CTEST(txn, begin_with_no_parent) { int r; struct txn *tx1; struct txn *tx2; struct txn *tx3; struct txnmgr *tm = txnmgr_new(); LOGGER *logger = logger_new(NULL, tm); /* transaction 1 */ r = txn_begin(NULL, logger, TXN_ISO_REPEATABLE, &tx1); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, r); ASSERT_EQUAL(0, tx1->txnid); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, tm->live_root_txnids->used); ASSERT_EQUAL(tx1->txnid, tm->live_root_txnids->txnids[0]); /* transaction 2 */ r = txn_begin(NULL, logger, TXN_ISO_REPEATABLE, &tx2); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, r); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, tx2->txnid); ASSERT_EQUAL(tx1->txnid, tx2->txnid_clone->txnids[0]); ASSERT_EQUAL(tx2->txnid, tx2->txnid_clone->txnids[1]); /* transaction 3 */ r = txn_begin(NULL, logger, TXN_ISO_SERIALIZABLE, &tx3); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, r); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, tx3->txnid); ASSERT_NULL(tx3->txnid_clone); logger_free(logger); txnmgr_free(tm); }
int main () { logger_t *test_logger = logger_new("test"); assert(test_logger); assert(test_logger->name == "test"); test_logger->log("log"); test_logger->info("info"); test_logger->debug("debug"); test_logger->error("error"); logger_free(test_logger); }
/* * Log pre-init: open all log files but don't start any threads, since we may * fork() after pre-initialization. * Return -1 on errors, 0 otherwise. */ int log_preinit(opts_t *opts) { if (opts->contentlog) { if (!opts->contentlogdir) { if (log_content_open_singlefile(opts->contentlog) == -1) goto out; } else { if (log_content_open_logdir(opts->contentlog) == -1) goto out; } if (!(content_log = logger_new(log_content_writecb))) { log_content_close_singlefile(); goto out; } } if (opts->connectlog) { if (log_connect_open(opts->connectlog) == -1) goto out; if (!(connect_log = logger_new(log_connect_writecb))) { log_connect_close(); goto out; } } if (!(err_log = logger_new(log_err_writecb))) goto out; return 0; out: if (content_log) { log_content_close_singlefile(); logger_free(content_log); } if (connect_log) { log_connect_close(); logger_free(connect_log); } return -1; }
CTEST(txn, begin_with_parent) { int r; struct txn *tx1; struct txn *tx2; struct txn *tx3; struct txn *tx4; struct txnmgr *tm = txnmgr_new(); LOGGER *logger = logger_new(NULL, tm); /* tx1: snapshot */ r = txn_begin(NULL, logger, TXN_ISO_REPEATABLE, &tx1); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, r); ASSERT_EQUAL(0, tx1->txnid); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, tm->live_root_txnids->used); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, tx1->txnid_clone->used); ASSERT_EQUAL(tx1->txnid, tm->live_root_txnids->txnids[0]); /* tx2: snapshot */ r = txn_begin(NULL, logger, TXN_ISO_REPEATABLE, &tx2); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, r); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, tx2->txnid); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, tx2->txnid_clone->used); ASSERT_EQUAL(tx1->txnid, tx2->txnid_clone->txnids[0]); ASSERT_EQUAL(tx2->txnid, tx2->txnid_clone->txnids[1]); /* tx3: not snapshot */ r = txn_begin(NULL, logger, TXN_ISO_SERIALIZABLE, &tx3); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, r); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, tx3->txnid); ASSERT_NULL(tx3->txnid_clone); /* tx4: not snapshot with parent tx2 */ r = txn_begin(tx2, logger, TXN_ISO_REPEATABLE, &tx4); ASSERT_EQUAL(1, r); ASSERT_EQUAL(3, tx4->txnid); ASSERT_EQUAL(2, tx4->txnid_clone->used); ASSERT_EQUAL(tx1->txnid, tx4->txnid_clone->txnids[0]); ASSERT_EQUAL(tx2->txnid, tx4->txnid_clone->txnids[1]); logger_free(logger); txnmgr_free(tm); }
void samplecat_init() { samplecat.logger = logger_new(); samplecat.model = samplecat_model_new(); samplecat_model_add_filter (samplecat.model, samplecat.model->filters.search = samplecat_filter_new("search")); samplecat_model_add_filter (samplecat.model, samplecat.model->filters.dir = samplecat_filter_new("directory")); samplecat_model_add_filter (samplecat.model, samplecat.model->filters.category = samplecat_filter_new("category")); samplecat.store = (GtkListStore*)samplecat_list_store_new(); #ifdef USE_MYSQL samplecat_model_add_backend("mysql"); #endif #ifdef USE_SQLITE samplecat_model_add_backend("sqlite"); #endif #ifdef USE_TRACKER samplecat_model_add_backend("tracker"); #endif }
