Exemple #1
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_CreateSwapChain( IDXGIFactory* This, IUnknown* ifDevice, DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC* pdesc, IDXGISwapChain** ppSwapChain )
	log_frame( "dxgi", u::info ) << log_var(ifDevice) << log_var(pdesc->OutputWindow) << log_var(pdesc->BufferCount) <<
		log_var(pdesc->BufferDesc.Width) << log_var(pdesc->BufferDesc.Height) << u::endh;
	HRESULT result = (*stub_CreateSwapChain)( This, ifDevice, pdesc, ppSwapChain );
	frame << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #2
int WINAPI my_ReleaseDC( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc )
	log_frame( "user", u::info ) << log_var(hwnd) << log_var(hdc) << u::endh;

	int result = (*stub_ReleaseDC)( hwnd, hdc );

	frame << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #3
int WINAPI my_BitBlt( HDC hdc, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HDC hdcSrc, int x1, int y1, DWORD rop )
	log_frame( "gdi", u::info ) << log_var(hdc) << log_var(x) << log_var(y) << log_var(cx) << log_var(cy) << log_var(rop) << u::endh;

	BOOL result = (*stub_BitBlt)( hdc, x, y, cx, cy, hdcSrc, x1, y1, rop );

	frame << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #4
void STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_DrawGlyphRun( ID2D1RenderTarget* This, D2D1_POINT_2F baselineOrigin, const DWRITE_GLYPH_RUN* glyphRun, ID2D1Brush *foregroundBrush, DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE measuringMode )
	log_frame( "d2d1", u::info ) << log_var(This) << log_var(baselineOrigin.x) << log_var(baselineOrigin.y) <<
		log_var(glyphRun->glyphCount) << u::endh;

    g_currentRtWithGlyph = This;

	(*stub_DrawGlyphRun)( This, baselineOrigin, glyphRun, foregroundBrush, measuringMode );
Exemple #5
BOOL WINAPI my_UpdateLayeredWindow( HWND hwnd, HDC hdcDst, POINT *pptDst, SIZE *psize, HDC hdcSrc, POINT *pptSrc, COLORREF crKey, BLENDFUNCTION *pblend, DWORD dwFlags )
	log_frame( "gdi", u::info ) << log_var(hwnd) << u::endh;
	BOOL result = (*stub_UpdateLayeredWindow)( hwnd, hdcDst, pptDst, psize, hdcSrc, pptSrc, crKey, pblend, dwFlags );
	frame << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #6
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_Present( IDXGISwapChain* This, UINT SyncInterval, UINT Flags )
	log_frame( "dxgi", u::info ) << log_var(This) << u::endh;

	hr = This->GetDesc( &desc );
	frame << log_var(desc.BufferDesc.Width) << log_var(desc.BufferDesc.Height) << log_var(desc.OutputWindow);

	CComPtr<IDXGIDevice> dxgiDevice;
	hr = This->GetDevice( __uuidof(IDXGIDevice), (void**)&dxgiDevice );
	frame << log_var(dxgiDevice);

	HRESULT result = stub_Present(This, SyncInterval, Flags );
	frame << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #7
HDC WINAPI my_GetDC( HWND hwnd )
	log_frame( "user", u::info ) << log_var(hwnd) << u::endh;

	HDC hdc = (*stub_GetDC)( hwnd );

	frame << log_ret(hdc);
	return hdc;
Exemple #8
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_Present1( IDXGISwapChain1* This, UINT SyncInterval, UINT PresentFlags, const DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS *pPresentParameters )
	log_frame( "dxgi", u::info ) << log_var(This) << u::endh;

	hr = This->GetDesc1( &desc );
	frame << log_var(desc.Width) << log_var(desc.Height);

	HWND hwnd;
	hr = This->GetHwnd( &hwnd );
	frame << log_var(hwnd);

	CComPtr<IDXGIDevice> dxgiDevice;
	hr = This->GetDevice( __uuidof(IDXGIDevice), (void**)&dxgiDevice );
	frame << log_var(dxgiDevice);

