void CLuaDatabaseDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    //  Connection class
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "dbConnect" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "exec", "dbExec" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "prepareString", "dbPrepareString" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "query", "dbQuery", OOP_DbQuery );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "Connection", "Element" );

    //  QueryHandle class
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "poll", "dbPoll" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "free", "dbFree" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "QueryHandle", NULL, false );
void CLuaACLDefs::AddClasses ( lua_State* luaVM )
    //  ACL class
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "save", "aclSave" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "get", "aclGet" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "reload", "aclReload" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "list", "aclList" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "hasObjectPermissionTo", "hasObjectPermissionTo" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "aclCreate" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "destroy", "aclDestroy" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "listRights", "aclListRights" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "removeRight", "aclRemoveRight" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getName", "aclGetName" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getRight", "aclGetRight" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setRight", "aclSetRight" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "name", NULL, "aclGetName" );
    //lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "rights", "", "aclListRights", NULL, CLuaOOPDefs::AclListRights ); // .rights[allowedType] = {..}
    //lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "right", "aclSetRight", "aclGetRight", CLuaOOPDefs::AclSetRight, CLuaOOPDefs::AclGetRight ); // .right["e.y.e"] = "illuminati"; if value == nil then aclRemoveRight(self, key)

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "ACL" );

    //  ACLGroup class
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "get", "aclGetGroup" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "list", "aclGroupList" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "aclCreateGroup" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "destroy", "aclDestroyGroup" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "doesContainObject", "isObjectInACLGroup", OOP_isObjectInACLGroup );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "addACL", "aclGroupAddACL" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "addObject", "aclGroupAddObject" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "removeACL", "aclGroupRemoveACL" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "removeObject", "aclGroupRemoveObject" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "listACL", "aclGroupListACL" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "listObjects", "aclGroupListObjects" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getName", "aclGroupGetName" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "name", NULL, "aclGroupGetName" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "aclList", NULL, "aclGroupListACL" ); // value nil = remove acl
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "objects", NULL, "aclGroupListObjects" ); // value nil = remove object

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "ACLGroup" );
void CLuaTextDefs::AddClasses ( lua_State* luaVM )
    //  TextDisplay class
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "textCreateDisplay" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "destroy", "textDestroyDisplay" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "addObserver", "textDisplayAddObserver" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "removeObserver", "textDisplayRemoveObserver" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "addText", "textDisplayAddText" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "removeText", "textDisplayRemoveText" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isObserver", "textDisplayIsObserver" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getObservers", "textDisplayGetObservers" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "observers", NULL, "textDisplayGetObservers" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "TextDisplay" );

    //  TextItem class
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "textCreateTextItem" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "destroy", "textDestroyTextItem" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getColor", "textItemGetColor" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getPosition", "textItemGetPosition" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getPriority", "textItemGetPriority" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getScale", "textItemGetScale" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getText", "textItemGetText" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setColor", "textItemSetColor" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setPosition", "textItemSetPosition" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setPriority", "textItemSetPriority" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setScale", "textItemSetScale" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setText", "textItemSetText" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "priority", "textItemSetPriority", "textItemGetPriority" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "scale", "textItemSetScale", "textItemGetScale" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "text", "textItemSetText", "textItemGetText" );
    //lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "color", "textItemSetColor", "textItemGetColor", CLuaOOPDefs::TextItemSetColor, CLuaOOPDefs::TextItemGetColor ); // color
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "position", "textItemSetPosition", "textItemGetPosition" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "TextItem" );
void CLuaEngineDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "restoreCOL", "engineRestoreCOL" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "restoreModel", "engineRestoreModel" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setAsynchronousLoading", "engineSetAsynchronousLoading" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setModelLODDistance", "engineSetModelLODDistance" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getVisibleTextureNames", "engineGetVisibleTextureNames" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getModelLODDistance", "engineGetModelLODDistance" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getModelTextureNames", "engineGetModelTextureNames" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getModelIDFromName", "engineGetModelIDFromName" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getModelNameFromID", "engineGetModelNameFromID" );

    //  lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "modelLODDistance", "engineSetModelLODDistance", "engineGetModelLODDistance" ); .modelLODDistance[model] = distance
    //  lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "modelNameFromID", NULL, "engineGetModelNameFromID" ); .modelNameFromID[id] = "name"
    //  lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "modelIDFromName", NULL, "engineGetModelIDFromName" ); .modelIDFromName["name"] = id
    //  lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "modelTextureNames", NULL, "engineGetModelTextureNames" ); .modelTextureNames[mode] = {names}

    lua_registerstaticclass ( luaVM, "Engine" );

