Exemple #1
t_stat lpt (uint32 op, uint32 pa, uint32 f0, uint32 f1)
int8 lpc;
uint8 z, d;
t_stat r, sta;

sta = SCPE_OK;
sim_cancel (&lpt_unit);                                 /* "stall" until */
ind[IN_PRBSY] = 0;                                      /* printer free */

switch (op) {                                           /* decode op */

    case OP_K:                                          /* control */
        lpt_savctrl = (f0 << 4) | f1;                   /* form ctrl */
        if (lpt_savctrl & K_IMM)                        /* immediate? */
            return lpt_print ();

    case OP_DN:
        return lpt_num (pa, f1, TRUE);                  /* dump numeric  (tfm: removed len parm ) */

    case OP_WN:
        return lpt_num (pa, f1, FALSE);                 /* write numeric (tfm: removed len parm ) */

    case OP_WA:
        for ( ; lpt_bptr < LPT_BSIZE; lpt_bptr++) {     /* only fill buf */
            d = M[pa] & DIGIT;                          /* get digit */
            z = M[pa - 1] & DIGIT;                      /* get zone */
            if ((d & REC_MARK) == REC_MARK)             /* 8-2 char? */
            lpc = alp_to_lpt[(z << 4) | d];             /* translate pair */
            if (lpc < 0) {                              /* bad char? */
                ind[IN_WRCHK] = ind[IN_PRCHK] = 1;      /* wr chk */
                if (io_stop)                            /* set return status */
                    sta = STOP_INVCHR;
            lpt_buf[lpt_bptr] = lpc & 0x7F;             /* fill buffer */
            pa = ADDR_A (pa, 2);                        /* incr mem addr */
        if ((f1 & 1) == 0) {            ;               /* print now? */
            r = lpt_print ();                           /* print line */
            if (r != SCPE_OK)
                return r;
        return sta;

    default:                                            /* invalid function */
        return STOP_INVFNC;

return SCPE_OK;
Exemple #2
t_stat lpt_num (uint32 pa, uint32 f1, t_bool dump)      /* tfm: removed len parm and reorganized code */
uint8 d;
int8 lpc;
t_stat r, sta;

sta = SCPE_OK;
for ( ; lpt_bptr < LPT_BSIZE; lpt_bptr++) {             /* only fill buf */
    d = M[pa];                                          /* get data char */
    if (!dump &&                                        /* not dumping? */
        ((d & REC_MARK) == REC_MARK))                   /* quit on RM or GM */
    lpc = num_to_lpt[d];                                /* translate digit */
    if (!dump &&                                        /* if not dumping */
        ((d & DIGIT) == NUM_BLANK))                     /* translate numeric blank */
        lpc = ' ';                                      /* to normal space */
    if (lpc < 0) {                                      /* bad char? */
        ind[IN_WRCHK] = ind[IN_PRCHK] = 1;              /* wr chk */
        if (io_stop)                                    /* set return status */
            sta = STOP_INVCHR;
    lpt_buf[lpt_bptr] = lpc & 0x7F;                     /* put char into buffer (tfm: correct increment)*/
    PP (pa);                                            /* incr mem addr */
if ((f1 & 1) == 0) {                                    /* print now? */
    r = lpt_print ();                                   /* print line */
    if (r != SCPE_OK)
        return r;
return sta;
Exemple #3
t_stat lpt_num (uint32 pa, uint32 len, uint32 f1)
uint32 end;
uint8 d;
int8 lpc;
t_stat r, sta;

sta = SCPE_OK;
end = pa + len;
for ( ; lpt_bptr < LPT_BSIZE; lpt_bptr++) {             /* only fill buf */
    d = M[pa];                                          /* get digit */
    if (len? (pa >= end):                               /* end reached? */
        ((d & REC_MARK) == REC_MARK))
    lpc = num_to_lpt[d];                                /* translate */
    if (lpc < 0) {                                      /* bad char? */
        ind[IN_WRCHK] = ind[IN_PRCHK] = 1;              /* wr chk */
        if (io_stop)                                    /* set return status */
            sta = STOP_INVCHR;
    lpt_buf[lpt_bptr++] = lpc & 0x7F;                   /* fill buffer */
    PP (pa);                                            /* incr mem addr */
if ((f1 & 1) == 0) {                                    /* print now? */
    r = lpt_print ();                                   /* print line */
    if (r != SCPE_OK)
        return r;
return sta;