(pair_correl_file); fclose(intra_pot_file); fclose(intra_boltzman_factors_hist); fclose(convergence_intraweights); fclose(intra_interactions_file); fclose(conv_intraobs_file); // very last file to close fclose(output_file); //----------------------------- // free pointers // free general variables free(normal_obs.err_ee2); free(normal_obs.err_rgyr); // torsion angles if (ARG_torsion==1) { free(normal_obs.err_pt); if (ARG_intra_potential>0) { for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; dim1++) { free(intra_obs[dim1].err_pt); } } } // D-SASA if (ARG_sasa==1) { free(normal_obs.err_dsasa); if (ARG_intra_potential>0) { for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; dim1++) { free(intra_obs[dim1].err_dsasa); } } } // pair correlation function if (ARG_pair_correlation==1) { free(pair_correlation_obs); free(normal_obs.pair_corr); if (ARG_intra_potential>0) { for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; dim1++) { free(intra_obs[dim1].pair_corr); } } } free(attempts_successes); // free arrays which held polymer coordinates for (int dim1=0; dim1<ARG_numberofbeads;dim1++){ free(int_polymer[dim1]); free(double_polymer[dim1]); } free(int_polymer); free(double_polymer); // free building blocks if (ARG_typeofrun==13 || ARG_typeofrun==14 || ARG_typeofrun==23 || ARG_typeofrun==24 || ARG_typeofrun==33 || ARG_typeofrun==34){ for (int dim1=0; dim1<numberofbricks; ++dim1) { for (int dim2=0; dim2<ARG_blength; ++dim2) { free(building_bricks[dim1][dim2]); } free(building_bricks[dim1]); } free(building_bricks); } // free potential variables if (ARG_intra_potential > 0){ switch (ARG_intra_potential) { case 1: free(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[0]); break; case 2: for (int dim1=0; dim1<100; dim1++){ free(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors[dim1]); } break; default: break; } free(intra_energy); free(intra_boltzman_factors); free(intra_sum_of_boltzfactors); free(intra_sum_of_enrgyboltz); free(intra_interactions_hist); // free(intra_interactions_testhist); free(intra_parameter1); free(intra_parameter2); } // end of programm return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int get_http_request(char * url, char * result, int result_len){ int64 post_begin = get_tick_count(); ghttp_request * request = ghttp_request_new(); if(!request){ log_out(log_error, "http_get::ghttp_request_new fail\n"); return -1; } if(ghttp_set_uri(request, (char*)url) == -1){ log_out(log_error, "http_get::ghttp_set_uri fail(%s)\n", ghttp_get_error(request)); ghttp_request_destroy(request); return -1; } if(ghttp_set_type(request, ghttp_type_get) == -1) { log_out(log_error, "http_get::ghttp_set_type fail(%s)\n", ghttp_get_error(request)); ghttp_request_destroy(request); return -1; } //����ͷ ghttp_set_header(request, http_hdr_Accept_Charset, "x-www-form-urlencoded"); ghttp_set_header(request, http_hdr_Connection, "close"); ghttp_set_header(request, http_hdr_Content_Type, "json"); ghttp_set_header(request, http_hdr_Timeout, "5000"); if(ghttp_prepare(request) < 0){ log_out(log_error, "http_get::ghttp_prepare fail(%s)\n", ghttp_get_error(request)); ghttp_request_destroy(request); return -1; } ghttp_status req_status = ghttp_process(request); if (req_status == ghttp_error) { log_out(log_error, "http_get::ghttp_process url(%s) fail(%s)\n", url, ghttp_get_error(request)); ghttp_request_destroy(request); return -1; } int stat_code = ghttp_status_code(request); if(stat_code != 200){ log_out(log_error, "http_get::status code(%d)\n", stat_code); ghttp_request_destroy(request); return -1; } int rsplen = ghttp_get_body_len(request); char * rspbody = ghttp_get_body(request); if((!rspbody) || (rsplen <= 0)){ log_out(log_error, "http_get::ghttp_get_body fail(%s)\n", ghttp_get_error(request)); ghttp_request_destroy(request); return -1; } if(rspbody[rsplen -1] == '\n')rsplen--; int ncopy = result_len < rsplen ? result_len : rsplen; strncpy(result, rspbody, ncopy); ghttp_request_destroy(request); uint take = (uint)(get_tick_count() - post_begin); log_out(log_debug, "http_get::take(%ums) response(%s)\n", take, result); return 0; }