gint main_runShadow(gint argc, gchar* argv[]) { /* check the compiled GLib version */ if (!GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2, 32, 0)) { g_printerr("** GLib version 2.32.0 or above is required but Shadow was compiled against version %u.%u.%u\n", (guint)GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION, (guint)GLIB_MINOR_VERSION, (guint)GLIB_MICRO_VERSION); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if(GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && GLIB_MINOR_VERSION == 40) { g_printerr("** You compiled against GLib version %u.%u.%u, which has bugs known to break Shadow. Please update to a newer version of GLib.\n", (guint)GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION, (guint)GLIB_MINOR_VERSION, (guint)GLIB_MICRO_VERSION); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* check the that run-time GLib matches the compiled version */ const gchar* mismatch = glib_check_version(GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION, GLIB_MINOR_VERSION, GLIB_MICRO_VERSION); if(mismatch) { g_printerr("** The version of the run-time GLib library (%u.%u.%u) is not compatible with the version against which Shadow was compiled (%u.%u.%u). GLib message: '%s'\n", glib_major_version, glib_minor_version, glib_micro_version, (guint)GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION, (guint)GLIB_MINOR_VERSION, (guint)GLIB_MICRO_VERSION, mismatch); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* parse the options from the command line */ gchar* cmds = g_strjoinv(" ", argv); gchar** cmdv = g_strsplit(cmds, " ", 0); g_free(cmds); Options* options = options_new(argc, cmdv); g_strfreev(cmdv); if(!options) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* if they just want the shadow version, print it and exit */ if(options_doRunPrintVersion(options)) { g_printerr("%s running GLib v%u.%u.%u and IGraph v%s\n%s\n", SHADOW_VERSION_STRING, (guint)GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION, (guint)GLIB_MINOR_VERSION, (guint)GLIB_MICRO_VERSION, #if defined(IGRAPH_VERSION) IGRAPH_VERSION, #else "(n/a)", #endif SHADOW_INFO_STRING); options_free(options); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* start up the logging subsystem to handle all future messages */ Logger* shadowLogger = logger_new(options_getLogLevel(options)); logger_setDefault(shadowLogger); /* disable buffering during startup so that we see every message immediately in the terminal */ logger_setEnableBuffering(shadowLogger, FALSE); gint returnCode = _main_helper(options); options_free(options); Logger* logger = logger_getDefault(); if(logger) { logger_setDefault(NULL); logger_unref(logger); } g_printerr("** Stopping Shadow, returning code %i (%s)\n", returnCode, (returnCode == 0) ? "success" : "error"); return returnCode; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc == 2 && !tox_strncasecmp(argv[1], "-h", 3)) { printf("Usage (connected) : %s [--ipv4|--ipv6] IP PORT KEY\n", argv[0]); printf("Usage (unconnected): %s [--ipv4|--ipv6]\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } /* let user override default by cmdline */ bool ipv6enabled = TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT; /* x */ int argvoffset = cmdline_parsefor_ipv46(argc, argv, &ipv6enabled); if (argvoffset < 0) { exit(1); } /* Initialize networking - Bind to ip / [::] : PORT */ IP ip; ip_init(&ip, ipv6enabled); Logger *logger = logger_new(); if (MIN_LOGGER_LEVEL == LOGGER_LEVEL_TRACE || MIN_LOGGER_LEVEL == LOGGER_LEVEL_DEBUG) { logger_callback_log(logger, print_log, nullptr, nullptr); } Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(); DHT *dht = new_dht(logger, mono_time, new_networking(logger, ip, PORT), true); Onion *onion = new_onion(mono_time, dht); Onion_Announce *onion_a = new_onion_announce(mono_time, dht); #ifdef DHT_NODE_EXTRA_PACKETS bootstrap_set_callbacks(dht_get_net(dht), DHT_VERSION_NUMBER, DHT_MOTD, sizeof(DHT_MOTD)); #endif if (!(onion && onion_a)) { printf("Something failed to initialize.\n"); exit(1); } perror("Initialization"); manage_keys(dht); printf("Public key: "); uint32_t i; #ifdef TCP_RELAY_ENABLED #define NUM_PORTS 3 uint16_t ports[NUM_PORTS] = {443, 3389, PORT}; TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_TCP_server(ipv6enabled, NUM_PORTS, ports, dht_get_self_secret_key(dht), onion); if (tcp_s == nullptr) { printf("TCP server failed to initialize.\n"); exit(1); } #endif const char *const public_id_filename = "PUBLIC_ID.txt"; FILE *file = fopen(public_id_filename, "w"); if (file == nullptr) { printf("Could not open file \"%s\" for writing. Exiting...\n", public_id_filename); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { const uint8_t *const self_public_key = dht_get_self_public_key(dht); printf("%02X", self_public_key[i]); fprintf(file, "%02X", self_public_key[i]); } fclose(file); printf("\n"); printf("Port: %u\n", net_ntohs(net_port(dht_get_net(dht)))); if (argc > argvoffset + 3) { printf("Trying to bootstrap into the network...