	HRESULT result = (*stub_Present1)(This, SyncInterval, PresentFlags, pPresentParameters );
	frame << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #9
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_CreateSwapChainForHwnd( IDXGIFactory2* This, IUnknown* pDevice, HWND hWnd, const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1* pDesc, 
	const DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FULLSCREEN_DESC* pFullscreenDesc, IDXGIOutput* pRestrictToOutput, IDXGISwapChain1** ppSwapChain )
	log_frame( "dxgi", u::info ) << log_var(pDevice) << log_var(hWnd) << 
		log_var(pDesc->Width) << log_var(pDesc->Height) << log_var(pDesc->BufferCount) << u::endh;
	HRESULT result = (*stub_CreateSwapChainForHwnd)( This, pDevice, hWnd, pDesc, pFullscreenDesc, pRestrictToOutput, ppSwapChain );
	frame << log_var(*ppSwapChain) << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #10
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap( ID2D1RenderTarget* This, IWICBitmapSource* wicBitmapSource, const D2D1_BITMAP_PROPERTIES* bitmapProperties, ID2D1Bitmap** bitmap )
	log_frame( "d2d1", u::info ) << log_var(This) << log_var(wicBitmapSource);

	double dpix, dpiy;
	UINT width, height;
	wicBitmapSource->GetResolution( &dpix, &dpiy );
	wicBitmapSource->GetSize( &width, &height );
	frame << log_var(dpix) << log_var(dpiy) << log_var(width) << log_var(height) << u::endh;

	HRESULT result = (*stub_CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap)( This, wicBitmapSource, bitmapProperties, bitmap );

	frame << log_var(*bitmap) << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #11
LRESULT WINAPI my_DispatchMessage( const MSG *pmsg )
	log_frame( "user", u::info ) << log_var(pmsg->hwnd) << log_var_f(pmsg->message, "%x") << u::endh;
	LRESULT result = (*stub_DispatchMessage)(pmsg);

	if( pmsg->message == 0x401 ) {
		CPlug* pplug = CPlug::inst();
		if( pplug ) {
			CSubclsWnd* pwnd = pplug->getSubclsWnd();
			if( pwnd ) {

	frame << log_ret(result);
	return result; 
Exemple #12
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget( ID2D1Factory* This, IWICBitmap* target, const D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_PROPERTIES *renderTargetProperties, ID2D1RenderTarget** renderTarget )
	log_frame( "d2d1", u::info ) << log_var(This) << log_var(target) << u::endh;

	// Some data about the bitmap
	UINT width, height;
	double dpix, dpiy;
	target->GetSize( &width, &height );
	target->GetResolution( &dpix, &dpiy );
	frame << log_var(width) << log_var(height);
	frame << log_var(dpix) << log_var(dpiy);

	HRESULT result = (*stub_CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget)( This, target, renderTargetProperties, renderTarget );
	frame << log_var(*renderTarget) << log_ret(result);
	return result;
void CrystalEditorFrame::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event)
    if (!dragging) return;

    // Turn mouse movement to a movement of a virtual trackball (which is as big as the window).
    Vector3 currentMousePos(event.GetX(), event.GetY(), 0);
    int width, height;
    GetSize(&width, &height);
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, width);
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, height);
    double windowSize = std::min(width, height);
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, windowSize);
    Vector3 center(0.5 * width, 0.5 * height, 0);
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, center);
    Vector3 normPrevPos = (prevMousePos - center) / windowSize;
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, normPrevPos);
    Vector3 normPos = (currentMousePos - center) / windowSize;
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, normPos);
    // Invert vertical axis, because in camera space Y grow upward.
    normPrevPos.y = -normPrevPos.y;
    normPos.y = -normPos.y;
    // Calculate the Z position on the trackball
    normPrevPos.z = normPrevPos * normPrevPos <= 1 ? sqrt(1.0 - normPrevPos * normPrevPos) : 0;
    normPos.z = normPos * normPos <= 1 ? sqrt(1.0 - normPos * normPos) : 0;
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, normPrevPos);
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, normPos);
    // Calculate the rotation axis
    Vector3 rotAxis = normPrevPos % normPos;
    double rotAxisLength = ~rotAxis;
    if (rotAxisLength == 0)
        // No rotation.
    rotAxis /= rotAxisLength;
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, rotAxis);
    // Calculate the real rotation axis and the angle.
    double rotAngle = acos((normPrevPos * normPos)/(~normPrevPos * ~normPos));
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, rotAngle);
    Vector3 realRotAxis = rotAxis.x * right + rotAxis.y * upward + rotAxis.z * backward; // Create the true rotation axis (in camera space).
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, realRotAxis);

