Exemple #1
static unsigned eval_addr_set(pack_t *addr_set, kr_nsrep_lru_t *rttcache, unsigned score, uint8_t *addr[], uint32_t opts)
	/* Name server is better candidate if it has address record. */
	uint8_t *it = pack_head(*addr_set);
	while (it != pack_tail(*addr_set)) {
		void *val = pack_obj_val(it);
		size_t len = pack_obj_len(it);
		unsigned favour = 0;
		bool is_valid = false;
		/* Check if the address isn't disabled. */
		if (len == sizeof(struct in6_addr)) {
			is_valid = !(opts & QUERY_NO_IPV6);
			favour = FAVOUR_IPV6;
		} else {
			is_valid = !(opts & QUERY_NO_IPV4);
		/* Get RTT for this address (if known) */
		if (is_valid) {
			unsigned *cached = rttcache ? lru_get(rttcache, val, len) : NULL;
			unsigned addr_score = (cached) ? *cached : KR_NS_GLUED;
			if (addr_score < score + favour) {
				/* Shake down previous contenders */
				for (size_t i = KR_NSREP_MAXADDR - 1; i > 0; --i)
					addr[i] = addr[i - 1];
				addr[0] = it;
				score = addr_score;
		it = pack_obj_next(it);
	return score;
Exemple #2
static int eval_nsrep(const char *k, void *v, void *baton)
	struct kr_query *qry = baton;
	struct kr_nsrep *ns = &qry->ns;
	struct kr_context *ctx = ns->ctx;
	unsigned score = KR_NS_MAX_SCORE;
	unsigned reputation = 0;
	uint8_t *addr = NULL;

	/* Fetch NS reputation */
	if (ctx->cache_rep) {
		unsigned *cached = lru_get(ctx->cache_rep, k, knot_dname_size((const uint8_t *)k));
		if (cached) {
			reputation = *cached;

	/* Favour nameservers with unknown addresses to probe them,
	 * otherwise discover the current best address for the NS. */
	pack_t *addr_set = (pack_t *)v;
	if (addr_set->len == 0) {
		score = KR_NS_UNKNOWN;
		/* If the server doesn't have IPv6, give it disadvantage. */
		if (reputation & KR_NS_NOIP6) {
			score += FAVOUR_IPV6;
			/* If the server is unknown but has rep record, treat it as timeouted */
			if (reputation & KR_NS_NOIP4) {
				score = KR_NS_TIMEOUT;
				reputation = 0; /* Start with clean slate */
	} else {
		score = eval_addr_set(addr_set, ctx->cache_rtt, score, &addr);

	/* Probabilistic bee foraging strategy (naive).
	 * The fastest NS is preferred by workers until it is depleted (timeouts or degrades),
	 * at the same time long distance scouts probe other sources (low probability).
	 * Servers on TIMEOUT (depleted) can be probed by the dice roll only */
	if (score < ns->score && (qry->flags & QUERY_NO_THROTTLE || score < KR_NS_TIMEOUT)) {
		update_nsrep(ns, (const knot_dname_t *)k, addr, score);
		ns->reputation = reputation;
	} else {
		/* With 5% chance, probe server with a probability given by its RTT / MAX_RTT */
		if ((kr_rand_uint(100) < 5) && (kr_rand_uint(KR_NS_MAX_SCORE) >= score)) {
			/* If this is a low-reliability probe, go with TCP to get ICMP reachability check. */
			if (score >= KR_NS_LONG) {
				qry->flags |= QUERY_TCP;
			update_nsrep(ns, (const knot_dname_t *)k, addr, score);
			ns->reputation = reputation;
			return 1; /* Stop evaluation */

	return kr_ok();
Exemple #3
static int lf_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler,
              off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {

    if (strcmp(path, "/") != 0)
        return -ENOENT;

	unsigned int item_count = lru_count();

    filler(buf, ".", NULL, 0);
    filler(buf, "..", NULL, 0);

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < item_count; i++) {
		char *path = lru_get(i);
		filler(buf, path+1, NULL, 0); 

    return 0;
Exemple #4
static unsigned eval_addr_set(pack_t *addr_set, kr_nsrep_lru_t *rttcache, unsigned score, uint8_t **addr)
	/* Name server is better candidate if it has address record. */
	uint8_t *it = pack_head(*addr_set);
	while (it != pack_tail(*addr_set)) {
		void *val = pack_obj_val(it);
		size_t len = pack_obj_len(it);
		/* Get RTT for this address (if known) */
		unsigned *cached = rttcache ? lru_get(rttcache, val, len) : NULL;
		unsigned addr_score = (cached) ? *cached : KR_NS_GLUED;
		/* Give v6 a head start */
		unsigned favour = (len == sizeof(struct in6_addr)) ? FAVOUR_IPV6 : 0;
		if (addr_score < score + favour) {
			*addr = it;
			score = addr_score;
		it = pack_obj_next(it);
	return score;
Exemple #5
int object_cache_isvalid(u64 oid) {
    return objectroot != NULL && lru_get(object_cache_status, &oid) != NULL;