Exemple #1
 * get the status of all log and trace files in the SAM-FS configuration
 * This includes the Solaris system log, SAM system log, archiver logs,
 * device logs, releaser logs, stager logs, recycler logs, and daemon trace
 * status
 * Return a list of formatted strings
 * name=name,
 * type=Log/Trace,
 * state=on/off,
 * path=filename,
 * flags=flags,
 * size=size,
 * modtime=last modified time (num of seconds since 1970)
	ctx_t *ctx, /* ARGSUSED */
	sqm_lst_t **lst	/* return - list of formatted strings */
	char *info = NULL;
	sqm_lst_t *lst_log = NULL;

	if (ISNULL(lst) || ((*lst = lst_create()) == NULL)) {
		return (-1);

	if (get_daemontrace_info(&lst_log) == 0) {
		lst_concat(*lst, lst_log);
	if (get_samlog_lst(&lst_log) == 0) {
		lst_concat(*lst, lst_log);
	if (get_filestat(
		lst_append(*lst, info);

	/* If QFS only install, do not display archive related logs */
	if (get_samfs_type(NULL) != QFS) {

		if (get_devlog_info(&lst_log) == 0) {
			lst_concat(*lst, lst_log);
		if (get_recyclelog_info(&info) == 0) {
			lst_append(*lst, info);
		if (get_archivelog_info(&lst_log) == 0) {
			lst_concat(*lst, lst_log);
		if (get_releaselog_info(&lst_log) == 0) {
			lst_concat(*lst, lst_log);
		if (get_stagelog_info(&info) == 0) {
			lst_append(*lst, info);
		 * For now api_version 1.3.2, the restore log is hardcoded to
		 * RESTORELOG = /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/restore.log
		if (get_filestat(
		    RESTORELOG, SE_RESTORE_LOG_DESC, &info) == 0) {
			lst_append(*lst, info);
	return (0);

Exemple #2
void qsort1(LIST* lst){

  if(lst_length(lst) <= 1)

  ElemType pivot = lst_pop_front(lst);
  LIST* pivotList = lst_create();
  lst_push_front(pivotList, pivot);

  LIST* lst2 = lst_filter_leq(lst, pivot);


  lst_concat(lst2, pivotList);
  lst_concat(lst2, lst);
  lst_concat(lst, lst2);

	ctx_t *c,		/* ARGSUSED */
	int maxentries,		/* Maximum number of strings to return */
	char *rest,		/* fnmatch pattern to exclude returns */
	sqm_lst_t **activities)	/* Returned list of descriptor strings */
	samrthread_t *ptr;
	char *bufptr;
	int rval;
	sqm_lst_t *l;
	char restrictions[MAXPATHLEN];

	/* Fully wild-card selector */
	if (rest != NULL)
		snprintf(restrictions, MAXPATHLEN, "*%s*", rest);
		strlcpy(restrictions, "*", MAXPATHLEN);

	*activities = lst_create();
	pthread_mutex_lock(samrlock); /* ++ LOCK samrtlist */

	ptr = samrtlist;
	while ((ptr != NULL) && ((*activities)->length < maxentries)) {
		rval = ptr->details(ptr, &bufptr); /* Ask about a task */
		if (rval == 0) {
			if (fnmatch(restrictions, bufptr, 0))
				free(bufptr); /* Doesn't match */
				lst_append(*activities, bufptr);
		ptr = ptr->next;
	pthread_mutex_unlock(samrlock); /* ++ UNLOCK samrtlist */

	/* get and append process jobs that match the restrictions */
	if (get_process_jobs(NULL, rest, &l) != 0) {
		return (-1);
	} else if (l->length != 0) {
		if (lst_concat(*activities, l) != 0) {
			return (-1);

	return (0);
int main() {
  // Test values.
  LIST *empty = lst_create();
  LIST *anotherEmptyList = lst_create();
  LIST *one = lst_create();  // List of one element [ 5 ].
  LIST *medium = lst_create();  // List of ten elements [ 1 2 ... 9 10 ].
  LIST *evenList;  // Lst of five even elements [ 2 4 6 8 10 ].
  LIST *oddList;  // List of five odd elements [ 1 3 5 7 9 ].
  LIST *dupsOfevenList; // List of some even duplicate elements [ 4 8 12 16 20 ].
  LIST *resultList;

  lst_push_back(one, 5);
  for(int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { lst_push_back(medium, i); }

