Exemple #1
 * @brief Checks to see if a faction has presence in a system.
 * This checks to see if the faction has a possibility of having any ships at all
 *  be randomly generated in the system.
 *  @usage if sys:hasPresence( "Empire" ) then -- Checks to see if Empire has ships in the system
 *  @usage if sys:hasPresence( faction.get("Pirate") ) then -- Checks to see if the Pirate has ships in the system
 *    @luaparam s System to check to see if has presence of a certain faction.
 *    @luaparam f Faction or name of faction to check to see if has presence in the system.
 *    @luareturn true If faction has presence in the system, false otherwise.
 * @luafunc hasPresence( s, f )
static int systemL_hasPresence( lua_State *L )
    LuaFaction *lf;
    StarSystem *s;
    int fct;
    int i, found;

    s = luaL_validsystem(L,1);

    /* Get the second parameter. */
    if (lua_isstring(L,2)) {
        fct = faction_get( lua_tostring(L,2) );
    else if (lua_isfaction(L,2)) {
        lf = lua_tofaction(L,2);
        fct = lf->f;

    /* Try to find a fleet of the faction. */
    found = 0;
    for (i=0; i<s->npresence; i++) {
        if (s->presence[i].faction == fct) {
            found = 1;

    lua_pushboolean(L, found);
    return 1;
Exemple #2
 * @brief Sets the pilot's faction.
 * @usage p:setFaction( "Empire" )
 * @usage p:setFaction( faction.get( "Dvaered" ) )
 *    @luaparam p Pilot to change faction of.
 *    @luaparam faction Faction to set by name or faction.
 * @luafunc setFaction( faction )
static int pilotL_setFaction( lua_State *L )
   Pilot *p;
   LuaPilot *lp;
   LuaFaction *f;
   int fid;
   const char *faction;

   /* Parse parameters. */
   lp = luaL_checkpilot(L,1);
   if (lua_isstring(L,2)) {
      faction = lua_tostring(L,2);
      fid = faction_get(faction);
   else if (lua_isfaction(L,2)) {
      f = lua_tofaction(L,2);
      fid = f->f;

   /* Get pilot/faction. */
   p = pilot_get(lp->pilot);
   if (p==NULL) {
      NLUA_ERROR(L,"Pilot is invalid.");
      return 0;

   /* Set the new faction. */
   p->faction = fid;

   return 0;
Exemple #3
 * @brief Gets the pilots available in the system by a certain criteria.
 * @usage p = pilot.get() -- Gets all the pilots
 * @usage p = pilot.get( { faction.get("Empire") } ) -- Only gets empire pilots.
 *    @luaparam f If f is a table of factions, it will only get pilots matching those factions.  Otherwise it gets all the pilots.
 *    @luareturn A table containing the pilots.
 * @luafunc get( f )
static int pilot_getPilots( lua_State *L )
   int i, j, k;
   int *factions;
   int nfactions;
   LuaFaction *f;
   LuaPilot p;

   /* Check for belonging to faction. */
   if (lua_istable(L,1)) {
      /* Get table length and preallocate. */
      nfactions = (int) lua_objlen(L,1);
      factions = malloc( sizeof(int) * nfactions );
      /* Load up the table. */
      i = 0;
      while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) {
         f = lua_tofaction(L, -1);
         factions[i++] = f->f;

      /* Now put all the matching pilots in a table. */
      k = 1;
      for (i=0; i<pilot_nstack; i++) {
         for (j=0; j<nfactions; j++) {
            if ((pilot_stack[i]->faction == factions[j]) &&
                  !pilot_isDisabled(pilot_stack[i])) {
               lua_pushnumber(L, k++); /* key */
               p.pilot = pilot_stack[i]->id;
               lua_pushpilot(L, p); /* value */
               lua_rawset(L,-3); /* table[key] = value */
               break; /* Continue to next pilot. */