    AddEngineColClass ( luaVM );
    AddEngineTxdClass ( luaVM );
    AddEngineDffClass ( luaVM );
Exemple #5
static inline int _trefget( lua_State *L, LuaRoot *root )
    lua_pushlightuserdata( L, root );
    lua_pushcclosure( L, luaconstructor_root, 1 );
    lua_newclass( L );
    return luaL_ref( L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );
Exemple #6
void CLuaBlipDefs::AddClass(lua_State* luaVM)

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "create", "createBlip");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "createAttachedTo", "createBlipAttachedTo");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getColor", "getBlipColor");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getVisibleDistance", "getBlipVisibleDistance");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getOrdering", "getBlipOrdering");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getSize", "getBlipSize");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getIcon", "getBlipIcon");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setColor", "setBlipColor");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setVisibleDistance", "setBlipVisibleDistance");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setOrdering", "setBlipOrdering");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setSize", "setBlipSize");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setIcon", "setBlipIcon");

    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "icon", "setBlipIcon", "getBlipIcon");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "size", "setBlipSize", "getBlipSize");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "ordering", "setBlipOrdering", "getBlipOrdering");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "visibleDistance", "setBlipVisibleDistance", "getBlipVisibleDistance");
    // lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "color", "setBlipColor", "getBlipColor" );

    lua_registerclass(luaVM, "Blip", "Element");
Exemple #7
void CLuaBanDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "addBan" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getList", "getBans" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "reload", "reloadBans" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "remove", "removeBan" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getAdmin", "getBanAdmin" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getIP", "getBanIP" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getNick", "getBanNick" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getReason", "getBanReason" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getSerial", "getBanSerial" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getTime", "getBanTime" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getUnbanTime", "getUnbanTime" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setUnbanTime", "setUnbanTime" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setReason", "setBanReason" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setNick", "setBanNick" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setAdmin", "setBanAdmin" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "admin", "setBanAdmin", "getBanAdmin" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "IP", NULL, "getBanIP" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "serial", NULL, "getBanSerial" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "time", NULL, "getBanTime" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "unbanTime", "setUnbanTime", "getUnbanTime" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "reason", "setBanReason", "getBanReason" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "nick", "setBanNick", "getBanNick" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "Ban" );
void CLuaXMLDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "load", "xmlLoadFile" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "unload", "xmlUnloadFile" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "copy", "xmlCopyFile" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "xmlCreateFile" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "destroy", "xmlDestroyNode" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "loadMapData", "loadMapData" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "saveMapData", "saveMapData" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getValue", "xmlNodeGetValue" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setAttribute", "xmlNodeSetAttribute" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setValue", "xmlNodeSetValue" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "saveFile", "xmlSaveFile" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "createChild", "xmlCreateChild" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "findChild", "xmlFindChild" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setName", "xmlNodeSetName" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getAttributes", "xmlNodeGetAttributes" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getChildren", "xmlNodeGetChildren" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getName", "xmlNodeGetName" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getParent", "xmlNodeGetParent" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getAttribute", "xmlNodeGetAttribute" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "value", "xmlNodeSetValue", "xmlNodeGetValue" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "name", "xmlNodeSetName", "xmlNodeGetName" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "attributes", NULL, "xmlNodeGetAttributes" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "children", NULL, "xmlNodeGetChildren" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "parent", NULL, "xmlNodeGetParent" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "XML" );
Exemple #9
void CLuaFileDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "fileOpen" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "destroy", "fileClose" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "close", "fileClose" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "new", "fileCreate" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "delete", "fileDelete" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "exists", "fileExists" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "flush", "fileFlush" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getPos", "fileGetPos" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getSize", "fileGetSize" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isEOF", "fileIsEOF" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "read", "fileRead" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "rename", "fileRename" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setPos", "fileSetPos" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "write", "fileWrite" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "copy", "fileCopy" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "pos", "fileSetPos", "fileGetPos" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "size", NULL, "fileGetSize" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "isEOF", NULL, "fileIsEOF" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "File" );
Exemple #10
void CLuaMarkerDefs::AddClass(lua_State* luaVM)