  * Unit test for void lst_push_back(LIST *l, ElemType val);
  printf("\n\nTest: 0A\nDescription: Testing lst_push_back with List of length 0 with elements [] and val=42\nExpected output: [ 42 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_push_back(empty, 42);
  empty = lst_create();

  printf("\n\nTest: 0B\nDescription: Testing lst_push_back with List of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and val=42\nExpected output: [ 5 42 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_push_back(one, 42);
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 5); // Reset one for later tests.

  evenList = lst_create();
  for (int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 0C\nDescription: Testing lst_push_back with List of length 5 with elements [2 4 6 8 10] and val=42\nExpected output: [ 2 4 6 8 10 42 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_push_back(evenList, 42);

   * 2. Unit tests on function: int lst_count(LIST *l, ElemType x);
  printf("\n\nTest: 2A\nDescription: Testing lst_count with List of length 0 and x=5\nExpected output: 0\n");
  printf("Your output: %d\n",  lst_count(empty, 5));

  printf("\n\nTest: 2B\nDescription: Testing lst_count with List of length 10 and x=-5\nExpected output: 0\n");
  printf("Your output: %d\n", lst_count(medium, -5));

  printf("\n\nTest: 2C\nDescription: Testing lst_count with List of length 10 and x=5\nExpected output: 1\n");
  printf("Your output: %d\n", lst_count(medium, 5));

  lst_push_front(medium, 10);
  printf("\n\nTest: 2D\nDescription: Testing lst_count with List of length 10 and x=10\nExpected output: 2\n");
  printf("Your output: %d\n", lst_count(medium, 10));
  lst_pop_front(medium); // Reset value for later tests.

   * 4. Unit tests on function: void lst_reverse(LIST *l);
  printf("\n\nTest: 4A\nDescription: Testing lst_reverse with List of length 0\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Your output: ");

  printf("\n\nTest: 4B\nDescription: Testing lst_reverse with List of length 1\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");

  printf("\n\nTest: 4C\nDescription: Testing lst_reverse with List of length 10\nExpected output: [ 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_push_back(medium, 99);
  lst_pop_back(medium); // Check for tail correctness.
  medium = lst_create();
  for (int i=1; i<=10; ++i) { lst_push_back(medium, i); } // Reset value for later tests.

   * 6. Unit tests on void lst_insert_sorted(LIST *l, ElemType x);
  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 6A\nDescription: Testing lst_insert_sorted with List of length 0 and x=5\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_insert_sorted(empty, 5);
  empty = lst_create(); // Resets value for later tests.

  printf("\n\nTest: 6B\nDescription: Testing lst_insert_sorted with List of length 5 and x=5\nExpected output: [ 2  4  5  6  8  10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_insert_sorted(evenList, 5);
  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }

  printf("\n\nTest: 6C\nDescription: Testing lst_insert_sorted with List of length 5 and x=0\nExpected output: [ 0  2  4  6  8  10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: " );
  lst_insert_sorted(evenList, 0);
  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }

  printf("\n\nTest: 6D\nDescription: Testing lst_insert_sorted with List of length 5 and x=12\nExpected output: [ 2  4  6  8  10  12 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_insert_sorted(evenList, 12);
  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); } // Reset value for later tests.

   * 8. Unit tests on void lst_merge_sorted(LIST *a, LIST *b);
  printf("\n\nTest: 8A\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 0 with elements [] and List b of length 0 with elements []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_merge_sorted(anotherEmptyList, empty);
  empty = lst_create();
  anotherEmptyList = lst_create();

  printf("\n\nTest: 8B\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and List b of length 0 with elements []\n");
  printf("\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_merge_sorted(one, empty);
  one = lst_create();
  empty = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 10);

  printf("\n\nTest: 8C\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 0 with elements [] and List b of length 1 with elements [ 10 ]\n");
  printf("\nExpected output: [ 10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_merge_sorted(empty, one);
  empty = lst_create();
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 5);

  oddList = lst_create();
  for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) { lst_push_back(oddList, i*2+1); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 8D\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10 ] and List b of length 5 with elements [ 1  3  5  7  9 ]");
  printf("\nExpected output: [ 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_merge_sorted(evenList, oddList);

  evenList = lst_create();
  dupsOfevenList = lst_create();
  for (int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); lst_push_back(dupsOfevenList, i*4); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 8E\nDescription: Testing lst_merge_sorted with List a of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10 ] and List b of length 5 with elements [ 4  8  12  16  20 ]\n");
  printf("\nExpected output: [ 2  4  4  6  8  8  10  12  16  20 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  lst_merge_sorted(evenList, dupsOfevenList);