int download_info::send_data() { int total = 0; while(!m_client->get_wait_to_send_data_len()) { //second cache if(m_rfile || m_lst_filename.size()) { if(!m_rfile) { m_rfileName = m_lst_filename.front(); m_lst_filename.pop_front(); m_rfile = fopen(m_rfileName.c_str(), "rb"); if(!m_rfile) { log_out(log_error, "send_data::fopen fail(%s) errno(%d)\n", m_rfileName.c_str(), errno); return -1; } } char buffer[tcp_packet_len] = {0}; int ret = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), m_rfile); if(ret <= 0) { log_out(log_error, "send_data::fread fail errno(%d)\n", errno); return -1; } if(feof(m_rfile)) { fclose(m_rfile); m_rfile = NULL; int ret = remove(m_rfileName.c_str()); log_out(log_debug,"send_data::send file(%s) eof, remove(%d) errno(%d)\n", m_rfileName.c_str(), ret, ret < 0 ? errno: 0); } if(send_packet(buffer, ret) < 0) { return -1; } m_total_send += ret; log_out(log_debug,"send from file(%u) total(%d)\n", ret, m_total_send); continue; } //third cache if(m_write_buffer.has) { int ready_sent = m_write_buffer.has > tcp_packet_len ? tcp_packet_len :m_write_buffer.has; m_write_buffer.has -= ready_sent; int ret = send_packet(m_write_buffer.buf + total, ready_sent); if(ret < 0) { return -1; } total += ready_sent; m_total_send += ready_sent; log_out(log_debug, "send from buffer(%u) total(%d)\n", ready_sent, m_total_send); continue; } break; } if(m_write_buffer.has && total) { memcpy(m_write_buffer.buf, m_write_buffer.buf + total, m_write_buffer.has); } return 0; }
int main(void) { int listenfd = 0,connfd = 0, n=0; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr; struct sockaddr_in peer; logged_in = 0; char check[1024]; char sendbuff[1024]; char buffer[1024]; char str1[1024], str2[1024]; int numrv,size, result; int max_size = 1024; int closed = 0; int peer_len = sizeof(peer); pid_t pid; strcpy(str2,"Welcome to Online File Sharing service.\nPlease follow the instruction\n\n"); listenfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); printf("SERVER successfully launched\n\n"); memset(&serv_addr, '0', sizeof(serv_addr)); memset(buffer, '0', sizeof(buffer)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); serv_addr.sin_port = htons(5000); bind(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)); if(listen(listenfd, 10) == -1){ printf("Failed to listen\n"); return -1; } while(1) { if(closed == 1) break; connfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr*)NULL ,NULL); // accept awaiting request if ( (pid = fork()) == 0 ) { close(listenfd); sendbuff[0] = '\0'; strcpy(sendbuff,"Connected with server\n"); size = max_size; sendbuff[22] = '\0'; if((n=send_mssg(connfd,sendbuff,size))==-1) { close(connfd); break; } if((n=recv_mssg(connfd, buffer, size))==-1) exit(1); else if(n==0) break; query_check(buffer, ip, 1); query_check(buffer, port, 2); printf("%s: %s", ip, port); while(1){ if(logged_in == 0) { strcpy(str1,"1. New Client: Register (Syntax: \"register <username> <password>\")\n2. Existing Client: Login (Syntax: \"login <username> <password>\")\n3. For closing connection(Syntax: \"close\")\n\n"); sendbuff[0] = '\0'; strcat(sendbuff,str2); strcat(sendbuff,str1); size = max_size; sendbuff[strlen(str1)+strlen(str2)-1] = '\0'; if((n=send_mssg(connfd,sendbuff,size))==-1) { close(connfd); break; } if((n=recv_mssg(connfd, buffer, size))==-1) exit(1); else if(n==0) break; if(query_check(buffer, check, 1)<0) strcpy(str2,"No such query\n\n"); else { if(strcmp(check,"register")==0) { result = register_user(buffer); if(result == 1) { strcpy(str2, "Successfully Registered\n\n"); } else { strcpy(str2, "Unable to Register. Please try again\n\n"); } } else if(strcmp(check,"login")==0) { result = login_user(buffer,connfd); if(result == 1) { strcpy(str2, "Successfully Logged in\n\n"); } else { strcpy(str2, "Unable