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "create", "createMarker");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getCount", "getMarkerCount");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getMarkerType", "getMarkerType");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getIcon", "getMarkerIcon");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getSize", "getMarkerSize");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getTarget", "getMarkerTarget", OOP_GetMarkerTarget);
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getColor", "getMarkerColor");            // color

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setType", "setMarkerType");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setIcon", "setMarkerIcon");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setSize", "setMarkerSize");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setTarget", "setMarkerTarget");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setColor", "setMarkerColor");            // color

    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "markerType", "setMarkerType", "getMarkerType");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "icon", "setMarkerIcon", "getMarkerIcon");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "size", "setMarkerSize", "getMarkerSize");

    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "target", "setMarkerTarget", "getMarkerTarget", SetMarkerTarget, OOP_GetMarkerTarget);
    // lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "color", CLuaOOPDefs::SetMarkerColor, CLuaOOPDefs::GetMarkerColor ); color

    lua_registerclass(luaVM, "Marker", "Element");
void CLuaEffectDefs::AddClass(lua_State* luaVM)

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "create", "createEffect");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addBlood", "fxAddBlood");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addBulletImpact", "fxAddBulletImpact");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addBulletSplash", "fxAddBulletSplash");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addDebris", "fxAddDebris");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addFootSplash", "fxAddFootSplash");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addGlass", "fxAddGlass");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addGunshot", "fxAddGunshot");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addPunchImpact", "fxAddPunchImpact");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addSparks", "fxAddSparks");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addTankFire", "fxAddTankFire");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addTyreBurst", "fxAddTyreBurst");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addWaterHydrant", "fxAddWaterHydrant");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addWaterSplash", "fxAddWaterSplash");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "addWood", "fxAddWood");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setDensity", "setEffectDensity");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setSpeed", "setEffectSpeed");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getDensity", "getEffectDensity");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getSpeed", "getEffectSpeed");

    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "density", "setEffectDensity", "getEffectDensity");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "speed", "setEffectSpeed", "getEffectSpeed");

    lua_registerclass(luaVM, "Effect", "Element");
Exemple #12
void CLuaEngineDefs::AddEngineColClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "engineLoadCOL" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "replace", "engineReplaceCOL" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "EngineCOL", "Element" );
Exemple #13
void CLuaEngineDefs::AddEngineDffClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "engineLoadDFF" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "replace", "engineReplaceModel" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "EngineDFF", "Element" );
Exemple #14
void CLuaEngineDefs::AddEngineTxdClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "engineLoadTXD" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "import", "engineImportTXD" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "EngineTXD", "Element" );
void CLuaPlayerDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    // localPlayer only
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "giveMoney", "givePlayerMoney" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "takeMoney", "takePlayerMoney" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "showHudComponent", "showPlayerHudComponent" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setMoney", "setPlayerMoney" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getMoney", "getPlayerMoney" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getSerial", "getPlayerSerial" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getWantedLevel", "getPlayerWantedLevel" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getMapBoundingBox", "getPlayerMapBoundingBox" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "forceMap", "forcePlayerMap" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isMapForced", "isPlayerMapForced" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isMapVisible", "isPlayerMapVisible" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isHudComponentVisible", "isPlayerHudComponentVisible" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "toggleControl", "toggleControl" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "getPlayerFromName" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setNametagText", "setPlayerNametagText" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setNametagShowing", "setPlayerNametagShowing" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setNametagColor", "setPlayerNametagColor" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getPing", "getPlayerPing" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getName", "getPlayerName" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getTeam", "getPlayerTeam" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getNametagText", "getPlayerNametagText" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getNametagColor", "getPlayerNametagColor" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isNametagShowing", "isPlayerNametagShowing" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "ping", NULL, "getPlayerPing" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "name", NULL, "getPlayerName" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "team", NULL, "getPlayerTeam" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "nametagText", "setPlayerNametagText", "getPlayerNametagText" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "nametagShowing", "setPlayerNametagShowing", "isPlayerNametagShowing" );

    // Static class variables or local only variable
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "blurLevel", "setPlayerBlurLevel", "getPlayerBlurLevel" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "mapForced", NULL, "isPlayerMapForced" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "mapVisible", NULL, "isPlayerMapVisible" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "money", "setPlayerMoney", "getPlayerMoney" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "serial", NULL, "getPlayerSerial" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "wantedLevel", NULL, "getPlayerWantedLevel" );*/