   * 10. Unit tests on LIST * lst_from_array(ElemType a[], int n);
  int emptyArray[] = {};
  int oneArray[] = {5};
  int manyArray[] = {1,2,3,4,5};

  printf("\n\nTest: 10A\nDescription: Testing lst_from_array with array of length 0 with elements [] and n=0\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_from_array(emptyArray, 0);
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList);}

  printf("\n\nTest: 10B\nDescription: Testing lst_from_array with Array of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and n=1\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_from_array(oneArray, 1);
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }

  printf("\n\nTest: 10C\nDescription: Testing lst_from_array with Array of length 5 with elements [ 1  2  3  4  5 ] and n=5\nExpected output: [ 1  2  3  4  5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_from_array(manyArray, 5);
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }

   * 12. Unit tests for LIST * lst_prefix(LIST *lst, unsigned int k);
  printf("\n\nTest: 12A\nDescription: Testing lst_prefix with List of length 0 with elements [] and k=0\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Expected return value: []");
  printf("Your output:\n");
  resultList = lst_prefix(empty, 0);
  printf("Your return value: ");
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }
  empty = lst_create();

  printf("\n\nTest: 12B\nDescription: Testing lst_prefix with List of length 0 with elements [] and k=3\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Expected return value: []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_prefix(empty, 3);
  printf("Your return value: ");
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }
  empty = lst_create();

  printf("\n\nTest: 12C\nDescription: Testing lst_prefix with List of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and k=0\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Expected return value: []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  resultList = lst_prefix(one, 0);
  printf("Your return value: ");
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 5);

  evenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 12D\nDescription: Testing lst_prefix with List of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10 ] and k=3\nExpected output: [ 8 10 ]\n");
  printf("Expected return value: [ 2  4  6 ]\n");
  printf("Your output: ");
  resultList = lst_prefix(evenList, 3);
  printf("Your return value: ");
  if (resultList) { lst_print(resultList); } else { printf("SEG FAULT. No List returned.\n"); }
  if (resultList) { FREE(resultList); }

   * 14. Unit test for void lst_concat(LIST *a, LIST *b);
  anotherEmptyList = lst_create();
  evenList = lst_create();
  oddList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; i++) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); lst_push_back(oddList, i*2-1); }  // 2 4 6 8 10
  printf("\n\nTest: 14A\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 0 with elements [] and List b of length 0 with elements []\nExpected output: []\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(anotherEmptyList, empty);
  empty = lst_create();

  anotherEmptyList = lst_create();
  printf("\n\nTest: 14B\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 1 with elements [ 5 ] and List b of length 0 with elements []\nExpected output: [ 5 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(one, anotherEmptyList);
  anotherEmptyList = lst_create();
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 10);

  printf("\n\nTest: 14C\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 0 with elements []");
  printf(" and List b of length 1 with elements [ 10 ]\nExpected output: [ 10 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(anotherEmptyList, one);
  one = lst_create();
  lst_push_back(one, 5);

  printf("\n\nTest: 14D\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10]");
  printf(" and List b of length 5 with elements [ 1  3  5  7  9 ]\nExpected output: [ 2  4  6  8  10  1  3  5  7  9 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(evenList, oddList);

  evenList = lst_create();
  dupsOfevenList = lst_create();
  for(int i=1; i<=5; ++i) { lst_push_back(evenList, i*2); lst_push_back(dupsOfevenList, i*4); }
  printf("\n\nTest: 14E\nDescription: Testing lst_concat with List a of length 5 with elements [ 2  4  6  8  10 ] and List b of length 5 with elements [ 4  8  12  16  20 ]\n"
    "Expected output: [ 2  4  6  8  10  4  8  12  16  20 ]\n");
  printf("Your output:");
  lst_concat(evenList, dupsOfevenList);