/** * Handle the drawing related tasks of the scrollable object * @param scrl pointer to an object * @param mask the object will be drawn only in this area * @param mode LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK: only check if the object fully covers the 'mask_p' area * (return 'true' if yes) * LV_DESIGN_DRAW: draw the object (always return 'true') * LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST: drawing after every children are drawn * @param return true/false, depends on 'mode' */ static bool lv_scrl_design(lv_obj_t * scrl, const lv_area_t * mask, lv_design_mode_t mode) { if(mode == LV_DESIGN_COVER_CHK) { return ancestor_design(scrl, mask, mode); } else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_MAIN) { #if USE_LV_GROUP /* If the page is the active in a group and * the background (page) is not visible (transparent or empty) * then activate the style of the scrollable*/ lv_style_t * style_ori = lv_obj_get_style(scrl); lv_obj_t * page = lv_obj_get_parent(scrl); lv_style_t * style_page = lv_obj_get_style(page); lv_group_t * g = lv_obj_get_group(page); if(style_page->body.empty != 0 || style_page->body.opa == LV_OPA_TRANSP) { /*Background is visible?*/ if(lv_group_get_focused(g) == page) { lv_style_t * style_mod; style_mod = lv_group_mod_style(g, style_ori); scrl->style_p = style_mod; /*Temporally change the style to the activated */ } } #endif ancestor_design(scrl, mask, mode); #if USE_LV_GROUP scrl->style_p = style_ori; /*Revert the style*/ #endif } else if(mode == LV_DESIGN_DRAW_POST) { ancestor_design(scrl, mask, mode); } return true; }
/** * Signal function of the scrollable part of the roller. * @param roller_scrl ointer to the scrollable part of roller (page) * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted */ static lv_res_t lv_roller_scrl_signal(lv_obj_t * roller_scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param) { lv_res_t res; /* Include the ancient signal function */ res = ancestor_scrl_signal(roller_scrl, sign, param); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; lv_indev_t * indev = lv_indev_get_act(); int32_t id = -1; lv_obj_t * roller = lv_obj_get_parent(roller_scrl); lv_roller_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(roller); if(ext->ddlist.label == NULL) return LV_RES_INV; /*On delete the ddlist signal deletes the label so nothing left to do here*/ lv_style_t * style_label = lv_obj_get_style(ext->ddlist.label); const lv_font_t * font = style_label->text.font; lv_coord_t font_h = lv_font_get_height_scale(font); if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_DRAG_END) { /*If dragged then align the list to there be an element in the middle*/ lv_coord_t label_y1 = ext->ddlist.label->coords.y1 - roller->coords.y1; lv_coord_t label_unit = font_h + style_label->text.line_space; lv_coord_t mid = (roller->coords.y2 - roller->coords.y1) / 2; id = (mid - label_y1 + style_label->text.line_space / 2) / label_unit; if(id < 0) id = 0; if(id >= ext->ddlist.option_cnt) id = ext->ddlist.option_cnt - 1; ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id = id; if(ext->ddlist.action) ext->ddlist.action(roller); } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_RELEASED) { /*If picked an option by clicking then set it*/ if(!lv_indev_is_dragging(indev)) { lv_point_t p; lv_indev_get_point(indev, &p); p.y = p.y - ext->ddlist.label->coords.y1; id = p.y / (font_h + style_label->text.line_space); if(id < 0) id = 0; if(id >= ext->ddlist.option_cnt) id = ext->ddlist.option_cnt - 1; ext->ddlist.sel_opt_id = id; if(ext->ddlist.action) ext->ddlist.action(roller); } } /*Position the scrollable according to the new selected option*/ if(id != -1) { refr_position(roller, true); } return res; }