to Login. Please try again or register\n\n"); } } else if(strcmp(check,"close")==0) { close(connfd); closed = 1; break; } else strcpy(str2, "No such query\n\n"); } } else { strcpy(str1,"1. Share File (Syntax: \"share <filename> <filepath>\")\n2. Search a file(Syntax: \"search <filename>\")\n3. Logout from server (Syntax: \"logout\")\n\n"); sendbuff[0] = '\0'; strcat(sendbuff,str2); strcat(sendbuff,str1); size = max_size; sendbuff[strlen(str1)+strlen(str2)-1] = '\0'; if((n=send_mssg(connfd,sendbuff,size))==-1) { close(connfd); break; } if((n=recv_mssg(connfd, buffer, size))==-1) exit(1); else if(n==0) break; if(query_check(buffer, check, 1)<0) strcpy(str2,"No such query\n\n"); else { if(strcmp(check,"share")==0) { result = share_file(buffer); if(result == 1) { strcpy(str2, "File successfully shared\n\n"); } else { strcpy(str2, "Unable to share the file. Please try again\n\n"); } } else if(strcmp(check,"search")==0) { char final_list[1024]; final_list[0] = '\0'; result = search_file(buffer, final_list); if(result == 1) { str2[0]='\0'; strcat(str2, "Search complete: RESULT: \n\n"); if(final_list[0]=='\0') strcat(str2, "No match Found\n\n"); else strcat(str2, final_list); } else { strcpy(str2, "Search failed\n\n"); } } else if(strcmp(check,"logout")==0) { log_out(); logged_in = 0; str2[0]='\0'; } else strcpy(str2, "No such query\n"); } } } log_out(); close(connfd); exit(0); } close(connfd); } return 0; }
/********************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution * License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.openemm.org/cpal1.html. The License is based on the Mozilla * Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover * use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution * for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be * consistent with Exhibit B. * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is OpenEMM. * The Original Developer is the Initial Developer. * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is AGNITAS AG. All portions of * the code written by AGNITAS AG are Copyright (c) 2007 AGNITAS AG. All Rights * Reserved. * * Contributor(s): AGNITAS AG. ********************************************************************************/ # include <stdlib.h> # include <unistd.h> # include <fcntl.h> # include <string.h> # include <errno.h> # include <sys/types.h> # include <sys/stat.h> # include "agn.h" daemon_t * daemon_alloc (const char *prog, bool_t background, bool_t detach) /*{{{*/ { daemon_t *d; if (d = (daemon_t *) malloc (sizeof (daemon_t))) { d -> background = background; d -> detach = detach; d -> pid = getpid (); d -> pidfile = NULL; d -> pfvalid = false; if (prog) { const char *ptr; if (ptr = strrchr (prog, '/')) ++ptr; else ptr = prog; if (d -> pidfile = malloc (sizeof (_PATH_VARRUN) + strlen (ptr))) sprintf (d -> pidfile, _PATH_VARRUN "%s", ptr); else d = daemon_free (d); } } return d; }/*}}}*/ daemon_t * daemon_free (daemon_t *d) /*{{{*/ { if (d) { daemon_done (d); if (d -> pidfile) free (d -> pidfile); free (d); } return NULL; }/*}}}*/ void daemon_done (daemon_t *d) /*{{{*/ { if (d -> pfvalid) { unlink (d -> pidfile); d -> pfvalid = false; } }/*}}}*/ bool_t daemon_lstart (daemon_t *d, log_t *l, logmask_t lmask, const char *lwhat) /*{{{*/ { if (d -> background) { pid_t pid; mode_t omask; int n; int fd; char buf[32]; int blen; if ((pid = fork ()) == -1) { if (l) log_out (l, lmask, lwhat, "Unable to fork (%d, %m)", errno); return false; } else if (pid > 0) exit (0); d -> pid = getpid (); if (d -> pidfile) { omask = umask (0); for (n = 0; n < 2; ++n) { fd = open (d -> pidfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644); if ((fd == -1) && (! n)) { if ((fd = open (d -> pidfile, O_RDONLY)) != -1) { blen = read (fd, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1); close (fd); if (blen > 0) { buf[blen] = '\0'; pid = (pid_t) atol (buf); if ((pid > 0) && (kill (pid, 0) == -1) && (errno == ESRCH)) unlink (d -> pidfile); } fd = -1; } } } umask (omask); if (fd == -1) { if (l) log_out (l, lmask, lwhat, "Unable to create pidfile %s, maybe an instance is already running?", d -> pidfile); return false; } d -> pfvalid = true; blen = sprintf (buf, "%10ld\n", (long) d -> pid); if (write (fd, buf, blen) != blen) d -> pfvalid = false; close (fd); if (! d -> pfvalid) { unlink (d -> pidfile); if (l) log_out (l, lmask, lwhat, "Failed to write pidfile %s, maybe disk is full?", d -> pidfile); return false; } } } if (d -> detach) { int n; int fd; umask (0); for (n = 0; n >= 0; ++n) if ((close (n) == -1) && (errno == EBADF)) break; if (setsid () == -1) { if (l) log_out (l, lmask, lwhat, "Unable to set session (%d, %m)", errno); return false; } if (((fd = open (_PATH_DEVNULL, O_RDWR)) != 0) || (dup (fd) != 1) || (dup (fd) != 2)) { if (l) log_out (l, lmask, lwhat, "Unable to open %s propperly (%d, %m)", _PATH_DEVNULL, errno); return false; } } return true; }/*}}}*/
int main(int argc, char** argv){ QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); QDateTime logTime=QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QTextStream standard_out(stdout); QTextStream standard_in(stdin); QTextStream file_out(stdout); QFile logFile(".spiedo.log"); logFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Append); QTextStream log_out(&logFile); log_out << QObject::tr("####### - %1 - #######").arg( logTime.toString() )<< endl; QSerialPort * SerialSelected=Connection(); if( SerialSelected == 0 ) return 1; ConfigurePort(SerialSelected); standard_out << QObject::tr("Serial is Configured") << endl; if( !SerialSelected->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite) ) { standard_out << QObject::tr(" Failed to open port %1, error: %2").arg(SerialSelected->portName()).arg(SerialSelected->errorString()) << endl; return 1; }else{ standard_out << QObject::tr("Serial is open.") << endl; } SerialSelected->setRequestToSend(true); SerialSelected->setRequestToSend(false); standard_out << QObject::tr("Serial is Configuration:") << endl << QObject::tr("Baud rate: ") << SerialSelected->baudRate() << endl << QObject::tr("DataBit: ") << SerialSelected->dataBits() << endl << QObject::tr("Parity: ") << ( SerialSelected->parity() )<< endl << QObject::tr("Stop Bits: ") << ( SerialSelected->stopBits() )<< endl << QObject::tr("FlowControl: ") << ( SerialSelected->flowControl() )<< endl ; SerialSelected->setRequestToSend(true); SerialSelected->setRequestToSend(false); QThread::sleep(2); char buf[64]; qint64 leghtbuf=0; while( ( SerialSelected->waitForReadyRead(10000) ) ){ if( SerialSelected->canReadLine() ){ leghtbuf=SerialSelected->readLine(buf,sizeof(buf)); standard_out << buf << endl; if( leghtbuf >= 8 ) break; } standard_out << QObject::tr("Waiting for sketchCode") << endl; } if( leghtbuf == 0 ){ standard_out << QObject::tr("Error: %1").arg(SerialSelected->errorString() ) << endl << QObject::tr(" No sketchCode :(") << endl; return 1; }else{ standard_out << QObject::tr("SketchCode recived!") << endl << QObject::tr(" Code: %1 ").arg(buf) << endl << QObject::tr("Is it correct[Y/n]?\n>>") << flush ; } QString tmp; tmp=standard_in.readLine(); if( tmp[0] == 'n' ) return 0; SerialSelected->write("~"); SerialSelected->flush(); SerialSelected->waitForReadyRead(1000); SerialSelected->readAll(); standard_out << QObject::tr("HandShake Terminate.") << endl; QByteArray Data; QByteArray dataBuffer; QString nameFile; QFile LogMisure; char command=' '; bool exit=false; standard_out << QObject::tr("Controllo della Seriale:") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[r] Campiona per 1000 volte e restiusce la seguente stringa:") << endl << QObject::tr("\t\t dutyCicle:Mean:Sigma") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[w] Modifica il duty Cicle") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[a] Fa una scansione completa sul duty Cicle da 0 a 255\n") << QObject::tr("\t\t eseguendo ogni volta la