Exemple #1
 \brief Get the rf_pk for rf_shortname

 Checks the cache to get the rf_pk for this shortname.
 If it doesn't exist, add it to both license_ref and the
 license_ref cache (the hash table).

 @param pcroot
 @param rf_shortname

 @return rf_pk of the matched license or 0
FUNCTION long get_rfpk(cacheroot_t *pcroot, char *rf_shortname)
  long rf_pk;
  size_t len;

  if ((len = strlen(rf_shortname)) == 0)
    printf("ERROR! Nomos.c get_rfpk() passed empty name");
    return (0);

  /* is this in the cache? */
  rf_pk = lrcache_lookup(pcroot, rf_shortname);
  if (rf_pk)
    return rf_pk;

  /* shortname was not found, so add it */
  /* add to the license_ref table */
  rf_pk = add2license_ref(rf_shortname);

  /* add to the cache */
  lrcache_add(pcroot, rf_pk, rf_shortname);

  return (rf_pk);
} /* get_rfpk */
Exemple #2

 Given a string with | separated license names
 return an integer array of rf_pk's

 @param PGconn *pgConn  Database connection object
 @param char *nameStr   string of lic names eg "bsd | gpl"
 @param cacheroot_t *pcroot  License cache

 @return an array of rf_pk's that match the names in nameStr
 if nameStr contains a license name that is not in
 the license_ref file, then 0 is returned since there
 is no way to match all the listed licenses.
FUNCTION int *getLicsInStr(PGconn *pgConn, char *nameStr,
                             cacheroot_t *pcroot)
  char *fcnName = "getLicsInStr";
  char *delims = "|\n\r ";
  char *sp;
  int *pkArray;
  int *pkArrayHead = 0;
  int  lic_count = 1;
  int  lr_pk;
  int  matchNumb = 0;

  if (!nameStr) return 0;

  /* count how many seperators are in nameStr
     number of licenses is the count +1 */
  sp = nameStr;
  while (*sp) if (*sp++ == *delims) lic_count++;

  /* we need lic_count+1 int array.  This sets the array to 
     the max possible size +1 for null termination */
  pkArray = calloc(lic_count+1, sizeof(int));
  if (!pkArray)
    printf("FATAL: %s.%s.%d Unable to allocate %d int array.\n",
           __FILE__, fcnName, __LINE__, lic_count+1);
    return 0;
  pkArrayHead = pkArray;  /* save head of array */

  /* read each line then read each license in the line
     Comments start with leading #
  while ((sp = strtok(nameStr, delims)) != 0)
    /* look up license rf_pk */
    lr_pk = lrcache_lookup(pcroot, sp);
    if (lr_pk)
      /* save rf_pk in match_every array */
      pkArray[matchNumb++] = lr_pk;
      /* license not found in license_ref table, so this can never match */
      matchNumb = 0;
    nameStr = 0;  // for strtok

  if (matchNumb == 0)
    pkArrayHead = 0;

  return pkArrayHead;
Exemple #3

 Read the match only file (bucket type 2)

 @param PGconn *pgConn  Database connection object
 @param int bucketpool_pk
 @param char *filename  File name of match_only file

 @return an array of rf_pk's that match the licenses
 in filename.
 or 0 if error.
FUNCTION int *getMatchOnly(PGconn *pgConn, int bucketpool_pk, 
                             char *filename, cacheroot_t *pcroot)
  char *fcnName = "getMatchOnly";
  char *delims = ",\t\n\r";
  char *sp;
  char filepath[256];  
  char inbuf[256];
  int *match_only = 0;
  int  line_count = 0;
  int  lr_pk;
  int  matchNumb = 0;
  FILE *fin;

  /* put together complete file path to match_only file */
  snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s/bucketpools/%d/%s", 
           PROJECTSTATEDIR, bucketpool_pk, filename);

  /* open filepath */
  fin = fopen(filepath, "r");
  if (!fin)
    printf("FATAL: %s.%s.%d Failure to open bucket file %s (pool=%d).\nError: %s\n",
           __FILE__, fcnName, __LINE__, filepath, bucketpool_pk, strerror(errno));
    return 0;

  /* count lines in file */
  while (fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), fin)) line_count++;
  /* calloc match_only array as lines+1.  This set the array to 
     the max possible size +1 for null termination */
  match_only = calloc(line_count+1, sizeof(int));
  if (!match_only)
    printf("FATAL: %s.%s.%d Unable to allocate %d int array.\n",
           __FILE__, fcnName, __LINE__, line_count+1);
    return 0;

  /* read each line fgets 
     A match_only file has one license per line, no leading whitespace.
     Comments start with leading #
  while (fgets(inbuf, sizeof(inbuf), fin)) 
    /* input string should only contain 1 token (license name) */
    sp = strtok(inbuf, delims);

    /* comment? */
    if ((sp == 0) || (*sp == '#')) continue;

    /* look up license rf_pk */
    lr_pk = lrcache_lookup(pcroot, sp);
    if (lr_pk)
      /* save rf_pk in match_only array */
      match_only[matchNumb++] = lr_pk;
//printf("MATCH_ONLY license: %s, FOUND\n", sp);
//printf("MATCH_ONLY license: %s, NOT FOUND in DB - ignored\n", sp);

return match_only;