Exemple #1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool bios_Load(std::string filename) {
    if(filename.empty( ) || filename.length( ) == 0) {
        logger_LogError("Bios filename is invalid.", BIOS_SOURCE);
        return false;

    bios_Release( );
    logger_LogInfo("Opening bios file " + filename + ".", BIOS_SOURCE);

    bios_size = archive_GetUncompressedFileSize(filename);
    if(bios_size == 0) {
        FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str( ), "rb");
        if(file == NULL) {
#ifndef WII
            logger_LogError("Failed to open the bios file " + filename + " for reading.", BIOS_SOURCE);
            return false;

        if(fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END)) {
            logger_LogError("Failed to find the end of the bios file.", BIOS_SOURCE);
            return false;

        bios_size = ftell(file);
        if(fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
            logger_LogError("Failed to find the size of the bios file.", BIOS_SOURCE);
            return false;

        bios_data = new byte[bios_size];
        if(fread(bios_data, 1, bios_size, file) != bios_size && ferror(file)) {
            logger_LogError("Failed to read the bios data.", BIOS_SOURCE);
            bios_Release( );
            return false;

    else {
        bios_data = new byte[bios_size];
        archive_Uncompress(filename, bios_data, bios_size);

    bios_filename = filename;
    return true;
Exemple #2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetUncompressedFileSize
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint archive_GetUncompressedFileSize(std::string filename) {
  if(filename.empty( ) || filename.size( ) == 0) {
    logger_LogError("Zip filename is invalid.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return 0;
  unzFile file = unzOpen(filename.c_str( ));
  if(file == NULL) {
    logger_LogInfo("Filename " + filename + " is not a valid zip file.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return 0;

  int result = unzGoToFirstFile(file);
  if(result != UNZ_OK) {
    logger_LogInfo("Failed to find the first file within the zip file.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    logger_LogInfo("Result: " + result, ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return 0;
  unz_file_info_s zipInfo = {0};
  char buffer[_MAX_PATH] = {0};
  result = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &zipInfo, buffer, _MAX_PATH, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
  if(result != UNZ_OK) {
    logger_LogInfo("Failed to retrieve the current zipped file info.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    logger_LogInfo("Result: " + result, ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return 0;
  uint size = zipInfo.uncompressed_size;
  return size;
Exemple #3
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool database_Load(std::string digest) {
  if(database_enabled) {
	logger_LogInfo("Accessing database " + database_filename + ".", DATABASE_SOURCE);
    FILE* file = fopen(database_filename.c_str( ), "r");
    if(file == NULL) {
      logger_LogError("Failed to open the database for reading.", DATABASE_SOURCE);
      return false;  

    char buffer[256];
    while(fgets(buffer, 256, file) != NULL) {
      std::string line = buffer;
      if(line.compare(1, 32, digest.c_str( )) == 0) {
        std::string entry[11];
        for(int index = 0; index < 11; index++) {
          fgets(buffer, 256, file);
          entry[index] = common_Remove(buffer, '\n');  
          entry[index] = common_Remove(entry[index], '\r');
        cartridge_title = database_GetValue(entry[0]);
        cartridge_type = common_ParseByte(database_GetValue(entry[1]));
        cartridge_pokey = common_ParseBool(database_GetValue(entry[2]));
        cartridge_controller[0] = common_ParseByte(database_GetValue(entry[3]));
        cartridge_controller[1] = common_ParseByte(database_GetValue(entry[4]));
        cartridge_region = common_ParseByte(database_GetValue(entry[5]));
        cartridge_flags = common_ParseUint(database_GetValue(entry[6]));

        // Optionally load the lightgun crosshair offsets, hblank, dual analog
        for(int index = 7; index < 11; index++)
          if(entry[index].find("crossx") != std::string::npos)
              cartridge_crosshair_x = common_ParseInt(database_GetValue(entry[index]));
          if(entry[index].find("crossy") != std::string::npos)
              cartridge_crosshair_y = common_ParseInt(database_GetValue(entry[index]));
          if(entry[index].find("hblank") != std::string::npos)
              cartridge_hblank = common_ParseInt(database_GetValue(entry[index]));
          if(entry[index].find("dualanalog") != std::string::npos)
              cartridge_dualanalog = common_ParseBool(database_GetValue(entry[index]));

