Exemple #1
 * Check for a common mount option that manipulates s_flags.
static int vfs_parse_sb_flag(struct fs_context *fc, const char *key)
	unsigned int token;
	unsigned int i;

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(forbidden_sb_flag); i++)
		if (strcmp(key, forbidden_sb_flag[i]) == 0)
			return -EINVAL;

	token = lookup_constant(common_set_sb_flag, key, 0);
	if (token) {
		fc->sb_flags |= token;
		fc->sb_flags_mask |= token;
		return 0;

	token = lookup_constant(common_clear_sb_flag, key, 0);
	if (token) {
		fc->sb_flags &= ~token;
		fc->sb_flags_mask |= token;
		return 0;

	return -ENOPARAM;
double _parse(gchar *args, struct global_vars *gvars)
	gchar mul_char = '*';
	gdouble minus_one = -1.0;
	gchar null = 0;
	gint args_len = strlen(args);
	struct stack *arguments = stack_init(sizeof(gdouble));
	struct stack *operators = stack_init(sizeof(gchar));

	gint i = 0;
	gint j = 0;
	gint local_nest_level = 0;

	gint8 last_p = 0;  /** priority of last parsed operator */
	gboolean coef_flag = FALSE;  /** set if value might preceed a bracket and thus become a coefficient */
	gboolean func_flag = FALSE;  /** set if result of next bracket is to be passed as an argument to function <symbol> */
	gboolean nest_flag = FALSE;  /** indicates characters are being collected and not parsed */
	gboolean nest_init_flag = FALSE;  /** necessary to skip first character '(' during string collection */
	gboolean neg_flag = TRUE;  /** set if next '-' will make number signed and not be an operator */
	gboolean frac_flag = FALSE;
	//char nested_term[100] = { 0 }; /** collector string for contents of nested term */
	GString *nested_term = g_string_new(&null);
	//char symbol[100] = { 0 }; /** collector string for symbol name */
	GString *symbol = g_string_new(&null);

	for (i=0; i < args_len; i++)

		if (nest_init_flag) {nest_init_flag = FALSE;}

		/** lock computing by raising nest level, substitute '*' if coefficient exists */
		if (args[i] == '(')
			if (!nest_flag) /** nested interpreting is just about to be initialized */
				if (coef_flag) {stack_push(operators, &mul_char); last_p = priority(mul_char);}
				coef_flag = TRUE;
				nest_flag = TRUE;
				nest_init_flag = TRUE;
				gvars->nest_level += 1;
				nested_term = g_string_new(&null);
			else  /** nested interpreting is in progress */
				local_nest_level += 1;

		else if (args[i] == ')')
			if (nest_flag && local_nest_level == 0) /** nesting has reached end */
				nest_flag = FALSE;
				gdouble nested_term_result = _parse(nested_term->str, gvars);
				gvars->nest_level -= 1;
				g_string_free(nested_term, TRUE);
				nested_term = g_string_new(&null);
				if (func_flag)
					gdouble compute_function_results = compute_function(symbol->str, nested_term_result, gvars);
					stack_push(arguments, &compute_function_results);
					func_flag = FALSE;
					g_string_free(symbol, TRUE);
					symbol = g_string_new(&null);
				else {stack_push(arguments, &nested_term_result);}
			else  /** nested interpreting is in progress, passing by uninterpreted ')' */
				local_nest_level -= 1;

		if (!nest_flag)

			if (args[i] == '.' || args[i] == ',')
				if (g_ascii_isdigit(char_at(args,i+1))) {frac_flag = TRUE;}
				else {gvars->error_type = 3; return 0;}

			else if (g_ascii_isdigit(args[i]))  /** parse number */
				if (gvars->debug)
					{for (j=0;j<gvars->nest_level;j++) {g_printf("   ");} g_printf("args[%d] is digit\n", i);}

				gint8 dig = to_d(args[i]);
				stack_push(gvars->digits, &dig);
				if (frac_flag) {gvars->frac_point -= 1;}
				/** check if there is more than one digit or fractal part */
				if (!(g_ascii_isdigit(char_at(args, i+1)) || char_at(args, i+1) == '.' || char_at(args, i+1) == ','))
					if (coef_flag) {stack_push(operators, &mul_char); last_p = priority(mul_char);}
					gdouble joined_dig =  join_digits(gvars->digits, gvars->frac_point);
					stack_push(arguments, &joined_dig);
					neg_flag = FALSE; coef_flag = TRUE; frac_flag = FALSE; gvars->frac_point = 0;

			else if (isoperator(args[i]))  /** parse operators */
				if (gvars->debug)
					{for (j=0;j<gvars->nest_level;j++) {g_printf("   ");} g_printf("args[%d] is operator\n", i);}

				if (neg_flag && args[i] == '-')  /** check if preceeding minus changes sign of next symbol */
					neg_flag = FALSE;
					stack_push(arguments, &minus_one); stack_push(operators, &mul_char); last_p = priority(mul_char);
					if (stack_length(arguments) <= stack_length(operators)) {gvars->error_type = 4; break;}
					/** check beforehand if lower priority operator is encountered */
					if (priority(args[i]) < last_p) {compute(arguments, operators, gvars);}
					last_p = priority(args[i]);
					stack_push(operators, &args[i]);
					coef_flag = FALSE;
					neg_flag = TRUE;

			else if (g_ascii_isalpha(args[i])) /** parse letters */
				if (gvars->debug)
					{for (j=0;j<gvars->nest_level;j++) {g_printf("   ");} printf("args[%d] is letter\n", i);}

				if (coef_flag) {coef_flag = FALSE; stack_push(operators, &mul_char); last_p = priority(mul_char);}
				if (neg_flag) {neg_flag = FALSE;}
				g_string_append_c(symbol, args[i]);
				if (char_at(args,i+1) == '(')
					compute_function(symbol->str, 1.337, gvars);
					if (gvars->error_type != 0)
						gvars->error_type = 0;
						gdouble looked_up_c = lookup_constant(symbol->str, gvars);
						stack_push(arguments, &looked_up_c);
						//+symbol = "";
						g_string_free(symbol, TRUE);
						symbol = g_string_new(&null);
						coef_flag = TRUE;
					else {func_flag = TRUE;}
				else if (!g_ascii_isalpha(char_at(args,i+1)))
					gdouble looked_up_c = lookup_constant(symbol->str, gvars);
					stack_push(arguments, &looked_up_c);
					g_string_free(symbol, TRUE);
					symbol = g_string_new(&null);
					coef_flag = TRUE;


		else if (!nest_init_flag) /** this collector block needs to be skipped once so the first '(' isn't collected */
			g_string_append_c(nested_term, args[i]);

		if (args[i] == ' ') {coef_flag = FALSE;}

		if (char_at(args,i) == '#') {break;}  /** failsafe, in case array bounds are left */
	if (gvars->debug)
		{printf("<args>\n");stack_dump(arguments, 'd');printf("<ops>\n");stack_dump(operators, 'c');printf("<>\n");}

	if (local_nest_level != 0 && gvars->error_type == 0) {gvars->error_type = 1;}
	if (neg_flag && gvars->error_type == 0) {gvars->error_type = 4;}
	if (gvars->error_type == 0) {compute(arguments, operators, gvars);}
	if (stack_length(arguments) > 1 && gvars->error_type == 0) {gvars->error_type = 4;printf("no2\n");}

	gdouble return_value = 0;
	if (gvars->error_type == 0) {stack_pop(arguments, &return_value);}

	return return_value;