static lv_res_t keyboard_open_close(lv_obj_t * text_area) { lv_obj_t * parent = lv_obj_get_parent(lv_obj_get_parent(ta)); /*Test area is on the scrollabe part of the page but we need the page itself*/ if(kb) { return keyboard_hide_action(kb); } else { kb = lv_kb_create(parent, NULL); lv_obj_set_size(kb, lv_page_get_scrl_width(parent), lv_obj_get_height(parent) / 2); lv_obj_align(kb, ta, LV_ALIGN_OUT_BOTTOM_MID, 0, 0); lv_kb_set_ta(kb, ta); lv_kb_set_style(kb, LV_KB_STYLE_BG, &style_kb); lv_kb_set_style(kb, LV_KB_STYLE_BTN_REL, &style_kb_rel); lv_kb_set_style(kb, LV_KB_STYLE_BTN_PR, &style_kb_pr); lv_kb_set_hide_action(kb, keyboard_hide_action); lv_kb_set_ok_action(kb, keyboard_hide_action); #if USE_LV_ANIMATION lv_obj_animate(kb, LV_ANIM_FLOAT_BOTTOM | LV_ANIM_IN, 300, 0, NULL); #endif return LV_RES_OK; } }
/** * Signal function of the drop down list's scrollable part * @param scrl pointer to a drop down list's scrollable part * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted */ static lv_res_t lv_ddlist_scrl_signal(lv_obj_t * scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param) { lv_res_t res; /* Include the ancient signal function */ res = ancestor_scrl_signal(scrl, sign, param); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; lv_obj_t *ddlist = lv_obj_get_parent(scrl); if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_REFR_EXT_SIZE) { /* Because of the wider selected rectangle ext. size * In this way by dragging the scrollable part the wider rectangle area can be redrawn too*/ lv_style_t *style = lv_ddlist_get_style(ddlist, LV_DDLIST_STYLE_BG); if(scrl->ext_size < style->body.padding.hor) scrl->ext_size = style->body.padding.hor; } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CLEANUP) { lv_ddlist_ext_t *ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(ddlist); ext->label = NULL; /*The label is already deleted*/ } return res; }
/** * Refresh the label with its text stored in its extended data * @param label pointer to a label object */ static void lv_label_refr_text(lv_obj_t * label) { lv_label_ext_t * ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(label); if(ext->text == NULL) return; lv_coord_t max_w = lv_obj_get_width(label); lv_style_t * style = lv_obj_get_style(label); const lv_font_t * font = style->text.font; /*If the width will be expanded set the max length to very big */ if(ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_EXPAND || ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_SCROLL) { max_w = LV_COORD_MAX; } /*Calc. the height and longest line*/ lv_point_t size; lv_txt_flag_t flag = LV_TXT_FLAG_NONE; if(ext->recolor != 0) flag |= LV_TXT_FLAG_RECOLOR; if(ext->expand != 0) flag |= LV_TXT_FLAG_EXPAND; if(ext->no_break != 0) flag |= LV_TXT_FLAG_NO_BREAK; lv_txt_get_size(&size, ext->text, font, style->text.letter_space, style->text.line_space, max_w, flag); /*Set the full size in expand mode*/ if(ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_EXPAND || ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_SCROLL) { lv_obj_set_size(label, size.x, size.y); /*Start scrolling if the label is greater then its parent*/ if(ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_SCROLL) { #if USE_LV_ANIMATION lv_obj_t * parent = lv_obj_get_parent(label); /*Delete the potential previous scroller animations*/ lv_anim_del(label, (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_x); lv_anim_del(label, (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_y); lv_anim_t anim; anim.var = label; anim.repeat = 1; anim.playback = 1; anim.start = lv_font_get_width(font, ' '); anim.act_time = 0; anim.end_cb = NULL; anim.path = lv_anim_path_linear; anim.playback_pause = (((lv_font_get_width(style->text.font, ' ') + style->text.letter_space) * 1000) / ext->anim_speed) * ANIM_WAIT_CHAR_COUNT; anim.repeat_pause = anim.playback_pause; if(lv_obj_get_width(label) > lv_obj_get_width(parent)) { anim.end = lv_obj_get_width(parent) - lv_obj_get_width(label) - lv_font_get_width(font, ' '); anim.