      /* clean up. */
   else {
      /* Now put all the matching pilots in a table. */
      k = 1;
      for (i=0; i<pilot_nstack; i++) {
         if (!pilot_isDisabled(pilot_stack[i])) {
            lua_pushnumber(L, k++); /* key */
            p.pilot = pilot_stack[i]->id;
            lua_pushpilot(L, p); /* value */
            lua_rawset(L,-3); /* table[key] = value */
            break; /* Continue to next pilot. */

   return 1;
Exemple #4
 * @brief Gets the presence in the system.
 * Possible parameters are besides a faction:<br/>
 *  - "all": Gets the sum of all the presences.<br />
 *  - "friendly": Gets the sum of all the friendly presences.<br />
 *  - "hostile": Gets the sum of all the hostile presences.<br />
 *  - "neutral": Gets the sum of all the neutral presences.<br />
 * @usage p = sys:presence( f ) -- Gets the presence of a faction f
 * @usage p = sys:presence( "all" ) -- Gets the sum of all the presences
 * @usage if sys:presence("friendly") > sys:presence("hostile") then -- Checks to see if the system is dominantly friendly
 *    @luaparam s System to get presence level of.
 *    @luareturn The presence level in sys (absolute value).
 * @luafunc presence( s )
static int systemL_presence( lua_State *L )
    StarSystem *sys;
    LuaFaction *lf;
    int *fct;
    int nfct;
    double presence;
    int i;
    const char *cmd;

    /* Get parameters. */
    sys = luaL_validsystem(L, 1);

    /* Get the second parameter. */
    if (lua_isstring(L, 2)) {
        /* A string command has been given. */
        cmd  = lua_tostring(L, 2);
        nfct = 0;

        /* Check the command string and get the appropriate faction group.*/
        if(strcmp(cmd, "all") == 0)
            fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 0);
        else if(strcmp(cmd, "friendly") == 0)
            fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 1);
        else if(strcmp(cmd, "hostile") == 0)
            fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 3);
        else if(strcmp(cmd, "neutral") == 0)
            fct = faction_getGroup(&nfct, 2);
        else /* Invalid command string. */
    else if (lua_isfaction(L, 2)) {
        /* A faction id was given. */
        lf     = lua_tofaction(L, 2);
        nfct   = 1;
        fct    = malloc(sizeof(int) * nfct);
        fct[0] = lf->f;

    /* Add up the presence values. */
    presence = 0;
    for(i=0; i<nfct; i++)
        presence += system_getPresence( sys, fct[i] );

    /* Clean up after ourselves. */

    /* Push it back to Lua. */
    lua_pushnumber(L, presence);
    return 1;
Exemple #5
 * @brief Gets faction (or faction name) at index, raising an error if type isn't a valid faction.
 *    @param L Lua state to get faction from.
 *    @param ind Index position to find the faction.
 *    @return Faction found at the index in the state.
int luaL_validfaction( lua_State *L, int ind )
   int id;

   if (lua_isfaction(L,ind))
      id = lua_tofaction(L,ind)->f;
   else if (lua_isstring(L,ind))
      id = faction_get( lua_tostring(L, ind) );
   else {
      luaL_typerror(L, ind, FACTION_METATABLE);
      return 0;

   if (id == -1)
      NLUA_ERROR(L,"Faction '%s' not found in stack.", lua_tostring(L,ind) );

   return id;
Exemple #6
 * @brief Gets a planet.
 * Possible values of param:
 *    - nil : Gets the current landed planet or nil if there is none.
 *    - bool : Gets a random planet.
 *    - faction : Gets random planet belonging to faction matching the number.
 *    - string : Gets the planet by name.
 *    - table : Gets random planet belonging to any of the factions in the
 *               table.
 * @usage p,s = planet.get( "Anecu" ) -- Gets planet by name
 * @usage p,s = planet.get( faction.get( "Empire" ) ) -- Gets random Empire planet
 * @usage p,s = planet.get(true) -- Gets completely random planet
 * @usage p,s = planet.get( { faction.get("Empire"), faction.get("Dvaered") } ) -- Random planet belonging to Empire or Dvaered
 *    @luaparam param See description.
 *    @luareturn Returns the planet and the system it belongs to.
 * @luafunc get( param )
static int planetL_get( lua_State *L )
   int i;
   int *factions;
   int nfactions;
   char **planets;
   int nplanets;
   const char *rndplanet;
   LuaPlanet planet;
   LuaSystem sys;
   LuaFaction *f;

   rndplanet = NULL;
   nplanets = 0;
   /* Get the landed planet */
   if (lua_gettop(L) == 0) {
      if (land_planet != NULL) {
         planet.p = land_planet;
         sys.s = system_get( planet_getSystem(land_planet->name) );
         return 2;
      NLUA_ERROR(L,"Attempting to get landed planet when player not landed.");
      return 0; /* Not landed. */

