Exemple #1
 * Generate 1/sqrt(a)
lp_build_rsqrt(struct lp_build_context *bld,
               LLVMValueRef a)
   const struct lp_type type = bld->type;


   if(util_cpu_caps.has_sse && type.width == 32 && type.length == 4)
      return lp_build_intrinsic_unary(bld->builder, "llvm.x86.sse.rsqrt.ps", lp_build_vec_type(type), a);

   return lp_build_rcp(bld, lp_build_sqrt(bld, a));
 * Convert linear float values to srgb int values.
 * Several possibilities how to do this, e.g.
 * - use table (based on exponent/highest order mantissa bits) and do
 *   linear interpolation (https://gist.github.com/rygorous/2203834)
 * - Chebyshev polynomial
 * - Approximation using reciprocals
 * - using int-to-float and float-to-int tricks for pow()
 *   (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6475373/optimizations-for-pow-with-const-non-integer-exponent)
 * @param src   float (vector) value(s) to convert.
static LLVMValueRef
lp_build_linear_to_srgb(struct gallivm_state *gallivm,
                        struct lp_type src_type,
                        LLVMValueRef src)
   LLVMBuilderRef builder = gallivm->builder;
   struct lp_build_context f32_bld;
   LLVMValueRef lin_thresh, lin, lin_const, is_linear, tmp, pow_final;

   lp_build_context_init(&f32_bld, gallivm, src_type);

   src = lp_build_clamp(&f32_bld, src, f32_bld.zero, f32_bld.one);

   if (0) {
       * using int-to-float and float-to-int trick for pow().
       * This is much more accurate than necessary thanks to the correction,
       * but it most certainly makes no sense without rsqrt available.
       * Bonus points if you understand how this works...
       * All in all (including min/max clamp, conversion) 19 instructions.

      float exp_f = 2.0f / 3.0f;
      /* some compilers can't do exp2f, so this is exp2f(127.0f/exp_f - 127.0f) */
      float exp2f_c = 1.30438178253e+19f;
      float coeff_f = 0.62996f;
      LLVMValueRef pow_approx, coeff, x2, exponent, pow_1, pow_2;
      struct lp_type int_type = lp_int_type(src_type);

       * First calculate approx x^8/12
      exponent = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, exp_f);
      coeff = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type,
                                 exp2f_c * powf(coeff_f, 1.0f / exp_f));

      /* premultiply src */
      tmp = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, coeff, src);
      /* "log2" */
      tmp = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, tmp, lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, int_type), "");
      tmp = lp_build_int_to_float(&f32_bld, tmp);
      /* multiply for pow */
      tmp = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, tmp, exponent);
      /* "exp2" */
      pow_approx = lp_build_itrunc(&f32_bld, tmp);
      pow_approx = LLVMBuildBitCast(builder, pow_approx,
                                    lp_build_vec_type(gallivm, src_type), "");

       * Since that pow was inaccurate (like 3 bits, though each sqrt step would
       * give another bit), compensate the error (which is why we chose another
       * exponent in the first place).
      /* x * x^(8/12) = x^(20/12) */
      pow_1 = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, pow_approx, src);

      /* x * x * x^(-4/12) = x^(20/12) */
      /* Should avoid using rsqrt if it's not available, but
       * using x * x^(4/12) * x^(4/12) instead will change error weight */
      tmp = lp_build_fast_rsqrt(&f32_bld, pow_approx);
      x2 = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, src, src);
      pow_2 = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, x2, tmp);

      /* average the values so the errors cancel out, compensate bias,
       * we also squeeze the 1.055 mul of the srgb conversion plus the 255.0 mul
       * for conversion to int in here */
      tmp = lp_build_add(&f32_bld, pow_1, pow_2);
      coeff = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type,
                                 1.0f / (3.0f * coeff_f) * 0.999852f *
                                 powf(1.055f * 255.0f, 4.0f));
      pow_final = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, tmp, coeff);

      /* x^(5/12) = rsqrt(rsqrt(x^20/12)) */
      if (lp_build_fast_rsqrt_available(src_type)) {
         pow_final = lp_build_fast_rsqrt(&f32_bld,
                        lp_build_fast_rsqrt(&f32_bld, pow_final));
      else {
         pow_final = lp_build_sqrt(&f32_bld, lp_build_sqrt(&f32_bld, pow_final));
      pow_final = lp_build_add(&f32_bld, pow_final,
                               lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, -0.055f * 255.0f));

   else {
       * using "rational polynomial" approximation here.
       * Essentially y = a*x^0.375 + b*x^0.5 + c, with also
       * factoring in the 255.0 mul and the scaling mul.
       * (a is closer to actual value so has higher weight than b.)
       * Note: the constants are magic values. They were found empirically,
       * possibly could be improved but good enough (be VERY careful with
       * error metric if you'd want to tweak them, they also MUST fit with
       * the crappy polynomial above for srgb->linear since it is required
       * that each srgb value maps back to the same value).
       * This function has an error of max +-0.17 (and we'd only require +-0.6),
       * for the approximated srgb->linear values the error is naturally larger
       * (+-0.42) but still accurate enough (required +-0.5 essentially).
       * All in all (including min/max clamp, conversion) 15 instructions.
       * FMA would help (minus 2 instructions).

      LLVMValueRef x05, x0375, a_const, b_const, c_const, tmp2;

      if (lp_build_fast_rsqrt_available(src_type)) {
         tmp = lp_build_fast_rsqrt(&f32_bld, src);
         x05 = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, src, tmp);
      else {
          * I don't really expect this to be practical without rsqrt
          * but there's no reason for triple punishment so at least
          * save the otherwise resulting division and unnecessary mul...
         x05 = lp_build_sqrt(&f32_bld, src);

      tmp = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, x05, src);
      if (lp_build_fast_rsqrt_available(src_type)) {
         x0375 = lp_build_fast_rsqrt(&f32_bld, lp_build_fast_rsqrt(&f32_bld, tmp));
      else {
         x0375 = lp_build_sqrt(&f32_bld, lp_build_sqrt(&f32_bld, tmp));

      a_const = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, 0.675f * 1.0622 * 255.0f);
      b_const = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, 0.325f * 1.0622 * 255.0f);
      c_const = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, -0.0620f * 255.0f);

      tmp = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, a_const, x0375);
      tmp2 = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, b_const, x05);
      tmp2 = lp_build_add(&f32_bld, tmp2, c_const);
      pow_final = lp_build_add(&f32_bld, tmp, tmp2);

   /* linear part is easy */
   lin_const = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, 12.92f * 255.0f);
   lin = lp_build_mul(&f32_bld, src, lin_const);

   lin_thresh = lp_build_const_vec(gallivm, src_type, 0.0031308f);
   is_linear = lp_build_compare(gallivm, src_type, PIPE_FUNC_LEQUAL, src, lin_thresh);
   tmp = lp_build_select(&f32_bld, is_linear, lin, pow_final);

   f32_bld.type.sign = 0;
   return lp_build_iround(&f32_bld, tmp);