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_obj_set_x; anim.time = lv_anim_speed_to_time(ext->anim_speed, anim.start, anim.end); lv_anim_create(&anim); } else if(lv_obj_get_height(label) > lv_obj_get_height(parent)) { anim.end = lv_obj_get_height(parent) - lv_obj_get_height(label) - lv_font_get_height(font); anim.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)lv_obj_set_y; anim.time = lv_anim_speed_to_time(ext->anim_speed, anim.start, anim.end); lv_anim_create(&anim); } #endif } } /*In roll mode keep the size but start offset animations*/ else if(ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_ROLL) { #if USE_LV_ANIMATION lv_anim_t anim; anim.var = label; anim.repeat = 1; anim.playback = 1; anim.start = lv_font_get_width(font, ' '); anim.act_time = 0; anim.end_cb = NULL; anim.path = lv_anim_path_linear; anim.playback_pause = (((lv_font_get_width(style->text.font, ' ') + style->text.letter_space) * 1000) / ext->anim_speed) * ANIM_WAIT_CHAR_COUNT;; anim.repeat_pause = anim.playback_pause; bool hor_anim = false; if(size.x > lv_obj_get_width(label)) { anim.end = lv_obj_get_width(label) - size.x - lv_font_get_width(font, ' '); anim.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_label_set_offset_x; anim.time = lv_anim_speed_to_time(ext->anim_speed, anim.start, anim.end); lv_anim_create(&anim); hor_anim = true; } else { /*Delete the offset animation if not required*/ lv_anim_del(label, (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_label_set_offset_x); ext->offset.x = 0; } if(size.y > lv_obj_get_height(label) && hor_anim == false) { anim.end = lv_obj_get_height(label) - size.y - (lv_font_get_height(font)); anim.fp = (lv_anim_fp_t)lv_label_set_offset_y; anim.time = lv_anim_speed_to_time(ext->anim_speed, anim.start, anim.end); lv_anim_create(&anim); } else { /*Delete the offset animation if not required*/ lv_anim_del(label, (lv_anim_fp_t) lv_label_set_offset_y); ext->offset.y = 0; } #endif } else if(ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_DOT) { if(size.y <= lv_obj_get_height(label)) { /*No dots are required, the text is short enough*/ ext->dot_end = LV_LABEL_DOT_END_INV; } else if(lv_txt_get_length(ext->text) <= LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM) { /*Don't turn to dots all the characters*/ ext->dot_end = LV_LABEL_DOT_END_INV; } else { lv_point_t p; p.x = lv_obj_get_width(label) - (lv_font_get_width(style->text.font, '.') + style->text.letter_space) * LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM; /*Shrink with dots*/ p.y = lv_obj_get_height(label); p.y -= p.y % (lv_font_get_height(style->text.font) + style->text.line_space); /*Round down to the last line*/ p.y -= style->text.line_space; /*Trim the last line space*/ uint32_t letter_id = lv_label_get_letter_on(label, &p); #if LV_TXT_UTF8 == 0 /*Save letters under the dots and replace them with dots*/ uint8_t i; for(i = 0; i < LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM; i++) { ext->dot_tmp[i] = ext->text[letter_id + i]; ext->text[letter_id + i] = '.'; } ext->dot_tmp[LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM] = ext->text[letter_id + LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM]; ext->text[letter_id + LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM] = '\0'; ext->dot_end = letter_id + LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM; #else /*Save letters under the dots and replace them with dots*/ uint32_t i; uint32_t byte_id = txt_utf8_get_byte_id(ext->text, letter_id); uint32_t byte_id_ori = byte_id; uint8_t len = 0; for(i = 0; i <= LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM; i++) { len += lv_txt_utf8_size(ext->text[byte_id]); lv_txt_utf8_next(ext->text, &byte_id); } memcpy(ext->dot_tmp, &ext->text[byte_id_ori], len); ext->dot_tmp[len] = '\0'; /*Close with a zero*/ for(i = 0; i < LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM; i++) { ext->text[byte_id_ori + i] = '.'; } ext->text[byte_id_ori + LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM] = '\0'; ext->dot_end = letter_id + LV_LABEL_DOT_NUM; #endif } } /*In break mode only the height can change*/ else if (ext->long_mode == LV_LABEL_LONG_BREAK) { lv_obj_set_height(label, size.y); } lv_obj_invalidate(label); }