lettura( vedi [r] )")<< endl << QObject::tr("\t[t] Acquisisce misure raw dal fotodiodo ad intervalli regolari\n" "\t\trestituendo ad ogni misura la stringa:\n\t\t\tclock:rawMeasure#\n" "\t\tdove il clock è il tempo trascorso tra l'ultimo reset e la \n" "\t\tmisura rawMeasure, espresso in microsecondi\n" ) << flush << QObject::tr("\t[h] restituisce questo OutPut") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[s] Salva su File") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[q] Salva Esce") << endl ; SerialSelected->write("w"); SerialSelected->flush(); SerialSelected->write("0"); SerialSelected->flush(); while(true){ standard_out << ">>" << flush; standard_in >> command; switch(command){ case 'r': SerialSelected->write("r"); SerialSelected->flush(); SerialSelected->clear(); while( ( SerialSelected->waitForReadyRead(10000) ) ){ if( SerialSelected->canReadLine() ){ dataBuffer = SerialSelected->readAll(); standard_out << dataBuffer << flush; log_out << QObject::tr("[r]:\n") << dataBuffer << flush; dataBuffer.clear(); break; } } SerialSelected->clear(); SerialSelected->readAll(); break; case 'w': SerialSelected->write("w"); SerialSelected->flush(); standard_out << QObject::tr("Inserire il valore della duty Cicle\n>>") << flush; standard_in >> tmp; SerialSelected->write(tmp.toStdString().c_str()); SerialSelected->flush(); SerialSelected->readAll(); break; case 'a': SerialSelected->write("a"); SerialSelected->flush(); SerialSelected->clear(); Data.append("#").append(logTime.toString("ddMMyyyy hhmmss") ).append("\n"); Data.append("#Scanning on dutyCicle\n#duty\tmean\tsigma\n"); { QByteArray tmp_data; bool breakWhile=false; while( ( SerialSelected->waitForReadyRead(-1) ) ){ tmp_data.clear(); tmp_data.append( SerialSelected->readAll() ); if( tmp_data.contains('$') ){ tmp_data.remove( tmp_data.indexOf('$'),1 ); standard_out << "ora esco" << endl; breakWhile=true; } tmp_data.replace(':','\t'); tmp_data.replace('%','\n'); standard_out << tmp_data << flush; Data.append(tmp_data); if( breakWhile ) break; } } SerialSelected->readAll(); break; case 't': SerialSelected->write("t"); SerialSelected->flush(); SerialSelected->clear(); Data.append("#").append(logTime.toString("ddMMyyyy hhmmss") ).append("\n"); Data.append("#Acquire "); standard_out << QObject::tr("Inserire il numero di misure che si vuole fare\n>>") << flush; standard_in >> tmp; SerialSelected->write(tmp.toStdString().c_str()); SerialSelected->flush(); Data.append(" measure\n#time\tMeasure\n"); { QByteArray tmp_data; bool breakWhile=false; while( ( SerialSelected->waitForReadyRead(10000) ) ){ standard_out << "dentro la lettura" << endl; tmp_data.clear(); tmp_data.append( SerialSelected->readAll() ); if( tmp_data.contains('$') ){ standard_out << "ora esco" << endl; breakWhile=true; } tmp_data.replace(':','\t'); tmp_data.replace('%','\n'); tmp_data.replace('$','\n'); Data.append(tmp_data); if( breakWhile ) break; } } SerialSelected->readAll(); break; case 's': save: if ( Data.isEmpty() ){ standard_out << QObject::tr("Nothing to save") << endl; break; } standard_out << QObject::tr("Nome del file: ") << flush; standard_in >> nameFile; LogMisure.setFileName(nameFile); LogMisure.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Append); log_out << QObject::tr("Saving data in %1/ \b%2").arg( QDir::currentPath() ).arg( LogMisure.fileName() ) << endl; file_out.setDevice(&LogMisure); file_out << Data << flush; file_out.device()->close(); Data.clear(); break; case 'q': SerialSelected->write("q"); SerialSelected->flush(); SerialSelected->clear(); exit=true; goto save; break; case 'h': standard_out << QObject::tr("Controllo della Seriale:") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[r] Campiona per 1000 volte e restiusce la seguente stringa:") << endl << QObject::tr("\t\t dutyCicle:Mean:Sigma") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[w] Modifica il duty Cicle") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[a] Fa