    Matrix rotation = createRotationMatrix(realRotAxis, -rotAngle); // Negative as we rotate the view, not the object
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, rotation);

    backward = transformVector(rotation, backward);
    right = transformVector(rotation, right);
    upward = transformVector(rotation, upward);
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, backward);
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, right);
    log_var(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, upward);

    fix3VectorSystem(right, upward, backward);

    prevMousePos.x = event.GetX();
    prevMousePos.y = event.GetY();
    prevMousePos.z = 0;

    // Calculate ray path


    log_printf(CRYSTAL_EDITOR_MOUSE_MOVE, "========================\n");
Exemple #14
 * We could load gres state or validate it using various mechanisms here.
 * This only validates that the configuration was specified in gres.conf.
 * In the general case, no code would need to be changed.
extern int node_config_load(List gres_conf_list, node_config_load_t *config)
	int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS;
	log_level_t log_lvl;
	List gpu_conf_list, mps_conf_list;
	bool have_fake_gpus = _test_gpu_list_fake();

	/* Assume this state is caused by an scontrol reconfigure */
	debug_flags = slurm_get_debug_flags();
	if (gres_devices) {
		debug("Resetting gres_devices");

	if (debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_GRES)
		log_lvl = LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE;
		log_lvl = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG;

	log_var(log_lvl, "%s: Initalized gres.conf list:", plugin_name);
	print_gres_list(gres_conf_list, log_lvl);

	 * Ensure that every GPU device file is listed as a MPS file.
	 * Any MPS entry that we need to add will have a "Count" of zero.
	 * Every MPS "Type" will be made to match the GPU "Type". The order
	 * of MPS records (by "File") must match the order in which GPUs are
	 * defined for the GRES bitmaps in slurmctld to line up.
	 * First, convert all GPU records to a new entries in a list where
	 * each File is a unique device (i.e. convert a record with
	 * "File=nvidia[0-3]" into 4 separate records).
	gpu_conf_list = _build_gpu_list(gres_conf_list);

	/* Now move MPS records to new List, each with unique device file */
	mps_conf_list = _build_mps_list(gres_conf_list);

	 * Merge MPS records back to original list, updating and reordering
	 * as needed.
	_merge_lists(gres_conf_list, gpu_conf_list, mps_conf_list);

	rc = common_node_config_load(gres_conf_list, gres_name, &gres_devices);
	if (rc != SLURM_SUCCESS)
		fatal("%s failed to load configuration", plugin_name);
	if (_build_mps_dev_info(gres_conf_list) == 0)

	log_var(log_lvl, "%s: Final gres.conf list:", plugin_name);
	print_gres_list(gres_conf_list, log_lvl);

	// Print in parsable format for tests if fake system is in use
	if (have_fake_gpus) {
		info("Final normalized gres.conf list (parsable):");

	return rc;
Exemple #15
void STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_BeginDraw( ID2D1RenderTarget* This )
	log_frame( "d2d1", u::info ) << log_var(This) << u::endh;
	(*stub_BeginDraw)( This );
Exemple #16
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_EndDraw( ID2D1RenderTarget* This, D2D1_TAG *tag1, D2D1_TAG *tag2 )
	log_frame( "d2d1", u::info ) << log_var(This) << u::endh;

    if( g_currentRtWithGlyph == This ) {

	    CComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> ifBrushBlack;
	    CComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> ifBrushRed;
	    CComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> ifBrushGreen;
	    CComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> ifBrushBlue;
        CComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> ifBrushOrange;

	    hr = This->CreateSolidColorBrush( D2D1::ColorF( D2D1::ColorF::Black ), &ifBrushBlack );
	    hr = This->CreateSolidColorBrush( D2D1::ColorF( D2D1::ColorF::Red ), &ifBrushRed );
	    hr = This->CreateSolidColorBrush( D2D1::ColorF( D2D1::ColorF::Green ), &ifBrushGreen );
	    hr = This->CreateSolidColorBrush( D2D1::ColorF( D2D1::ColorF::Blue ), &ifBrushBlue );
        hr = This->CreateSolidColorBrush( D2D1::ColorF( D2D1::ColorF::OrangeRed, 0.5f ), &ifBrushOrange );