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "Player", "Ped" );
Exemple #16
int luaopen_choicehandleapi (lua_State* l) {
lua_newclass(l, "choicehandle");
lregt(l, "add", ch_additem);
lregt(l, "remove", ch_deleteitem);
lregt(l, "clear", ch_clear);
lregt(l, "find", ch_find);
lregt(l, "focus", luacommonhandle_setfocus);
lregt(l, "close", luacommonhandle_close);
lregt(l, "__len", ch_getlen);
lregt(l, "__index", ch_index);
lregt(l, "__newindex", ch_newindex);
return 0;
void CLuaColShapeDefs::AddClass(lua_State* luaVM)

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "Circle", "createColCircle");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "Cuboid", "createColCuboid");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "Rectangle", "createColRectangle");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "Sphere", "createColSphere");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "Tube", "createColTube");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "Polygon", "createColPolygon");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getElementsWithin", "getElementsWithinColShape");
    lua_registerclass(luaVM, "ColShape", "Element");
Exemple #18
int luaopen_menuapi (lua_State* l) {
lua_newclass(l, "menuhandle");
lregt(l, "add", mh_additem);
lregt(l, "addSubMenu", mh_addsubitem);
lregt(l, "remove", mh_deleteitem);
lregt(l, "createPopupMenu", mh_createpopup);
lregt(l, "show", mh_showpopup);
lregt(l, "free", mh_gc);
lregt(l, "__len", mh_length);
lregt(l, "__index", mh_index);
lregt(l, "__newindex", mh_newindex);
lregt(l, "__gc", mh_gc);
return 0;
Exemple #19
void CLuaTimerDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "setTimer" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "destroy", "killTimer" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "reset", "resetTimer" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isValid", "isTimer" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getDetails", "getTimerDetails" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "valid", NULL, "isTimer" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "Timer" );
void CLuaVector4Defs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__tostring", ToString );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__gc", Destroy );

    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__add", Add );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__sub", Sub );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__mul", Mul );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__div", Div );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__pow", Pow );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__unm", Unm );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__eq", Eq );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__len", GetLength );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "", Create );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "normalize", "", Normalize );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "dot", "", Dot );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getLength", "", GetLength );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getSquaredLength", "", GetLengthSquared );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getNormalized", "", GetNormalized );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getX", "", GetX );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getY", "", GetY );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getZ", "", GetZ );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getW", "", GetW );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setX", "", SetX );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setY", "", SetY );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setZ", "", SetZ );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setW", "", SetW );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "x", "", "", SetX, GetX );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "y", "", "", SetY, GetY );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "z", "", "", SetZ, GetZ );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "w", "", "", SetW, GetW );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "length", "", "", NULL, GetLength );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "squaredLength", "", "", NULL, GetLengthSquared );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "normalized", "", "", NULL, GetNormalized );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "Vector4" );
void CLuaRadarAreaDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "createRadarArea" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isInside", "isInsideRadarArea" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isFlashing", "isRadarAreaFlashing" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getSize", "getRadarAreaSize" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getColor", "getRadarAreaColor" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setSize", "setRadarAreaSize" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setFlashing", "setRadarAreaFlashing" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setColor", "setRadarAreaColor" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "flashing", "setRadarAreaFlashing", "isRadarAreaFlashing" );
    //lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "color", "setRadarAreaColor", "getRadarAreaColor" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "size", SetRadarAreaSize, OOP_GetRadarAreaSize );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "RadarArea", "Element" );
void CLuaSearchLightDefs::AddClass(lua_State* luaVM)

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "create", "createSearchLight");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getStartPosition", OOP_GetSearchLightStartPosition);
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getEndPosition", OOP_GetSearchLightEndPosition);
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getStartRadius", "getSearchLightStartRadius");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getEndRadius", "getSearchLightEndRadius");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setStartPosition", "setSearchLightStartPosition");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setEndPosition", "setSearchLightEndPosition");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setStartRadius", "setSearchLightStartRadius");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setEndRadius", "setSearchLightEndRadius");

    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "startPosition", SetSearchLightStartPosition, OOP_GetSearchLightStartPosition);
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "endPosition", SetSearchLightEndPosition, OOP_GetSearchLightEndPosition);
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "startRadius", "setSearchLightStartRadius", "getSearchLightStartRadius");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "endRadius", "setSearchLightEndRadius", "getSearchLightEndRadius");

    lua_registerclass(luaVM, "SearchLight", "Element");
void CLuaAccountDefs::AddClass(lua_State* luaVM)