  return true;
Exemple #4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Uncompress
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool archive_Uncompress(std::string filename, byte* data, uint size) {
  if(filename.empty( ) || filename.size( ) == 0) {
    logger_LogError("Zip filename is invalid.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;
  if(data == NULL) {
    logger_LogError("Data parameter is invalid.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;  

  unzFile file = unzOpen(filename.c_str( ));
  if(file == NULL) {
    logger_LogInfo("Filename " + filename + " is not a valid zip file.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;

  int result = unzGoToFirstFile(file);
  if(result != UNZ_OK) {
    logger_LogInfo("Failed to find the first file within the zip file " + filename + ".", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    logger_LogInfo("Result: " + result, ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;

  result = unzOpenCurrentFile(file);
  if(result != UNZ_OK) {
    logger_LogInfo("Failed to open the first file within the zip file " + filename + ".", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    logger_LogInfo("Result: " + result, ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;  

  result = unzReadCurrentFile(file, data, size);
  if(result != size) {
    logger_LogInfo("Failed to read first file data within the zip file " + filename + ".", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    logger_LogInfo("Result: " + result, ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;

  return true;
Exemple #5
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compress
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool archive_Compress(std::string zipFilename, std::string filename, const byte* data, uint size) {
  if(zipFilename.empty( ) || zipFilename.size( ) == 0) {
    logger_LogError("Zip filename is invalid.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;
  if(filename.empty( ) || filename.size( ) == 0) {
    logger_LogError("Filename is invalid.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;
  if(data == NULL) {
    logger_LogError("Data parameter is invalid.", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;  
  zipFile file = zipOpen(zipFilename.c_str( ), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE);
  if(file == NULL) {
    logger_LogInfo("Failed to create the zip file " + zipFilename + ".", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    return false;
  zip_fileinfo fileInfo = {0};
  fileInfo.dosDate = 1;
  int result = zipOpenNewFileInZip(file, filename.c_str( ), &fileInfo, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
  if(result != ZIP_OK) {
    logger_LogInfo("Failed to open a new file within the zip file " + filename + ".", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    logger_LogInfo("Result: " + result, ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    zipClose(file, "Failed to compress.");
    return false;  
  result = zipWriteInFileInZip(file, data, size);
  if(result != ZIP_OK) {
    logger_LogInfo("Failed to write data to the zip file " + filename + ".", ARCHIVE_SOURCE);
    zipClose(file, "Failed to compress.");
    return false;
  zipClose(file, "Comment");
  return true;
Exemple #6
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool palette_Load(std::string filename) {
  if(filename.empty( ) || filename.length( ) == 0) {
    logger_LogError("Palette filename is invalid.", PALETTE_SOURCE);
    return false;
  logger_LogInfo("Opening palette file " + filename + ".");

  FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str( ), "rb");
  if(file == NULL) {
    logger_LogError("Failed to open the palette file " + filename + " for reading.", PALETTE_SOURCE);
    return false;
  if(fread(palette_data, 1, PALETTE_SIZE, file) != PALETTE_SIZE) {
    logger_LogError("Failed to read the palette data.", PALETTE_SOURCE);
    return false;
  palette_filename = filename;
  return true;
Exemple #7
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Load
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool bios_Load(char* filename) {
  if(strlen(filename) == 0) {
#if 0
    logger_LogError("Bios filename is invalid.", BIOS_SOURCE);
    return false;
  bios_Release( );
#if 0
  logger_LogInfo("Opening bios file " + filename + ".");

  bios_size = archive_GetUncompressedFileSize(filename);
  if(bios_size == 0) {
    FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if(file == NULL) {
#if 0
      logger_LogError("Failed to open the bios file " + filename + " for reading.", BIOS_SOURCE);
      return false;
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
#if 0
    if(fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END)) {
      logger_LogError("Failed to find the end of the bios file.", BIOS_SOURCE);
      return false;
    bios_size = ftell(file);
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
#if 0
    if(fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
      logger_LogError("Failed to find the size of the bios file.", BIOS_SOURCE);
      return false;
    bios_data = (char *) malloc(bios_size);
    fread(bios_data, 1, bios_size, file);
#if 0
    if(fread(bios_data, 1, bios_size, file) != bios_size && ferror(file)) {
      logger_LogError("Failed to read the bios data.", BIOS_SOURCE);
      bios_Release( );
      return false;
  else {
    bios_data = (char *) malloc(bios_size);
    archive_Uncompress(filename, bios_data, bios_size);

  return true; 