	    D2D1_RECT_F rect;
	    rect.left = 0;
	    rect.top = 0;
	    rect.right = 1024;
	    rect.bottom = 2014;
	    //This->PushAxisAlignedClip( &rect, D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE_PER_PRIMITIVE );
	    //This->DrawLine( D2D1::Point2F(0.0f, 0.0f), D2D1::Point2F(480.0f, 480.0f), ifBrush );

        if( CPlug::inst()->IsDoingGrid() ) {
	        for( int i=0; i<20; ++i ) {

		        for( int j=0; j<20; ++j ) {
			        float cy = i * 50.0f;
			        float cx = j * 50.0f;

			        ID2D1SolidColorBrush* ifBrush = 
				        ( i<10 && j < 10 ) ? ifBrushBlack :
				        ( i<10 ) ? ifBrushRed :
				        ( j<10 ) ? ifBrushGreen :

			        This->DrawLine( D2D1::Point2F( cx - 5.0f, cy - 5.0f ), D2D1::Point2F( cx + 5.0f, cy + 5.0f ), ifBrush );
			        This->DrawLine( D2D1::Point2F( cx + 5.0f, cy - 5.0f ), D2D1::Point2F( cx - 5.0f, cy + 5.0f ), ifBrush );

        if( CPlug::inst()->IsDoingRosebud() ) {
            CPlug* pplug = CPlug::inst();
            if( pplug ) {
                int num;
                int i;

                num = pplug->numRosebuds( );

                for( i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
                    int ileft, itop, iright, ibottom;
                    bool f = pplug->enumRosebud( i, &ileft, &itop, &iright, &ibottom );

                    if( f ) {
                        float left = (float)ileft;
                        float top = (float)itop;
                        float right = (float)iright;
                        float bottom = (float)ibottom;

                        //This->DrawLine( D2D1::Point2F( left, top ), D2D1::Point2F( right, top ), ifBrushBlack );
                        //This->DrawLine( D2D1::Point2F( right, top ), D2D1::Point2F( right, bottom ), ifBrushBlack );
                        //This->DrawLine( D2D1::Point2F( right, bottom ), D2D1::Point2F( left, bottom ), ifBrushBlack );
                        //This->DrawLine( D2D1::Point2F( left, bottom ), D2D1::Point2F( left, top ), ifBrushBlack );

                        D2D1_RECT_F rc = D2D1::RectF( left, top, right, bottom );
                        This->FillRectangle( &rc, ifBrushOrange );


        g_currentRtWithGlyph = NULL;

	HRESULT result = stub_EndDraw(This, tag1, tag2 );
	frame << log_ret(result);
	return result;
Exemple #17
void STDMETHODCALLTYPE my_DrawBitmap( ID2D1RenderTarget* This, ID2D1Bitmap* bitmap, const D2D1_RECT_F* destRc, FLOAT opacity, 
								  D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE interpolationMode, const D2D1_RECT_F* srcRc )
	log_frame( "d2d1", u::info ) << log_var(This) << log_var(bitmap) << log_var(opacity);

	D2D1_SIZE_F bitmapSize = bitmap->GetSize( );
	frame << log_var(bitmapSize.width) << log_var(bitmapSize.height);

	if( destRc ) {
		frame << log_var(destRc->left) << log_var(destRc->top) << log_var(destRc->right) << log_var(destRc->bottom);

	if( srcRc ) {
		frame << log_var(srcRc->left) << log_var(srcRc->top) << log_var(srcRc->right) << log_var(srcRc->bottom);

	frame << u::endh;

	(*stub_DrawBitmap)(This, bitmap, destRc, opacity, interpolationMode, srcRc );