\n"); uint16_t port = net_htons(atoi(argv[argvoffset + 2])); uint8_t *bootstrap_key = hex_string_to_bin(argv[argvoffset + 3]); int res = dht_bootstrap_from_address(dht, argv[argvoffset + 1], ipv6enabled, port, bootstrap_key); free(bootstrap_key); if (!res) { printf("Failed to convert \"%s\" into an IP address. Exiting...\n", argv[argvoffset + 1]); exit(1); } } int is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 1; uint64_t last_LANdiscovery = 0; lan_discovery_init(dht); while (1) { mono_time_update(mono_time); if (is_waiting_for_dht_connection && dht_isconnected(dht)) { printf("Connected to other bootstrap node successfully.\n"); is_waiting_for_dht_connection = 0; } do_dht(dht); if (mono_time_is_timeout(mono_time, last_LANdiscovery, is_waiting_for_dht_connection ? 5 : LAN_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL)) { lan_discovery_send(net_htons(PORT), dht); last_LANdiscovery = mono_time_get(mono_time); } #ifdef TCP_RELAY_ENABLED do_TCP_server(tcp_s, mono_time); #endif networking_poll(dht_get_net(dht), nullptr); c_sleep(1); } }
//====================================================== // create all the objects that are needed by the process void prepare(params_t *params) { // === initialize RNG === // init default generator params->rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default); // seed the generator if (params->seed == 0) // draw a seed from /dev/urandom params->seed = rand(); printf("Seed = %d\n", params->seed); // set the seed gsl_rng_set(params->rng, params->seed); // initialize the mutation wheel int var; params->mwheel = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(int)); if (params->m_beta) { var = M_BETA; g_array_append_val(params->mwheel, var); } if (params->m_kappa) { var = M_KAPPA; g_array_append_val(params->mwheel, var); } if (params->m_alpha) { var = M_ALPHA; g_array_append_val(params->mwheel, var); } // compute the optimal copy number params->cn_hat = sqrt(params->phi * params->lambda / params->gamma) - params->lambda; printf("Optimal CN is %.2f\n", params->cn_hat); // initialize the population params->cells = g_ptr_array_new(); // initialize array of daughter cells params->dcells = g_ptr_array_new(); // initialize the profile pool params->pool = pool_new(); // load the population from a file?? if (params->load_from) load_population_from_file(params); else initialize_population(params); // do we have a competition?? if (params->compete) { // set the number of contenders based on the pool's contents params->contenders = params->pool->size; printf("COMPETITION MODE : %d contenders found\n", params->contenders); // OK, we do -- now cancel all mutations g_array_set_size(params->mwheel, 0); } // adjust steps so that it is a multiple of fparts int steps = params->steps; while (params->steps % params->fparts > 0) ++ params->steps; if (steps != params->steps) printf("Adjusted simulation steps so that it is a multiple of FPARTS (old=%d, new=%d)\n", steps, params->steps); // initialize logger params->logger = logger_new(params); }
/* * Log pre-init: open all log files but don't start any threads, since we may * fork() after pre-initialization. * Return -1 on errors, 0 otherwise. */ int log_preinit(opts_t *opts) { logger_reopen_func_t reopencb; logger_open_func_t opencb; logger_close_func_t closecb; logger_write_func_t writecb; logger_prep_func_t prepcb; if (opts->contentlog) { if (opts->contentlog_isdir) { reopencb = NULL; opencb = log_content_dir_opencb; closecb = log_content_dir_closecb; writecb = log_content_dir_writecb; prepcb = NULL; } else if (opts->contentlog_isspec) { reopencb = NULL; opencb = log_content_spec_opencb; closecb = log_content_spec_closecb; writecb = log_content_spec_writecb; prepcb = NULL; } else { if (log_content_file_preinit(opts->contentlog) == -1) goto out; reopencb = log_content_file_reopencb; opencb = NULL; closecb = log_content_file_closecb; writecb = log_content_file_writecb; prepcb = log_content_file_prepcb; } if (!(content_log = logger_new(reopencb, opencb, closecb, writecb, prepcb, log_exceptcb))) { log_content_file_fini(); goto out; } } if (opts->connectlog) { if (log_connect_preinit(opts->connectlog) == -1) goto out; if (!(connect_log = logger_new(log_connect_reopencb, NULL, NULL, log_connect_writecb, NULL, log_exceptcb))) { log_connect_fini(); goto out; } } if (opts->certgendir) { if (!(cert_log = logger_new(NULL, NULL, NULL, log_cert_writecb, NULL, log_exceptcb))) goto out; } if (!(err_log = logger_new(NULL, NULL, NULL, log_err_writecb, NULL, log_exceptcb))) goto out; return 0; out: if (content_log) { log_content_file_fini(); logger_free(content_log); } if (connect_log) { log_connect_fini(); logger_free(connect_log); } if (cert_log) { logger_free(cert_log); } return -1; }