void Detector::ProcessFrame(const Camera &camera_origin, const Matrix<double> &depth_map, const PointCloud &point_cloud,
                            const Matrix<double> &upper_body_template, Vector<Vector<double> > &detected_bounding_boxes)
    int width = depth_map.x_size();
    int height = depth_map.y_size();

//    Matrix<int> labeledROIs;
    Matrix<int> mat_2D_pos_x(width, height, -1);
    Matrix<int> mat_2D_pos_y(width, height, -1);

    // Compute 2D_positions, and occ_Map matrices
    ComputeFreespace(camera_origin, labeledROIs, mat_2D_pos_x, mat_2D_pos_y, point_cloud);

    Vector<ROI> all_ROIs;
    PreprocessROIs(labeledROIs, all_ROIs);

//    Vector<Vector<Vector<double> > > points3D_in_ROIs(all_ROIs.getSize());
    ExtractPointsInROIs(/*points3D_in_ROIs*/all_ROIs, mat_2D_pos_x, mat_2D_pos_y, point_cloud, labeledROIs);

    double scaleZ = Globals::freespace_scaleZ;

    Vector<double> plane_in_camera = camera_origin.get_GP();

    Vector<Vector<double> > close_range_BBoxes;
    Vector<Vector<double > > distances;

    Vector<double> lower_point(3);

    for(int l = 0; l < all_ROIs.getSize(); l++)
//        if(all_ROIs(l).getSize() > 0)
//            int min_y_index = 0;
//            AncillaryMethods::MinVecVecDim(points3D_in_ROIs(l), 1, min_y_index);
//            Vector<double> lower_point = points3D_in_ROIs(l)(min_y_index);
            lower_point(0) = point_cloud.X(all_ROIs(l).ind_min_y);
            lower_point(1) = point_cloud.Y(all_ROIs(l).ind_min_y);
            lower_point(2) = point_cloud.Z(all_ROIs(l).ind_min_y);

            double height = plane_in_camera(0)*lower_point(0) + plane_in_camera(1)*lower_point(1) +
                    plane_in_camera(2)*lower_point(2) + plane_in_camera(3)*Globals::WORLD_SCALE;
            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Checking height: " << Globals::min_height << " < " << height << " < " << Globals::max_height);
            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Checking distance: " << (all_ROIs(l).center_y()-all_ROIs(l).width()/2.0)/scaleZ << " < " << Globals::distance_range_accepted_detections);
            if((all_ROIs(l).center_y()-all_ROIs(l).width()/2.0)/scaleZ < Globals::distance_range_accepted_detections
                    && height > Globals::min_height && height < Globals::max_height)
                Vector<double> bbox(4, 0.0);
                // if there is a valid bounding box
//                if( ROI::GetRegion2D(bbox, camera_origin, points3D_in_ROIs(l)) )
                if(all_ROIs(l).GetRegion2D(bbox, camera_origin, point_cloud) )

                    Vector<double> distance(2);
                    distance(0) = all_ROIs(l).center_y()/scaleZ;
                    distance(1) = all_ROIs(l).height()/scaleZ;


    detected_bounding_boxes = EvaluateTemplate(upper_body_template, depth_map, close_range_BBoxes, distances);
Exemple #2
sentibyte_geometry::sentibyte_geometry(sb_ptr &sb, vec4 b)
	base_point = b;
	host = sb;

	sb_color[0] = randomFloat(0.0f, 1.0f, 2);
	sb_color[1] = randomFloat(0.0f, 1.0f, 2);
	sb_color[2] = randomFloat(0.0f, 1.0f, 2);

	signed short radial_divisions = host->getTraitCount();
	mat4 rotation_matrix = glm::rotate(mat4(1.0f), 360.0f / float(radial_divisions), vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

	for (int i = 0; i < host->getTraitCount(); i++)
		float outline_thickness = .02f;
		vec4 max_point(0.0f, 1.0, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		vec4 outline_point(0.0f, 1.0 + outline_thickness, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		// rotate point around the center axis
		for (int n = 0; n < i; n++)
			max_point = rotation_matrix * max_point;
			outline_point = rotation_matrix * outline_point;

		mat4 base_translation = glm::translate(
			glm::mat4(1.0f), vec3(base_point.x, base_point.y, base_point.z));

		max_point = base_translation * max_point;
		outline_point = base_translation * outline_point;


	map<string, value_state> trait_map = host->getTraits();
	signed short trait_number = 0;
	for (map<string, value_state>::const_iterator it = trait_map.begin();
		it != trait_map.end(); it++)
		string trait_name = it->first;

		float base_coefficient = it->second[VS_BASE] / 100.0f;
		float upper_coefficient = it->second[VS_UPPER] / 100.0f;
		float lower_coefficient = it->second[VS_LOWER] / 100.0f;

		vec4 base_level_point(0.0f, base_coefficient, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		vec4 lower_point(0.0f, lower_coefficient, 0.0f, 1.0f);
		vec4 upper_point(0.0f, upper_coefficient, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		// rotate point around the center axis
		for (int i = 0; i < trait_number; i++)
			base_level_point = rotation_matrix * base_level_point;
			lower_point = rotation_matrix * lower_point;
			upper_point = rotation_matrix * upper_point;

		mat4 base_translation = glm::translate(
			glm::mat4(1.0f), vec3(base_point.x, base_point.y, base_point.z));

		base_level_point = base_translation * base_level_point;
		lower_point = base_translation * lower_point;
		upper_point = base_translation * upper_point;

		base_levels[trait_name] = base_level_point;
		upper_bounds[trait_name] = upper_point;
		lower_bounds[trait_name] = lower_point;