   /* If boolean return random. */
   else if (lua_isboolean(L,1)) {
      planet.p = planet_get( space_getRndPlanet() );
      sys.s = system_get( planet_getSystem(land_planet->name) );
      return 2;

   /* Get a planet by faction */
   else if (lua_isfaction(L,1)) {
      f = lua_tofaction(L,1);
      planets = space_getFactionPlanet( &nplanets, &f->f, 1 );

   /* Get a planet by name */
   else if (lua_isstring(L,1)) {
      rndplanet = lua_tostring(L,1);

   /* Get a planet from faction list */
   else if (lua_istable(L,1)) {
      /* Get table length and preallocate. */
      nfactions = (int) lua_objlen(L,1);
      factions = malloc( sizeof(int) * nfactions );
      /* Load up the table. */
      i = 0;
      while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) {
         f = lua_tofaction(L, -1);
         factions[i++] = f->f;
      /* get the planets */
      planets = space_getFactionPlanet( &nplanets, factions, nfactions );
   else NLUA_INVALID_PARAMETER(); /* Bad Parameter */

   /* No suitable planet found */
   if ((rndplanet == NULL) && (nplanets == 0)) {
      return 0;
   /* Pick random planet */
   else if (rndplanet == NULL) {
      rndplanet = planets[RNG(0,nplanets-1)];

   /* Push the planet */
   planet.p = planet_get(rndplanet); /* The real planet */
   sys.s = system_get( planet_getSystem(rndplanet) );
   return 2;
Exemple #7
static int planetL_getBackend( lua_State *L, int landable )
   int i;
   int *factions;
   int nfactions;
   char **planets;
   int nplanets;
   const char *rndplanet;
   LuaSystem luasys;
   LuaFaction f;
   Planet *pnt;
   StarSystem *sys;
   char *sysname;

   rndplanet = NULL;
   planets   = NULL;
   nplanets  = 0;

   /* If boolean return random. */
   if (lua_isboolean(L,1)) {
      pnt            = planet_get( space_getRndPlanet(landable, 0, NULL) );
      lua_pushplanet(L,planet_index( pnt ));
      luasys         = system_index( system_get( planet_getSystem(pnt->name) ) );
      return 2;

   /* Get a planet by faction */
   else if (lua_isfaction(L,1)) {
      f        = lua_tofaction(L,1);
      planets  = space_getFactionPlanet( &nplanets, &f, 1, landable );

   /* Get a planet by name */
   else if (lua_isstring(L,1)) {
      rndplanet = lua_tostring(L,1);

      if (landable) {
         pnt = planet_get( rndplanet );
         if (pnt == NULL) {
            NLUA_ERROR(L, _("Planet '%s' not found in stack"), rndplanet);
            return 0;

         /* Check if can land. */
         planet_updateLand( pnt );
         if (!pnt->can_land)
            return 0;

   /* Get a planet from faction list */
   else if (lua_istable(L,1)) {
      /* Get table length and preallocate. */
      nfactions = (int) lua_objlen(L,1);
      factions = malloc( sizeof(int) * nfactions );
      /* Load up the table. */
      i = 0;
      while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) {
         if (lua_isfaction(L, -1))
            factions[i++] = lua_tofaction(L, -1);

      /* get the planets */
      planets = space_getFactionPlanet( &nplanets, factions, nfactions, landable );
      NLUA_INVALID_PARAMETER(L); /* Bad Parameter */

   /* No suitable planet found */
   if ((rndplanet == NULL) && ((planets == NULL) || nplanets == 0))
      return 0;
   /* Pick random planet */
   else if (rndplanet == NULL) {
      planets = (char**) arrayShuffle( (void**)planets, nplanets );

      for (i=0; i<nplanets; i++) {
         if (landable) {
            /* Check landing. */
            pnt = planet_get( planets[i] );
            if (pnt == NULL)

            planet_updateLand( pnt );
            if (!pnt->can_land)

         rndplanet = planets[i];