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getAll", "getAccounts");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getAllByData", "getAccountsByData");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getAllBySerial", "getAccountsBySerial");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getAllByIP", "getAccountsByIP");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getFromPlayer", "getPlayerAccount");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "logPlayerOut", "logOut");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "create", "getAccount");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "add", "addAccount");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "copyDataFrom", "copyAccountData");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "remove", "removeAccount");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setData", "setAccountData");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setPassword", "setAccountPassword");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "setName", "setAccountName");

    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getSerial", "getAccountSerial");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getIP", "getAccountIP");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getID", "getAccountID");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getData", "getAccountData");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getAllData", "getAllAccountData");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getName", "getAccountName");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "getPlayer", "getAccountPlayer");
    lua_classfunction(luaVM, "isGuest", "isGuestAccount");

    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "serial", NULL, "getAccountSerial");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "name", "setAccountName", "getAccountName");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "id", NULL, "getAccountID");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "ip", NULL, "getAccountIP");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "player", NULL, "getAccountPlayer");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "guest", NULL, "isGuestAccount");
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "password", "setAccountPassword", NULL);
    lua_classvariable(luaVM, "data", NULL, "getAllAccountData");            // allow setting

    lua_registerclass(luaVM, "Account");
void CLuaPointLightDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "createLight" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getType", "getLightType" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getRadius", "getLightRadius" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getColor", "getLightColor" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getDirection", "getLightDirection" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setRadius", "setLightRadius" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setColor", "setLightColor" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setDirection", "setLightDirection" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "type", nullptr, "getLightType" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "radius", "setLightRadius", "getLightRadius" );
    //lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "color", "setLightColor", "getLightColor" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "direction", "setLightDirection", "getLightDirection" );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "Light", "Element" );
void CLuaMatrixDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__tostring", ToString );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__gc", Destroy );

    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__add", Add );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__sub", Sub );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__mul", Mul );
    lua_classmetamethod ( luaVM, "__div", Div );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "", Create );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "transformPosition", "", TransformPosition );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "transformDirection", "", TransformDirection );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "inverse", "", Inverse );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getPosition", "", GetPosition );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getRotation", "", GetRotation );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getForward", "", GetForward );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getRight", "", GetRight );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getUp", "", GetUp );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setPosition", "", SetPosition );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setRotation", "", SetRotation );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setForward", "", SetForward );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setRight", "", SetRight );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setUp", "", SetUp );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "position", "", "", SetPosition, GetPosition );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "rotation", "", "", SetRotation, GetRotation );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "forward", "", "", SetForward, GetForward );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "right", "", "", SetRight, GetRight );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "up", "", "", SetUp, GetUp );

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "Matrix" );
Exemple #26
void CLuaMain::InitClasses ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_initclasses             ( luaVM );
    lua_newclass                ( luaVM );
    // Vector and Matrix classes
    CLuaVector4Defs     ::AddClass   ( luaVM );
    CLuaVector3Defs     ::AddClass   ( luaVM );
    CLuaVector2Defs     ::AddClass   ( luaVM );
    CLuaMatrixDefs      ::AddClass   ( luaVM );