una scansione completa sul duty Cicle da 0 a 255\n") << QObject::tr("\t\teseguendo ogni volta la lettura( vedi [r] )")<< endl << QObject::tr("\t[h] restituisce questo OutPut") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[t] Acquisisce misure raw dal fotodiodo ad intervalli regolari\n" "\t\trestituendo ad ogni misura la stringa:\n\t\t\tclock:rawMeasure#\n" "\t\tdove il clock è il tempo trascorso tra l'ultimo reset e la \n" "\t\tmisura raw Measure, espresso in microsecondi\n" ) << flush << QObject::tr("\t[s] Salva su File") << endl << QObject::tr("\t[q] Salva Esce") << endl ; break; default: if(exit) break; } if(exit) break; } return 0; }
int upgradeapp::device_update_data(char * result, int length){ if(length <= 0){ log_out(log_warn, "device_update_data:receive data length is %d\n", length); return -1; } cJSON * json = cJSON_Parse(result); if(!json){ log_out(log_error, "device_update_data:invalid json %s\n", result); cJSON_Delete(json); return -1; } cJSON * jscode = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "code"); cJSON * jsmessage = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "message"); cJSON * jsdata = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "data"); if(!jscode || jscode->type != cJSON_Number || !jsmessage || jsmessage->type != cJSON_String || !jsdata){ log_out(log_error, "device_update_data::invalid json %s\n", result); cJSON_Delete(json); return -1; } if(jscode->valueint != 0){ log_out(log_error, "device_update_data:: error code %d\n", jscode->valueint); cJSON_Delete(json); return -1; } int count = cJSON_GetArraySize(jsdata); log_out(log_debug, "device_update_data::device count %d\n", count); for(int k = 0; k < count; k++){ cJSON * jsdev = cJSON_GetArrayItem(jsdata, k); cJSON * jsstatus = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "status"); if(!jsstatus || jsstatus->type != cJSON_Number){ continue; } if(jsstatus->valueint){ continue; } cJSON * jssn = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "ulusn"); cJSON * jsver = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "target_ver"); cJSON * jsforce = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "force"); cJSON * jsurl = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "url"); cJSON * jsmiss_id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "mission_id"); cJSON * jstype = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "check_type"); cJSON * jsvalue = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "check_value"); cJSON * jssize = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "size"); if(!jsforce || jsforce->type != cJSON_Number || !jsver || jsver->type != cJSON_String || !jssn || jssn->type != cJSON_String || !jsurl || jsurl->type != cJSON_String || !jsmiss_id || jsmiss_id->type != cJSON_Number || !jstype || jstype->type != cJSON_String || !jsvalue || jsvalue->type != cJSON_String || !jssize || jssize->type != cJSON_Number){ continue; } std::map<strkey_t, dev_state>::iterator it = m_devmap.find(jssn->valuestring); if(it != m_devmap.end()){ it->second.mission_id = jsmiss_id->valueint; if(jsforce->valueuint == e_force && it->second.line_state == em_online && (jsver->valuestring != it->second.version) && it->second.upgrade_state != e_upgrading){ char identify[512] = {0}; sprintf(identify, "{\"sn\":\"%s\",\"url\":\"%s\",\"check\":{\"type\":\"%s\",\"value\":\"%s\",\"size\":%d}}", it->first.c_str(), jsurl->valuestring, jstype->valuestring, jsvalue->valuestring, jssize->valueint); post_req(it->second.con, start_update_req, identify); it->second.upgrade_state = e_upgrading; log_out(log_debug, "device_update_data::post data to mgrserver: %s\n", identify); char buf[512] = {0}; sprintf(buf, "{\"platform\":\"device\",\"sn\":\"%s\",\"version\":\"%s\",\"mission_id\":%d,\"status\":%d,\"time\":%d}", it->first.c_str(), it->second.version.c_str(), it->second.mission_id, e_upgrading, (int)time(NULL)); char result[128 * 128] = {0}; if(post(gs_svr_data.m_api_upgrade_status, buf, strlen(buf), result, sizeof(result)) < 0){ // log_out(log_error, "device_update_data:post status fail\n"); // return -1; } log_out(log_debug, "device_update_data:post status %s\n", buf); } else{ log_out(log_warn, "device_update_data:: device(%s) offline or optional(%u) or upgrading or same version\n", jssn->valuestring, jsforce->valueuint); } } else{ log_out(log_warn, "device_update_data:: invalid device(%s)\n", jssn->valuestring); } } cJSON_Delete(json); return 0; }