/** * Signal function of the scrollable part of a page * @param scrl pointer to the scrollable object * @param sign a signal type from lv_signal_t enum * @param param pointer to a signal specific variable * @return LV_RES_OK: the object is not deleted in the function; LV_RES_INV: the object is deleted */ static lv_res_t lv_page_scrollable_signal(lv_obj_t * scrl, lv_signal_t sign, void * param) { lv_res_t res; /* Include the ancient signal function */ res = ancestor_signal(scrl, sign, param); if(res != LV_RES_OK) return res; lv_obj_t * page = lv_obj_get_parent(scrl); lv_style_t * page_style = lv_obj_get_style(page); lv_page_ext_t * page_ext = lv_obj_get_ext_attr(page); if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_CORD_CHG) { /*Be sure the width of the scrollable is correct*/ if(lv_cont_get_hor_fit(scrl) == false) { lv_obj_set_width(scrl, lv_obj_get_width(page) - 2 * page_style->body.padding.hor); } /*Limit the position of the scrollable object to be always visible * (Do not let its edge inner then its parent respective edge)*/ lv_coord_t new_x; lv_coord_t new_y; bool refr_x = false; bool refr_y = false; lv_area_t page_cords; lv_area_t scrl_cords; lv_coord_t hpad = page_style->body.padding.hor; lv_coord_t vpad = page_style->body.padding.ver; new_x = lv_obj_get_x(scrl); new_y = lv_obj_get_y(scrl); lv_obj_get_coords(scrl, &scrl_cords); lv_obj_get_coords(page, &page_cords); /*scrollable width smaller then page width? -> align to left*/ if(lv_area_get_width(&scrl_cords) + 2 * hpad < lv_area_get_width(&page_cords)) { if(scrl_cords.x1 != page_cords.x1 + hpad) { new_x = hpad; refr_x = true; } } else { /*The edges of the scrollable can not be in the page (minus hpad) */ if(scrl_cords.x2 < page_cords.x2 - hpad) { new_x = lv_area_get_width(&page_cords) - lv_area_get_width(&scrl_cords) - hpad; /* Right align */ refr_x = true; } if (scrl_cords.x1 > page_cords.x1 + hpad) { new_x = hpad; /*Left align*/ refr_x = true; } } /*scrollable height smaller then page height? -> align to left*/ if(lv_area_get_height(&scrl_cords) + 2 * vpad < lv_area_get_height(&page_cords)) { if(scrl_cords.y1 != page_cords.y1 + vpad) { new_y = vpad; refr_y = true; } } else { /*The edges of the scrollable can not be in the page (minus vpad) */ if(scrl_cords.y2 < page_cords.y2 - vpad) { new_y = lv_area_get_height(&page_cords) - lv_area_get_height(&scrl_cords) - vpad; /* Bottom align */ refr_y = true; } if (scrl_cords.y1 > page_cords.y1 + vpad) { new_y = vpad; /*Top align*/ refr_y = true; } } if(refr_x != false || refr_y != false) { lv_obj_set_pos(scrl, new_x, new_y); } lv_page_sb_refresh(page); } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_DRAG_END) { /*Hide scrollbars if required*/ if(page_ext->sb.mode == LV_SB_MODE_DRAG) { lv_area_t sb_area_tmp; if(page_ext->sb.hor_draw) { lv_area_copy(&sb_area_tmp, &page_ext->sb.hor_area); sb_area_tmp.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area_tmp.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area_tmp.x2 += page->coords.x2; sb_area_tmp.y2 += page->coords.y2; lv_inv_area(&sb_area_tmp); page_ext->sb.hor_draw = 0; } if(page_ext->sb.ver_draw) { lv_area_copy(&sb_area_tmp, &page_ext->sb.ver_area); sb_area_tmp.x1 += page->coords.x1; sb_area_tmp.y1 += page->coords.y1; sb_area_tmp.x2 += page->coords.x2; sb_area_tmp.y2 += page->coords.y2; lv_inv_area(&sb_area_tmp); page_ext->sb.ver_draw = 0; } } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_PRESSED) { if(page_ext->pr_action != NULL) { page_ext->pr_action(page); } } else if(sign == LV_SIGNAL_RELEASED) { if(lv_indev_is_dragging(lv_indev_get_act()) == false) { if(page_ext->rel_action != NULL) { page_ext->rel_action(page); } } } return res; }