   /* Push the planet */
   pnt = planet_get(rndplanet); /* The real planet */
   if (pnt == NULL) {
      NLUA_ERROR(L, _("Planet '%s' not found in stack"), rndplanet);
      return 0;
   sysname = planet_getSystem(rndplanet);
   if (sysname == NULL) {
      NLUA_ERROR(L, _("Planet '%s' is not placed in a system"), rndplanet);
      return 0;
   sys = system_get( sysname );
   if (sys == NULL) {
      NLUA_ERROR(L, _("Planet '%s' can't find system '%s'"), rndplanet, sysname);
      return 0;
   lua_pushplanet(L,planet_index( pnt ));
   luasys = system_index( sys );
   return 2;
Exemple #8
 * @brief Persists the node on the top of the stack and pops it.
 *    @param L Lua state with node to persist on top of the stack.
 *    @param writer XML Writer to use.
 *    @param Are we parsing a node in a table?  Avoids checking for extra __save.
 *    @return 0 on success.
static int nxml_persistDataNode( lua_State *L, xmlTextWriterPtr writer, int intable )
   int ret, b;
   LuaPlanet *p;
   LuaSystem *s;
   LuaFaction *f;
   LuaShip *sh;
   LuaTime *lt;
   Planet *pnt;
   StarSystem *ss;
   char buf[PATH_MAX];
   const char *name, *str;
   int keynum;

   /* Default values. */
   ret   = 0;

   /* key, value */
   /* Handle different types of keys. */
   switch (lua_type(L, -2)) {
      case LUA_TSTRING:
         /* Can just tostring directly. */
         name     = lua_tostring(L,-2);
         /* Isn't a number key. */
         keynum   = 0;
      case LUA_TNUMBER:
         /* Can't tostring directly. */
         name     = lua_tostring(L,-1);
         /* Is a number key. */
         keynum   = 1;

      /* We only handle string or number keys, so ignore the rest. */
         /* key */
         return 0;
   /* key, value */

   /* Now handle the value. */
   switch (lua_type(L, -1)) {
      /* Recursive for tables. */
      case LUA_TTABLE:
         /* Check if should save -- only if not in table.. */
         if (!intable) {
            lua_getfield(L, -1, "__save");
            b = lua_toboolean(L,-1);
            if (!b) /* No need to save. */
         /* Start the table. */
         if (keynum)
         lua_pushnil(L); /* key, value, nil */
         /* key, value, nil */
         while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) {
            /* key, value, key, value */
            ret = nxml_persistDataNode( L, writer, 1 );
            /* key, value, key */
         /* key, value */
         xmlw_endElem(writer); /* "table" */

      /* Normal number. */
      case LUA_TNUMBER:
         nxml_saveData( writer, "number",
               name, lua_tostring(L,-1), keynum );
         /* key, value */

      /* Boolean is either 1 or 0. */
      case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
         /* lua_tostring doesn't work on booleans. */
         if (lua_toboolean(L,-1)) buf[0] = '1';
         else buf[0] = '0';
         buf[1] = '\0';
         nxml_saveData( writer, "bool",
               name, buf, keynum );
         /* key, value */

      /* String is saved normally. */
      case LUA_TSTRING:
         nxml_saveData( writer, "string",
               name, lua_tostring(L,-1), keynum );
         /* key, value */

      /* User data must be handled here. */
      case LUA_TUSERDATA:
         if (lua_isplanet(L,-1)) {
            p = lua_toplanet(L,-1);
            pnt = planet_getIndex( p->id );
            if (pnt != NULL)
               nxml_saveData( writer, "planet",
                     name, pnt->name, keynum );
               WARN("Failed to save invalid planet.");
            /* key, value */
         else if (lua_issystem(L,-1)) {
            s  = lua_tosystem(L,-1);
            ss = system_getIndex( s->id );
            if (ss != NULL)
               nxml_saveData( writer, "system",
                     name, ss->name, keynum );
               WARN("Failed to save invalid system.");
            /* key, value */
         else if (lua_isfaction(L,-1)) {
            f = lua_tofaction(L,-1);
            str = faction_name( f->f );
            if (str == NULL)
            nxml_saveData( writer, "faction",
                  name, str, keynum );
            /* key, value */
         else if (lua_isship(L,-1)) {
            sh = lua_toship(L,-1);
            str = sh->ship->name;
            if (str == NULL)
            nxml_saveData( writer, "ship",
                  name, str, keynum );
            /* key, value */
         else if (lua_istime(L,-1)) {
            lt = lua_totime(L,-1);
            snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRId64, lt->t );
            nxml_saveData( writer, "time",
                  name, buf, keynum );

      /* Rest gets ignored, like functions, etc... */
         /* key, value */
   /* key */

   return ret;