int upgradeapp::device_update_data(char * result, int length){ if(length <= 0){ log_out(log_warn, "device_update_data:receive data length is %d\n", length); } cJSON * json = cJSON_Parse(result); if(!json){ log_out(log_error, "device_update_data:invalid json %s\n", result); return -1; } cJSON * jscode = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "code"); cJSON * jsmessage = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "message"); cJSON * jsdata = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "data"); if(!jscode || jscode->type != cJSON_Number || !jsmessage || jsmessage->type != cJSON_String || !jsdata){ cJSON_Delete(json); log_out(log_error, "device_update_data::invalid json %s\n", result); return -1; } if(jscode->valueint != 0){ log_out(log_error, "device_update_data::code %d\n", jscode->valueint); cJSON_Delete(json); return -1; } cJSON * jslst = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdata, "upgrade"); if(!jslst){ log_out(log_warn, "device_update_data::no devices\n"); cJSON_Delete(json); return -1; } int count = cJSON_GetArraySize(jslst); log_out(log_debug, "device_update_data::device count %d\n", count); for(int k = 0; k < count; k++){ cJSON * jsdev = cJSON_GetArrayItem(jslst, k); cJSON * jsid = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "device_id"); uint dev = jsid->valueuint; cJSON * jsver = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "version"); cJSON * jsforce = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "force"); cJSON * jsurl = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "url"); cJSON * jsver_id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "version_id"); cJSON * jscheck = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jsdev, "check"); cJSON * jstype = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jscheck, "type"); cJSON * jsvalue = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jscheck, "value"); cJSON * jssize = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jscheck, "size"); if(!jsforce || jsforce->type != cJSON_Number || !jsver || jsver->type != cJSON_String || !jsurl || jsurl->type != cJSON_String || !jsid || jsid->type != cJSON_Number || !jsver_id || jsver_id->type != cJSON_Number || !jscheck || !jstype || jstype->type != cJSON_String || !jsvalue || jsvalue->type != cJSON_String || !jssize || jssize->type != cJSON_Number){ log_out(log_error, "start_update_req::invalid json %s\n", jsdev->valuestring); continue; } std::map<uint, dev_state>::iterator it = m_devmap.find(dev); if(it != m_devmap.end()){ it->second.version_id = jsver_id->valueuint; if(jsforce->valueuint == e_force && it->second.line_state == em_online){ char identify[512] = {0}; sprintf(identify, "{\"device_id\":%u,\"url\":\"%s\",\"check\":{\"type\":\"%s\",\"value\":\"%s\",\"size\":%d}}", it->first, jsurl->valuestring, jstype->valuestring, jsvalue->valuestring, jssize->valueint); post_req(it->second.con, start_update_req, identify); it->second.upgrade_state = e_upgrading; log_out(log_warn, "device_update_data:: mgrserver: %s\n", identify); char buf[512] = {0}; sprintf(buf, "msg={\"platform\":\"device\",\"data\":[{\"device_id\":%u,\"version_id\":%u,\"status\":%d}]}", it->first, it->second.version_id, e_upgrading); log_out(log_debug, "device_update_data:post status %s\n", buf); char result[128 * 128] = {0}; if(post(m_api_upgrade_status, buf, strlen(buf), result, sizeof(result)) < 0){ log_out(log_error, "device_update_data:post status fail\n"); } } } else{ log_out(log_warn, "device_update_data:: invalid device(%u)\n", dev); } } cJSON_Delete(json); return 0; }