    // OOP based classes
    if ( !m_bEnableOOP )
    CLuaElementDefs   ::AddClass ( luaVM ); // keep this at the top because inheritance
    CLuaAccountDefs   ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaACLDefs       ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaBanDefs       ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaBlipDefs      ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaColShapeDefs  ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaDatabaseDefs  ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaFileDefs      ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaMarkerDefs    ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaObjectDefs    ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaPedDefs       ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaPickupDefs    ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaPlayerDefs    ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaRadarAreaDefs ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaResourceDefs  ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaTeamDefs      ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaTextDefs      ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaTimerDefs     ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaVehicleDefs   ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaWaterDefs     ::AddClass ( luaVM );
    CLuaXMLDefs       ::AddClass ( luaVM );
Exemple #27
// TODO: specials
void CLuaPedDefs::AddClass ( lua_State* luaVM )
    lua_newclass ( luaVM );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getValidModels", "getValidPedModels" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "create", "createPed" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "kill", "killPed" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "warpIntoVehicle", "warpPedIntoVehicle" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "addClothes", "addPedClothes" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "giveJetPack", "givePedJetPack" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "giveWeapon", "giveWeapon" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "takeWeapon", "takeWeapon" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "takeAllWeapons", "takeAllWeapons" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "reloadWeapon", "reloadPedWeapon" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "removeClothes", "removePedClothes" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "removeFromVehicle", "removePedFromVehicle" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "removeJetPack", "removePedJetPack" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "doesHaveJetpack", "doesPedHaveJetPack" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isDead", "isPedDead" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isDucked", "isPedDucked" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isInWater", "isPedInWater" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isOnGround", "isPedOnGround" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isInVehicle", "isPedInVehicle" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isOnFire", "isPedOnFire" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isChoking", "isPedChoking" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isDoingGangDriveby", "isPedDoingGangDriveby" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isFrozen", "isPedFrozen" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "isHeadless", "isPedHeadless" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getArmor", "getPedArmor" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getAnalogControlState", "getPedAnalogControlState" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getFightingStyle", "getPedFightingStyle" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getGravity", "getPedGravity" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getStat", "getPedStat" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getWeaponSlot", "getPedWeaponSlot" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getWalkingStyle", "getPedWalkingStyle" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getAmmoInClip", "getPedAmmoInClip" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getOccupiedVehicle", "getPedOccupiedVehicle" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getWeapon", "getPedWeapon" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getTarget", "getPedTarget" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getOccupiedVehicleSeat", "getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getClothes", "getPedClothes" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getContactElement", "getPedContactElement" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "getTotalAmmo", "getPedTotalAmmo" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setOnFire", "setPedOnFire" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setChoking", "setPedChoking" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setDoingGangDriveBy", "setPedDoingGangDriveby" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setFrozen", "setPedFrozen" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setHeadless", "setPedHeadless" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setArmor", "setPedArmor" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setAnalogControlState", "setPedAnalogControlState" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setFightingStyle", "setPedFightingStyle" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setGravity", "setPedGravity" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setStat", "setPedStat" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setWeaponSlot", "setPedWeaponSlot" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setWalkingStyle", "setPedWalkingStyle" );

    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setAnimation", "setPedAnimation" );
    lua_classfunction ( luaVM, "setAnimationProgress", "setPedAnimationProgress" );

    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "inVehicle", NULL, "isPedInVehicle" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "ducked", NULL, "isPedDucked" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "inWater", NULL, "isPedInWater" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "onGround", NULL, "isPedOnGround" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "onFire", "setPedOnFire", "isPedOnFire" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "choking", "setPedChoking", "isPedChoking" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "doingGangDriveby", "setPedDoingGangDriveby", "isPedDoingGangDriveby" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "frozen", "setPedFrozen", "isPedFrozen" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "headless", "setPedHeadless", "isPedHeadless" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "armor", "setPedArmor", "getPedArmor" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "fightingStyle", "setPedFightingStyle", "getPedFightingStyle" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "gravity", "setPedGravity", "getPedGravity" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "weaponSlot", "setPedWeaponSlot", "getPedWeaponSlot" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "ammoInClipOfCurrentWeaponSlot", NULL, "getPedAmmoInClip" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "weaponInCurrentWeaponSlot", NULL, "getPedWeapon" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "target", NULL, "getPedTarget" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "vehicleSeat", NULL, "getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "contactElement", NULL, "getPedContactElement" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "totalAmmoInWeaponOfCurrentWeaponSlot", NULL, "getPedTotalAmmo" );
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "vehicle", "warpPedIntoVehicle", "getPedOccupiedVehicle", OOP_WarpPedIntoVehicle, GetPedOccupiedVehicle ); // what about removePedFromVehicle?
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "dead", "killPed", "isPedDead" ); // Setting this to any value will still kill the ped. Should we special case this?
    lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "walkingStyle", "setPedWalkingStyle", "getPedWalkingStyle" );
    //lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "stats", "setPedStat", "getPedStat", CLuaOOPDefs::SetPedStat, CLuaOOPDefs::GetPedStat ); // table
    //lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "controlState", "setPedControlState", "getPedControlState", CLuaOOPDefs::SetPedControlState, CLuaOOPDefs::GetPedControlState ); // TODO: .controlState["control"] = value
    // This commented code will syntax error, a new method has to be implemented to support this
    //lua_classvariable ( luaVM, "jetpack", {"removePedJetPack","givePedJetPack}, "doesPedHaveJetPack", CLuaOOPDefs::SetJetpackActive, "doesPedHaveJetPack" ); // very specialised!

    lua_registerclass ( luaVM, "Ped", "Element" );