int svrapp::login_mgr_ack(param_list * pl){ log_out(log_debug, "login_mgr_ack::%s\n", pl->content); return 0; }
void print_resource_track(e2fsck_t ctx, const char *desc, struct resource_track *track, io_channel channel) { #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE struct rusage r; #endif #ifdef HAVE_MALLINFO struct mallinfo malloc_info; #endif struct timeval time_end; if ((desc && !(ctx->options & E2F_OPT_TIME2)) || (!desc && !(ctx->options & E2F_OPT_TIME))) return; e2fsck_clear_progbar(ctx); gettimeofday(&time_end, 0); if (desc) log_out(ctx, "%s: ", desc); #ifdef HAVE_MALLINFO #define kbytes(x) (((unsigned long)(x) + 1023) / 1024) malloc_info = mallinfo(); log_out(ctx, _("Memory used: %luk/%luk (%luk/%luk), "), kbytes(malloc_info.arena), kbytes(malloc_info.hblkhd), kbytes(malloc_info.uordblks), kbytes(malloc_info.fordblks)); #else log_out(ctx, _("Memory used: %lu, "), (unsigned long) (((char *) sbrk(0)) - ((char *) track->brk_start))); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &r); log_out(ctx, _("time: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f\n"), timeval_subtract(&time_end, &track->time_start), timeval_subtract(&r.ru_utime, &track->user_start), timeval_subtract(&r.ru_stime, &track->system_start)); #else log_out(ctx, _("elapsed time: %6.3f\n"), timeval_subtract(&time_end, &track->time_start)); #endif #define mbytes(x) (((x) + 1048575) / 1048576) if (channel && channel->manager && channel->manager->get_stats) { io_stats delta = 0; unsigned long long bytes_read = 0; unsigned long long bytes_written = 0; if (desc) log_out(ctx, "%s: ", desc); channel->manager->get_stats(channel, &delta); if (delta) { bytes_read = delta->bytes_read - track->bytes_read; bytes_written = delta->bytes_written - track->bytes_written; } log_out(ctx, "I/O read: %lluMB, write: %lluMB, " "rate: %.2fMB/s\n", mbytes(bytes_read), mbytes(bytes_written), (double)mbytes(bytes_read + bytes_written) / timeval_subtract(&time_end, &track->time_start)); } }
int ac(FILE *fp) { struct utmp_list *lp, *head = NULL; struct utmp usr; struct tm *ltm; time_t secs = 0, prev = 0; int day = -1; while (fread((char *)&usr, sizeof(usr), 1, fp) == 1) { if (!FirstTime) FirstTime = usr.ut_time; if (usr.ut_time < prev) continue; /* broken record */ prev = usr.ut_time; if (Flags & AC_D) { ltm = localtime(&usr.ut_time); if (day >= 0 && day != ltm->tm_yday) { day = ltm->tm_yday; /* * print yesterday's total */ secs = usr.ut_time; secs -= ltm->tm_sec; secs -= 60 * ltm->tm_min; secs -= 3600 * ltm->tm_hour; show_today(Users, head, secs); } else day = ltm->tm_yday; } switch(*usr.ut_line) { case '|': secs = usr.ut_time; break; case '{': secs -= usr.ut_time; /* * adjust time for those logged in */ for (lp = head; lp != NULL; lp = lp->next) lp->usr.ut_time -= secs; break; case '~': /* reboot or shutdown */ head = log_out(head, &usr); FirstTime = usr.ut_time; /* shouldn't be needed */ break; default: /* * if they came in on a pseudo-tty, then it is only * a login session if the ut_host field is non-empty */ if (*usr.ut_name) { if (strncmp(usr.ut_line, "tty", 3) != 0 || strchr("pqrstuvwxyzPQRST", usr.ut_line[3]) != NULL || *usr.ut_host != '\0') head = log_in(head, &usr); } else head = log_out(head, &usr); break; } } (void)fclose(fp); if (!(Flags & AC_W)) usr.ut_time = time(NULL); (void)strlcpy(usr.ut_line, "~", sizeof usr.ut_line); if (Flags & AC_D) { ltm = localtime(&usr.ut_time); if (day >= 0 && day != ltm->tm_yday) { /* * print yesterday's total */ secs = usr.ut_time; secs -= ltm->tm_sec; secs -= 60 * ltm->tm_min; secs -= 3600 * ltm->tm_hour; show_today(Users, head, secs); } } /* * anyone still logged in gets time up to now */ head = log_out(head, &usr); if (Flags & AC_D) show_today(Users, head, time(NULL)); else { if (Flags & AC_P) show_users(Users); show("total", Total); } return 0; }